Discrimination and Special Educational Needs Assignment

Discrimination and Special Educational Needs Assignment Words: 2819

HOME BASED CHILDCARE CYPOP5 TASKS 1-3 TASK 1 (Produce an information sheet which outlines the following: the current legislation for home based childcare and the role of regulatory bodies. ) The current legislations are as follows: * Sex Discrimination Act (1975) This backed by the Equal Opportunities Commission and its aims is to make sure people are not discriminated against on the basis of their gender. * Race Relations Act (1976) which has been amended in (2000) This is to ensure individual are given a fair opportunity and the appropriate measures are put into place to achieve that goal. Education Act (1981) This brought a significant change in through the wishes of parents ‘rights’ so that children with disabilities could be educated in ordinary schools. * Public Health (Control of Disease) Act (1984 This explains in great detail the notification and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases. * Education Reform act (1988) This brought about the process of the (National Curriculum) in schools. * Education Act (1993) This made some very important changes to the Education Act 1981 and the law relating to children with special educational needs.

These changes are now consolidated in the Education Act 1996. The Code of Practice and the SEN Tribunal were the major innovations as was the enforcement of strict time limits for completing assessments of special educational needs by Local Education Authorities. * Code of Practice for the Identification and Assessment of Children with Special Educational Needs (1994 which was revised in (2001) This is guidance specifically aimed at children who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) for the Local Authorities and the aim was designed to promote a high level of standards for all pupils through inclusive education. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) (1995) Outlines certain incidents or accidents that must be reported by law; For e. g. A Fracture, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes. * Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations (1995) This is about Food Temperature control and general food safety; this is not yet applicable to childminders to register for although good hygiene practices must be adhered to. * Family Law Act (1996) Guidance relating to safeguarding children. * Disability Discrimination Act (1995)

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This was established by the Parliament for to ensure the rights of disabled individuals in the United Kingdom. * Education Act (1997) This combined all the Acts since 1944 into one Act. This entailed a full framework of identifying and assessing a child’s particular needs as set out in the (The Code of Practice) * Code of Practice for First Aid (1997) Gives guidance on detailed specification for trained First Aiders and First Aid Requirements. * Human Rights Act (1998) This came into force in (2000) and was set out by the European Convention on Human Rights, this outlines basic rights. (I. E.

The right to life) * Protection of Children Act (1998) A Private members bill, which was introduced by Debra Shipley (MP) its provisions are designed to help strengthen procedures for vetting people who work with children. * Data Protection Act (1998) The Act covers any data about a living and identifiable individual and prevents confidential information being passed on without the individuals permission. In practice it provides a way for individuals to control information about themselves, in the case of children parents must give permission. * Special Educational Needs ; Disability Act (2001)

The act required schools, colleges, universities, adult education providers, statutory Youth service and local education authorities to make ‘reasonable provisions’ to ensure people with disabilities or special needs were provided with the same opportunities as those who were not disabled. For e. g. wheelchair access if required Although was replaced by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. * Care of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) This deals with identification by risk assessment, control of exposure, health surveillance and incident planning, storage of cleaning fluids. * Health Protection Agency Act (2004)

The Health Protection Agency is an independent UK organisation that was set up by the government in 2003 to protect the public from threats to their health from infectious diseases and environmental hazards and it does this by providing advice and information to the General Public, Health Professionals such as Doctors and Nurses and to the Local/National government * Children Act (2004) This Act’s ultimate purpose is to make the UK better and safer for children of all ages the idea behind the Act is to promote co-ordination between multiple official entities to improve the overall well-being of children. Every Child Matters’ 5 Outcomes are Identified: * Be Healthy * Stay Safe * Enjoy and achieve * Make a Positive Contribution * Achieve economic well-being * Childcare Act (2006) Introduced the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England. TASK 2 (In order to operate a registered home base childcare service the following policies and procedures must be in place: accidents, illness and emergencies; behaviour; safeguarding; equal opportunities. ) Write a policy for each of the above, and write a procedure to explain how each of the policies will be implemented. policies and 4 procedures are required ACCIDENT POLICY The safety of your child is paramount and I will take every measure I can to protect your child from hurting themselves. My premises have been checked and they meet the EYFS Welfare Requirements for childminding outlined by Ofsted. I also regularly review, update and practice safety routines. As a registered childminder, I am legally required to have a valid first aid certificate. I can administer basic first aid treatment, and my first aid box is clearly labelled and easily accessible.

