Climate Change Due to Global Warming Assignment

Climate Change Due to Global Warming Assignment Words: 2171

The researchers must take part in controlling and preventing this phenomenon by means of this research paper which gives much information on the readers and by being a role model in different ways. The researchers expect that in the end of this research paper, we will be able to help and inform people especially those who are affected by the sat typhoons and the researchers can also learn new things which they can take for the rest Of their lives. Climate change is now a global crisis that we must face.

Some scientists are now researching all the possible solutions and steps to be taken in order to stop it. We can not prevent it anymore because it is already happening. All we can do is to find a way to lessen the possible cause that is making it worse day by day. “The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients of delay are coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences. ” Winston Churchill (ND). When I say Global Warming, what sort of idea comes in your mind?

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When I think about it, all that comes in my mind is the end of our precious world. Well, that is only the researchers’ thoughts about it. Nevertheless, what is Global Warming? Global Warming is the increase of the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans. Global Warming is cause by the Greenhouse Gases that will lead to Climate Change, which we are experiencing right now. Ocean temperatures increase more slowly than land temperatures because of the larger effective heat capacity of the oceans and because the ocean loses more eat by evaporation.

The Northern Hemisphere warms faster than the Southern Hemisphere because it has more land and because it has extensive areas of seasonal snow and sea-ice cover subject to ice-lobed feedback. Although more greenhouse gases are emitted in the Northern than Southern Hemisphere this does not contribute to the difference in warming because the major greenhouse gases persist long enough to mix between hemispheres. (Brown, P. (2007). Global Warning: The Last Chance for Change. Pleasant Vile, NY: The Readers Digest Association. ) What are Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse Gases are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth’s surface would be on average about ICC (OFF) colder than at present. The contribution to the greenhouse effect by a gas has affected by both the characteristics of the gas and its abundance.

For example, on a molecule-for-molecule basis methane is about eight times stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but it is present in much smaller concentrations so that its total contribution is smaller. It is not possible to state that a certain gas causes an exact percentage of the greenhouse effect. This is because some of the gases absorb and emit radiation at the same frequencies as others, so that the total greenhouse effect is not simply the sum of the influence of each gas. The higher ends of the ranges quoted are for each gas alone; the lower ends account for overlaps with the other gases.

The major non-gas contributor to the Earth’s roundhouse effect, clouds, also absorbs and emits infrared radiation. (Miller, P. (2009, March). Saving Energy. It starts at home. National Geographic, Volvo. 215, no. 3, 60-81. When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, some of it is re-radiated back towards space as infrared radiation (heat). Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap its heat in the atmosphere. Many gases exhibit these greenhouse properties. Some occur naturally. Some are also produced by human activities and some are exclusively human made (for example, industrial gases).

Scientists who have elaborated on Rhenium’s theory of lobar warming are concerned that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing an unprecedented rise in global temperatures, with potentially harmful consequences for the environment and human health. When the Industrial Revolution started, concentrations of most Greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the factories made in the Industrial Revolution era and made the Earth warm to hot. To leave you with a thinking mind here is a quote taken from the movie An Inconvenient Truth “Big Mr.. Sunbeam, he comes all the way from the sun to visit Earth.

Hello Earth, just popping in to brighten your day….. Alleluia… And now, I’ll be on my way. Not so fast Sunbeam, we are Greenhouse Gases, you anti going nowhere. Pretty soon, Earth is chock-full of Sunbeams. Their rotting corpses heating our atmosphere. ” Climate Change due to Global Warming and its effects in Metro Manila Climate change is real and happening right now. Its reality can be seen in melting ice, dying coral reefs, rising sea levels, changing ecosystems and prolonged and more severe droughts. According to the World Health Organization (ND), 1 50,000 people are already dying every year as a result of limited change.

It is for this reason that the world needs to take action now before our planet becomes damaged beyond repair. This was according to http://sec. Europe. Eh/environment/climatic/hone_en. HTML Climate change is the warming of our planet, caused by human activity. It is the worst environmental problem we face today. Most scientists and governments around the world now agree that climate change will damage or destroy many natural ecosystems and human communities. When we speak of climate change on a global scale, we are referring to changes in the climate of the Earth as a whole.

The rate and magnitude of global climate changes over the long term have enormous implications for natural ecosystems. But why does Climate Change Happen? Climate change is happening due to an increased concentration of certain gases in the atmosphere. These heat- trapping gases are becoming more concentrated in the Earth’s atmosphere, trapping more heat in the process. The most prevalent of these gases is carbon dioxide, released from burning coal, oil and natural gas in power plants, cars, factories and so on as well as through large scale deforestation.

Climate change is predicted to have a range of serious uniqueness, some of which will have impact over the longer term, like spread of disease and sea level rise, while some have immediately obvious impacts, such as intense rain and flooding. Additionally, global warming appears to affect significantly the weather patterns of our planet. The extent of this influence cannot be accurately determined. In recent decades, there has been an apparent increase in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and storms and in the losses of life and property due to weather-related disasters.

