The Recruitment Process & Methods Assignment

The Recruitment Process & Methods Assignment Words: 2305

1. Introduction The purpose of this academic assignment is to prepare a portfolio of documents that will illustrate examples of most effectively practiced recruitment methods. Several documents that best reflected efficient internal and external recruitment methods, productive interview design structures, useful tests used in the selection process of recruitment and effective induction procedures were compiled. The portfolio of documents will then be analyzed and examined so as to provide an in-depth understanding on the usefulness and importance of such recruitment methods on the recruitment process.

Upon analysis and examination of the aforementioned documents, several suggestions to improve and enhance the already effective recruitment practices will be elaborated on. 2. Justifications 2. 1. Effective Internal Recruitment Method As shown in Appendix A, the selected example of an effective internal recruitment method is an internal job advertisement produced by the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) of South Africa. The advertised position is that of a finance officer.

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The chosen document is an effective practice of recruiting existing organizational members as the advertisement is published in a professional, credible and concise manner. Relevant details, such as necessary qualifications, responsibilities and expected salary of the vacant role are provided. Such opportunities for staff to progress within the organization are deemed as efficient as they are low-cost and can function as morale-boosters (Bambach, 2010). These internal recruitment practices also allow recruiters more reliable access to applicants’ skills and job suitability (Bambach, 2010). . 2. Effective External Recruitment Method Appendix B is an example of an effective external recruitment practice by the Australian National University (ANU). This method comes in the form of online job advertising. Online recruitment approaches are efficient, as they are economical and allow for wider media exposure (Bambach, 2010). The ANU advertisement is useful as an external recruitment tool as it is presented appealingly, professionally and in a detailed manner. The job description as Senior Planning Analyst has been clearly outlined.

By recruiting externally, positive organizational change is encouraged, leading to a more dynamic team (Bambach, 2010). 2. 3. Effective Interview Design Appendix C is a suitable example of a productive and structured interview design. A panel of interviewers will complete the structured interview document shown. A structured interview is an effective method for screening job candidates as it provides interviewers with a consistent and objective format to abide by (Rynes, 1988). Appendix C also demonstrates effective questioning as open-ended questions are used (Barber, Hollenbeck, Tower & Phillips, 1994).

Furthermore, Appendix C also utilizes the ‘funnelling approach’ by asking probing questions (Bambach, 2010). By doing so, a wider range of relevant topics may be covered with the interviewee. As seen in Appendix C, a reliable scoring format is provided. Grading interviews can further assist interviewers in objectively determining which applicant is most suitable for the position (Green, Alter & Carr, 1993). 2. 4. Effective Tests Used for Selection Process 2. 5. General Ability Tests Appendix D displays a general ability test that measures a job applicant’s basic verbal, grammatical, spelling and written understanding and knowledge.

Such general ability tests are helpful in the selection process of recruitment as it evaluates a candidate’s basic competency level (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2008). 2. 6. Specific Aptitude Tests Appendix E illustrates an effective aptitude assessment specific to electrical apprentices. The test includes basic verbal reasoning, mathemical reasoning, electrical theory and mechanical reasoning. Such profession-specific tests are useful in identifying areas an individual may lack expertise in and in objectively evaluating the most suitable and skilled applicant (Bambach, 2010).

As seen in Appendix E, Group Training Australia (GTA) had published the assessment and the test is specific to the electrical industry. Therefore, this specific aptitude test is effective as there is test reliability and validity (Bambach, 2010). 2. 7. Personality Tests Appendix F demonstrates the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test. This test allows recruiter to assess whether a candidate is Extraverted or Introverted, Sensitive or Intuitive, more prone to Think or Feel and whether the candidate is more Perceptive or Judging.

Such is effective as the employer will be able to determine whether the personality of the candidate is suitable with the job description of the vacant position and with the organizational culture of the company (McShane & Travaglione, 2007). Appendix G illustrates the Big Five Personality Test. Similarly to the MBTI, the Big Five Personality Test allows a recruiter to effectively determine the suitability of a potential candidate by scoring the candidate’s level of extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness (McShane & Travaglione, 2007). . 8. Effective Induction Procedures Appendix H provides a very concise, informative and detailed induction schedule. This induction schedule will serve as a very effective work procedure as it includes careful planning, introducing the new employee to the company, supervised induction programme, meeting with Human Resources to clarify employment conditions, socialization procedures and follow-up reviews (Bambach, 2010). Appendix I is a flow-chart version of Appendix H. 3. Recommendations for Improvements 3. 1. Internal Recruitment Methods

