Understanding And Dealing With Stress Assignment

Understanding And Dealing With Stress Assignment Words: 7026

What Is Stress? Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.

This class will discuss different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the difference between ‘good’ or ‘positive’ stress and ‘bad’ or ‘negative’ stress, and some common facts about how stress affects people today. What Causes Stress? Many different things can cause stress — from physical (such as fear of something dangerous) to emotional (such as worry over your family or job. ) Identifying what may be causing you stress is often the first step in learning how to better deal with your stress. Some of the most common sources of stress are: Survival Stress – You may have heard the phrase “fight or flight” before.

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This is a common response to danger in all people and animals. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight). This is survival stress. Internal Stress – Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you can do nothing about or worrying for no reason at all? This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when people make themselves stressed.

This often happens when we worry about things we can’t control or put ourselves in situations we know will cause us stress. Some people become addicted to the kind of hurried, tense, lifestyle that results from being under stress. They even look for stressful situations and feel stress about things that aren’t stressful. Environmental Stress – This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure from work or family. Identifying these environmental stresses and learning to avoid them or deal with them will help lower your stress level.

Fatigue and Overwork – This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by working too much or too hard at your job(s), school, or home. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation. This can be one of the hardest kinds of stress to avoid because many people feel this is out of their control. Later in this course we will show you that you DO have options and offer some useful tips for dealing with fatigue. How Does Stress Affect You?

Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns. [pic] AS a student, I’m sure you often feel stressed when exams are around the corner. But do you know what the symptoms of having stress are? There are four types of symptoms for a person who is under stress: • Cognitive symptoms. For example memory problems, inability to concentrate, poor judgment, seeing only the negative, being anxious or having racing thoughts, and constant worrying. Behavioural symptoms. Examples are eating more or less, sleeping too much or too little, isolating yourself from others, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax and developing nervous habits (e. g. nail biting, pacing). • Emotional symptoms. Examples are moodiness, irritability or short temper, agitation, inability to relax, feeling overwhelmed, a sense of loneliness and isolation and depression or general unhappiness. • Physical symptoms.

Examples are aches and pains, diarrhoea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat and frequent colds. After you have identified the symptoms of your stress, you should know how to cope with it. To me, there are many ways to cope with stress. Stress can be overcome by listening to music, singing or even playing music. For those who do not like music, carry out exercises such as jogging or swimming. • have a friend who likes to play computer games. One day, when I asked him why he likes to play computer games so much, he answered, “I play computer games to release stress. So, from then onwards, I realise that everyone has his or her own way of coping with stress. For those who are not sure of how to cope with stress, here are some suggestions: • Prepare for the morning the night before. • Set priorities in your life. • Avoid negative people. • Throw a paper airplane. • Clean out a closet. • Take a walk. • Try yoga. • Get enough sleep. • Freely praise others. • Strive for excellence not perfection. • Be cheerful and optimistic. • Smile – it’s contagious. • Look at problems as challenges. • Pet a friendly dog/cat. Always have a plan “B. ” • Talk less and listen more. • Watch a movie and eat popcorn. • Plant a tree. • Feed the birds. • Don’t rely on your memory – make a list. • Read a poem. • Stop a bad habit. • Stand up and stretch. • Go on a picnic. • Keep a journal. • Believe in you. • Visualise yourself winning. • Listen to a symphony. • Relax and take each day as it comes…you have the rest of your life. Source: http://anxietyandstresssymptoms. com/ Read more: Coping with exam stress http://www. nst. com. my/nst/articles/Copingwithexamstress/Article/#ixzz115ClFQch

Stress And How To Manage It What Is Stress? Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat. It’s almost impossible to live without some stress. And most of us wouldn’t want to, because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm your health, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life.

Examples of “overload” situations are common in today’s world: • You and your spouse both work full time while you are raising your family. At the same time, your parents are retired, in ill health, and are dependent on your help with shopping and running errands. • You are a single person living alone, and your salary isn’t rising as fast as the rate of inflation. It’s getting harder each month to pay the bills. • You are a divorced parent and share the custody of your children with your former spouse.

