Workplace Evaluation and Design Assignment

Workplace Evaluation and Design Assignment Words: 1495

Workplace Evaluation and Design Assignment No. : Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 Introduction Since 1 March 2008, Workplace Safety and Health (WASH) Act had extended it’s coverage to cover the Food and Beverage sector together with 5 other sectors in additional to the high-risk industries. With effect from 1 September 2011, the WASH Act had further extended it’s coverage to all workplaces.

In line with this mandatory and legal requirement, Mr. Billy Wonk, the owner of “Wonk Burgers” (the Fast Food chain with 30 outlets), has invited and engaged me as Consultant in HASHES (Human Factors, Ergonomics, Safety, Health and Environment) to review the Workplace Design and carry out necessary evaluations from the Ergonomics perspective for all the branches. Beside the normal ergonomics design principles, due to “Wonk Burgers” has a policy to hire both the elderly and the disabled to work at the counter to serve food to customers, I have include the ergonomics consideration to accommodate the needs for the ageing and disabled workers.

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Before my proposal for the ergonomics designs identified from the Ergonomics perspectives: The legal and other requirements for the Food & Beverage Industries. O The principles for application of the anthropometry data gathered to specific design problems. O The ergonomics design principles for workplace and to assess and identify the ergonomic issues in “Wonk Burgers” based on surveys, observations and inspections with the relevant checklists. O The ergonomic design’s considerations and measures to accommodate the needs for the ageing and disabled workers.

To assess and identify the deficiencies of the current workplace design for ageing and disabled workers in “Wonk Burgers” based on site’s observations. To assess and identify the work related musculoskeletal disorders such as Lower Back Pain and RSI in “Wonk Burgers” based on surveys, observations and inspections with the relevant checklists. 1 . The legal and other requirements for the Food & Beverage Industries: The legal and other requirements for the Food & Beverage Industries that need to comply and take into the consideration for “Wonk Burgers” are as follows: o WASH Act and its subsidiary legislations, e. . WASH (Risk Management) Regulations, WASH (General Provisions) Regulations, etc. O Fire Safety Act and its subsidiary legislation, e. G. Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations, etc. O The Re-Employment Act (commence in 2012). CAP 92 – Manual Handling, etc. O Industrial Standards, e. G. WASH Guidelines for Hotels and Food & Beverage, WASH Guidelines for Fatigue Management, etc. O Organizational Requirements, e. G. Biased requirements, SHOOS 18001, Organizational Procedures and Requirements, etc. 2.

The principles for application of the anthropometry data gathered to specific design problems: In the engineering anthropometry perspective, we need to gather the anthropometry data through measurement of the body’s dimensions and certain there physical characteristics (both static and dynamic anthropometry data). The procedures/steps for application of the anthropometry data gathered to the a. Determine the important body dimensions in the design: o Refer to the table for the 10 anthropometry parameters that are relevant to “Wonk Burgers”. . Identify the user population: o Majority are Singapore o Minority are foreign workers from Philippines and Malaysia. C. Determine the design principles to be applied: o Design for the extreme – 5th percentile for the reach requirement (e. G. Reach for the control or operation button) and 95th percentile for the clearance acquirement (e. G. The height of the door). Cashier and service counter. O Design for the average – e. G. The d.

Select the range or percentage of the workers to be accommodated: o The range or percentage of the workers to be accommodated is 5th and 95th percentile depending on the scope and purpose of the designed items/ equipment/ furniture. Workers. O To accommodate the special needs for the ageing and disabled e. Find the relevant data from the anthropometry parameters gathered from the measurement taken of the workers: o Refer to the data collected from the measurement taken from the existing errors including the ageing and disabled workers. If unable to gather the data & information through measurement, get and extract the relevant data from the anthropometry tables for Hong Kong that are closer since there isn’t any for Singapore. Workers: o Get the supplier to provide the samples for the different sizes. G. Test the critical dimensions with a mock up, user testing or virtual model (through computer software, e. G. Jet Software): o Make use of the virtual modeling to test the critical dimension that is more practical prior to the actual making and modification of the equipment/ items/ furniture.

