Role of rda in economic development of bangladesh Assignment

Role of rda in economic development of bangladesh Assignment Words: 2522

illumination Rural Development Academy, Bogart is a national level Training and Research Institute of Rural Development established in 1974 under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives. The major objectives of the Academy are to (I) offer training to the personnel of different nation building departments and agencies involve in rural development works; (it) conduct research and action research or pilot experiments in different aspects of rural development; and (iii) offer consultancy services to different national and international agencies as well as Nags on various rural development issues.

To achieve the objectives, the Academy has been working on a wide range of rural development activities since 1974 with slightly more emphasis on exploring and managing water resources as a means of rural development. Availability of surface water during dry season becomes scarce both for irrigation and human consumption. So the ground water has become increasingly important source of irrigation, human drinking and other uses. Presently over 70% of irrigation and over 90% of potable water needs of the country are met from ground water.

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In such a backdrop ground water table goes below the suction bevel of STW and HTH, especially in the dry season due to misuse. This hampers supply of water for irrigation as well as drinking in many places of Bangladesh. Of late the quality of water has been traced to deteriorate with excessive arsenic contamination and iron concentration resulting in health hazard. Rural Development Academy (RADAR), Bogart has successfully carried out experiments in the field of water resources management and development, especially, in respect of optimum utilization of scarce water resources and has developed a model of multi-purpose use of DOT.

The model includes: (I) partial buried pipe irrigation system; low and tedium cost lined channel; (iii) compacted earthen channel; (v) domestic water supply from irrigation well (v) installation of low-cost DOT with water filtration plants etc. In order to replicate these models of exploration and management of water, Academy organized several programmer for demonstration and training of the officials of BAD, LEGGED, DAD and BRED. 1. 2. Origin of the Report As one of the partial program of our B. S. S degree we recently visited RADAR, Bogart on 26-28 January, 2013. It was an orientation program/ study tour at the place.

The project visit is a dynamic approach for practical knowledge. During the period we were basically introduced with the irrigation & water management, bio-gas plant management . We also learnt about the PAR strategy which is a vast term. Is a large successful institution in Bangladesh in providing training on basic research methodology especially in rural development. RADAR, Bogart has already made significant progress within a very short period of its existence. After visiting we have been asked to prepare a report on the 03 days study tour focusing our learning on that tour.

So this report is the result of some findings on three days visit at RADAR(Rural Development Academy), Bogart. 1. 3 Scope of the study The report will mainly cover about a short brief of RADAR (Rural Development Academy), Bogart, various fields of its functions. In the infrastructure development of Bangladesh RADAR, Bogart is playing a vital role through providing various training, seminars & study tours. There are enormous research papers & internet reports available to introduce RADAR. But it is our small effort to introduce RADAR, Bogart & their role in Bangladesh through the report. . 4 Objective of the study The main objectives of the study are stated below- To assess the valuable practical knowledge. To relate institutional knowledge with the organizational activities. To visualize the overall performance of a research conducting organization. To prepare the report by gathering all information. To gather knowledge of bio-gas management. To enrich idea about the irrigation & water management. 1. 5 Methodology of the study While conducting smooth and accurately study everyone has to follow some rules and regulations.

In this report we basically use secondary data due to time limitation. 1. 5. 1 . Secondary data has been collected from Web site of the company. Internet Publications of RADAR. 1 6 Limitations to the study The duration of the study was only three days. So it is not possible to reflect all activities in this report in such a short period of time. It was not possible to visit all the project of RADAR within the short time. We could not conduct the research properly due to our inexperience. Adequate primary data as well as secondary data is not available. Main Body 2. History of RADAR The Rural Development Academy (RADAR), Bogart was established on 19 June, 1974 as a specialized Rural Development Institution for training, research and action research. It is located at 16 kilometer away from Bogart town by the highway towards Dacha. The Academy campus covers an area of 48. 50 hectares of which 19. 00 hectares has been apportioned for office, residence, school & college, play ground, children’s park and other establishments. The remaining 29. 50 hectares has been earmarked for demonstration farm for undertaking research in farming, horticulture, follicular, tissue culture, picturesque, livestock, Poultry etc.