As seen in Appendix A(i), recommended changes, highlighted in red, have been made to the internal job advertisement by NAMC. Although the original advertisement in Appendix A was very effective and concise, it was necessary to make minor enhancements in order to attract a wider range of applicants. By using the ‘AIDA’ technique (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) (Bambach, 2010), interest and desire of applicants may be caught by specifying in Appendix A(i) that further opportunities for succession planning or promotion is available and that successful candidates will be subjected to rivileged information and responsibility as they progress within the company. In order to encourage more individuals to apply, it is also necessary to state that all applications will remain confidential so as to avoid any unnecessary office politics or drama (Bambach, 2010). 3. 2. External Recruitment Methods Appendix B(i) demonstrates a suggested enhanced version of ANU’s online recruitment advertisement.

In order to attract more applicants, a brief description of the company has been added so as to allow applicants to discern whether the mission statement of the company agrees with their career objective (McShane & Travaglione, 2007). An option allowing interested applicants to forward resumes online was also added so recruiters will be able to discern suitability of applicant more conveniently. In order to improve effectiveness of the advertisement, required skills or qualifications have to added so as to attract relevant applicants.

Furthermore, reassurance of information security will attract more applicants (Bambach, 2010). 3. 3 Interview Design A more efficient interview design other than that shown in Appendix C would be to adopt a semi-structured interview design. By doing so, there will be less probability of interviewers “dominating the interview” (Bambach, 2010, p. 97). A semi-structured interview will also allow the interview to be more flexible and yet, still have a sense of order and objectivity maintained.

It is also important to ensure the setting of the interview is conducive and appropriate (Bambach, 2010). Furthermore, it is important to properly provide an outline of the interview to the applicant and provide details of the job position. Such was not stated in Appendix C. 3. 4. Tests Used for Selection Process 3. 5. General Aptitude Tests A suggested improvement to the general aptitude test illustrated in Appendix D would be to include a numerical reasoning section within the test so as to be able to determine the applicant’s basic mathematical proficiency (Bambach, 2010). . 6. Specific Aptitude Tests In order to improve on test validity, the predictive validity of the aptitude test has to be more specific in “predicting actual work performance” of the prospective employee (Bambach, 2010, p. 136). Including practical and on-the-job questions related to the specific profession can enhance the predictive validity of the aptitude test shown in Appendix E. 3. 7. Personality Tests It is rather challenging to enhance published and credited personality tests such as the MBTI or the Big Five Personality Tests.

However, it is important to note that solely relying on such personality tests would not be very effective in the selection process as such tests would not provide the recruiter with the acquired skills and knowledge of an applicant required for a particular position (Bambach, 2010). 3. 8. Induction Procedures As seen in Appendix H(i), the recommended enhancements to the induction checklist illustrated in Appendix H would be to inform the newly recruited employee of the probationary period he or she would have to undergo (Bambach, 2010).

It is also important to have a follow-up interview or appraisal at the end of this probationary period. Another important induction procedure that was not included in both Appendix H and I was the implementation of an orientation programme for newly recruited employees. Such introduction methods are important as it enhances the information obtained by new employees during the induction process and strengthen socialization procedures (Bambach, 2011). Orientation programmes are also an effective way to allow employees to feel more welcomed in to the company, possibly reducing turnover rates (McShane & Travaglione, 2007). . Conclusion It is evident that a successful recruitment process is dependent on effective recruitment methods such as precise and appealing internal or external job advertisements, conducive and relevant interview structures and questions, reliable aptitude tests and effective induction, orientation and socialization programmes. By successfully implementing an effective and organized recruitment structure, staff turnover rates will decline as job satisfaction and job relevance is better matched during the recruiting stages.

With increased staff morale and higher job satisfaction, organizational success will be easier obtained as the employees’ career and personal objectives concur with organizational objectives. 5. References Bambach, M. (2010). Recruitment and Retention. CCH Australia Limited: NSW, Australia. Rynes, S. L. (1988). The Employment Interview as A Recruitment Device. Centre for Advanced Human Resources Studies (CAHRS) Working Paper Series. Paper 439. Barber, A. E. , Hollenbeck, J. R. ,Tower, S. L. & Phillips, J. M. (1994).