Sanders & McCormick 1993) (Question 1: Identify any TEN (10) anthropometry parameters that are relevant to this workplace) Based on the procedures mentioned above, the relevant anthropometry parameters or body dimensions that are selected and need to measure for “Wonk Burgers” are as shown in the following table: I Anthropometry Parameters/ Body Dimensions I Reasons I I Stature Height height of the door. I Data for clearance requirement, e. G. He I Eye Height I Data for determine of visual interface design such the appropriate location and heights I loft the Point of Sales (POS) system in standing position. I Shoulder Height I Data for determine the mounting height for forward reach control panels of equipment I Elbow Height I Data to determine the neutral position for primary reach envelope and the work surfaces I I height. I I Elbow height, sitting I Data for determine the work surface height of the service counter for wheel-chaired I Eye Height, sitting I workers.

I Data for determine the Frankfort plane height at sitting position for wheel-chaired I I workers to determine the design of visual interface for the POS system. Shoulder Height, sitting I Data for determine the mounting height for forward reach control panels of equipment I tinting position. I Data for clearance requirement of the leg space. I I Knee Height, sitting I Elbow Fingertip I Data for determine the primary reach envelope. Determine the maximum reach length. Question 2: Working with a friend or colleague demonstrate on the anthropometry rig how you will carry out the measurements) Following are the static anthropometry measurements taken using the anthropometry rig: I Measurement of vertical distance from the standing CACM Surface to the top of the head I How it was measured? I The measurement I The measurement of vertical distance from the standing CACM Surface to the outer corner of the eye with the head in I I Frankfort plane position. I Shoulder Height I The measurement of the vertical distance from the | CACM Standing surface to the accordion landmark on the tip of I I the shoulder.

I I Elbow Height I The measurement of the vertical distance from the | 1 Com Standing surface to the bottom of the tip of the elbow I line neutral position sitting elbow I I I Elbow rest height, I The measurement of the vertical distance from the | CACM Sitting surface to the bottom of the tip of the vertical distance from the sitting 1 CACM I The measurement of I Shoulder Height, IP of I I The measurement of the vertical distance from the CACM Sitting surface to the accordion landmark on the vertical distance from the top of CACM I the knee to the ground.

I Elbow Fingertip I The measurement of distance from the tip of the elbow CACM Tit the tip of the middle finger in neutral position. I I I Forearm length, Fingers CACM I The measurement of distance from the wall (with the wall) to the tip of the I finger with arm fully extended forward. Subject’s shoulder against I middle with the relevant checklists: (Question 3: Review the available literature and come up with your own checklist on owe you can do an Ergonomics Assessment of a workplace as above) As stated in AS 514, “Ergonomics is the science of designing work and workplaces to accommodate user’s physical and psychological needs.

It aims to minimize our limitation and amplify user’s capabilities”. The ergonomics design principles for “Wonk Burgers” based on AS 514 “Three interacting loads on workers” are as follows: o Environmental – improves the lighting, temperature and indoor air quality. O Physical – improves workstation design and user postures, and reduce the requirement for repetitive work and manual handling. Psychosocial – reduces the mental workload/work stress and improves the Job design, work practices and work organizations.

But prior to apply the appropriate and suitable design principles, we need to assess the current ergonomic situation at “Wonk Burger” based on their existing workplace design, work tasks and work practices. Following is the sample Ergonomics Assessment Survey Checklist (reference from the sample checklist recommended in “AS 514: 2005”) used for the assessment at “Wonk Burgers”: Workplace Ergonomics Assessment Checklist for Wonk Burgers Objective of the checklist: To identify and assess the ergonomic problems and situation in the workplace Note: a “No” answer to any of the questions may indicate an area for improvement.

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Workplace Evaluation and Design Assignment. (2021, Mar 18). Retrieved March 13, 2025, from