The campus has almost all the modern amenities of urban life. The Academy is an autonomous body officiated with the Rural Development and Co-operatives Division of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Co-operatives (LOGIC). It is governed by a Board of Governors headed by the Honorable Minister for Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives. The Director General of the Academy is the Member-secretary of the Board. In total 11 former Director General served as the Member-secretary of the Board of Government since its inception.

Rural development is multi-disciplinary in nature and the faculty of the Academy constitutes of different academic disciplines. The Academy has a strength of 304 personnel including 61 Faculty Members. 2. 2 Vision & mission: Vision: To build a self dependent Bangladesh. Mission: Building a self dependent Bangladesh Through rural development: Through conducting research on various issues Organizing & conducting training, seminars, programs on various issues and agendas for strategy formulations in rural development.

Providing the essential advices and consultations to government and other organizations regarding issues of rural development & infrastructure development Supervising & monitoring of the activities of the agencies & corporate related in the development & providing essential guidance in that regard. 2. 3. Organizational structure: Director Gene I RADAR Faculty Members 2. 4. Basic activities of RADAR, Bogart: To conduct research on any issues of rural development.

To organize training for government personnel and others involved in rural development; To Carry out experiment and investigate data on strategy and methodology to rural development; To evaluate programmer and associated to rural development; To provide advices and consultations to government and other organizations; To direct and supervise activities or cooperate to perform activities of local and foreign people engaged in higher research in rural development; To arrange and conduct cantonal and international seminars, conferences and workshops; To Assist government to formulate policy in the area of rural development; With the permission of government, to undertake Joint programmer on research, education and training in the issues of rural development with foreign or international institutions; With the permission of government, to introduce diploma certificate course on the issues of rural development 2. 5 . Training provided by RADAR, Bogart: Training is one of the arms for skill development in order to make skill professionals. Training is one of the three mandated functions of the Rural Development Academy RADAR ), Bogart.

It provides training to the personnel of nation building departments, people’s representatives, MONGO personnel, Cooperators and farmers with a view to creating a cadre of professionals in the field of rural development. Since its inception in 1974 the Academy provided training to more than 1 50 thousand participants. Skill development courses are the important components of the training programmer of the Academy. The courses are conducted on regular basis and in many cases followed up in applied areas. Most of the skill development courses are found effective in achieving the objectives of creating employment and enervating income for the unemployed rural women and youths. With the increase in facilities of the Academy the demand for training venue has also increased manifold.

Linkages with relevant organizations like ABATE, Directorate of Health, LEGGED, BOB, BRED, papal program proposal, NAME, NCSC, Shrouded program of CARE- Bangladesh and so on have been established for holding training programmer at the Academy continuously. Categories of Training Courses The wide variety of training and related programmer at RADAR may broadly be categorized under the following heads: Skill Development and Awareness Building Course; On-the-Job and Functional Training Course; Orientation Course/Study Tour; Workshop/Seminar/Conference. In terms of organizations and sponsorships these programmer may be classified into three broad categories: Sell-sponsored Course, 2. Joint-sponsored Course, and 3. Courses organized by the external agencies. 2. 6. Research conducted by RADAR,Bogart: Research is one of the mandatory functions of the Rural Development Academy ( RADAR ), Bogart.

It conducts research on various issues of rural development that helps policy formulation of the government for rural development sector. The specific reposes of research studies undertaken by the Academy are to : a) identify the problems and prospects of rural areas; b) formulate action research strategies on the basis of research findings; c) evaluate impact of development projects implemented by the Academy and other organizations; and d) assess the impact of different training programmer conducted by the Academy. Above all, these findings are provided to the government for policy formulation on rural development. Since its inception in June 1974, the Academy completed 279 research projects and report of all of these have already been published. Why do we conduct Research?

To communicate the results Increase knowledge Encourage further work/ opportunities of work Main types of Research: 1. Quantitative Research 2. Qualitative Research Objectives of Research: It allows a participant to focus on a particular subject for in depth analysis. It facilitates to follow specific reading materials for particular issue. Main considerable points : Design Approach Data collection Acknowledgement Research method 1. Survey 2. Case study 3. ERA(Rapid Rural Appraisal) 4. PAR(Participatory Reflection and Action) PAR(Participatory Reflection and Action): Among the four we learnt about the PAR tragedy which is a vast term. PAR has been called an approach and method for learning about rural life and condition from, with and by rural people .

