Developing Self Discipline Assignment

Developing Self Discipline Assignment Words: 1786

Self-discipline is important because it (a) promotes positive relations with others, (b) fosters academic achievement, and (c) promotes self-worth and emotional well-being. Whereas the systematic use of rewards and punishment is certainly critical in the development of self-discipline, it is not sufficient. ” When you practice self-discipline you create and agree to rules set by yourself, but also created by others. By doing this you ensure successful personal improvement. Self-discipline is the product of will power.

Having will power allows you to overcome obstacles that ay come In your path because you are persistent in achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Will power Is the strength and ability to carry out certain tasks In the manner In which you have chosen for your life. When you exercise self-deadlines based on character choices you have made, you then rely on your self-deadlines to kick in and handle the situation accordingly. When you are not able to effectively I control my impulses and what are the long term consequences of my actions? Several decades ago, the eminent research psychologist Jack Block described people n terms of their level of “ego control” – that is, the extent to which impulses and feelings are expressed or suppressed. Those who are under controlled are impulsive and destructible; those who are over controlled are compulsive and Joyless. The fact that educators are more irritated by the former, and thus more likely to define it as a problem, doesn’t mean the latter is any less troubling. Nor should we favor “the replacement of unbridled impulsively with categorical, pervasive, rigid impulse control,” Block warned.

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It’s not Just that self-control isn’t always good; it’s that a lack f self-control isn’t always bad because it may “provide the basis for spontaneity, flexibility, expressions of interpersonal warmth, openness to experience, and creative recognitions. ” Life puts challenges and problems on the path to success and achievement, and in order to rise above them, you have to act with perseverance and persistence, and this of course, requires self-discipline. This is one of the main reasons why self-discipline is so important.

Self-discipline is critical to spiritual and emotional growth which the psychologist views as one and the same. Our first experiences with love and discipline stem from our childhood interactions with our parents. As parents we need to exercise self-control also. Using path analysis, Looses (1980) found that both mothers’ and fathers’ use of power assertive discipline and in particular physical punishment and strong affective reactions such as threats and violent outbursts was directly related to aggression in adolescent boys.

These findings are consistent with Patterson developmental model of antisocial behavior. In a summary of two decades of research on childhood aggression, Patterson, Debars, and Ramsey (1989) noted that poor parental discipline and lack of monitoring were the instigating factors in the development of childhood aggression. In short, while serving to effectively yield short-term results, harsh and coercive discipline practices tend to create or exacerbate conduct behavior problems in the long run ( Pissing, Straus, Gilles, & Harrow, 1991).

Many researchers have found that there is a relation to parental discipline and conduct behavior. During infancy and toddler years, the parent’s response to child behavior is extremely important. If you eave ineffective disciplinarian skills, you are more likely to have an impulsive child with slight behavioral problems. Many conduct behavior problems can be corrected with parent management training and family therapy. Parents can learn to apply behavioral principles effectively, how to play with their children, and teach and coach their child to use new skills.

Research is being done to see what forms of early intervention can be done and will be the most effective. It has also been proven that girls are more self-disciplined and control their impulses opposes to boys. Young girls have successfully achieved higher grades than boys throughout school on all major academic subjects. This is because they demonstrate examples of self- discipline by reading test instructions before proceeding to the questions, paying attention to a teacher rather than daydreaming, choosing homework over TV, and persisting on long-term assignments despite boredom and frustration.

In particular, these methods differ in the degree to which self-discipline affects performance. Report card grades typically reflect the ability to study for exams, complete homework reads depend heavily on the ability to sustain effort and concentration despite boredom, fatigue, and innumerable distractions over the course of an academic year. In contrast, achievement tests require sustained effort for only a few hours in a testing situation specifically designed to minimize distractions.

Finally, paper-and- pencil IQ tests such as the one used in this study require sustained effort for less than 1 hrs. We imagine, therefore, that self-discipline should help a student most on report card grades, somewhat on achievement tests, and minimally on brief aptitude tests. Having focusing on studies conducted with adolescents, self-discipline continues to be important for academic and career success well beyond the adolescent years. For instance, the findings regarding problem behaviors and grades have also been repeated with high school students.