It is stored in the kitchen. Parent contact numbers are with the first aid box. I hold written permission from parents to get emergency treatment for their child if it is needed If an untoward incident occurs I will follow the following process: ACCIDENT PROCEDURE * Comfort and reassure the child Carry out First Aid if necessary. * Call an ambulance if necessary and attend hospital with the child. * I will also contact you immediately if a serious accident has occurred or if a minor accident has happened will contact you once the child has settled down. Fill in an accident report sheet and give you a copy of this. * Inform Ofsted and get additional advice/support from relevant bodies. * Other children in my care will be looked after by another child minder Details are as follows Atia Begum or in exceptional circumstances where Atia is not available my sister Aisha Qamar will take over. * Ask you to keep me advised of your child’s condition following an accident if we have had to seek medical attention ILLNESS AND EMERGENCIES POLICY There is no charge for any period of non-attendance due to childminder illness.

Although Full fees apply for any period of non-attendance due to child or parent illness. Unwell children are welcome to attend their scheduled hours so long as they meet the following criteria, based on Ofsteds national standards. Your child is welcome to attend so long as he/she 1. Does not have a contagious or infectious illness 2. Has not had vomiting or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours 3. Has eaten within the last 12 hours. 4. Is not coughing. 5. Does not have a raised temperature 6. Is not restless, irritable or over-tired 7.

Is not bunged up or congested, or has thick and permanent runny nose. ILLNESS ND EMERGENCIES PROCEDURE Children who are coughing may attend so long as the cough is non-productive and they are being treated with a cough medicine. Children with runny noses may attend if they are being treated with medicine to treat their cold. All medication required by the child must be signed for, prior to the child’s attendance. If a form is not signed, no medication will be administered. A signature is required for all medication administered during the child’s scheduled hours.

If the child becomes unwell, or does not meet the above criteria during their attendance, it may become necessary to send the child home. If you are in any doubt about a child’s ability to attend childminding hours, please telephone to discuss. If the child is not attending, please give as much notice as possible. If the child is unwell but able to attend, please mention this when they are dropped off so that plans may be changed if required. If you are unsure about a child’s health, or if medication is required, please speak to the child’s doctor, health visitor or a pharmacist.

BEHAVIOUR POLICY * Do not feed or play with the animals without permission. * Keep coats, shoes and belongings tidied away. * Always sit when eating, ideally at the table. * No aggressive behaviour, biting, hitting, calling names. * Do not pick up babies or toddlers. * Always wash hands after going to the toilet or touching the animals. No jumping on the furniture. * Always wash your hands before eating. * Flush the chain after using the toilet, and replace the lid. * Treat other children and adults with respect and good manners. Handle toys with care. * Always remove shoes when upstairs. * No running ahead when out walking. * Always ask permission before removing car seat belts or opening car doors. * Never hang toys or limbs out of car doors or windows. BEAVIOUR PROCEDURES The NCMA (National Child Minding Association) recommended method of dealing with ‘naughty’ behaviour is through a time out session lasting only one minute per year of age. This involves encouraging the child to sit quietly until the period is over. No child will be smacked or excluded from the room.

Ongoing disobedience will be brought to your attention so a suitable solution can be reached. If it becomes necessary to restrain your child (For example a temper tantrum by the road side) you will be notified in writing. Good behaviour will be rewarded and encouraged by the use of praise, certificates and gold stars. The house rules are laid down to help children know what is expected of them while within the childminding setting. These rules are for the safety of your child and the other children around them, as well as the house and pets.

Your child will not be punished for breaking the rules but will be encouraged not to. Please help with this, even if you do not follow the same rules within your own home. SAFEGUARDING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Omar I wouldn’t put the Safeguarding procedure and Equal opportunities together, they need to be separated. The safeguarding policy needs ,more information in regards to what you would do if you suspected a child had been abused ??? recording, speaking to parents if appropriate, making a referral if necessary I have given you some information with this on.

I understand that child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional and neglectful, or a mixture of these. I must notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse that are alleged to have taken place while the child is in my care. Signs of abuse can vary widely and require professional involvement, which is why all childminders and anyone who had regular contact with another person’s child, must be aware of child abuse and report any suspicions. Under the Child Protection Act I am required, by law, to keep a record of any accidents or injuries which occur within my care or outside of my care.

