Sales Force Assignment

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Brochure More information from http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/869/ Sales Force Structures and Strategies 2001: A Case Study Analysis of Effective Sales Force Management Description: As sales forces expand to maintain share of voice in an increasingly competitive market and physicians limit the time spent with sales representatives, ROI on detailing is in decline.

Therefore, maximizing field force productivity is vital to the future success of all pharmaceutical companies. Sales Force Structures and Strategies 2001 is an in-depth examination of pharmaceutical sales force structures in the seven major national markets and the factors that impact sales force return on investment. Datamonitor presents measures of field force productivity and evaluates how sales forces can be developed to maximize ROI.

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Contents: DATAMONITOR HEALTHCARE CONTACT DETAILS A brief report outline Datamonitor insight into sales force structures and strategies Although 77% of companies interviewed will expand their sales forces by 2005, to date, such growth has not been accompanied by improvements in field force productivity The number one focus of all sales executives interviewed is physician targeting.

To achieve this most are investing in electronic territory management and physician profiling Analysis of best practice suggests that small and medium sized pharmas are not structuring their sales forces in the optimum way. A company’s marketed portfolio should be the primary influence on sales force structure, with country-specific factors being superimposed upon this. The average eDetail costs $6 per minute compared to $70 per minute for traditional detailing. By 2005 eDetailing will also be more productive than traditional detailing as physicians’ use of the Internet increases.

THE NEED TO OPTIMIZE SALES FORCE EFFICIENCY Introduction Pressures to maximize the efficiency of pharmaceutical sales and marketing Healthcare cost-containment Growth of the generics industry Increasing R&D costs M&A Costs of sales and marketing Sales and marketing spend of pharmaceutical companies Physician detailing Optimizing sales force ROI-the key to success Physician detailing: declining ROI Optimizing ROI through effective sales force structure and strategy Measures f sales force ROI Report methodology US SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies Pfizer Inc. Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Novartis Sales force headcount Sales force structure

Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Use of technologies Bayer Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Boehringer Ingelheim Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio ICN Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Use of technologies JAPANESE SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies Daiichi Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed Eisai Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed Use of technologies Chugai Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed Use of technologies Fujisawa Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed Shionogi Sales force headcount Sales force structure Tanabe Sales force headcount Sales force structure Use of technologies Dainippon Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed Domestic Japanese pharmaceutical company Sales force headcount Sales force structure Use of technologies FRENCH SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies SmithKline Beecham portfolio portfolio portfolio portfolio portfolio

Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Use of technologies Pharmacia Corp-Oncology division Sales force headcount Sales force structure Use of technologies Boehringer Ingelheim Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Solvay Sales force headcount Sales force structure Use of technologies UCB Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Ferlux Sales force headcount Sales force structure GERMAN SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies Pfizer Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with Use of technologies Aventis Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with Bristol-Myers Squibb Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with Berlin-Chemie Sales force headcount Sales force structure Nycomed Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with ITALIAN SALES FORCE STRUCTURES marketed portfolio marketed portfolio marketed portfolio marketed portfolio General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies AstraZeneca Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Roche Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Sanofi-Synthelabo Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with Boehringer Ingelheim Sales force headcount Sales orce structure Comparison of sales force structure with Solvay Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with Asta Medica Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with SPANISH SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies Pfizer Inc. Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force Merck Sharp & Dohme Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force Bristol-Myers Squibb Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force Janssen-Cilag Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force Almirall Prodesfarma Sales force headcount Sales force structure marketed portfolio marketed portfolio marketed portfolio marketed portfolio tructure with marketed portfolio structure with marketed portfolio structure with marketed portfolio structure with marketed portfolio Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio 3M Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio UK SALES FORCE STRUCTURES General trends Sales force size Sales force structure Use of technologies Wyeth Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Use of technologies Merck KgaA Sales force headcount Sales force structure Comparison of sales force structure with marketed portfolio Use of technologies

Solvay Sales force headcount Sales force structure Schwarz Sales force headcount Sales force structure MAXIMIZING SALES FORCE RETURN ON INVESTMENT Optimizing sales force ROI Model for measuring sales force ROI Measuring field force productivity Model for measuring ROI Optimizing ROI in sales force size Trends in sales force size Implications of sales force size for ROI Recommendations for optimizing sales force size Optimizing ROI in sales force structure Trends in sales force structure Structure by target audience Structure by therapy area Structure by region In-depth case studies Co-ordinating sales force structure with marketed portfolio: Novartis Structuring in different countries Structuring following M&A: Aventis Recommendations for optimizing sales force structure Optimizing ROI through use of technology Trends in use of technology in different national markets Implications of use of technologies for ROI Trends in eDetailing Implications of eDetailing for ROI Recommendations for optimizing use of technologies Optimizing ROI through use of external sales forces Optimizing ROI through use of CSOs Optimizing ROI through use of co-promotion and co-marketing REFERENCES References Ordering: Order Online – http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/869/ Order by Fax – using the form below Order by Post – print the order form below and sent to Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Page 1 of 2 Fax Order Form

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