Public Administration Assignment

Public Administration Assignment Words: 1362

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ( CODE NO. 18) PAPER ??? I PART – I Administrative Theory 1. Meaning, Scope and Significance of Public Administration, Public and Private administration, Wilson’s vision of Public administrations, Evolution of the discipline and its present status. 2. New Public Administration concept of New Public Management, Good Governance, Concept and application, Ethics and Administration. 3. Scientific Management – (Taylor and the Scientific management movement) Classical Theory (Fayol, Urwick, Gulick and others) Bureaucrative Theory (Marxist view, Weber’s model and its critique) Post Weberian developments. . Behavioural approach to Organizational Analysis, Participative Management (Mc Gregor, Likert and Others) The Systems Approach, Open and Closed systems, Structural Functional Approach and Marxist Approach. 5. Hierarcy, Span of Control, Unity of command, Line and Staff agencies. 6. Formal and Informal Organization, Centralization and Decentralization, Departments, Boards and Commissions, Public Corporation and Independent Regulatory Commission. 7. Decision making theory with special reference to Herbett Simon, Theories of Leadership, Communication, Morale, Motivation (Maslow and Herzberg). 8.

Concepts of Accountability and Control, Legislative Executive and Judicial control over Administration. 9. Citizen and Administration, People’s participation, Right to Information Act 2005, Administrative Corruption, Machinery for redressal of Citizen’s grievances, Citizens Charter. 10. Meaning and significance of Delegated Legislation, Types, advantages, limitations, Safeguards, Administrative Tribunals, Llimitations and Methods of ensuring effectiveness. PART – II 1. Meaning of Administrative Reforms. Process and obstacles Techniques of administrative reforms, O & M, Information technology (I. T. ). 2.

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Management-meaning, Nature and significance, Tasks of management, POSDCORB. M. B. O. Tools of management and Test of Good Management. 3. Meaning, nature and scope of Comparative Public Administrtion, Bureaucracy and Ecology. 4. Origin and purpose of Development Administration, Rigg’s Prasmatic – Sala model, Bureaucracy and Development, Changing profile of Development Administration. 5. Concepts of Leadership, Authority and Influence, Chief Executive and its role in Organisation. Concept of Bureaucracy, Weberian model and its relevance, Recruitment, Training, Promotion, Employer – Employee relations. 6.

Grievances redressal mechanism, Integrity and Code of Conduct, Ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayukta, Central Vigilance Commission. 7. Relevance of Policy making in Public Administration, Process of Policy formulation, Problems of implementation, Feedback and Evaluation. 8. Concept and significance of Financial Administration, Budget process and its role, Performance budgeting, Zero based Budget, Public debt. 9. Legislative Control – Public Account Committee. , Estimate Committee, Public Undertaking Committee, Audit and Accounts, Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 10. Role of Computers in Public Administration, E governance.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (CODE NO. 18) PAPER ??? II PART – I Central, State and Local Administration India 1. Evolution of Indian Administration, Kautilya, Mughal period and British Legacy. 2. Indian Constitution, Development, Preamble and Main Characteristics, Parliamentary Democracy, Federal System and Centre – State Relations. 3. The President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Cabinet and its Committees, P. M. O. Central Secretariat, Ministries and departments. 4. Advisory Bodies, Boards and Commission, National Human Rights Commission, UPSC, National Women Commission, Election Commission and Finance Commission. 5.

Administrative Reforms, Reforms since independence, Reports of the Administrative reforms Commissions, Problems of their implementation. 6. Machinery of Planning, Composition and role, Planning Commission, Role of the National Development Council, Process of Plan formulation at Union and State levels, decentralized planning. 7. Role of Central and State Agencies in maintenance of law and order, Criminalisation of politics and administration. 8. Welfare Administration, Machinery for Welfare Administration at the National level. Special organizations for the welfare of the Scheduled Castes and scheduled Tribes, Welfare Schemes for

Women and Children, Problems of Child labour. 9. Major issues in Indian Administrations, Problems of Centre State Relations, Values in Public Service and Administrative Culture, Development and Environmental issues. Indian Administration and Globalization. 10. Disaster management in India, Reservation policy in India, Women Empowerment, Role of NGOs in development. PART – II State Administration with special reference to Madhya Pradesh 1. Reorganisation of States (1956) – Formation of Madhya Pradesh, Separation of Chhatisgarh. 2. Relationship between Central and State Administration, Basic difference between Central and State Administ ration. . Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. 4. Chief Secretary, His role and functions, State Secretariat and Directorates, State Planning Board. 5. State Civil Services – Organization and functions of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission, Recruitment and Training. 6. Legislative and Financial control over Administration in M. P. , Estimates Committee, Public Accounts Committees and Committee on Public undertaking. 7. Civil Services Tribunals, Tribal Administration in M. P. , Lok Ayukta, Economic Offensive wing, Chief Information Commissioner. 8. District Administration – Role of Collector, Tehsil and Tehsildar, Blocks and B.

