Voegeli, D. (2008) Effect of Washing and Drying Practices on Skin Barrier Function. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 35(1) 84-90. Assignment

Voegeli, D. (2008) Effect of Washing and Drying Practices on Skin Barrier Function. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 35(1) 84-90. Assignment Words: 623

Module Title: Evidence Based Health Care and Research Module code: 5NMH0117 SEMESTER A Location/campus: Hatfield PROGRAMME for the Academic Year 2011 – 2012. Module Leader : Noel knopp E-mail : n. 1. knopp@herts. ac. uk MODULE TITLE :Evidence Based Health Care and Research. MODULE CODE:5NMH0117 LEVEL:5 SEMESTERA Summative assignment 100%. o Retrieve the following paper; Voegeli, D. (2008) Effect of Washing and Drying Practices on Skin Barrier Function.

Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 35(1) 84-90. (a copy will be available on the module studynet site) o Evaluate this paper using an established critiquing framework and o Discuss how the paper can support clinical practice, in the light of other related reports/studies drawn from the literature. LENGTH OF ASSIGNMENT. 2000 words ASSIGNMENT HAND IN DATE. Before 10am 9th January 2011– electronic submission via studynet Marking Criteria Marking guide and Weighting Guide |Weighting | |Presentation: | | |Structure, focus and flow |15% | | | | |Evaluation of the paper |50% | | | | |Applying the paper to clinical practice |25% | | | | |Relevant and supportive use of related literature |10% | READING LIST. Very highly recommended – as an introduction Jolley J. (2010) introducing research and evidence-based practice for nurses. Pearson Education. Harlow.

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Highly recommended Bailey S. (2003 ) Academic writing. A practical guide for students. London. Routledge Falmer. Burns. N. , and Grove. S. K. ( 2001). The practice of nursing research, conduct, critique and utilization. St. Louise, Elsevier Saunders. Craig J. Smyth R. (2002). The evidence – based practice manual for nurses. Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone. Gerrish K. and Lacey A (2000) The research process in nursing. (5thed ) Oxford Blackwell Science. Cormack. D (2000). The research process in nursing. Oxford. Blackwell Science. Greenhalgh T. (1997) How to Read a Paper: the basis of evidence-based Medicine. London. BMJ Publishing Group Grix J. 2004) The foundations of research. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan Hart C. (2001) Doing a Literature Search: A comprehensive guide for the social sciences London. Sage Jolley J. (2010) Introducing research and evidence-based practice for nurses. Harlow. Pearson Education. Parahoo. K. (2006) Nursing research principles, process and issues. (2nd ed). Basingstoke. Palgrave Mcmillan. Walsh M. and Wigens L. (2003). Introduction to research. Foundations in nursing health care. London. Nelson Thornes. Recommended: Balnaves M. and Caputi P. (2001) Introduction to quantitative research methods: An investigative approach London. Sage Publications Coolidge F. L. 2000) Statistics: A gentle introduction London. Sage Publications. Dawes M, Davies Gray A, Mant J, Seers, and Snowball. (2005) Evidence-based practice. London. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. Davies C. , Finlay L. and Bullman A. (Eds. ) (2000) Changing practice in health and social care. London. Sage Publications DiCenso A, Cullum N, and Ciliska D. (1998) Implementing evidence-based nursing: some misconceptions . Evidence-Based Nursing ; 1:38-39 Gomm R. , and Davies C. (2000) Using evidence in health and social care London. Sage Publications Gomm R. , Needham G. and Bullman A. B. (Eds. ) (2000) Evaluating Research in Health and Social Care.

London. Sage Publications Hek G. , Langton H & Blunden G (2000) Systematically searching and reviewing literature Nurse Researcher 7 (3) 40- 57 Morse J. M. , Swanson J and Kuzel A. J. (Eds. ) (2001) The nature of evidence in qualitative inquiry London. Sage Publications Polit D. F. and Hungler B. P. (1999) Nursing research. Principles and methods (6th ed. ) Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott Company Thompson C, Cullum N, McCaughan D, Sheldon T, and Raynor P. (2004). Nurses, information use, and clinical decision making—the real world potential for evidence-based decisions in nursing . Evidence-Based Nursing; 7:68-72. Thorne S. (2000).

Data analysis in qualitative research . Evidence-Based Nursing ; 3:68-70. Watson. R, Atkinson. I and Egerton. P. (2006). Successful Statistics for Nursing and Healthcare. Hampshire. Palgrave Macmillan. Wye L. & McClenahan J. (2000) Getting better with evidence. Experiences of putting evidence into practice. London. Kings Fund/NHSE Web sites: NHS Centre for Reviews & Dissemination www. york. ac. uk/inst/crd NHS R&D National Register Research www. doh. gov. uk/nrr. htm Cochrane library. http://www. cochranelibrary. com/ Evidence – based nursing. http://ebn. bmjjornals. com/ National Electronic Library of health. NeLH,http://www. nelh. nhs. uk

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Voegeli, D. (2008) Effect of Washing and Drying Practices on Skin Barrier Function. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 35(1) 84-90. Assignment. (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/voegeli-d-2008-effect-of-washing-and-drying-practices-on-skin-barrier-function-journal-of-wound-ostomy-continence-nursing-351-84-90-8369/