In addition, college students with high self-discipline have been found to be more likely to be inducted into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society than peers with low self-discipline, even when they are equally gifted intellectually. All in all, encouraging self-discipline in your child now may have a big payoff both now and in the future. Instilling self- discipline in your child will result to positive personality factors such as low impulsively. A child with low impulsively is able to wait their turn, to avoid interrupting others’ conversations and to stay seated and quiet when appropriate.

Self-discipline also includes the ability to control one’s own thoughts, emotions and actions. Finally, a child’s ability to delay gratification is an important element of self-discipline. A child with strong delay of gratification skills can refuse a small, instantaneous reward in exchange for a larger reward later on. This characteristic of impulse is extremely important in your adult life. Self-control is a personal strength that also affects our relationship and project skills.

Not having this skill, can easily result in abusive relationships and make successful conflict resolution almost impossible. Impulsive actions and reactions often result in poor decision-making and the inability to stay organized. Although remaining in self-control may sound very difficult, in reality, a little goes a long way. And once you start seeing positive changes in your life, practicing it will become much easier. Another important element in self-control. Patience allows us to consider the big picture, and realize that achieving some goals may take time, sometimes more time than others.

Another important element in being self-disciplined is having motivation. Motivation holds a prominent place in the science of behavior, because motivation sets in motion many of the processes that produce behavior. Motivation drives people (and other animals) to pursue life- sustaining activities and avoid life-shortening ones, to set goals and pursue them, to form likes and dislikes, and to think and feel in advantageous ways. Motivation is something that is needed to succeed in the work place and in life.

Miscellany’s theory is that, regardless of our gender, culture, or age, we all have three motivating drivers, and one of these will be our dominant motivating driver. This dominant motivator is largely dependent on our culture and life experiences. The three motivators are achievement, affiliation, and power. People will have different characteristics depending on their dominant motivator. If your dominant motivator is achievement the characteristics of this individual most likely has a strong need to set ND accomplish challenging goals, takes calculated risks to accomplish their goals, to work alone.

If your dominant motivator is affiliation the characteristics of this person most likely wants to belong to a group, wants to be liked, and will often go along with whatever the rest of the group wants to do, favors collaboration over competition, and doesn’t like high risk or uncertainty. Lastly if your motivator is power this individual is most likely to have characteristics that want to control and influence others, likes to win arguments enjoys competition and winning, and enjoys status and cognition.

Being able to identify which dominant motivator you have, you are able to surround yourself in an environment that would be fit to your individual characteristics. Leading back to the concept of self-discipline, in this day and age people are blinded by the perception of being motivated. Lack of motivation affects your decision making skills and will result in losing control and adopting bad habits. Things will get out of order and become chaotic. Only doing a self-assessment you will be able to evaluate and identify what your weaknesses are.

If you are not testified with the results you have, you must then analyze your strengths and incorporate them in your goals. Set goals to work towards accomplishing strengthening your weaknesses and obtaining the ability to control your destiny. Once you realize you have the ability to control your impulses you will be able to effectively decide if the pleasant short term satisfaction is worth the effects of negative long term consequences. By being a critical reflective thinker, you possess the skills and the self-discipline to replace bad habits with good healthy motivating habits.

You may walk to the store instead of drive. This may result you in a healthier weight target along with saving money on gas by lessening unnecessary frequent short distance trips. Be sure to hold your standards high, and set realistic goals. Setting goals that are unrealistic are setting yourself up for failure. You also put yourself in a position to get sidetracked by taking too much time focusing on things you already know are a weakness. When you are self-disciplined you are able to effectively deal with temptation and desire.

By an individual being able to control their negative impulses he or she is then able to stay focused on their road to success. You have developed a path that will take you on your Journey through success, this time you will be equipped with all the tools to help you deal with the temptation of everyday life’s trials and tribulation. Most importantly the research that I have done proves that self-discipline is extremely important in being successful. It also shows that effects of non-effective discipline styles lead to long lasting effects in behavior and having little or no self-control affects a person’s ability to make positive decision.

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Developing Self Discipline Assignment. (2019, Apr 20). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from