Noise Pollution Assignment

Noise Pollution Assignment Words: 3011

Sound is essential to our daily lives, but noise is not What is Noise Pollution? The traditional definition of noise is “unwanted or disturbing sound”. Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life. It is a source of irritation and stress for many people and can even damage our hearing if it is loud enough. Many of us are exposed to stressful levels of noise at home and at work. Noise is on the increase in our society.

The fact that you can’t see, taste or smell it may help explain why it has not received as such attention as other types of pollution, such as air pollution, or water pollution. The air around us is constantly filled with sounds, yet most of us would probably not say we are surrounded by noise. Though for some, the persistent and escalating sources Of sound can Often be considered an annoyance. This “annoyance” can have major consequences, primarily to one’s overall health. Noise is an inescapable part of modern life.

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Traffic on the road, low-flying aircraft, dogs barking, lawn mowers, and music blaring from ghetto blasters are some of the noises polluting our cities. People are osier now than they were a generation ago. Most homes now boast at least one television, one radio, a thumping stereo system and a range of noisy household appliances. Judging by the number of complaints made to authorities, Australians are becoming increasingly irritated by urban noise. In Sydney there are over 1 00,000 noise complaints a year, most of which relate to noisy neighbors.

But it is not just the number of complaints that is on the rise. There has also been a sharp increase in noise litigation, with people prepared to take legal action to protect their peace and quiet. Of even rater concern is the effect excessive noise can have on the physical and psychological well-being of people. In large cities like Hydrated, Visualization, Tritium, and Piscataway where the traffic is heavy, the noise levels are above 90 decibels, which is far higher than the tolerable limit. Noise pollution some limits and facts * Humans can hear only up to 60-65 decibels without damage to the ears. Noise- induced hearing impairment is called noise induced censorial hearing loss (INCH). * When one is subjected to sound of 80 or more decibels for an extended period of time, hearing problems are sure to occur. Only dogs and cats can bear more noise. Cinema Theaters And Noise Pollution When one is subjected to sound of 80 or more decibels for an extended period of time, hearing problems are sure to occur. Cinema theaters are for our entertainment but they should not threaten our hearing abilities. The noise limit in theatres is 85 decibels.

If the noise is more than tolerable, we may suffer partial bearing impairment. Theaters should not be permitted to function at places like crossroads where the noise is already high. Nor should they be allowed near educational institutions, hospitals and other places where silences should be maintained. That is why legally they are prohibited to function at such zones, and we must build up public opinion to implement the prohibition. Health Effects Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health.

Problems related to nose include stress related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIL) is the most common and often discussed health effect, but research has shown that exposure to constant or high levels of goose can cause countless adverse health affects. Reducing noise at home Although the amount of noise made by any one person or household may seem negligible, it can make a real difference to the comfort of neighbors and even other members of the household.

The following simple measures can be taken: * Site noisy household equipment (e. G. Washing machines) away from partition walls. * When buying a new household appliance, ask how noisy it is. If people opt for quiet appliances, manufacturers will make them! * Apologies to neighbors in advance for disturbance caused by loud noise. If people must be around loud sounds, they can protect their ears with hearing protection (e. G. , ear plugs or ear muffs). * Keep the volume of TV, radio and music as low as possible, especially late at night. If you want to turn the volume up, use headphones (but be careful not to deafen yourself! . * If your dog barks when left alone, arrange to leave it with a friend. * If you have a party, tell your neighbors in advance, and keep the noise to a minimum. * If using fireworks for a celebration, tell neighbors especially if they have pets, and don’t let fireworks off after 1 1. 00 pm (or 1. Ma at New Year, Dalai, Chinese New Year and Bonfire Night). Road Traffic This is one of the most widespread sources of noise, and unfortunately, the most difficult to control. Research shows that over 40% of the population is bothered by noise from road traffic.

The noise made by individual vehicles is limited by the Road Vehicles Reducing Vehicle Noise * Avoid slamming car doors * Use the horn only in an emergency * Keep the silencer in good order * Service the vehicle regularly for quietness and economy * Check the brakes are properly adjusted and do not squeal * Keep the volume of in car entertainment reasonable -?? if it is too loud you could harm your hearing and reduce safety as well as disturb and annoy others noise pollution noise pollution, human-created noise harmful to health or welfare.

Transportation vehicles are the worst offenders, with aircraft, railroad stock, trucks, buses, automobiles, and motorcycles all producing excessive noise. Construction equipment, e. G. , jackhammers and bulldozers, also produce substantial noise pollution. Noise intensity is measured in decibel units. The decibel scale is logarithmic; each ID-decibel increase represents a tenfold increase in noise intensity. Human perception of loudness also conforms to a logarithmic scale; a ID-decibel increase is perceived as roughly a doubling of loudness.