But the friction between the two of you on matters concerning the children is becoming more bitter and more frequent. • The expectations and competition at your workplace is becoming fierce. You find yourself coming in early, staying late, and taking on more work than you can handle. Managing stress involves learning about: • How stress affects the mind and body • How to identify the warning signs of stress • How to develop good stress-management techniques • When to seek professional help What Are The Signs Of Stress? Stress can cause both mental and physical symptoms.

The effects of stress are different for different people. The mental symptoms of stress include: • Tension • Irritability • Inability to concentrate • Feeling excessively tired • Trouble sleeping The physical symptoms of stress include: • Dry mouth • A pounding heart • Difficulty breathing • Stomach upset • Frequent urination • Sweating palms • Tight muscles that may cause pain and trembling |Nice To Know: | |Many addictions are linked to a stressful lifestyle, such as overeating, smoking, | |drinking, and drug abuse.

These are used as an escape or a temporary way of “switching | |off” – but they do not address the underlying problem. | |Facts about stress | |According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, two-thirds of office visits to | |family doctors are for stress-related symptoms. | |Almost everyone experiences events that they find difficult to cope with. In a recent | |poll, 89 percent of people said they had experienced serious stress in their lives. |According to one study, middle-aged men under severe stress who lacked emotional support| |were five times more likely to die within seven years than those who had the same amount| |of stress but had close personal ties. | |A recent study indicated that stress-management programs may reduce the risk of heart | |problems, including heart attack, by up to 75 percent in people with heart disease. | |Stress-related mental disorders have been called the fastest-growing occupational | |(work-related) disease in the U. S. | http://www. ehealthmd. om/library/stress/STR_whatis. html Top of Form [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic] Bottom of Form [pic]Stress And How To Manage It What Causes Stress? [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]What Causes Stress? We may think of stressful events as unpleasant ones, such as losing a job or having difficulties at home or at school. But changes for the better can also cause stress, like a new baby, a wedding, and a new house. In an ideal world, maybe we could get away from stressful situations, or change them. Too often we can’t do that – but we can learn to control our response to those situations.

And we can develop techniques that will reduce the effects of stress on our mental and physical health. Here are some different life events that are identified as stressful. They are rated on the “Holmes-Raye” scale, which scores them according to the stress they cause (the higher the number, the greater the stress). • Death of a spouse – 100 points • Divorce – 73 points • Marriage – 50 points • Pregnancy – 40 points • Buying a house – 31 points • Christmas – 12 points |Nice To Know: | |Job-related stress is extremely common.

According to the Jobs Rated Almanac, the five | |most stressful jobs are: | |President of the United States | |Firefighter | |Senior corporate executive | |Race car driver | |Taxi driver | |The five least stressful jobs, according to the Jobs Rated Almanac, are: | |Medical records technician | |Janitor | |Forklift operator | |Musical instrument repairer | |Florist | What’s Stressful For You? What’s stressful for you may be quite different from what’s stressful to your best friend, your spouse, or the person next door.

For example: • Some people enjoy speaking in public; others are terrified. • Some people are more productive under deadline pressure; others are miserably tense. • Some people are eager to help family and friends through difficult times; others find it very stressful. • Some people feel comfortable complaining about bad service in a restaurant; others find it so difficult to complain that they prefer to suffer in silence. • Some people may feel that changes at work represent a welcome opportunity; others worry about whether they’ll be able to cope. |Nice To Know: | |Q: Are some people more vulnerable to stress than others? | |A: Yes. Personality type plays a role in reaction to stress.

For example, people who | |drive themselves hard and are impatient (sometimes called Type A personalities) may be | |more at risk for stress-related physical problems. Certain occupations, such as law | |enforcement or air traffic control, are clearly more stressful than others. In addition,| |people with a personal or family history of mental illness may be affected more by | |stress. | What Are Your Personal Signs Of Stress? People react to stress in different ways. Once you identify your own signs of stress, they can serve as your personal early warning system. Think of yourself as a car that’s equipped with lights and gauges to warn you if any problems are developing.

