Evaluation of Marketing Strategy Assignment

Evaluation of Marketing Strategy Assignment Words: 3082

Programs may exist at the national, provincial and other Jurisdiction level Kitty, 2004). The objectives of the public institutions through which nations Implement their welfare polices Include promoting efficiency, supporting living standards, promoting equity, cleaving administrative competence (Barr, 1993) and macroeconomic stabilization. Housing policy program may be reviewed In order to develop a framework for evaluating an actual housing policy program.

A program whose characteristics deviate only very little from the characteristics of the ideal program should be considered to be a program of high quality. In light of the objectives of social welfare policy, the following characteristics of an ideal housing policy program are: Efficiency, support for living standards, equity, administrative competence and macroeconomic stabilization. The extent to which the consumers’ preferences of individual home buyers should shape the delivery of new housing should not be overstated, of course.

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There Is an essential Job to be done In balancing the wide range of Interest and priorities that surround the Issue. Bit In providing this leadership, professionals and policy makers have to start from the genuine aspirations and assumptions of the consumer themselves. Drawing on a range of recent opinion surveys, this report sets out what we know about what home buyers want and compares this with the supply being created. Consumer’s views cannot be the only determinant of new housing design.

A direct match between stated consumer preferences and supply does not guarantee successful and viable housing. The home is not simply another consumer durable. A house has a life that must be measured in decades rather than months or years; it is not a fashion consumable to be left at the local charity shop when tastes change, but the single major lifetime Investment for most people and Increasingly source of uncial security. In the Philippines, R. A. 7292 otherwise known as the urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 and R.

A. 7160 or the Local Government Code stipulates the mandate of Lugs to provide the housing needs of their “homeless constituents,” thus The researcher will conduct s study on the evaluation of the marketing strategy in improving service quality of Harmony Homes Subdivision that was owned and developed by Tiger Construction and Development Corporation located at Byway, Alabamian, Canaries Sure. It was developed in the mid-sass and presently it is the sat growing housing program in the Municipality of Alabamian, Canaries Sure.

Statement of the Problem The study focuses on the, marketing strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision in Alabamian Canaries Sure. Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions: 1 . What are the services offered by the Harmony Homes Subdivision that influences homeowners in choosing it? 2. What is the marketing strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision in improving their service quality? 3. Does the marketing strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision useful and meeting the requirements in influencing homeowners/buyer?

Importance of the Study Developing this research was expected to be beneficial to the following: Harmony Homes Subdivision Owner. This study serves as a guide to help and inform the owner in the area of human resources management and the homeowners satisfaction about Harmony Homes Subdivision. Harmony Homes Subdivision Homeowners. This study may provide ideas to all homeowners living in Harmony Homes Subdivision to know more the subdivision they choose to live in. Community. The findings of the study may serve as the basis to make people in the community become aware of the economic importance of Harmony Homes

Subdivision as housing source.. Buyer. This study may encourage homeless individual/families to choose Harmony Homes Subdivision. Other Researchers. The result of this study may guide other researchers in conducting their study. It may be a reflection of the possible outcomes in their study and the findings of this study may suggest innovations and improvement in Harmony Homes Subdivision Byway, Alabamian Canaries Sure. Assumptions This study was guided by the assumptions: 1 . That the services offered by the Harmony Homes Subdivision really influences homeowners in choosing it. 2. That the marketing strategy of Harmony Homes

Subdivision in improving their service quality is presented. 3. That the marketing strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision is useful and meeting the requirements in influencing homeowners/buyer. Hypothesis of Harmony Homes Subdivision is useful and meeting the requirements in influencing homeowners/buyer and theoretically, the services offered by the Harmony Homes Subdivision really influences homeowners in choosing it. Scope and Delimitation The subject of this study will review the different services offered by the Harmony Homes Subdivision that influences homeowners in choosing it.

The marketing strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision in improving their service quality and the usefulness of that strategy in meeting the requirements of their homeowners/buyer. The Harmony Homes Subdivision in Byway Alabamian Canaries Sure is the only subdivision being discussed and referred to in this study. This study involved 30 respondents coming from the homeowners of Harmony Homes Subdivision in Byway Alabamian Canaries Sure. Definition of Terms For the purpose of better understanding, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally as used in this study.

Evaluation. It refers to the rigorous analysis of completed or ongoing activities that determine or support management accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. Harmony Homes Subdivision. It refers to the name of the subdivision being the subject of this study. It is located at Byway, Alabamian Canaries Sure. Homeowners. It refers to individuals who legally own a unit/house. Housing. Buildings and structures that individuals and their family may live in that meet certain federal regulations. Management.

The information given by the authors will serve as the basis for the realization of this study. Related Literature This portion of related literatures gathered from different libraries and selected websites found supportive to the present study. Barker (2004), planning plays an important role in overcoming failure in the sousing market. He reiterated that the planning system can control land use in housing development and ultimately control housing supply. This is due to the fact that planning provides a policy to control development thus ensuring a balanced development.