Thus, 30 decibels is 10 times more intense than 20 decibels and sounds twice as loud; 40 decibels is 100 times more intense than 20 and sounds 4 times as loud; 80 decibels is 1 million times more intense than 20 and sounds 64 times as loud. Distance diminishes the effective decibel level reaching the ear. Thus, moderate auto traffic at a distance of 100 Ft (30 m) rates about 50 decibels. To a driver with a car window open or a pedestrian n the sidewalk, the same traffic rates about 70 decibels; that is, it sounds 4 times louder.

At a distance of 2,000 Ft (600 m), the noise of a jet takeoff reaches about 1 1 0 decibels-??approximately the same as an automobile horn only 3 Ft(l m) away. Subjected to 45 decibels of noise, the average person cannot sleep. At 1 20 decibels the ear registers pain, but hearing damage begins at a much lower level, about 85 decibels. The duration of the exposure is also important. There is evidence that among young Americans hearing sensitivity is decreasing year by year because of exposure to noise, including excessively amplified music.

Apart from hearing loss, such noise can cause lack of sleep, irritability, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, high blood pressure, and possibly heart disease. One burst of noise, as from a passing truck, is known to alter endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular functions in many individuals; prolonged or frequent exposure to such noise tends to make the physiological disturbances chronic. In addition, noise-induced stress creates severe tension in daily living and contributes to mental illness.

Noise is recognized as a controllable pollutant that can yield to abatement technology. In the United States the Noise Control Act of 1972 empowered the Environmental Protection Agency to determine the limits of noise required to protect public health and welfare; to set noise emission standards for major sources of noise in the environment, including transportation equipment and facilities, construction equipment, and electrical machinery; and to recommend regulations for controlling aircraft noise and sonic booms.

Also in the asses, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration began to try to reduce workplace noise. F-ending for these efforts and similar local efforts as severely cut in the early asses, and enforcement became negligible. Noise Pollution Print this page > Sound is essential to our daily lives, but noise is not – noise can be defined as unwanted sound. And below we explain what steps you can take if disturbed by noise, and to reduce the noise you make.

Find out more about the different sources of noise and how to deal with them: * Noise nuisance * Noise in the street * Night time noise * Fireworks * Bye laws * How to complain about noise * Reducing noise at home * Noise abatement zones * Construction site noise * Noise at work * Transport noise Noise nuisance A nuisance is often difficult to establish but, generally speaking, if something is unreasonable to the average person, a court might decide it is a statutory nuisance.

Noise nuisance is covered by Part Ill of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA). This law empowers local authorities to deal with noise from fixed premises (including land) if they consider that the noise amounts to a statutory nuisance. Proceedings may be taken against noise from factories, shops, pubs, dwellings and stationary vehicles. Noise in the street The Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1 993 makes noise in the street a statutory nuisance. Traffic noise, noise made by military forces, or from campaigning demonstrations is excluded.

The following are included: Vehicles Noise emitted from a vehicle, caused by it or by car repairs, car radios, car alarms and parked refrigerator vehicles. Loudspeakers The use of loudspeakers in the streets is banned between 9. 00 pm and 8. 00 am (the police, ambulance and fire brigade are exempt). Local authorities can license use outside these hours -?? e. G. For entertainment but not for advertising purposes or electioneering. Vehicles selling perishable foods may use loudspeakers between 12. 00 noon and 7. 0 pm and these times can be varied with local authority consent.

Complaints about loudspeakers or chimes should be made to the environmental health department. Burglar Alarms under the Clean Neighborhoods and Environment Act 2005, local authorities in England and Wales can designate all or part of their area as an “alarm notification area”. If an alarm notification area is designated, a notice will be published in a local newspaper and all affected addresses notified. Anyone responsible for premises in a designated area where an intruder alarm is installed must nominate a key holder and notify the local authority.

The key holder should live nearby, be able to gain access and know how to silence the alarm if it goes off accidentally. Failure to register a key holder may result in a fine. If an alarm (whether in a designated area or not) has been sounding continuously for 20 minutes or intermittently for more than an hour, and is judged to be giving reasonable cause for annoyance, (and, in a designated area, reasonable steps have been taken to contact the nominated key holder) an authorized officer of the local authority can enter the premises to silence the alarm.

If entry can only be gained by force, a warrant will be required. Night time noise The Anti-social Behavior Act 2003 amended the Noise Act 1 996 and enables local authorities in England and Wales to tackle night time noise emitted from dwellings and gardens between the hours of 1 1. 00 pm and 7. 00 am. To enforce these powers local authorities must ensure that an environmental health officer takes reasonable steps to investigate complaints about noise emitted from dwellings. If the officer is satisfied that noise exceeds the permitted level, a warning notice may be served on the person responsible.