Other man-made or natural disasters have also taken a greater toll n recent years. However, it is not known with certainty if the higher losses can be attributed to a higher free ounce of such disasters or simply to excessive development and increased population density along vulnerable coastal areas of our planet. Certainly, there have been major demographic shifts and greater concentration of populations in urban areas around the world. Mega cities have emerged along coastal areas, often without adequate planning or assessment of disaster risks.

Also, better coverage of the impact of disasters by global media networks has resulted in increased awareness of assister impacts. Nevertheless, it is worth reviewing the possible effects of climate change on the frequency and intensity Of disasters, particularly those that are weather-related. In spite of mitigation efforts, losses due to global warming and weather related disasters will continue to increase because of continuing population growth and the increase of the concentration of growth in vulnerable areas such as coastal regions and flood plains.

Other natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis have also resulted in increased losses – quite possibly for the same reasons. For example the argental of earthquakes causing 1,000 + fatalities has increased by 10% causing approximately 1. 4 million deaths since 1 910. (Draper, R. (2009, April). The climate betrayed him. National Geographic, Volvo. 21 5, no. 4, 42-65) Continuing global warming can be expected to contribute significantly to disasters. For example, a new study has concluded that the Southwest Asian monsoons have gotten stronger over the past 400 years and might continue to intensify as a result of global warming.

In recent years, weather-related disasters such as heavy rains, floods and flash floods, have affected the lives f thousands in Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, India, Sir Lankan, China, Korea, Manner, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Turkey, Costa Rica, Haiti, El Salvador, Guatemala, Somalia, Ghana, Morocco, Togo and South Africa. Hurricanes and typhoons in the Eastern United States, Bahamas, Antigen, Barbados, Virgin Islands, Puerco Rice, Philippines, Vietnam, Madagascar and elsewhere have left thousands of people dead, injured or homeless.

Major flooding – even in mountain areas high in the Himalayas – could occur where nearly 50 glacial lakes could burst their banks and flood the valleys below. Man-made disasters have also taken a heavier toll in recent years. The continuous population growth has disturbed the delicate balance between ecosystems on our planet. Pollution of the atmosphere and of the seas, destruction of the rain forests, fires burning out of control, alterations of sensitive ecosystems, destruction of the ozone layer, have created climatic changes that we do not fully comprehend.

Similarly, man-made disasters such as chemical spills and industrial accidents have polluted rivers and watersheds in Rwanda, Guyana, Eastern Ukraine, Slovenia and elsewhere. Industrial wastes have heavily polluted the drinking water supply of more than two million people endangering their health. Other man-made disasters associated with industrial accidents, civil strife, wars, and the use of weapons of mass destruction, not only present the greatest danger for humanity, but may also have a long-term cumulative effect on the earth’s climate.

The trend is clear, weather related and complex man-made disasters are increasing in frequency and severity in various parts of the world. Their impact on the environment and on CLC imitate cannot be overlooked. As akin Lang Amman its not nature but the dam was opened for some reason (back may crack eh back Lang Amman) kaki nag bills Dumas Eng tubing, its not an ordinary flooding but a flood an bugling biannual. The government should be blamed for this, where is page-as and national disaster council Para mailman nag amount nag rainfall and what should be done.

As lake Eng slaw Eng baggy metro manila Lang nag bumboat Eng gangway kalmia as central Luzon Amman wall Amman again. As Adam Eng typhoon an Duncan backbit bugling 15-20 feet nag etas,” as said by Francis Co whom the researchers interviewed. Effects of Global Warming are of concern both for the environment and the human life. We humans brought his upon our selves and we must do something about it. The recent flood that hit metro manila is a manifestation of the global warming. One good example of effects of global warming is typhoons.

Philippine Daily Inquirer, p. AAA. ) Another effect of Global Warming in Metro Manila is the increase of its daily temperature. If you’re living in Metro Manila, I’m sure that you are experiencing that effect to. Everyday you wish that rain will come so that the temperature will somewhat lessen the heat. Drought is another effect of Global Warming experienced all over the country because of the excessive heat rays coming from the sun which affect the farmers mostly. Their crops continue to die because of the super heat, the grounds started to harden and eventually break because of extensive heat which makes the ground impossible for farming.

According to the article of Roberto A. Capital in official reports say globally average surface temperatures will increase by 1. 4 to 5. 8 degrees Celsius for the period 2000 to 2100. This forecast is higher than the global warming projection of 1 to 3. 5 degrees Celsius made ten years ago. Analyses of data from tree rings, corals, ice cores and historical records for the Northern Hemisphere show an increase in temperature in the 20th century that is the largest of any during the past 1,000 years.

Scientist likewise found that snow cover has decreased by about 10 percent since the late 1 ass’s in the Northern Hemisphere, and that there has been a 40 percent decline in the Arctic sea-ice thickness during the late summer and early autumn in recent decades. Because of Global Warming our climate had changed. We are experiencing different weather. And there has been an increase in our imperative over the last years. We are truly experiencing the effects of Global Warming, because basically there are two major effects of Global Warming.

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Climate Change Due to Global Warming Assignment. (2019, Sep 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from