An ineffective planning system will create much difficulty in development. COO (2011) reviews that all the economic sectors are facing keen competition for survival and sustenance; and the construction industry is not an exception. Many construction professionals face difficulties in selling their services due to failure to embrace marketing concept. Morrison (2010) examines the asset management strategies that a sample of London housing associations took to meet the Decent Homes Standard.

Drawing on the concept of institutional logics, she outlines the social housing sector’s conflicting regulatory context, whereby organizations were statutorily obliged to improve housing standards, without being able to raise rents as a way to fund improvements. Depending on whether the housing association adopts a market-orientated or traditional, task-orientated approach to asset management, the associations sampled have either disposed of non-decent stock to generate cash flows or else retained the tock, undertaking minimal repairs to meet the government’s target deadline.

She concludes that not only has this national performance target triggered different organizational responses, it has also led to longer-term unintended consequences for existing and future tenants. Wilson et al. (2008) states that when a customer’s observation of the quality of inclination towards the business becomes positive. The customers’ relationship with the business is also hereby strengthened. In addition, the relationship which the customer has with the business is further influenced by the customer’s evaluation of he purchase experience and the level of service delivery by the employees of the business.

Roadman (2007) states that the cost for the retention of an existing customer is cheaper than prospecting for new customers. This statement makes it necessary for the marketer to focus on and understand the buying behavior of customers. The buying preferences of the customer are directly influenced by the manner in which the needs and wants of the customer are satisfied. The satisfaction levels of customers are more directly influenced by their purchasing preferences compared to service quality Estimate et al. 995) premise that the method of securing understanding between the client and the professionals for the purpose of bringing about a favorable buying action and at the long run, a long lasting confidence in the firm is a part of specific effort to encourage customers to tell others about their services. It is worth noting that promotional techniques adopted in other sectors may not be applicable in the construction industry due to the uniqueness of this sector. Adducible (2008) reviews that the construction professional firms differ from all other industries.

They provide highly customized services and thus cannot apply any of the marketing management principles developed for product based industry. Also, professional services are highly personalized and involve the skill of individual service providers. However, realizing the nature of the construction business environment, it is vital to develop appropriate marketing practice to be adopted by the professionals for survival in the industry. The construction industry is invariably a significant part of the process of developing economy.

According to I-IN-HABITAT (2006), housing policy is a set of minimum standards and core policy guidelines in housing delivery which ensure that key bottlenecks are dressed, and basic needs are met. The above definitions suggest that public housing policy basically consists of decisions and action plans for implementing public housing programmer to achieve set goals in the community. Related Studies Foreign. Mood and Alias (2011) conducted a study about The Role of Housing Planning Practices in Contributing towards Housing Oversupply.

The findings from their empirical research clearly shows that there were several weaknesses in housing planning practices which had contributed to the new housing oversupply. The findings of the research indicate an urgent need for a change in the approach and reactive of housing planning in the development plans and planning control. It can be achieved through improvement of current housing planning activities as well as through enhancing responsiveness of the local planning authority to market demand mechanisms without neglecting the fundamental goal of meeting housing needs.

Housing planning practices which were not responsive towards market mechanisms there was no demand for them. Bad Aziza, Hanoi, Considerable (2008) made a study on affordable housing within the middle income households in the major cities and towns in Malaysia. Their study focuses in the affordability expresses the challenge each household faces in balancing the cost of its actual or potential housing, on the one hand, and its non- housing expenditures, on the other, within the constraints of its income. In this study, the middle income households are identified on the basis of family income.

This choice is based on both economic and cultural consideration. In addition, the cultural view of the middle income household seems to be one in which the family is the typical income unit. The study concluded that affordability is an expression of the social and material experiences of MIM in relation to their individual housing situations. Affordability expresses the challenge each household faces in balancing the cost of its actual or potential housing, on the one hand, and its non-housing expenditures, on the other, within the constraints of its income.

Kitty (2008) on her study, on the evaluation of the U. S. Housing choice voucher program under a formal framework. Developed five attributes that has been evaluated: (I) Efficiency, or the minimization or elimination of distortions in housing, labor and other related markets; (it) Support for living standards; (iii) Equity, incorporating both horizontal equity (an equal treatment of equals) and vertical equity (redistribution towards families with lower incomes); (iv) Administrative competence; and (v) Macroeconomic stabilization.

Rossi (2008) conducted a study about the innovation, imitation, and entrepreneurship: The Introduction and Diffusion of the Homeownership Policy. The study uses the introduction of the homeowner’s policy in the United States insurance market in the sass’s to explore the process of innovation and the role that innovators (entrepreneurs) and imitators play within it through an examination of Summerset’s theory of innovation and its concussion in the recent economic literature on innovation and imitation.

Summerset’s model of entrepreneurial innovation is tested through a case study of the homeowner’s policy introduction in 1950 and its subsequent diffusion throughout the decade. The policy was an innovative product which helped transform the property casualty sector of the insurance industry. Thus, this case study supports Summerset’s model of entrepreneurial innovation and illustrates the significant role that imitation plays with it. COO (2011) conducted a study in Effective marketing strategies and the Nigerian construction professionals.