If the warning is ignored, the officer may issue a fixed penalty notice of E 100, enter the dwelling and confiscate the noise making equipment (obstructing confiscation carries a fine of up to IOW), or prosecute (fine up to IOW). In Scotland similar action can be taken under the Anti-Social Behavior (Noise Control) (Scotland) Regulations 2005. An extension of the Noise Act came into force in February 2008, enabling local authorities in England and Wales to tackle night time noise from licensed premises.

If reworks Recently fireworks have become an increasing noise problem for people and pets. They are let off not only for traditional celebrations such as Bonfire Night, New Year and Dalai, but year round to mark public and private celebrations. The Fireworks Regulations 2004 prohibit anyone under 1 8 from possessing a firework, and anyone except professionals from possessing display fireworks. They also prohibit the use of fireworks between 1 1. 00 pm and 7. 00 am except for Chinese New Year, Dalai, New Year’s Eve and Bonfire Night.

Since January 2005 only licensed traders can supply fireworks year round (find out more about fireworks legislation). Unlicensed traders can only sell them for short periods around the festivals mentioned above. Bye Laws Some sources of noise nuisance are restricted by bye-laws enforced by the local authority, but an individual may also prosecute. Sources covered include noisy animals, loud music, model aircraft, and seaside pleasure boats. How do I complain about noise nuisance? 1. Tackle the Source First, approach whoever is responsible for the noise.

They will often not realize they are disturbing you. The majority of noise complaints are resolved informally, and you may well get a quicker result than if you wait for an official to arrive. In cases where you might feel threatened, or where previous arsenal approaches have not worked, go to your local authority. 2. Complain to the Local Authority Contact the environmental health department of your local authority. They must investigate your complaint. If they agree that the noise is a nuisance they will contact the offender – informally at first, but with an abatement notice if necessary.

If the offender fails to comply with the notice, proceedings can be taken in the Magistrates Court (Sheriff Court in Scotland) or an injury notion sought in the High Court. 3. Mediation Many areas have mediation services who can help you resolve noise disputes. Again, this may often prove quicker than the legislative route, and is useful where there is a problem, but a statutory nuisance cannot be proved. Your local authority should be able to put you in touch with a mediation service if there is one available in your area. If these fail… . Complain Direct to Magistrates As an occupier of premises affected by noise nuisance you can complain directly to the Magistrates Court under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You may do this because you do not wish to involve the local authority or because you have not obtained satisfaction from them. . Take Civil Action Civil action can be taken if you demonstrate that the noise nuisance substantially affects your health, comfort or convenience. It can be expensive and it is wise to seek legal advice.

If you win the case you will obtain an injunction to stop the nuisance and can sometimes claim damages. Civil action differs from Magistrate/Sheriff Court proceedings in that judgment is based on how the nuisance affects others. Proving that the ‘best practicable means” have been used to abate the noise is no defense, except in cases involving noise from trade or business premises. In extreme cases… Neighbor noise can be part of a more serious neighbor problem. Under the Housing Act 1 996 social landlords can take action against tenants for anti- social behavior.

The Crime and Disorder Act 1 998 gives councils the power to issue an anti-social behavior order to anyone causing “harassment, alarm or distress” – this can include noise. Disobeying an order carries a prison sentence of up to five years. Our Neighbor Noise Leaflet explains the complaints system in more detail. Noise abatement zones under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 a local authority may designate all or art of its area as a noise abatement zone (ANZA). This is intended to control noise from premises in the long term by preventing an increase in noise levels and reducing levels wherever possible.

When a ANZA is in operation the local authority records the levels of noise from specified premises – these may be factories, commercial or domestic premises. The register is open to public inspection and once a noise has been registered it can only be exceeded with the local authority’s consent. Noise reductions can be sought later if it is in the public interest and can be achieved at reasonable cost. Construction site noise This covers inherently noisy operations – building works, roadwork’s, demolition, dredging etc.

They often take place in areas which were quiet beforehand and are expected to be quiet again when the work is complete. Under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 local authorities can serve a notice imposing requirements as to how the construction works should be carried out to minimize noise. The environmental health department sets noise limits, taking into account the character of the local area. Anyone intending to carry out construction works may apply in advance for a consent. Compliance tit the terms of a notice or consent does not rule out proceedings by an individual on the grounds of noise nuisance under s. 2 of the Environmental Protection Act. 4 Aircraft Many people regularly hear aircraft noise. Those living near civil and military airports are severely affected by take off and landing noise. The impact is greatest near the perimeter of the airport and below flight paths. Currently the Government only has direct responsibility for aircraft noise management at Weathers, Gastric and Standee. Measures introduced to reduce noise include Noise Preferential Routes and restrictions on night flying. Maximum goose limits for departing aircraft are set and monitored and noise insulation schemes operate.

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