Global Warming Via Globalisation Assignment

Global Warming Via Globalisation Assignment Words: 2275

This in turn promotes the usage of such chemicals. But the advantage is that goods & services which help in preserving our world can also be introduced across the globe. For egg: non-polluting vehicles. This is the same for water pollution. Since all types’ goods and services are marketed globalization promotes the usage of goods that cause global warming and water pollution. Polluting water in turn creates water scarcity. Since the population is growing their needs will increase the production of such items at international level.

Globalization will also promote the fuels and machines that cause less pollution. So buyers will be more for such items which will create a competition between industries to produce less polluting goods so that consumers would buy more. Globalization is often referred to when discussing things such as trade, travel or large international companies and people think that it has nothing to do with them. No matter where people live in the world, however, they can be affected by globalization on environment, an individual, local, national and global scale.

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Globalization and Environment Globalization is altering the global environment. Some perceive the net ecological impact of globalization as positive, as a force of progress and better lives. It fosters economic growth and cooperative institutions, both necessary in the long run to manage the global environment. Others see the net impact as negative, as a force sinking the globe into a bog of ecological decay. It is accelerating the destructive process of too many people consuming too many natural resources without any concern for equality or justice.

Globalization involves multiple and complex sets of overlapping processes. Inevitably, there will be manifold and at times cross-cutting effects on the global environment. It is important to highlight that not only does globalization impact the environment, but the environment impacts the pace, direction and quality of globalization. At the very least, this happens because environmental resources provide the fuel for economic globalization, but also because our social and policy responses to global environmental challenges constrain and influence the context in which globalization happens. Global warming and Greenhouse effect After 1 50 Years of Industrialization, Climate Change is Inevitable. Global warming-also called climate change-refers to the worldwide rise in imperatives as the result of “greenhouse effect”. Greenhouse gases are released by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture. 1 . How Do Humans Contribute to the Greenhouse Effect? While the greenhouse effect is an essential environmental prerequisite for life on Earth, there really can be too much of a good thing.

The problems begin when human activities distort and accelerate the natural process by creating more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than are necessary to warm the planet to an ideal temperature. Burning natural gas, coal and oil -including gasoline for automobile engines-raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Some farming practices and land-use changes increase the levels of methane and nitrous oxide. Many factories produce long-lasting industrial gases that do not occur naturally, yet contribute significantly to the enhanced greenhouse effect and “global warming’ that is currently under way. Deforestation also contributes to global warming. Trees use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in its place, which helps to create the optimal balance of gases in the atmosphere. As more forests are logged for timber or UT down to make way for farming, however, there are fewer trees to perform this critical function. Population growth is another factor In global warming, because as more people use fossil fuels for heat, transportation and manufacturing the level of greenhouse gases continues to increase. As more farming occurs to feed millions of new people, more greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere.

The relationship between globalization and the environment is too complex to sum up in a single judgment – whether “good” or “bad”. On the other hand, changes in the composition and techniques of economic activity can lower the damage relative to income. A sound environment is essential to realizing the full potential of globalization. Conversely, the absence of a sound environment can significantly undermine the promise of economic prosperity through globalization. Technological solutions will inevitably determine the future of globalization as well as the global environment.

But they will do so within the context of global consumption demands. Technology cannot change the demands or help us satisfy all of them but it can, through globalization, help meet these demands in a more lancet-friendly way. Individuals Globalization affects every aspect of an individuals life including, religion, food, transport, language, music and clothing. It affects each individual differently however, depending on a diverse number of factors such as location, education and income. While globalization is said to unite the world, it has often been criticizes for widening the gap between the rich and poor.

It also has been said to favor the wealthy and educated, particularly those citizens belonging to the wealthier countries such as the United States. People room developing nations are disadvantaged to an even greater extent than the poor from developed nations. Aside from being exploited as cheap labor, many are also without access to technology. For those who do have access, many are unable to use the internet owing to their inability to read and write, or to communicate in English which has become the dominant language in the new global world.

People from poorer nations are said to also be exposed to more pollution. This pollution is suggested to have resulted from globalization which places importance on international travel and trade, as well as industry. Local On a local level, globalization has dramatically changed the nature of business. Many smaller, local companies have been pushed out of business by their competitors. It is Often a result of consumers turning to the cheaper retail prices which they can offer, owing to many having manufactured products using cheap foreign labor.

In response, campaigns have been initiated to promote local markets being restored and the return of locally produced goods and services. The food industry is often referred to when making the point of just how much we import, how far it has to come and the impact that this is having on the environment. Increasing the local production of food would mean that less packaging and less transport would have a noticeable benefit to the environment. Local cultures have also been affected by globalization.