If you keep an eye on the gauges and catch the trouble early, the problem may be easy to fix. If you ignore the warning signs, you may be in for a major repair job. You should assess yourself for four types of stress signs: • Changes in body functions and physical health • Changes in emotions and feelings • Changes in behavior • Changes in thoughts Use these checklists to identify your own signs of stress. There is space on the checklists for a second opinion, because people close to us may notice changes that we are not aware of. |Changes in body functions and |Are you having this sign|Has some one else noticed you| |physical health |of stress? |have this sign? |Do you get more: | | | |Backache | | | |Muscle tension | | | |Nervous stomach | | | |Breathing problems | | | |Frequent urination | | | |Fatigue | | | |Dizziness | | | |Changes in emotions and |Are you having this sign |Has some one else noticed you | |feelings |of stress? |have this sign? |Do you feel more: | | | |Irritable | | | |Sad | | | |Worried | | | |Tense | | | |Angry | | | |Changes in behavior |Are you having this sign |Has some one else noticed you | |Are there changes in how much |of stress? |have this sign? |you: | | | |Sleep | | | |Eat (too much or too little) | | | |Want sex (less or more than | | | |before) | | | |Drink alcohol | | | |Use drugs | | | |Changes in how you think |Are you having this sign |Has some one else noticed you | |Are you finding it harder to: |of stress? |have this sign? |Remember things | | | |Concentrate | | | |Look on the bright side | | | |Do you find yourself feeling: | |Helpless | | | |Hopeless | | | Now go over the lists, and pick out the signs of stress that you consider the most important – the ones that are really interfering with the way you function and enjoy life.

Then mark on the next chart whether they are related to your body, your feelings, your behavior, or your thoughts. Your main signs of stress: |Sign | Learning to spot signs of stress instantly can take practice. But if you make a point of scanning your body, behavior, feelings, and thoughts regularly, it will get easier. |Nice To Know: | |Some people may find that a single sign will always tip them off that they are under | |stress. For example, they may notice that they always start to sweat, or tap a foot, or | |talk fast.

Other people may have a “menu” of warning signs, any one of which could alert| |them to the beginning of stress. | “Analyze” Once you know how to “tune in” to your signs of stress, you will be better able to analyze the situations that are stressful to you. These “stressors,” as they are called, could be either external or internal. External stressors are things and events outside your body that can make you feel threatened or out of control. For example: • Physical irritants like noise, pollution, heat, or humidity • Work demands or conditions • Frightening events, like narrowly escaping a traffic accident • Social or family demands, changes, or problems Internal stressors result from one’s own attitudes and thinking patterns.

For example: • Do you always talk to yourself with words like “should, must, and ought? ” • Do you feel like a failure if you are late, or if things don’t go as planned? • Do you have “me last” syndrome, feeling you have to look after everyone else’s needs before you think of your own? • Do you feel worthless unless everyone likes you all the time? • Are you guilty of “awful-izing,” which means always expecting the worst? For example, if family members are late, do you often imagine they are injured or dead? |Need To Know: | |Sometimes, your body itself can cause stress.

For example, it is stressful to have to | |live with constant backache or other nagging sources of pain. Or, if you are not | |sleeping well (perhaps because of stress), you may be more stressed than ever the next | |day because you are so tired. | |How-To Information: | |A stress diary can be helpful in the analyzing stage. For one week, write down all the | |stressors you can identify. Don’t leave anything out. Here’s an example: | How-To Information: A stress diary can be helpful in the analyzing stage. For one week, write down all the stressors you can identify. Don’t leave anything out.

