Theoretical Reflections of The virtual Child Assignment

Theoretical Reflections of The virtual Child Assignment Words: 1098

Course Description The final field placement experience will provide an opportunity for students to consolidate their learning from the previous three semesters of study and purport their acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to make a successful transition from college to the workplace. Students who have reliably demonstrated excellence in their previous field placement experiences and academic studies, as determined by faculty, may opt to complete placement in a specialized setting. Others will have the opportunity to work in a preschool childcare setting.

Faculty supervisors, through their observations of students in action with the children, will support students as they engage in the process of reflective practice to deepen their knowledge ND understanding of their accomplishments and future goals. Final grades will be assigned based upon the competencies and grading system outlined in the field manual. Course Learning Outcomes The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to: The learning outcomes, which are based on SAC standards, are expressed as competencies in the Field Practicum Manual.

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Each competency specifies the role performance. Essential Employability Skills (SEES) 1 . Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. . Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems. 3. Locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems. 4. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources. 5. Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others.

Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAN) Process(sees): Assessment format is to be determined by the subject matter experts. Applications for PLAN should be completed prior to commencement of the semester of study. Please see the Centennial College Calendar Handbook for more details. Text and Other Instructional/Learning Materials Final Field Evaluation Manual 1st Edition Evaluation and Grading System Evaluation Description Weight ,’100 Final grades will be assigned based upon the competencies and grading system outlined in the field manual. A minimum grade of ‘C’ is needed to be successful in the course.

In consultation with the Chair or Dean, a faculty member or instructor may administer additional or alternative evaluations to fully assess the capability of a student. When writing a test or examination, students must put their official photo-ID cards in full view for review by the invigilator. Students who do not have official photo-ID will be permitted to write the examination with a substitute photo-ID, but they will be required to produce photo-ID at the program or department office within 24 hours or the next business day following the examination, or else the examination results will be void.

Student Accommodation: All students have the right to study in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. It is College Policy to provide accommodation based on grounds defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Accommodation may include changes or modifications to standard practices. This document is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the originating department or school of study. Students with disabilities who require academic accommodations must register with the Centre for Student with Disabilities.

Please see the Centre for Students with Disabilities for details. Students requiring accommodation based on human rights grounds should talk with their professors as early as possible. Details are available on the Centennial College website (www. Counterintelligence. Ca ). If students are unable to write an examination due to a medical problem or unforeseen family problems, they should immediately contact their professor or program Chair for advice. In exceptional and well-documented circumstances (e. G. Unexpected family problems, serious illness, or death Of a close family member), students should be able to write a make-up examination to replace an examination missed. Use of Dictionaries Dictionaries may be used in field placement. Course, Program or School Policies Students should familiarize themselves with the College Policies that cover students’ rights, responsibilities and the Academic Appeal process. For further information consult the Academic Matters Section in the full-and continuing education calendars.

The Academic Appeal Application form is available from any Registrars Office. Cell Phones: Cell phones and Blackberries MUST be turned off in field placement. Please refer to the ICE Student Handbook and the Field Placement manual for specific details related to Policies and Expectations in Early Childhood Education Student Rights and Responsibilities Students should familiarize themselves with all College Policies that cover students’ rights and responsibilities. For more information on the following and other policies, please visit womb. Counterintelligence. A/about/respect or consult the Academic Matters Section in the full-time and Continuing Education catalogues. Respect at Centennial At Centennial College, we are committed to providing a safe and respectful learning, teaching and working environment for all students, faculty and staff that promotes equity. Policies have been put in place to ensure that Centennial is a place that demonstrates respect and consistency with the Ontario Human Rights Code. All incidents of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence will be addressed and responded to.

As a college, we take the position that all forms of harassment, including personal harassment and bullying, must be stopped. Please refer to www. Counterintelligence. Ca/ about/respect and www. Stonewalling. Ca. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is integral to the learning process and a necessary ingredient of academic integrity. Students have a responsibility to be aware of ND comply with standards of academic conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, and impersonation.

All of these occur when the work of others is presented by a student as their own and/or without citing sources of information. Breaches of academic honesty will be investigated and if warranted appropriate remedies and penalties will be applied, which may include a failing grade on the assignment/course, suspension or expulsion from the college. Grades Appeal Students and faculty have rights and responsibilities in the Grades Appeal process. Students who need to appeal a grade should consult the Grades Appeal policy and procedures.

Progression and Academic Standing Students are expected to meet the academic standards of their School or program. The academic standing of each Centennial student is monitored during as well as at the end of each semester. Any student not demonstrating satisfactory progress will be informed of his/her standing in the College and will receive academic advising within their School. Unsatisfactory academic performance may result in conditional academic standing, probation or suspension. Faculty Support Professors are available to see students outside of class time.

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Theoretical Reflections of The virtual Child Assignment. (2019, Dec 11). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from