Deceptive Advertising Assignment

Deceptive Advertising Assignment Words: 586

Yet, with so many advertisements that consumers are exposed to ACH day, worrying about the truth of every line and every sentence of an ad is quite inconvenient. Advertisers must follow strict guidelines to stay clear of lawsuits resulting from deceptive advertisements. Will be focusing on automobile advertisements and how consumers have been deceived through their ads. Deceptive advertising can be described as “advertising which is misleading in a material aspect. (Simon 256) This definition would include all the false and misleading advertisements that would appear in print, television, radio, outdoor and direct mailings.

As well as more non- rotational forms of advertising like transportation ads along with the use of pictures, trade names, display materials, labels, sales talks, sales letters, price lists and catalogs. As any consumer can see, advertisers have many means by which they can ; or deceive us consumers into buying products not planned for. Unlike most tort cases that are decided in the courtroom by a judge, most deceptive advertisement claims are turned over to governmental agencies like the F-deader Trade Commission.

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Agencies like the FTC are better suited to handle these cases because they have the necessary expertise to make proper decisions. So before an ad can be deemed deceptive, a complaint must be made to the ETC. From then an investigation can be made into the falseness and deceptiveness of the advertisement. The FTC tests to see the reaction from other consumers as to how misleading the ad is. These tests are done in the atmosphere and under the same circumstances as the actual consumer would be in. The test is based on the casual reaction of the consumer and the impression that they received from the ad.

Another test that the FTC performs is to determine if nondisclosure was used as deception. This means that the advertiser would tell the truth about some of the information but leave out undesirable information to the consumer. Less appealing facts about the product would remain out of the ad, as in many cases dealing with hidden costs. As a consumer this is possibly the most harmful when dealing with deception because the ad reveal all of the information needed to make a clear decision necessary to make a good purchase.

Arrangement and layout of the advertisement is another aspect to be considered when telling if an ad is deceptive. If the advertisement has a lot of visual impact the ; message, or the important details of the product, may be looked over. Sometimes an ad will focus heavily on the positive ling arguments and overlooks or downplays the negative/detail-oriented messages. When advertisers do this the consumer naturally focuses their attention on the positives and may make a decision not realizing the hidden costs or anything else that may be included somewhere else in the ad.

The uses of asterisks are a common way that advertisers let the consumer know that there is addition information, usually in small type. However, the small type is rarely ever read and practically nonexistent to the average reader. In conjunction with the placement Of the ; aspects Of the ad are the sizes of the type used to display those messages. Like stated before the size of the type pushes average readers away and the messages are rarely read. Consumers tend to focus on the bolted headlines and the visuals, thus making them oblivious to the important facts of the product.

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Deceptive Advertising Assignment. (2020, Sep 02). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from