Here’s an example: |Monday |mad at Jimmy, too slow getting off to school | |7:30 am | | |8:00 am |traffic jam; thinking about mistake I made yesterday in Peterson | | |proposal | |8:30 am |too much work; John keeps on giving me more | |9:30 am |worried about cost of fixing car | |10:05 am |tense about making the phone call to Jimmy’s school | |10:20 am |terrible noise from street-repair crew; headache | When you have about a week’s worth of diary entries, study them. See which of them are caused by external events (for example, other people making you late) and which are mostly caused by your own way of thinking or feeling (for example, you are worried about something that may never happen). In some cases, you may find that stress is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. For example, you might be worried about the cost of fixing the car, and make it worse by blaming yourself for not earning more money. Sometimes, just by keeping a stress diary you will be able to see solutions to problems that have been bothering you.

For example: • If the commute is a major source of stress, try a different way of getting to work. • If you are worried about your future at work, discuss this with your supervisor; you may find your worries are groundless. • If you are always rushed, you may be able to work out better ways to manage your time. • If your children are upsetting you at a certain time of day, have a family conference and agree on a different way of doing things. Unfortunately, we often cannot simply remove the cause of our stress. But we can change the way we deal with it, both in the short term (as “first-aid”) and in the long term (developing a stress-resistant lifestyle). “Respond” Responding” in the days of early man meant fighting the source of stress or running away from it. Your body will still produce a physical “alarm response” that pumps stress hormones[pic] through your body, tensing your muscles and speeding up your heart. This “alarm response” in most cases doesn’t do us any good – and it can be harmful. You can learn to turn off the alarm response and regain control. You can learn to respond calmly, and deal actively and positively with your stress, whether it is caused by outside or internal factors. Four useful techniques for responding calmly are: 1. Time out. A brief time out is the simplest possible approach to stress: • Stop the activity (or the conversation) that was causing you stress. If you can move away, go to another room, or go for a short walk. • If you can’t move away, count to 10 silently before you speak again. 2. Breathing. You can often tell if people are under stress because of the way they are breathing. For example, customs officers have noticed that smugglers are the people taking fast, shallow breaths. If you learn to control your breathing, it will help you regain control over the effects of stress. • Watch babies breathing; their abdomens expand when they breathe in. • Watch a tense adult breathing; there may be no movement of the abdomen. All the work is being done by the chest. Abdominal breathing can be very soothing, because it slows you down.

It is also efficient, bringing a good supply of oxygen to your brain. Prepare for stressful times by practicing your breathing now: • Check your breathing pattern by putting one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach. If your lower hand moves and your top hand does not, you are doing abdominal breathing. But if your top hand moves and your bottom one does not, you are doing chest breathing. • To do abdominal breathing, get your stomach relax. Breathe in deeply, then breathe all the air out. Let your lungs fill with air again naturally, while your stomach expands. • Practice this “belly breathing” whenever you have spare time (for example, while you are driving). Whenever you are stressed, worried, or tense, use your breathing to help calm yourself down. Take a deep breath and quietly let it go out completely, then let your abdomen expand as the air comes back into your lungs. Keep noticing your abdominal breathing for another few breaths. For a variation on this breathing technique, try “10-to-one countdown” breathing: • Start with abdominal breathing, letting all the breath out and then allowing your abdomen to expand as your lungs fill up again. • When you breathe out again, say “10,” letting go of tension as if it is being carried out of your body with the air. • Next time you breathe out, say “nine,” and so on, all the way down to “one. ” • When you get to “one,” start again. Each time you breathe out, tell yourself you are letting go of tension. • Many people repeat this sequence slowly for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. They find that with each new countdown, they reach a deeper level of relaxation. When we are under stress, we often feel things are happening too fast. Another technique, called slow-down breathing, can help you get settled down and in control. It starts with abdominal breathing, and uses cue words to help you focus and clear your mind. Examples of cue words are: • As you breathe in, silently say “calm” • As you breathe out, silently say “smiling” • As you breathe in, say “present” • As you breathe out, say “now”

