Types of government Assignment

Types of government Assignment Words: 2615

Anarchy Anarchy Is lack of government, as there Is no governing authority; In anarchy there Is no government and each Individual has absolute liberty. It Is Important to note, however, that the lack of a government to enforce laws does not automatically imply hat there are no laws; anarchy-capitalism in particular posits a form of anarchy with a body of explicit laws. Aristocracy A form of government in which a select few rule based on inherited hereditary right.

A form of government in which the supreme power is vested In the principal persons of a state, or In a privileged order; an oligarchy Autocracy ruler. Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism :domination through threat of punishment and violence) Authoritarian A form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens’ lives. Bureaucracy

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Administration of a government chiefly through bureaus or departments staffed Ninth non-elected officials Commonwealth A nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good Communist A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single – often authoritarian – party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (I. . , a classless society). Communist state A hypothetical stateless entity that follows after socialism as according to Marxist theory. Confederations Confederation produces the weakest central government. Member states in a confederation retain their sovereignty, delegating to the central government only those powers that are essential for its maintenance. The individual states Jealously guard their power to tax and to make their own laws. The central government serves as a coordinating instrument to protect the interests of all its members.

It also represents the confederation in dealings with outside governments, but its actions re subject to the review and approval of the confederated states. Constitutional A government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government. Constitutional democracy A form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in governing constitution.

Constitutional Government rowdy most governments derive their legitimacy from national constitutions that provide a legal framework for their rule and specify how power is to be exercised and controlled. Even one-party states, such as the traditional Communist countries and other nations in Africa, Asia, and South America, have found it necessary to establish formal constitutions. In democratic countries the constitution can be amended or replaced by popular vote, either directly or through a system of elected representatives.

In authoritarian one-party systems, however, all political power, including that of revising the constitution, resides with the leaders of the party. The constitution may thus be only a paper facade, and in order to understand how the country is governed one must examine the actual political process. Constitutional monarchy A system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.

Corporately A form of government where a corporation, a group of corporations, or government Democracy A hypothetical political system run by randomly selected decision makers who have been selected by satiation. Think selecting a legislature or executive in the same manner that a Jury is presently selected. Democratic Republic Usually, a “democratic republic” is not democratic and is not a republic. A overspent that officially calls itself a “democratic republic” is usually a dictatorship.

Communist dictatorships have been especially prone to use this term. For example, the official name of North Vietnam was “The Democratic Republic of Vietnam. ” China uses a variant, “The People’s Republic of China Democracy ere word “democracy” literally means “rule by the people. ” In a democracy, the people govern. In its purest form it is the same thing as monocular, but it is usually practiced in the form of a republic, which provides checks and balances and an establishment that is able to tap an unruly mob on its collective head Dictatorship

A dictatorship consists of rule by one person or a group of people. Very few dictators admit they are dictators; they almost always claim to be leaders of democracies. The dictator may be one person, such as Castro in Cuba or Hitler in Germany, or a group of people, such as the Communist Party in China Distribution of Authority Effective government in any form requires a workable method for distributing authority within the country.

The larger and more diverse the Jurisdiction of the government, the stronger the tendency toward a federal system in which authority is “layered” or distributed among different levels. In countries with a relatively homogeneous population and with a common tradition, language, and sense of national history, the central governments may not be federal but unitary?? that is, they may retain most of the administrative power at the center.

Loosely allied autonomous states sometimes Join together to create a type of central government known as a confederation, in which the central government exists only at the pleasure of the sovereign members. Ecclesiastical A government administrated by a church. Emirate Similar to a monarchy or sultanate, but a government in which the supreme power is the hands of an emir (the ruler of a Muslim state); the emir may be an absolute overlord or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority.

Epistemological A utopian type of society and government in which people of rank, including those holding political office, are those who possess epistemic humility. Ethnocentric A form of government where representatives of a particular ethnic group hold a number of government posts disproportionately large to the percentage of the total population that the particular ethnic group(s) represents and use them to advance the position of their particular ethnic group(s) to the detriment of others.

In Nazi Germany ethnic groups Hitler supported held all the power. Neo-Nazis often accuse less of possessing an ethnocentric in the person of the U. S. Government, which they call the Zionist Occupation Government. Exclaimer A form of government, usually theocratic or monarchic, that is established and origin whence the Diaspora originates. Fascism ere country is ruled by a totalitarian and corporatist government. It has also gone by the names Nazism, Baptism, Corporatism, and Balancing.

Federal (Federation) A form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided – usually by means of a constitution – between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.

Federal republic A state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self- government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their overpayment representatives Futurity System of government proposed by Economist Robin Hanson based on the idea of ‘Toting on a certain outcome and then figuring out how to achieve it.

Egocentric A system of government which was first proposed by Real (leader of the International Ra??liana Movement) in 1977 and which advocates problem-solving and creative intelligence as criteria for regional governance Gerontocracy A form of oligarchic rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population. Confederacy Government by women Islamic republic A particular form of government adopted by some Muslim states; although such a state is, in theory, a theocracy, it remains a republic, but its laws are required to be compatible with the laws of Islam.

