Family nursing care plan Assignment

Family nursing care plan Assignment Words: 256

Home Visits. Material Resources: Visual aids on rabies. Human Resources: Time and effort of both the students and family. After nursing intervention the family was able to take necessary measures to avoid and minimize the problem. S: “Hindi aka naughty’s Eng kamala bag at apostates kumara, at did aka nonsupport Eng UK” 1.

Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to lack r inadequate knowledge. (2nd level of assessment) 2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to low salience of the problem. (2nd level of assessment) After 3 hours of nursing intervention, the family will be able to recognize the current home environment and health practices. After 3 hours of nursing intervention, the family: a. Recognize the need for proper hand washing before and after meals as well as after using the toilet. B. Enumerate factors that promote in unhygienic practices. C.

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Be knowledgeable in ways on how to maintain hygiene. . Accept the importance of proper hygiene in the activities of daily living. E. Exhibit the desire to change the current unhygienic practices. 1 . Educated the family on the importance of hand hygiene. 2. Taught the family on how and when to wash hands. 3. Instructed the family to clean their nails always. 4. Explained the benefits of hand hygiene. 5. Encouraged the family to practice good hand hygiene daily. Home Visits. Visual aids on hand washing. After 3 hours of nursing intervention, the family was be able to recognize the current home environment and health practices.

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Family nursing care plan Assignment. (2018, Aug 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from