Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made? Assignment

Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made? Assignment Words: 1133

Name: Instructor: Curse: Date: Is Climate Change Natural or Man-made? Introduction The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes of global climate change.

While the supporters of the man-made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural causes of global climate change argue that cooling and warming of the planet occurs in cycles due to several factors (Adam, 1). These competing and conflicting beliefs have caused heated debates in the local, regional and international domains. However, the undeniable fact is that the planet is continually warming and therefore global climate change is a reality.

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The only issue at controversy is whether the causes of this phenomenon are anthropogenic or natural. This paper will discuss the two conflicting beliefs underlying the causes of climate change. The paper will provide the premise that there could not be an overriding cause of climate change as both man-made and natural causes leads to global climate change. Human-induced global climate change The man-made theory of climate change asserts that the effect of industrial revolution accelerates global warming.

In this case, it is evident that industrial development mostly relies on the use of fossil fuels for energy production. The combustion of these fossil fuels increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thus leading to global warming. This has largely exerted much pressure on the developing and developed nations to reduce their emissions in to the atmosphere (Sharma, 1). The major cause of the increased warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere above and beyond naturally produced carbon dioxide and therefore causing ise in temperatures above and the standard measures (Luko 1). In addition, human activities like deforestation may increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is because forests help in carbon sequestration, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. It follows then that clearing such tress will increase the amount of carbon dioxide since carbon sequestration will not occur (3). The man-made theory of climate change also explains that when these harmful gasses reach the atmosphere, they form a blanket, which traps heat in the atmosphere.

This trapping of in the atmosphere is the phenomenon that causes the planet to get warmer, hence the term global warming (Sharma, 4). Current data reveals that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere is approximately 387 parts per million, which is roughly a 31% increase in the period 1750 to 2009. Consequently, it is evident that such increases in temperatures have caused a warmer planet (7). It is also evident that it is impossible to reverse the developments of industrial revolution.

This means that as the advancements of industrial revolution continue and as energy demands increases, it is possible that this trend of climate change will continue for decades to come (McAloon, 8). The consent of the climate research community is that it most likely already affects climate noticeably and will compel significant climate change in the next century (Vitousek. et al, 496). These observations clearly indicate that even though there might be the natural causes of climate change, policy makers and governments should not ignore the contribution of human activities in the same.

This is clear since the increased climate change accelerated during the time of industrial revolution as there was increased demand for energy. In addition, this phenomenon accelerated due to overpopulation of many communities in Africa, hence the reality of deforestation. Natural explanation of climate change Although there is substantial evidence to support the man-made theory of climate change, some scientists maintain that the effect of greenhouse gases cannot cause climate change.

They assert that there is a limited possibility for extra quantities of greenhouse gases to augment to the greenhouse effect. This is because greenhouse gases soak up infrared rays only in the wavelength bands that cause them to reverberate. Consequently, there is a reduction in the amount left for absorption by extra gas as the radiation in a precise wavelength band consumes. This implies that the effect on the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide releases is not directly proportional to the quantity of the added gas (Heymer, 3).

Adam indicates that at least 70-80% of the increased warming effect of the earth accrues from water vapor and clouds and that the amount of heat trapped by carbon dioxide is just 10-20% of the world’s heat. Science has it that high altitude cirrus clouds and sunspots are the other causes to climate change. Cirrus clouds obstruct radiant heat from leaving the Earth’s atmosphere. Additionally, sunspots have a significant effect in increasing the temperatures of the planet. Over the last 60 years, the sun has been very dynamic with numerous sun spots recorded.

This could probably be the major cause of melting ice caps on Mars and other planets, while other planets experience increased warming for instance Jupiter (5). The advocates of the natural causes of climate change also assert that the major cause of the increase in the average surface temperatures is extra solar rays reaching the surface of the earth. Henrik Svensmark, a Danish scientist has revealed that the force of the sun’s magnetic field establishes the degree at which the most vigorous cosmic rays can reach the lower levels of the Earth’s atmosphere.

In this regard, these rays act as a catalyst to generate charged elements that form the basis of water droplets, which then produce clouds (Heymer, 8). Conclusion Although there are heated debates concerning the real causes of global climate change, the reality is that this is a serious global issue that requires urgent concern. There is need for the implementation of the already developed statutes and conventions concerning the mitigation of global climate change. Concentrating on this debate, rater than addressing the issue will cause unsustainable development and lead to an extremely degraded environment for the future generations.

Policy makers and governments need to understand that even if there are natural causes of climate change, the human activities may accelerate this phenomenon. Works Cited Adam, R. Global Warming Man Made or Natural Cycle? 2008. Web. Heymer, Malcolm. Climate Change: Natural or Man-Made? 2008. Web. Luko, James. Man-made Global Warming Theory. 2011. Web. McAloon, James. Climate Change: A Global Debate. 2010. Web. Sharma, Supriya. Global Warming: An International Issue. 2010. Web. Vitousek, Peter. et al. “Human Domination of Earth’s Ecosystems. ” Science 177 (1997): 494-499.

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