Why democracy in Pakistan Assignment

Why democracy in Pakistan Assignment Words: 1252

Although, some say that Pakistanis literacy level might not support democracy,however it serves as a better governance system because it safeguards human rights, facilitates economic growth and equality, and respects cultural and ethnic diversity. Almost always violations of the basic human rights are connected with poor governance. Particularly in Pakistan, people always have had doubts about incompetent rulers. Persecution of minorities, denying women’s rights, underexposures of media’s voices constitute the tutorial injustices of the government, which have caused severe unrest in the country.

However, in recent times the civil society in Pakistan has been quite active as compared to the past, another is a growing awareness among tempestuous equal civil rights. Not surprisingly, it has led to an ever more vocal demand for a democratic form of government. Since in a democracy, the power lies in the hands of the people and the country is governed by their elected representatives,the government is most likely to reflect the will and the preferences of the people.

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A enigmatic government elected by adult franchise can be trusted to promote basic human rights like individual freedom and equality because these rights are aligned directly with the spirit of democracy. History of Pakistan shows that military dictators ruled the country for most part. There have been numerous instances of human rights violations during the era. Aziza-LU-Historically regime is interchangeability boysenberries of media, banning of student and labor unions, exiling political figures, and public lashings of women.

In contrast to dictatorial era, the subsequent elected overspent show a large improvement in protection of human rights. That is why it can be safely asserted that a democratic setup is pertinent ensuring the basic human rights in the country. While considering the slow pace of human development in Pakistan, the progressive needs put emphasis on a democratic set up in the country. Confederacy’s works on depreciable that everyone gets equal participation in the decision making process. Hence, the economic policies have to be oriented towards consequences that will be promising masses.

Currently, there is an immense economic disparity in Pakistan. The solution for this problem resuscitative involvement of the people in the legislations, because people from a certain economic class can present and think about solutions to their own problems with greater efficiency. Thus, democracy appears to be the most suitable system because in this system,people can raise their voices to create economic and social opportunities for themselves. In democracy people, especially the lowercasing class can spread public awareness of their problems to develop a consensus for suitable polices.

Intellectuality individual society, as a result, start to speak on behalf f thirteenths. One example Fuchs a political movement of lower classics Unmans Amazonian Punjab (AMP), a peasant organization in Okra Punjab. The peasants of this movement had been working in military farms since last century with minimum rights. In 2001, they began to organize themselves raise their voice for rights. Consequently AMP started to get attention of various human rights organizations. The pressure and condemnation of the organizations forced the army to retreat from their position on the issue (All 3).

Only by attending to the needs of poor classes, the entry can dream of real progress in living conditions of people. The reduction of poverty level will boost the development rate of the country. Hence, democracy is vital for human development. Cultural, ethnic, and linguisticdiversity in Pakistan strengthens the case for democracy. Pakistan is one of the most complex states in the world when it comes to ethnic division. The ethnic diversity can pose a substantial threat to the unity of Pakistan, if it is dealt in an undemocratic manner.

The continuous dictatorial rule in Pakistan produced grievances and resentment among Bengali. Len result, they waged secessionist movement on Ethan-national bases and got separated in 1971 (Amazed 54). Balloons have protested frequently along similarities. In such estate of affairs, democracy forefathers best possible solution as it gives equal incentives to every ethnic and regional group for participation in decision makings. In addition,in a parliamentary democratic setup, as practiced in Pakistan, there is a national assembly, provincial assemblies and senate.

The presence of provincial assemblies ensures autonomy at provincial level. Furthermore, in the National Assembly provinces get representation based on their populations. Senate has equal presentation of all provinces regardless of their population, thus prevents domination of majority group. The presence of National, Assembly and Senate at the center promotes national cohesion and harmony in the country. Moreover, the allocation of funds between federation and provinces and among provinces is done after census of representatives of all provinces, which removes sense of deprivation of smaller provinces.

Therefore, it can be easily inferred that national unity is most likely to be preserved in a democracy. The most used argument against the democratic system in Pakistan is the low literacy rate of the society. The illiterate, it is argued, are most subjected to false practices in the election process and they are unable to select the right person. It is proposed that first, a standard of education be reached, then naturally democracy will follow. While the education system of Pakistan certainly does need attention, the argument creates an unclear relationship between democracy and illiteracy.

A simple example of Saudi Arabia would explain this. An absolute monarchy, Saudi Rabbi’s literacy rate was 96. 51% in 2009 (Index mind), significantly higher than that of Pakistan. Similarly, the literacy rate of Syria was 84. 9% in 2010 which is ruled by a dictator (Trading economics). Len contrast, India which is considered to be largest democracy has comparatively low literacy rate of 74. 09% in 2011 (census 2011). Considering the examples of European states, it is clear that a country does not have to be literate for the implementation of democracy.

The economist and philosopher Martyr Seen Notes, “A country does not have to be deemed fit for democracy; rather, it has to become fit through democracy'(“democracy as universal value” 1). So, it can be realized that low literacy rate has not any substantial obstacle for implementation of democracy; instead the robber of illiteracy in Pakistan can be better overcome by a democratic rule in the country. Another proposition against democracy in Pakistan is the Asian Value thesis, which claims that democracy was a western system unsuited to Asian countries due to cultural and historical differences.

No doubt, the cultural difference does exist, but democracy appears to be more of a universal value. The desire for freedom and equality has always been a prime value for mankind. In fact, the middle Ages in Europe are mainly characterized by injustice and cruelty where the democracy experienced in these countries was mainly evolved as a result of Renaissance. In the course of time, Asians, particularly that of subcontinent, are more inclined towards democracy.

Carl Gresham, president of The National Endowment for Democracy, Washington DC, quotes in his article, a researchable by a New Delhi based Center for the study of the developing societies (1) in India that Indian people defend democracy more vigorously, particularly the poor. Since India and Pakistan inherited almost similar values, therefore it is illogical to assert that democracy cannot work due to historic and cultural backgrounds. Democracy champions the basic unman rights. It provides equal opportunity for all to participate in decision making. It is the best suited system in a pluralistic society.

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