The researcher focused on effective marketing strategies in Nigerian construction industry and concluded that the level of practice of marketing among professionals in Nigerian construction industry was very low and inadequate compared to the level and keenness of competition in Nigerian construction industry. Marketing strategies often used in the Nigerian construction industry to market professional services included professional-client relationship and professional contract while research and promotion were rarely used as marketing strategies by Nigerian construction professionals.

Local. Mercado (2008) conducted the study on the San Miguel Corporation BAD Marketing Program: Its Impact. The researcher determined the impact of San Miguel Promotion in Nag City. The major findings of the study were: 1. Of the three strategies implemented by SMB, Dealership had the highest socio-economic impact due to its impressive features. 2. That the social and economic impact of the three strategies was strong except for the economic impact of dealership which is very strong. This signified that some activities need to be done to maximize impact. 3.

There was no significant difference in terms of impact among the three strategies of SMB; Dealership, Sponsorship and Promotion. Grit (2008) made the study on UNC Marketing Mix and Promotional Practices. The researcher determined the marketing mix and promotional practices of the University of Nava Cares, SST” 2004. He used the descriptive-evaluative method of research. Described were the promotional practices used by the University and evaluated were the marketing mix, it consequently adopted in terms of product price, place and promotion as perceived by the teaching and non-teaching personnel.

Partial (2009) rendered the study on the socio-economic status of the residents in the Apace Resettlement Area in Nag City. In terms of household’s social profile, most of them range from ages 19 to 67. It suggests that most of them are young and newly married. In terms of civil status, almost 75% were married because of requirement of being a Boniface beneficiary of the resettlement program. Number of females dominates males because wives left home to take of their children and do chores. Roman Catholic cohorts the highest percentage when it comes to religious affiliation.

Educational attainment of the respondents is low due to difficult standard of living during their early years. In terms of economic profile, income distribution among the schoolhouse was very low due to low educational attainment and resulted to low income. Household spending, food obviously ranked first, followed by education and other miscellaneous expense. Assets and ownership is relatively low because of low income they received to their sources of income. Lack of employment opportunities in the area also a biggest factor to their economic status.

Casual (2009) rendered the study on the Project Feasibility Study Based On The NAH- Cooperative Socialized Joint Venture Program For Phase II, La Trinidad Housing Cooperative, Inc. The researcher seeks to determine the feasibility of developing and managing a mass housing project through a cooperative effort which in this instance refers to the proposed Phase II development plan of at least 90 modest housing units in Socio Tommy, La Trinidad, Bungee, based on the NAH-Cooperative Socialized Housing Joint Venture Program. Conceptual Framework The conceptual model shows the flow of the conduct of this study.

It includes the 3-phase research process namely: input, process and output. Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Paradigm. The input includes the marketing strategy in improving service quality of Harmony The process involves the evaluation and analysis of marketing strategy and the revives offered of Harmony Homes Subdivision The output was the homeowners satisfaction and the usefulness of marketing PROCESS INPUT A. Evaluation of Marketing Strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision B. Analysis and Interpretation of Data in terms of the services offered by Harmony Homes Subdivision OUTPUT A.

Marketing Strategy in improving service quality of Harmony Homes Subdivision A. Homeowners Satisfaction B. Usefulness of Marketing Strategy of Harmony Homes Subdivision Figure 1 Conceptual Paradigm Theoretical Framework This portion deals with the theories that guided the researcher in undertaking this duty. The Diffusion Innovation Theory by Marianne S. Horror summarizes the diffusion of innovation process consisting of four elements: the innovation, communication through certain channels, over time and among the members of a social system.

Research concerning the diffusion of innovation process has increased significantly the past several decades due to its versatility. A universality or similarity found amongst the various research studies on the diffusion of innovation process is that the adaptation process or the rate of diffusion can be charted on an S-shaped curve. The diffusion of innovation process can be tracked on a micro level as is the case of an individual who is targeted member of an audience or traced at the macro level when considering economic development or technological advances.

In either instance, during the course of the twentieth century the diffusion of innovation theory has proven to be versatile, universal, but most important relevant. Another theory applicable was Yield Shift Theory of Satisfaction by Robert O. Briggs, Bruce A. Reining, and Germ-Jan De Veered the phenomenon of interest for this theory is an emotion the satisfaction response; define as a valences effective arousal tit respect to some object that has reference to some state or outcome desired by an individual.

The satisfaction response is a single construct that encompasses both positive feelings, commonly called satisfaction, and negative feelings, commonly called dissatisfaction. Under this definition, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not two ends of a continuum with a neutral point in the middle. Rather, the continuum is from not-aroused to arouse. The authors used this conceptualization because an individual may experience a switch of valence from negative to positive or vice versa without passing through a neutral state of non-arousal. Individuals may hold many goals, ranging from self-actualization.

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Evaluation of Marketing Strategy Assignment. (2021, Jul 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/art/evaluation-of-marketing-strategy-assignment-33990/