Satisfactory Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens, “Government by the Norms. ” Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. Kleptomaniac A term applied to a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, collaborate) at the expense of the population. A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption Gerontocracy Government by those who are strong enough to seize power through force or cunning. Gerontocracy or Gerontocracy A government ruled by Judges.

Charity A form of order springing from Judgments made from principles of natural rights. Logically Government by words. Maims ere theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism developed in China by Mao Sedona Ana Tees-tuna), which states that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist state are to keep in touch with the people. Marxism Karl Marx; he viewed the struggle of workers as a progression of historical forces that Mould proceed from a class struggle of the proletariat (workers) exploited by capitalists (business owners), to a socialist “dictatorship of the proletariat,” to, finally, classless society – Communism.

Marxism-Leninism An expanded form of communism developed by Lenin from doctrines of Karl Marx; Lenin saw imperialism as the final stage of capitalism and shifted the focus of Markers’ struggle from developed to underdeveloped countries. Meritocracy A government or other organization wherein appointments are made and responsibilities are given based on demonstrated talent and ability group of leaders r officeholders selected on the basis of individual ability or achievement Monarchy A political ideology which maintains that the state’s only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression.

Mobcap or Scholarly Government by mob or a mass of people, or the intimidation of constitutional authorities; think Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail “witch/duck” mob Monarchy A form of government in which supreme power is absolutely or nominally lodged Ninth an individual, who is the head of state, often for life or until abdication. A monarchy usually possesses more checks and balances than an autocracy or catastrophic. A monarchy consists of rule by a king or queen.

Sometimes a king is called an “emperor,” especially if there is a large empire, such as China before 1911. There are no large monarchies today. The United Kingdom, which has a queen, is really a republic because the queen has virtually no political power. Monocular A government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch “ho reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right; the monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign – such as a king, queen, or prince – with constitutionally limited authority.

Annoyance A social and political system that is based on the priority of human mind. Oligarchy A form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royal, wealth, intellectual, family, military or religious hegemony. Panegyric A political philosophy emphasizing each individual’s right to freely Join and leave the jurisdiction of any governments they choose, without being forced to move from their current locale.

Parliamentary democracy A political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government – a rime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers – according to party strength as expressed in elections; by this system, the government acquires a dual responsibility: to the people as well as to the parliament.

Parliamentary government (Cabinet-parliamentary government) A government in which members of an executive branch (the cabinet and its leader – a prime minister, premier, or chancellor) are nominated to their positions by a legislature or parliament, and are directly responsible to it; this type of government can be dissolved at will by the reliant (legislature) by means of a no confidence vote or the leader of the cabinet A state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (I. . , the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity); true governmental leadership is carried out by a cabinet and its head – a prime minister, premier, or chancellor – who are drawn from a legislature parliament). Plutocracy A ruling class formed of plantation owners, leadership or government by this class of people Plutocracy Rule by the wealthy or power provided by wealth. A government or state in which the

Unhealthy rule Presidential A system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature (to which it is generally not accountable). Republic A literal democracy is impossible in a political system containing more than a few people. All “democracies” are really republics. In a republic, the people elect representatives to make and enforce laws Socialist republic or people’s republic A state run by a communist party that pretends to be following the progression from capitalism to socialism to communism hypothesized by Karl Marx.

Sacroiliac A system of governance using consent-based decision making among equivalent individuals and an organizational structure based on cybernetic principles. Socialism A government in which the means of planning, producing, and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more Just and equitable distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite.

Stockyard A system of government in which there is no distinction between the military and the Civil power. Government by the armed forces Sultanate Similar to a monarchy, but a government in which the supreme power is in the hands f a sultan (the head of a Muslim state); the sultan may be an absolute ruler or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority. Technocracy A form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields.

A government or social system controlled by technicians, especially scientists and technical experts Theocracy A form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state’s supreme civil ruler. Since said god or deity is usually absent from decision making, a church sponsored leader or leaders will rule instead. A government ruled by or subject to religious authority Democracy’s A political system theorized by Joseph Smith, Jar. , founder of the Latter Day Saint movement (Morons).

As the name implies, the democracy was meant to be a fusion of traditional republican democratic rights under the United States Constitution combined with theocratic elements. Totalitarian A government that seeks to subordinate the individual to the state by controlling not only all political and economic matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of Either: a state where only property owners may participate in government; or a overspent where rulers are selected and perpetuated based on the degree of honor they hold relative to others in their society, peer group or class.

Unitary States In unitary states the national government performs all the governmental functions. Substantial national units administer matters within their Jurisdiction, but their powers are set and delegated by the national authority. The national government retains the police power??the inherent power to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Taxation and major lawmaking powers also rest almost entirely with the national government.

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