Nursing Care Plan Assignment

Nursing Care Plan Assignment Words: 1306

Health ProblemFamily Nursing ProblemsGoal of CareObjectives of CareIntervention Plan Nursing InterventionsRationaleMethod of Nurse-Family ContactEvaluation Unhealthful lifestyle and personal habits specifically cigarette smoking as a health threat. 1. Inability to recognize the presence of the problem due to Inadequate knowledge 2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to fear of consequences of action, specifically physical consequences 3. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the at-risk member of the family due to:

A. Inadequate knowledge about the disease or health condition B. Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and supplies for care 4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance due to lack of knowledge of preventive measures 5. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to inadequate knowledge of community resources for health care After nursing intervention, Rusty Cacal with the help of his family members will be able to lessen the cigarettes he smokes from 10 sticks to 15 sticks a day to gradual cessation of smoking

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Objectives 1. After discussing the definition of cigarette smoking, the family will be able to state the meaning of cigarette smoking accurately within 3 minutes. 2. After 10 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to enumerate the components of cigarette completely in 5 minutes. 3. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state at least 8 out of 11 effects of nicotine in 8 minutes. 4. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state the effects of tar completely in 5 minutes 5.

After discussing the effects of nicotine and tar, the family will be able to distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoke within 5 minutes. 6. After 15 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to discuss 7 out of 9 management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day within 8 minutes. 7. Given a sample of a time table, the family will be able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day within 20 minutes. 8. In a day-to-day basis, the clients will be able to practice the formulated schedule plan in 1 month and 2 weeks.

Developmental 1. The health care provider will discuss the meaning of cigarette smoking. 2. The health care provider will enumerate the components of cigarette. 3. The health care provider will discuss the effects of nicotine. 4. The health care provider will discuss the effects of tar. 5. The health care provider will distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking. 6. The health care provider will discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day 7. The health care provider will provide a sample of a time table.

She will guide the client in formulating her schedule for 1 month 8. The HCP will monitor the clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule 1. Discussing the meaning of cigarette smoking will enable the clients to have a wide understanding about this habit and be aware that smoking contributes significantly to diseases that shortens life and is leading cause of death like heart attack, stroke, respiratory diseases which make smokers “pulmonary cripples” as in asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, recurrent infections, and cancer. *Ref: http://doh. gov. ph/tobacco/aboutsmoking. tm 2. Discussing the components of cigarettes will enable the clients to be aware of the possible effects of the listed components *Ref: http://www. knowledgebasescript. com/ emo/article-393. html 3. Discussing the effects of nicotine will enable the clients to know the medical consequences of nicotine exposure *Ref: Psychology Today Staff Originally published by Psychology Today:2002/10/10 4. Discussing the effects of tar will enable the clients to know how it affects their respiratory tract. *Ref: Janice A. Dye and Kenneth B. Adler; http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. ov/pagerender. fcgi? artid=475133 =1#page 5. Discussing the effects of smoking addiction give the conclusion that there are many health effects of smoking cigarettes products and not one of them are beneficial. It’s not an exaggeration; it is reality that smoking tobacco does unquestionably not only destroy client’s well being but also health of acquaintances and family around her. *Ref: Winn, Jackie (2008), “No Positive Effects From Smoking Can Be Found”. September 28, 2008, from http://ezinearticles. com/? No-Positive-Effects-From-Smoking-Can-Be-Found=1290284 6.

Discussing the different management on how to reduce the use of cigarette smoke per day increases quit rates by 30 percent. Every person who uses cigarettes should be offered at least brief advice to quit smoking. More intensive counseling and medications are even more effective and should be provided to all cigarette users willing to use them. *Ref:CORINNE G. HUSTEN, ABBY C. ROSENTHAL, MICAH H. MILTON, The Gale Group Inc. , Macmillan Reference USA, New York, Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2002 7. Providing sample time table will help the clients to guide the client in making a checklist or schedule on reducing and quitting smoking. Ref: The lung Asssociation; http://www. lung. ca/protect-protegez/tobacco-tabagisme/quitting-cesser/how-comment_e. php#list 8. Monitoring clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule will able the clients to apply their schedule and reduce the number of cigarettes thrysmoked per day *Ref:http://www. healthline. com/adamcontent/smoking-tips-on-how-to-quit? utm_source=z_smoking_cessation&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=adam&utm_term=how%20to%20quit%20smoking Home VisitEffectiveness: 1. Was the family able to define cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency:

Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 2. Was the family able to enumerate the components of cigarette? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient?

Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 3. Was the family able to discuss the effects of nicotine Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation?

Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 4. Was the family able to discuss the effects of tar Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 5.

Was the family able to discuss the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? _ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 6. Was the family able to discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__

Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 7. Was the family able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__

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