Global Warming Assignment

Global Warming Assignment Words: 555

Ultraviolet radiation is important in understanding the formation and function of the ozone layer in the retention from skin cancer. The energy of IV’ radiation is sufficient to break bonds in some molecules. Infrared radiation is important to understanding the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. The energy is much lower and is only able to vibrate and bend atoms involving bonds Of molecules.

Sunspots are dark patches on the sun’s surface that block hot solar plasma. Although this blocking action might appear to reduce solar radiation, the opposite is true. Surrounding sunspots are bright patches known as factual. These patches give off greater than normal radiation, and they are more powerful than the darker, cooler patches. This means that the total average energy over a 30-day solar rotation increases. Arctic Tundra An estimated 50 tons of carbon are frozen in the tundra. Warmer global temperatures are causing the arctic tundra to begin emitting carbon dioxide.

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As the average temperature on Earth continues to rise due to global warming, increased carbon emissions will reach the atmosphere, resulting in a cycle that will significantly affect the planet. Permafrost Permafrost, which is solid, frozen soil, constitutes about 25 percent of the land area in the Northern Hemisphere. Until recently, permafrost has locked arbor and methane beneath the surface Of the planet. In some areas, permafrost is now emitting carbon, which could potentially accelerate the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Water Vapor Water vapor is increasing in the atmosphere due to carbon dioxide-induced warming. Approximately two-thirds of the heat trapped by greenhouses gases is contained in water vapor, and as the average temperature on the planet continues to rise, the amount of water vapor rises in turn. Man-made (Anthropogenic) Causes Most man-made causes of global warming result from an increase in roundhouse gases, which are gases that trap or absorb infrared radiation emitted from the planet.

Burning of Fossil Fuels Carbon dioxide is the most significant cause of global warming, and most carbon dioxide emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels. Each time a fossil fuel burns, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increase. Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared energy emitted from the earth, preventing it from returning to space. Electricity Production: Electricity generation through the burning of fossil fuels accounts for 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in he United States.

Coal is the largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions, giving off nearly twice as much carbon per energy unit as natural gas. Automobiles: Carbon emissions from the burning of gasoline to power cars, trucks, and other methods of transportation is one of the leading global warming causes in the Ignited States. Pollution created by cars and light trucks accounts for nearly one-third of American carbon emission, and emissions of carbon dioxide from airplanes is responsible for an additional 3. 5 percent of global warming. Deforestation

All living plants are capable of storing carbon, but as the number of plants on the planet declines, the amount of carbon dioxide free to build up in the atmosphere increases. Moreover, decaying plants give off stored carbon, thereby releasing a large abundance of carbon into the air during the clearing of forests or grasslands for building purposes. Fluorocarbons Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons are used in refrigeration.

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