Practice breathing techniques for five or 10 minutes until you get the feel of it, then again several times a day for a few moments. Then it will be instantly ready to use as a “mini-tranquilizer” whenever you notice yourself starting to feel tense or out of control. 3. Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique will help you get rid of the muscle tension that is a major sign of uncontrolled stress, and which can lead to headaches, back pain, and muscle pulls. It is based on the principle that muscles go to a deeper level of relaxation after they have been tensed. • Lie on the floor or on a firm bed, or sit in a chair that has good head support. • Close your eyes and breathe deeply two or three times. Next, tighten up the muscles of different parts of your body in turn; keep them tight while you count silently to five; then let go and imagine the tension going out as you relax and smooth the muscles. • Start with your face. Squint your eyes, tighten your teeth and jaw, and wrinkle your forehead. Feel the tension while you count silently to five, and then let go of it. Feel the warmth of relaxation coming to your face. • Next, pull your shoulders up until they nearly touch your ears. Feel the tension while you count silently to five. Then let go. • Now progress through the rest of your body, tightening muscles while you count slowly to five, then letting the tension go.

Start with your stomach and chest muscles, then your lower abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Finish with your lower legs, curling up your toes and tightening calf muscles to feel the tension in your foot, ankle, calves, and knee. • When you have finished, notice the tension and release in all your muscles. Breathe deeply a few times, and feel relaxed, refreshed, and comfortable. 4. Thought-stopping. This is a good technique for dealing with stress that comes from your own negative feelings. When you notice negative thoughts, just say “stop! ” to yourself. It may sound too simple to be effective – but it works, even though you may have to repeat the word several times until the negative thoughts are interrupted.

Sometimes, using mental images can help you stop the negative thoughts: • Imagine that the negative thoughts are coming from a tape recorder, and that you can push the “stop” button or turn down the volume to zero. • Imagine sticky paper that catches your negative thoughts as they fly about. • Imagine a “stop” sign that blocks your negative thoughts. • Imagine a box that your negative thoughts get trapped in. • Imagine you are driving through a car wash that washes the thoughts away. |Need To Know: | |And the secret is… | |The secret to making these four “respond” techniques work is to practice them several | |times a week, until you feel comfortable. Then use them. And don’t give up on them too | |soon.

All too often, people will only try something a couple of times and give up after | |a few days. It may take a while before you are getting the full benefit of these | |techniques. | “Prevent” There are simple things you can do to help your body and mind withstand stress. These will help you improve your immune system, your energy level, your self-esteem, and your sense of well-being. 1. Relaxation. Relaxing regularly will help prevent stress. • Set aside just 15 minutes every day, whether you are feeling stressed or not. • Go through whatever relaxation procedures work best for you. Techniques such as yoga[pic] and stretching can be effective, as can progressive muscle relaxation. 2. Regular exercise.

If you know people who run, swim, or bicycle regularly, you may notice that they have less stress than others. When your body is in first-class condition, your mind and emotions will also benefit. Regular exercise is one excellent way to “stress-proof” yourself, or at reduce the bad effects of stress. Exercise can make you look better, sleep better, concentrate better, and withstand disease better. It will also improve your mood and make you feel better about yourself. The best exercise for stress-proofing is aerobic activity, which uses your whole body. This includes jogging, bicycling, brisk walking, cross-country skiing, aerobic dancing, swimming, rowing, skating, and stair-stepping. • If you are not used to exercise, start with walking.

Walk briskly for about 20 minutes, three times a week. • As you get in shape, take longer walks, or switch to a more vigorous form of activity. • If you don’t have access to a lake, mountain, or country road to row, ski, or bike on, substitute on machines at home or in a gym. But whenever you can, get out into nature. The quietness and change of scene will help your stress levels. [pic] |Need To Know: | |Some exercise safety tips: | |If you are over age 35 and not used to vigorous exercise, check with a doctor before you| |start, or stick to walking. |Begin every exercise session slowly (including walks), and don’t speed up until your | |muscles are warm. | |Don’t race. Take the talk test. If you don’t have enough spare breath to hold a | |conversation, slow down. | |At the end of your exercise session, walk around slowly for a while to cool down. | 3. Eating right. You will be much better able to withstand stress if your body feels good, and it can’t feel good if you don’t feed it properly. • Make sure you have three good meals a day, with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and filling food like bread, rice, or noodles. • If you get hungry between meals, plan for a nutritious snack like fruit, yogurt, or a bagel. If you take a snack to work with you, you won’t be tempted by junk food.

