Atom and Costly Medical Treatment Assignment

Atom and Costly Medical Treatment Assignment Words: 333

One argument for continuing research is that it helps diagnosis injuries and prevent further damaging if diagnosis are early. Not only is this benefit for the patient but it may save the health care system more money as the patient would not need to go for more costly medical treatment if diagnosis are caught early. On the other hand, an argument against continuing research is that the cost are increasing at an alarming rate (such as the Large Hadrons Collided (LLC), the average person may not see a used or further research in the atomic structure that would affect them directly.

Furthermore, the issue shouldn’t be about the high cost of research but the accessibility of imaging technology. In a report where they found that well-off Unitarians were 38% more likely to have Mrs. done than their poorer counterparts should be examined and should be the issue. 2. ) The differences in energy between these lines is produced by electrons going from gig to Lowe energy orbits and as a result releasing energy and electromagnetic waves with longer wavelengths.

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This meaner that these lines are lower in energy when compared to the ultraviolet line spectrum. In addition, the ultraviolet lines indicates that electrons is going from high to low energy thus, releasing more energy and shorter wavelengths. 3. ) a) ad up ad Is sys sys APP sys APP sys Dodd APP sys odd b) Zero+ exists because Zirconium structure contains 40 electrons. For Zirconium to become chemical stable it must lose 4 electrons (to become a noble gas).

So that is why Zero+ is formed. Compare the stability of the zero atom and zero ion. The electron configuration for Zero is [Kerr] odd sys. Ions are formed by losing electrons in outer shells to obtain more stable electron configurations like those of noble gases. By losing 4 electrons, it would have the electron configuration of the noble gas, Kerr. So that is why the Zero 4+ ion is formed.

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Atom and Costly Medical Treatment Assignment. (2020, Apr 17). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from