Evidence based practice in Nursing Assignment

Evidence based practice in Nursing Assignment Words: 823

EBPP in nursing will be explored. In addition it will identify some barriers of EBPP which a nurse has to take in consideration during practice which need to be explored. However, there is still need to further research and evaluation of new technique to make the EBPP more effective. Evidence Based Practice EBPP is the Judicious and explicit use of best current evidence for making decisions for the care of individual patients (Jackets, 1997). Nurses are accountable for the holistic care of patients in providing care to the patients along with management of common symptoms.

Nurses must be confident and comfortable in their knowledge of basic principles so they can provide appropriate care to the patients and they must implement suitable interventions to deal with patients’ responses to this common treatment effectively (Clan, Tracy, & Crossbars, 2011). All health care professionals should have access to up-to-date evidence in order to sustain best practices (Clan, et al. , 2011). As an alternative to practice that is based solely on the experience and knowledge of practitioners, EBPP has been introduced in the field of nursing (Clan, et l. 2011). Structure of EBPP is very systematic as it is based on seven scientific steps. Before putting evidence into practice nurse has to analyze this step so they can confirm it utility. For EBPP first step for nurse is to do Community assessment. It contains information about existing socio-economic and physical environment conditions of the patients (Browns, Baker, Left, Gillespie, & True, 2011). Source: Browns, Baker, Left, Gillespie & True (2011) In addition, currently used resource for the ongoing programs must be taken into consideration.

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Then nurses have to identify the issue which can suggest appropriate treatment for particular patient [Stating the Issue] (Browns, et al. , 2011). Further, descriptive data such should be used to quantify stated issue. Descriptive data can be selected by using sources such as special surveys, national studies and vital statistical data. This data can help in quantify diseases, understand behavior and characteristic of patient at particular time [Issue Quantification] (Browns, et al. 2011). Then nurses should search for the clarification of issue by discovering ongoing research and compare hat with other available resources and literature research to find appropriate option for the patient [Evidence Based Intervention Search & Comparison and Critical the resources required and the personnel who should be responsible for the achievement of the goal and objective before implementation of the intervention [Intervention Implementation] (Browns, et al. , 2011).

Final step of the nurses is to evaluate that which intervention (treatment) will achieve stated objectives and goal and applied it [Evaluation] (Browns, et al. , 2011). The approach of EBPP will helpful for the nurses to use best available evidence and utilized it in the clinical practice according to individual patient’s preferences and circumstances (Melvyn & Benefit-overshot, 2011). Research suggested that there is remarkable improvement in outcome of patient’s illness when best evidence is used in the delivery of the patient (Magic, Martin, Burns, Philippic, & Rune, 2013).

Evidences are found very useful in implication of treatment and Judgment of result of patients when they are collected from researches studies, experiences, clinical experiments and patient care data (Fisher & Happens, 2009). EBPP will be helpful for the nurse to select appropriate option for the patients from variety of treatment for same type of illness (Fisher & Happens, 2009). So importance of patient’s characteristics and preferences can be will highlighted by ESP.. This will provide information about taking decisions about the individual care and treatment to be provided.

So, it will strengthen clinical Judgment about condition of patient on presented information (Fisher & Happens, 2009). American Association of critical care urges recognize importance of evidence while providing care to patients and recommended beneficial use of EBPP while dealing with patients (Winters & Achievers, 2012). Exclusion of EBPP presents several challenges to effective implementation and dissemination as evidence is necessary to integrate interventions with the realities of varying practice contexts (Leman & Sandalwood’s, 2012).

There for it is difficult for the nurses to perceive outcome of the patient’s illness in the absence of EBPP which will put more burdens of public and private health sectors in terms of cost and time to eel with patient’s condition. So EBPP will helpful not only clinically but socially, economically and psychologically too. However, there are still certain argument regarding introduction of EBPP in nursing and improve care of patient as there is lack of more research in this area.

Therefore, to make EBPP more effective and useful certain areas are need to be explored well such as selection of framework model for EBPP, identification of clinical question, efficacy of available evidence, evaluation of current practice (Magic, et al. , 2013) More research in this area will allow nurses to reactive more Judiciously and continue to improve care of the patient by ESP.. To recapitulate, this essay has demonstrated that EBPP is research base practice and patient should receive care based on optimal scientific knowledge.

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