I have accident report forms which I will complete for any injury which occurs in childminding hours, which will require your signature. I also require you to fill in ‘existing injury forms’ for any bumps and bruises received at home. In addition to being an equal opportunities environment, no child will be turned away due to ethical background or religious beliefs. Every attempt will be made to respect any cultural beliefs and wishes. Children with disabilities are welcome, providing their needs can be catered for.

Children within my childminding setting will be exposed to and educated about a wide range of different religious and cultural beliefs. This will be used to teach all children to appreciate cultural diversity and to respect the beliefs of others around them. It will also help children feel confident and proud of their own background, whatever it may be. As part of their voyage into equality and diversity, children will be encouraged to join in celebrations into other country’s culture, religious festivals,??charity events and their own family background.

It is important to remember that equal opportunities are not about treating everyone the same, but to understand their differences with an open and tolerant mind. Children will learn through positive awareness that differences are good things and should be celebrated and respected. SAFEGUARDING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PROCEDURES As a registered childminder, I have an obligation to report any suspicious incidents or accidents to the relevant authorities following the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures.

I keep up to date with child protection issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training courses and by reading relevant publications. This helps me be aware of the signs of abuse or neglect and what to do if I have a concern. I have a copy of and am familiar with the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. If I am concerned about a child’s welfare, I will contact the local authority, the NSPCC, NCMA or other relevant support services for advice, confidentially will be assured only when it is clear that there is no risk of harm to a child.

The following numbers will always be to hand Ofsted (08456 404040) NCMA Information Line ??? for help and support for with all areas of childminding, including allegations of child abuse. 0800 169 4486 NCMA Legal advice line ??? offers free, professional advice to NCMA members on any legal problem related to their childminding business. (01253 777468) NSPCC child protection helpline ??? 24-hour helpline for people worried about a child (0808 800 5000) POLICY FOR ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE AGAINST A CHILDMINDER

As a Childminder working alone I may be vulnerable to allegations of abuse being made against me or another adult in my home. I will take precautions to protect myself from this happening by: * Ensuring all household members aged 16 and over are CRB cleared. * Ensuring all visitors to the house do not have unsupervised access to the children under any circumstances. * Ensuring, where possible, that no workmen/women are in the house during minded hours, unless it is to repair an emergency service or for health and safety reasons. Documenting every accident and incident that occurs whilst children are in my care, informing parents of such events and requesting them to sign my records. * Noting any noticeable marks on the children when they arrive and asking parents to inform me of any accidents that have occurred whilst outside my care. * Ensuring the children are within sight and/or hearing at all times according to the child’s age & stage of ability. * Keeping accurate records on each child. * However, if an allegation is made I will then follow the procedure detailed below in order to gain support and professional advice: Contact : The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) immediately to discuss the nature of the allegation and the appropriate action to be taken. 01274 434343 * Ofsted to advise them of the allegation 0300 123 1231 I will write a detailed record of all related incidents, including what was said and by whom, with times and dates. After seeking advice/approval from the LADO I will ask witnesses (if there were any) to also write a statement detailing the incident they witnessed and giving their contact details in case it needs to be followed up by the authorities.

Task 3 Confidentiality and data protection are vital when running a home based childcare service. Write an explanation of the importance of both. * Confidentiality-privacy, discretion keeping information secret. * Data Protection Act (1998)- This is designed to prevent confidential and personal information being passed on without a person’s consent. This now includes not just information stored on computers but also on paper and screen, including photographs.

It is paramount for me as a childminder to safe guard the children in my care from any form of vulnerability, in order to achieve this I must be highly vigilant in my approach, I should never discuss issues of children with different parents. * Password protect my computers * Have a secure locked cupboard where I can keep personal information about the children in my care. The ultimate manner in which to run a successful business is to be professional at all times, this is a key focus as this can not only endanger the children but can also give out the wrong impression to parents.

In addition to having confidentiality this is expected on both sides, as there will be information I will be sharing with parents i. e. contract details, fees, contact details, my experience etc. This will be a mandatory requirement on both sides, although my primary goal is to keep the children safe and healthy by implementing the good practices that the NCMA recommend, which is to have a lockable separate business filling system that cannot be accessed by the rest of my family or other visitors to my setting.

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Discrimination and Special Educational Needs Assignment. (2021, Nov 03). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/sociology/discrimination-and-special-educational-needs-assignment-50941/