Role of Local Government in Housing Assignment

Role of Local Government in Housing Assignment Words: 540

Examination of the housing conditions of the area, estimation of demand Including the requirement of special groups such as the aged, physically handicapped and the homeless it. Assessment of the housing supply Including the physical condition of the existing dwelling and the size and scope of the building and acquisition program of all the agencies Involved Ill.

Research to assess housing need to ensure that all available resources are used to the best advantage of the community at large v. Briefing architects to Include advice on the types and mix of welling and the social, management and maintenance aspects of layout and design, taking Into account community requirement and preferences v. Overall responsibility for the local authority housing program Including development of estates, slum clearance redevelopment, roughhousing and demolition VI.

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Advice and management of all housing authority properties, estates and ancillary enamellers, temporary accommodation and areas awaiting development; including rent collection and accounting: Recovery of arrears and possession; the establishment of a sound allegations between the tenants and the housing authority as landlords; and fostering of good social relationship and community development vile.

Allocations of housing accommodation; and the administration of suitable arrangement to facilitate transfers and mutual exchanges between occupiers of all types of accommodation viii. Assessment of fair rents and the administration of the rent rebate/allowance schemes operated by the local authority ix. Repairs and maintenance of local authority dwellings and other estate properties x. Housing welfare and liaison with social services xi.

Administration of a housing aid and advice service to individuals, including advice on rent act and housing act matters, landlord and tenant relationship, house purchase and mortgages, property improvements and resettlement in other areas xii. Responsibility for any necessary action in connection with overcrowding, multiple occupation or essential repairs and improvements to residential property whether in public or private ownership xiii. Advice and assistance to housing associations and societies xiv. Liaison between housing authorities including new and expanded towns xv.

Responsibility for encouraging the good management, maintenance and rehabilitation of all housing stock In the district Including co-ordination of action In general Improvement areas and In both publicly and privately owned properties, fostering participation In such matters by tenants and other Interested parties Role of Local Government in Housing ay karri including the requirement of special groups such as the aged, physically handicapped and the homeless it. Assessment of the housing supply including the acquisition program of all the agencies involved iii.

Research to assess housing community at large ‘v. Briefing architects to include advice on the types and mix of design, taking into account community requirement and preferences v. Overall responsibility for the local authority housing program including development of estates, slum clearance redevelopment, roughhousing and demolition v’. Advice and management of all housing authority properties, estates and ancillary amenities, and accounting; Recovery of arrears and possession; the establishment of a sound steering of good social relationship and community development vii.

Allocations of viii. Assessment of fair rents and the administration of the rent rebate/allowance x’. Administration of a housing aid and advice service to individuals, including Kit.

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Role of Local Government in Housing Assignment. (2020, Sep 13). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from