Traditional customs and rituals are being replaced with the popular culture. Local communities are now likely to have fast food chains such as McDonald’s or restaurants with foreign dishes. National Globalization, which is often dominated by finance, economics and business, has naturally had a significant effect on a national level. While nations have restored from the wealth created by globalization, the circumstances of poor nations may have actually become worse. The problem is that for many poorer nations, the situation will continue to worsen.

Their citizens are often less likely to be educated, or have the skills to assist in improving the economy of their country. For those who do have the education and skills, they are often granted visas to move to developed, wealthier nations for the chance of a better standard of living. While this improves their quality of life, their country is being left without the skilled workers that are needed to improve its economy. Global Globalization has resulted in almost every aspect of life existing on an increasingly international scale.

A global economy is emerging owing to companies and countries expanding their international trade through improvements in technology. People are traveling to foreign countries more and cultures are being exchanged to form a shared global identity. The fact that humans all share the same global environment means that they are dependent on each other being able to protect it. The effects of globalization on the environment have come under heavy criticism in the past. It IS thought that globalization is a major contributor to global warming, due to its emphasis On international travel and trade, as well as industry.

Statistics show that compared to 1950, emissions of carbon dioxide in 2000 had increased fourfold. In response, new policies have been adopted by countries to try to better protect the environment. How globalization causes global warming Around the world, this summer was different; Oil companies are relishing the prospect of getting at oil beneath the Arctic Ocean, as its ice cap melts more rapidly than anyone anticipated a few years ago. The inability to solve global warming, the most serious environmental problem facing the world, is emblematic of the failures of globalization.

But it is also an opportunity to use the forces of globalization for the good of the planet’s health. We have become more interdependent, and greater interdependence increases the need for acting together. But we do not have the institutional frameworks for doing this effectively and democratically. There has been much discussion of how we can make our global economy work more smoothly, but if we do not learn how to share our planet better. What happens if you release carbon dioxide and certain other gases into the atmosphere in larger amounts?

The gases act like a greenhouse, capturing solar energy in the atmosphere, and gradually the Earth warms up. Ocean currents are altered, ocean levels rise, rainfall patterns change, and storms become more intense. We need an enforcement mechanism to prevent the countries that refuses to cut back emissions from inflicting harm on the rest of the world. Globalization has its costs, but it also has its benefits, and among those is an international trade framework that can be used to enforce emission reductions.

Not paying the full costs Of production, not paying the cost Of damage to the environment, is itself a subsidy, just as not paying the full costs of workers would be. In most developed countries today, firms are paying the cost of pollution to the global environment, in the form of taxes imposed on coal, oil and gas. The nations go along unless developing countries reduce their emissions, and the developing countries see no reason they should not be allowed to pollute as much per capita. There is a way out, and that is through a common (global) environmental tax on emissions.

There is a social cost to emissions, and the common environmental tax would simply make everyone pay the social cost. This is in accord with the most basic of economic principles, that individuals and firms should pay their full costs. Now that pollution rights are treatable, we can even put a market value on them, and it is enormous. Each country claims special circumstances that warrant a larger allocation of emission rights. But under the common tax approach, these debates are sidestepped. All that is asked is that everyone pay the social cost of their emissions.

The challenges the world confronts in popping with global warming parallel those in the other arenas of globalization: an unfair global trade regime that impedes development, an unstable global financial system that results in crisis after crisis, with poor countries repeatedly finding themselves with debt burdens beyond their ability to pay, and a global intellectual property regime which denies access to affordable lifesaving drugs, even as the AIDS epidemic ravishes so much of the developing world.

Money should flow from the rich to the poor countries, but in recent years, it has been going in the opposite direction. Because the rich re better able to bear the risk of exchange and interest rate fluctuations, the rich should bear the brunt of this volatility, but instead it is borne by the poor. Resource rich countries have done more poorly than those who are far worse off. Conclusion It is a conceptual study about our environment. The globe is getting much warmer nowadays.

There are so many causes for this global warming. Globalization is one of the causes of this. By this analysis, I conclude that; Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Globalization is the process of extending social elation’s across world space. Such extension results in simultaneous development in technology and trade. Some of them cause harm to the atmosphere and invites global warming.

The increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of green house gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels etc leads to global warming. As a part of globalization the invention of new technologies has created much smoke and dust which does harm to the nature. The two terms globalization and global warming are closely related. What globalization does to the atmosphere is global warming even though it brings in development. Globalization can be changed; indeed, it is clear that it will be changed.

The question is: Will change be forced upon us, a result of a crisis, or will we take control of the process. The former risks a backlash against globalization or a hazard reshaping, in a way that only sets the stage for even more problems in the future. The latter holds out the possibility of remaking globalization so that it at last lives up to its potential of improving the living standards of everyone in the world, and as an added benefit helping to save the atmosphere that makes life on Earth possible.

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