How Our Government was Founded Assignment

How Our Government was Founded Assignment Words: 903

Two philosophers named Thomas Hobbes and John Locke played significant roles In the shaping of what Is now our government. Both philosophers lived during the period of Enlightenment. Thomas Hobbes had a negative view of mankind, while John Locke had a positive view of it. Both men wrote a book andor an essay about social contract. Each philosopher had different views on government. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke had opposing views on rebellion, too. Both men had substantial accomplishments in their lifetimes.

Each philosopher played a large role in creating he government that we have today. Both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke lived during the period of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a period of great changes in worldviews throughout Europe, England, and the colonies. It was also called the age of science, because people began to believe that learning came from experience, and not Just God or religion. Thomas Hobbes lived from 1588 to 1679, during the English Civil War. John Locke lived from 1632 to 1704. Both philosophers were very important Englishmen during the Enlightenment.

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Both of the philosophers had very differing views on mankind and equality. There were three main points in Hobbes’ argument about mankind. The first was that man is naturally vain and selfish. The second point always made was that people are moved by two emotions: the desire of power and the fear of death. The third point that was commonly presented is that each man is ultimately equal in that any man can kill, or be killed by another man. There were also three main points In Locker’s argument about mankind, The first point was that knowledge humans obtain Is done so by observations and experiments, rather than theory.

The second point was that any immoral behavior from an individual was the product of the environment in which the individual lived. The third point was that people have natural rights (liberty, life, and ownership to property). Thomas Hobbes felt that people were egocentric and that they needed to be ruled with an “iron fist”. John Locke felt that everyone was born the same, with a blank slate. This Is why both philosophers had different views on mankind and equality. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both wrote famous books andor essays about social contract.

In 1651, Thomas Hobbes published a book called Leviathan. It generally focused on natural laws and social contract. In 1690, John Locke published a book called Two Treatises of Civil Government. It mainly focused on how government Is formed. Hobbes believed that because of conflicts that resulted when people pursued their own Interests, they formed a society and agreed to follow laws and rules for behavior. He called this social contract. Locke believed that the purpose of a social contract was mostly to resolve occasional conflicts. He also wanted the government’s power to be limited.

These were their views on social contract. Each philosopher had their own views on the best type of government and the vine right of kings. Thomas Hobbes wanted an absolute monarchy. An absolute Ion Locke wanted the government to be divided into multiple branches, so one didn’t have too much power. Hobbes disagreed with the divine right of kings, as he didn’t believe that kings ruled with consent from God, but all monarchs ruled by the consent of the people. Locke also disagreed with it, as he believed that sovereignty didn’t reside in the state, but in the people.

Sovereignty is the supreme and Independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community. These were Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locker’s views on the best type of government and the divine right of kings. The philosophers’ views on rebellion were very different. Thomas Hobbes thought that power should be concentrated into one individual to prevent war. He felt that this was a method that would keep people safe. John Locke had come across something called the Revolution Theory that said if your government doesn’t protect {Our rights, then you have the right to overthrow it and create a new one.

These rights were inalienable, so they could not be given away. This is why both philosophers’ views on rebellion were so different. Each philosopher was well known in their lifetime for the work and writings that they did. Thomas Hobbes was the “father of absolutism”, and he lived in an absolute monarchy. John Locke came upon the Revolution Theory, which said if your government doesn’t protect your natural rights, then you have the right to overthrow t and create a new one. John Locker’s Natural Rights of Man were inalienable, so they Newer rights that couldn’t be given away. A few natural rights are life, liberty, and ownership of property.

These are the legacies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Both philosophers played significant roles in the creation of today’s government. Hobbes and Locke both lived during the period of Enlightenment. Aromas Hobbes viewed mankind negatively, while John Locke viewed mankind positively. Both men wrote an essay andor a book about social contract. Each philosopher had different views on the government. They also had opposing views on rebellion. Both philosophers had substantial accomplishments in their lifetime. Irish is why each philosopher played a large role in creating the government that we have today.

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