D. O. ‘s. 9. Local Administration – Role of local government, Need of Decentralisation, Empowerment of weaker sections, Urban administration – Municipal corporations and Municipal Committees, and Nagar Pachayats in Madhya Pradesh. 10. Panchayati Raj in Madhya Pradesh – Three tier, System of Panchyati Raj Institutions – Zila Panchyat, Janpad Panchayat and Gram Panchayat, Role of Chief Executive Officer in Panchayat Administration. State Control over local administration. Geography ( Code No. 15 ) PAPER – I PART – I Physical Geography 1. Geomorphology (1) Origin of the Earth- Theories regarding the origin of the earth. 2) Earth’s crust- Origin of rocks, their types, Interior of the earth, Theories regarding the origin of continents and mountains, Agents of denudation- Weathering and Erosion, Work of running water, underground water, glacier, wind and oceanic waves. Earthquakes, Volcanoes and their world distribution. (3) Landforms- Mountains, Plateaus and Plains-types and their world distribution 2. Climatology (1) Atmosphere: Structure and composition of atmosphere, Vertical distribution of atmospheric layers and their characteristics. (2) Temperature: Horizontal distribution of temperature. 3) Pressure and wind system: Pressure belts of the globe, Types of winds and their distribution, local winds, jet stream, Air masses and Fronts, Cyclones and Anticyclones and their related weather. (4) Humidity, Condensation and Precipitation: Measurement of humidity in the air, Types of condensation and precipitation, Distribution of precipitation over the globe. (5) Classification of Climates: The general classification of world climate by Koppen and Thornthwaite. 3. Oceanography: (1) Relief features of the ocean beds, Origin of continental shelf, continental slope and basims , ocean deeps and ocean anyons. (2) Temperature and salinity of oceans- causes and regional variations. (3) Oceanic movements: Waves, Currents and Tide. (4) Marine deposits and Coral reefs: Source, types and distribution of marine deposits, Origin of coral reefs, important coral reefs of the world. PART – II Geographical Concepts, Human and Economic Geography 1. New Trends in Geography Concept of distance, space, region, regionalization and regionalism, Environmental sustainability. 2. Human Geography (1) Population- growth, density and distribution in the world, Population problems of the developed and developing ountries. (2) Settlements: origin, types and pattern of rural settlements, Process of urbanization, Morphology and functional classification of towns. 3. Economic Geography (1) Geography of primary production: Agriculture-wheat, rice, sugarcane, tea, coffee, cotton, rubber. livestock and fisheries. (2) Minerals: world production and distribution of iron ore, manganese, tin, and bauxite. (3) Power Resources; world distribution of coal, petroleum, and hydroelectricity. (4) Industries: Iron and steel, Cotton textile and Petro chemical industry, Major industrial regions of the world. 5) Transport and Communication: Major land, sea and air routes of the world, Changes in the world economy in the context of globalization. GEOGRAPHY (CODE NO. 15) PAPER – II Geography of India with special reference to Madhya Pradesh 1. Physical Aspects Geological history of Indian sub-continent, Physiographic divisions and drainage system, Physical divisions of Madhya Pradesh. 2. Climate Temperature and pressure conditions, Origin and mechanism of Indian monsoon, Distribution of rainfall, Climatic regions, Distribution of rainfall and water scarcity areas of Madhya Pradesh. 3. Soils and Natural Vegetation

Soil types and their distribution, Forest types and their distribution. Problems of soil erosion in Madhya Pradesh, Forest resources of Madhya Pradesh. 4. Population and Settlements Growth, density and distribution of population, Population policies of India. Tribes of Madhya Pradesh, Process of urbanization in India, Problems of Indian cities. 5. Economic Aspects (1) Agriculture – Major crops- their distribution and changing pattern. Contemporary issues of agricultural sector- Impact of green revolution,Market economy and globalization and its impact on agriculture pattern and changing trends in M. P. 2) Minerals and Power Resources – Distribution and production of Iron ore, Manganese, Bauxite, Mica, Coal, Petroleum and Hydroelectricity (3) Industries – Factors of localization and distribution of Iron and Steel, Cotton textile, Sugar and Cement industries . Emerging industrial areas of Madhya Pradesh. (4) Trade and Transport – Indian road and rail transport network. Changing pattern of Indian international trade. (5) Regional Development and Planning – Concept of regional imbalance and regional planning. Problems and planning of hill areas, drought prone areas and flood prone areas. Narmada valley development in Madhya Pradesh.

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