Eating well will give you a sense of control that can help to reduce your stress levels, as well as making you feel good physically. 4. Chemicals: alcohol and drugs. People may be tempted to take a drink or drugs to deal with stress. It doesn’t help. Alcohol may seem to calm you down, but it only masks the symptoms of stress for a while. Excessive alcohol (and drugs) will give you a rebound; you are likely to feel more stressed than ever when the effects wear off. One or two drinks a day, such as a glass of wine or beer with dinner, usually won’t harm you. If you are regularly drinking much more than that, cut down – and if that is hard to do, get some help. 5. Tobacco. People often say that a cigarette “calms their nerves,” but tobacco is really a stimulant.

If you are afraid that quitting would cause you too much stress, talk to your doctor about prescribing a nicotine patch or gum to help ease the difficulty of withdrawal. Patches or gum work best if you also join a quit-smoking group or use a good self-help program that helps you learn to be a nonsmoker. In the long run, you will become a calmer person if you stop smoking. For more information about how to stop smoking, go to Smoking: How To Stop. [pic] 6. Caffeine. People have different reactions to caffeine, and most people can take two or three cups of coffee or tea a day without trouble. But you might try cutting down your caffeine intake, to see if you are less jumpy. If you get a headache for a few days, don’t worry; that’s a normal withdrawal symptom, and it will go away within a week. ) Other Ways To Manage Stress In addition to the relaxation practices described in the “TARP” method, there are many activities and methods that can help manage stress. These include: • Humor • Hobbies • Meditation • Biofeedback • Massage therapy Humor Many stress-management experts recommend keeping a sense of humor during difficult situations. Laughing releases muscle tension and helps a person maintain perspective. Activities as simple as watching a funny movie, listening to a tape of a comedian’s routine, or sharing time with a humorous friend can provide a psychological lift and relieve stress. Hobbies

Regular leisure activities are important in reducing stress. Many people benefit from making time for positive leisure pursuits rather than, for example, spending time watching television in the evening (although that, too, can be relaxing to some degree). Relaxing hobbies include gardening, painting, bicycling, photography, carpentry, collecting, and many others. In order to obtain the most relaxation and enjoyment, the satisfaction should come in doing the hobby, not in the results. An individual who pursues gardening for relaxation may not grow prize-winning vegetables, but they can be eaten. An amateur photographer may not sell photographs, but they can be admired by friends and family. Meditation

Used for many years in Eastern cultures, meditation is becoming more widely accepted in the U. S. as a relaxation technique. Meditation reduces heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline[pic] levels, and skin temperature. There are a variety of meditation techniques that share a common goal: to achieve relaxation by clearing the mind of stressful outside interferences. Meditation involves achieving a state of consciousness in which the individual focuses on a single thing, such as a key word, sound, or image. Meditation techniques rely on quiet surroundings, sitting still, and a repetitive mental pattern. Various techniques are taught in instruction books and through religious and nonreligious organizations. Biofeedback

Biofeedback provides a way for people to learn to control activities over which they normally have no awareness, such as heart rate and muscle tension. It is considered by many health professionals to be a valuable therapeutic tool for reducing stress. Biofeedback involves no discomfort and no risk. Biofeedback relies on sensitive electronic equipment. Sensors are placed on the body at various locations to measure skin temperature and muscle activity. The sensors are attached to a monitor that detects fluctuations when a person is anxious and displays signals in the form of beeps or light flashes. By watching the monitor, a person learns to control these stressful responses. Massage Therapy Massage is the gentle practice of manipulating the body’s tissues in order to soothe and heal.

It is one of the most ancient of the healing arts, and more people today are relying on it for natural, drug-free relief from the effects of busy, overstressed lives. Massage can relax the entire body and provide new energy that lingers long after the massage is over. A number of research studies have shown that massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases the production of endorphins, which are the body’s own natural painkillers. There are a number of massage therapy techniques, including Swedish massage and Shiatsu. Massages can be for the full body or particular areas of the body, such as the back and shoulders.