People are the core of development process. Principles of PAR: Participation Facilitation Flexibility Team work steps PAR: Go to the village ,build report Live with them, learn from them. Encourage participation by sex, age ,class etc. Do transect, mapping, understand situation(problems, opportunities, limitation). Identify and priorities problem by the people. Ask people to develop action plan based on priorities . Six helpers of PAR: 1. What? 2. When? 3. Where? . Who? 5. Why’ 6. How’ 2. 7. Our visit De projects to R 1 . Irrigation & Water management 2. Bio-gas plant management Irrigation & Water management: In pursuance of the decision no. 10. Of the 30th Board of Governors’ Meeting held on 4th January 2003 a committee was formed headed by the GAG with a view to formulating a proposal for establishing a specialized Centre for Irrigation and Water Management (SWIM) set-up under RADAR with specific terms of reference. The committee comprising Messes. KM Mazurka Haste, M A Mating, Muhammad Hosing Khan & Md. Unusual Islam Khan, as members explored different aspects of Radar experience and lessons acquired from various research/action research programmer in the field of irrigation and water management proposed the following report for consideration of the Board of Governors’ Meeting (BOG). Finally BOG has been approved the centre under the administrative control of G.

Rural Development Academy Bogart in 31st Board of Governors meeting in 2003 for extending and popularizing Radar Irrigation and Water Management Technologies throughout the country within a very shortest possible time for uplifting socio-economic condition of the rural people as well as quality of life. Strategy of Project Implementation The first approach is the installation of low-cost DOT at relatively chemically polluted free (particularly iron and arsenic free) strata of the aquifer. This approach suggests to pure water from the well and supply it through piped network to the individual households. In this method, it is needed to find out a particular layer of the aquifer which is free or less contaminated with concentration of unwanted chemical elements specially iron and arsenic, before the installation of a low-cost DOT at any location. Such an activity is performed by conducting test drilling at the selected site.

On the basis of in-situ test drilling data, sub- surface geologic formations of the particular location is known which can be used to determine the size of filter opening (slot) as well as the quality of groundwater, especially concentration of iron and arsenic. In places where application of the above mentioned approach is not possible, RADAR developed an alternative approach Witt the technique to purifying groundwater through treatment plant. It is based on the modification of traditional water filtration plant which is widely used in the developed and developing countries. The purpose of such water treatment plant is to convert the raw water abstracted from aquifer (groundwater formations) into safe water in respect of chemical contamination by iron and arsenic which is suitable for the concerned uses (I. E drinking, domestic, industrial, etc).

The treatment process of groundwater consists of aeration, sedimentation, rapid filtration and post-chlorination. In the treatment process the most important thing is the removal of pathogenic organisms, iron and manganese compounds, suspended matters and toxic substances such as arsenic. There will be a provision of village based water users group among the lagers in each project area which comprises of maximum 6 sub-groups. The groups are arsenic free safe drinking water supply group, irrigation group, nursery and vegetable production group, aquaculture group, poultry and livestock rearing group, etc. All groups belongs to one main group called village based water users group and all members will be associated with them.

There will be provision for seed capital for income generating activities. These individual group will be provided training at the academy and or successful completion they will be provided with credit from the rejects seed capital fund with the recommendation of RADAR credit supervisors, GO/ MONGO management representative and also village based water users group. The project will be implemented though Go/MONGO/private enterprise. RADAR will provide TX. 18. 00 lake for this project and other infrastructure including DOT, buried pipe network for irrigation, treatment plant for ensuring arsenic free water whenever necessary, overhead tank and main line for domestic water supply.

If treatment plant is not necessary for removing arsenic, in that case, the expenditure for that will be used for other infrastructure (main/branch line) development. Total capital cost (18. 00 lake) will be recovered from the beneficiaries like GO, Nags and Private enterprise within 10 years (without interest) and beneficiaries will deposit the money to RADAR on yearly basis. The credit money of TX. 10. 25 lake will be refunded through GO, Nags and Private enterprise with service charge. If the recovery of the credit money is satisfactory in that case the revolving period of the credit money may be extended for further period by mutually agreed decision. The total money would be disbursed through Bank.

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