Communication misunderstandings Assignment

Communication misunderstandings Assignment Words: 612

I was the sender. My role in the conversation is the District Manager. As the district manager at J P Morgan Chase, there are times when I have to engage in difficult conversations with my subordinates. Eve got one subordinate in particular named Eagle who is the receiver of a specific message. She has always been unaccountable for her actions and typically combative towards anyone who is providing her with negative feedback. During our reading assignment, we learned about how communication can be limited.

In this example, I had received some active feedback from her employees and therefore I visited her branch location to have a discussion with her. Some background history about Eagle and my relationship is that she was managing one of my largest, most profitable banking centers. Due to her employee issues and lack of profitability, I moved her to one of my smallest banking centers in an effort to give her a fresh start to regain her confidence and potentially a change of scenery. Needless to say, she wasn’t thrilled about the idea and had been carrying ill feelings about me as her manager since hen.

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In the communication, this is referred to as a communication barrier. Due to the internal noise within Galley’s mind, any message from me that wasn’t positive wasn’t received in the way it was intended thusly causing conflict between us. Galley’s employees shared that she communicated with them with an abrasive tone and spent a large portion of her day away from them in her office and they didn’t appreciate that. The channel used in this misunderstanding was face to face communication. When I sat her down in her office, I shared with her that I received omen feedback from her team and wanted to discuss it with her.

Immediately, she became very defensive and said that I was out to get her and that she felt that I snuck behind her back to dig up bad things about her. I sat quietly as to not respond irrationally and when she was finished explained to her that I was there to help her. This feedback was starting to look like a pattern with her since her previous branch shared similar feedback. I also shared with her that her response was extremely inappropriate and unwarranted since I was simply there to help her break the pattern.

I did learn through our interaction that most of our recent interactions had been negative either with conversations of poor performance, employee issues, etc and that perhaps had I found ways to celebrate some of the positives that she showed, she wouldn’t have been so unwilling to listen to my feedback. Eve since then found ways to recognize her incremental improvement and our interactions have become much more amicable. Misunderstanding #2 In this misunderstanding I was the receiver of the message. A peer of mine, Anthony was the sender of the message. Here’s the story.

A few months ago, my peer shared with me that he had an employee who was looking to relocate into my district. He said that she was a good employee but Just needed a change of pace, environment, hired her onto my team. Within three months, her management style ran off 75% of the existing employees at that branch. Fast forwarding a few months, he off and on tells me about another employee on his team who has attendance concerns, an aggressive temper, and smells of alcohol in the morning. Once again, I have an opening on my team to add another member to expand my district.

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Communication misunderstandings Assignment. (2022, Apr 02). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from