Some people choose to wear some clothing during a massage; others prefer to undress or use a dressing gown. During a massage, the person is warmly covered, and only the part of the body on which the therapist is working is uncovered. |Need To Know: | |A word about medication | |Medication can be useful for dealing with short periods of acute stress, where the | |anxiety is severe and disabling, to help people regain control and begin coping. It can | |relieve symptoms temporarily, but it does not address the underlying problem. | When To Get Extra Help

Self-help techniques for stress management have tremendous potential. They are easy to use, they’re economical, and they are good for your general health. However, there may be times when you need other help in dealing with stress. To help you decide if you need additional help, here are some questions to ask yourself: 1. Is stress really the problem? Sometimes, people may be too quick to blame stress if they are tired, or their backaches, or they are having trouble eating or sleeping. Check with your doctor to rule out physical reasons for these symptoms before you conclude that they are caused by stress. 2. Is it more than stress? You may have psychological problems that are more complicated than stress.

If you are frequently depressed, often feel panic, or think you may have a phobia (an abnormal fear of an object, experience, or place), consult a doctor or psychologist. 3. Do you need technical help? Technical help can come in the form of books, videos, consultations with experts or the leader of a stress-management group. Here are some suggestions. Consultation With An Expert You may want the guidance that comes from individual consultation with a professional. An expert in stress management can do an assessment to identify which techniques would best suit your skills, temperament, and needs. Professional that help individuals cope with stress include: • Psychologist • Psychotherapist • Nurse • Physician • Exercise instructor • Dietitian [pic] Stress-Management Groups

Stress management groups can offer help that is relatively inexpensive. In addition to expert guidance, you will benefit from the support of other group members. Before you join a group, find out what stress management techniques they offer, and see whether they match your tastes and needs. Living With Stress Remember that a world without stress would be very dull indeed. Once you understand your own stress patterns and have learned how to control them, you can live life to the fullest. Frequently Asked Questions Here are some frequently asked questions related to stress: Q: Are some people more vulnerable to stress than others? A: Yes. Personality type plays a role in reaction to stress.

For example, people who drive themselves hard and are impatient (sometimes called Type A personalities) may be more at risk for stress-related physical problems. Certain occupations, such as law enforcement or air traffic control, are clearly more stressful than others. In addition, people with a personal or family history of mental illness may be affected more by stress. Q: My friend went for a massage[pic] and said it really helped her relax. How does it work? A: More Americans today are turning to massage therapy for natural, drug-free relief from the tension that comes from today’s busy, stressful lifestyles. Massage is the gentle practice of manipulating the body’s tissues in order to soothe and heal. It provides a way to release physical and mental tension.

A number of research studies have shown that massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases the production of endorphins, which are the body’s own natural painkillers. Q: Lately my husband has been under a lot of pressure at work. When he gets home, he’s been drinking quite a bit, more than usual. Should I be concerned? A: Some people use alcohol as a way of “switching off” the stress in their lives. But drinking does not address the underlying problem. Many addictions are linked to a stressful lifestyle, such as overeating, smoking, drinking, and drug abuse. One or two drinks a day, such as a glass of wine or beer with dinner, is usually not harmful. If your husband is regularly drinking more than that, he should cut down – and if that is hard to do, get some help. Putting It All Together

Here is a summary of the important facts and information related to stress: • Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. • The mental symptoms of stress include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, feeling excessively tired, and having trouble sleeping. • The physical symptoms of stress include dry mouth, a pounding heart, difficulty breathing, stomach upset, frequent urination, sweating palms, and tense muscles that may cause pain and trembling. • The four types of stress signs include changes in body functions and physical health, changes in emotions and feelings, changes in behavior, and changes in thoughts. • Stress has been linked to serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and to a variety of other physical and emotional disorders. One method of stress management is called the TARP method, which involves noticing early signs of stress, figuring out the causes, dealing with the effects on the body, and developing good stress-reduction techniques. • Other methods of managing stress include humor, meditation, hobbies, biofeedback, and massage[pic] therapy. • Medication can be useful for dealing with short periods of acute stress, but it does not address the underlying problem. • Some people find it helpful to see an expert in stress management, who can assess which techniques best suit their skills, temperament, and needs. Professional who help individuals cope with stress include psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, physicians, exercise instructors, and dietitians. Glossary Here are definitions of medical terms related to stress:

Adrenaline: Epinephrine, the hormone that serves as a stimulant in the body, increasing blood pressure and heart rate, among other roles. Hormones: A chemical substance produced by a gland and released into the bloodstream. Hormones can stimulate or inhibit various vital processes in the body. Massage: The gentle practice of manipulating the body’s tissues in order to soothe and heal. Phobia: An abnormal fear of an object, experience, or place. Yoga: A discipline that focuses on the body’s muscles, posture, breathing mechanisms, and consciousness, in order to attain physical and mental well-being through mastery of the body. Reduce Student Stress and Excel in School By Elizabeth Scott, M. S. , About. com Guide Updated January 25, 2007

As educational requirements get more stringent in all levels of education, students everywhere experience considerable school stress. Here are some student stress relief tips and tools that students can use to learn study skills, prepare for exams and minimize their school stress levels to make learning easier, including an explanation of the importance of student stress management, and resources to help you reduce the school stress you experience. Difficulty: Average Time Required: Varies Here’s How: 1. Manage Time Wisely: It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to work on your studies if you want to do well, and you can save yourself a lot of stress if you plan ahead with good time management skills.

Setting up a schedule for study, breaking up your studies into smaller chunks, and other time management skills are essential. Here are some more time management tips you may find helpful. 2. Get Organized: Have a system of organization for note-taking, keeping track of assignments, and other important papers. Being organized can bring you the peace of mind that comes from knowing where everything is, remembering deadlines and test dates, and clearing your mind of some of the mental clutter that disorganization brings. Keep a calendar, a schedule, and a filing system for your school assignments, and you’ll find it prevents a significant amount of stress! 3. Create a Good Study Environment: Creating a soothing environment can reduce stress and help you learn.

Aromatherapy, for example, is a known stress reliever, and peppermint essential oil is said to wake up your brain, so I recommend burning it as you study. Playing classical music as you study can also soothe you and help you learn (unless you find it distracting). Here’s more on finding a good study space. 4. Know Your Learning Style: Did you know that we don’t all learn in the same way? It’s important to know whether you’re a visual, kinesthetic or auditory learner, as you can tailor your study practices around your particular learning style and make success easier to attain. Grace Fleming provides a quiz to help you assess your learning style so you can streamline your efforts. 5. Practice Visualizations: Visualizations and imagery are proven stress management techniques.

You can also reduce student stress and improve test performance by imagining yourself achieving your goals. Take a few minutes each day and visualize, in detail, what you’d like to happen, whether it’s giving a presentation without getting nervous, acing an exam, or something else that will support your success. Then work hard and make it happen! 6. Develop Optimism: It’s been proven that optimists—those who more easily shrug off failures and multiply successes—are healthier, less stressed, and more successful. You can develop the traits of optimism and harness these benefits for yourself, and do better in your studies as a result. 7. Get Enough Sleep: If you want your performance to be optimum you need to be well-rested.

Research shows that those who are sleep-deprived have more trouble learning and remembering, and perform more poorly in many areas. Work your schedule so you get enough sleep, or take power naps. 8. Use Stress Management Techniques: Chronic stress can actually impair your ability to learn and remember facts as well, stress management is one of the most important–and most overlooked–school necessities. A regular stress management practice can reduce your overall stress level and help you to be prepared for whatever comes. This self test will help you choose wisely. 9. Learn Study Skills: Here are some more specific study skills and tecnhiquesd that can help you improve your performance. The more prepared you are, the less stressed you’ll be!

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