The Effects of Interview Focus on Recruitment Effectiveness: A Field Experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(6), pp. 886-896. Green, P. C. , Alter, P. , & Carr, A. F. (1993). Development of Standard Anchors of Scoring Generic Past-Behaviour Questions in Structured Interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1(4), pp. 203-212. Jackson, S. E. , Schuler, R. S. , & Werner, S. (2008). Managing Human Resources (10th ed. ). South-Western Cengage Learning: Ohio, USA. McShane, S. & Travaglione, T. 2007). Organisational Behaviour on The Pacific Rim (2nd ed. ). McGraw-Hill Irwin: NSW, Australia. Mokate, E (2009). Internal Job Advertisement. Retrieved 17th September 2011, from http://www. namc. co. za/dnn/LinkClick. aspx? fileticket=46KYXSF5FAo%3D=83 Sutherland, F (2011). ANU: Senior Planning Analyst. Retrieved 17th September 2011, from http://www. seek. com. au/Job/senior-planning-analyst/in/act-act/20702240 Interview Guide. (N. d. ). Retrieved 17th September 2011, from http://blog. employprep. om/2008/09/10/job-interview-scoring-and-evaluation-in-staffing-and-recruitment/ Aptitude Test. (N. d). Retrieved 17th September 2011, from http://busimanagement. westernsydneyinstitute. wikispaces. net/file/view/aptitude_example. pdf Aubrey, M (December 2005). Practise Aptitude Test for Electrical Industry. Retrieved 18th September 2011, from http://www. peer. com. au/Portals/0/PDF/Electrical%20Aptitude%20Assessment. pdf Sample Induction Checklist. (24th October 2002). Retrieved 18th September 2011, from http://www. safework. sa. gov. u/contentPages/docs/swiY1A3T3InductionChecklist. pdf 6. Appendices Appendix A: Internal Recruitment Method [pic] Retrieved on 17th September 2011 from http://www. namc. co. za/dnn/LinkClick. aspx? fileticket=46KYXSF5FAo%3D=83 Appendix A(i): Enhanced Internal Recruitment Method [pic] Appendix B: External Recruitment Method One [pic] Retrieved on 17th September 2011 from http://www. seek. com. au/Job/senior-planning-analyst/in/act-act/20702240 Appendix B(i): Enhanced External Recruitment Method [pic] Appendix C: Sample of Structured Interview Design Candidate: John Smith |Poor (1) |Weak (2) |Average (3) |Good (4) |Excellent (5) | |Position: Web Developer | | | | | | |Interviewer(s): Janet Peters, Sandra Burrows, Manjeet Mann | | | | | | |Date: July 1st 2008 | | | | | | |First Impression | | | | | | |Professional Business Attire | | | | | | |Tardiness | | | | | | |Handshake | | | | | | |Eye Contact | | | | | | |Chewing Gum |Yes: |No: | | | | | | |Business Portfolio |Yes: |No: | | | | | | |Overall Attitude | | | | | | |Total: | | | | | | | |Poor (1) |Weak (2) |Average (3) |Good (4) |Excellent (5) | |General – Resume and General Preparation | | | | | | |Knowledge of company, did the candidate take the time to research the company prior to| | | | | | |the interview? | | | | | | |Years of experience in specific field related to position posting? | | | | | |Working knowledge of specific technologies: | | |PHP | | | | | | | |Photoshop | | | | | | | |ASP | | | | | | | |.

Net | | | | | | | |VBScript | | | | | | | |CSS | | | | | | | |XML | | | | | | | |JavaScript | | | | | | |When asked to go through resume, does the candidate confirm all information is valid? | | | | | | |(E. g. Gaps in employment, working knowledge or general knowledge of specific | | | | | | |experience? | | | | | | |Total: | | | | | | | |Poor (1) |Weak (2) |Average (3) |Good (4) |Excellent (5) | |Position Specific: Behavioural Based | | | | | | |Please describe your experience in working with an individual to help that person | | | | | | |succeed on a particular project or in their daily assignments? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Probes: | | | | | | |· How did you ensure that you gained the individual’s input with regard to how they | | | | | | |could be successful? | | | | | | |· What was the process you used to assist the individual in going from their current | | | | | | |situation to one where they were successful in completing projects/daily assignments? | | | | | | |· What was the outcome? | | | | | | |Tell us about a time when you needed to work closely with a colleague(s) on a project? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Probes: | | | | | | |· How was the process decided on that would be used for working on the project? | | | | | | |· Were there obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? | | | | | | |· Tell us about the relationships between you and your colleague(s) working on the | | | | | | |project. | | | | | | |Tell us about a time when you dealt with a client who felt that he/she was being | | | | | | |treated unfairly? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Probes: | | | | | | |· How did you ensure your understanding of the client’s concerns? | | | | | | |· What was your approach to dealing with the client? | | | | | | |· What was the outcome of the situation? | | | | | |Total: | | | | | | |Total Evaluation Score: | | Retrieved on 17th September 2011 from http://blog. employprep. com/2008/09/10/job-interview-scoring-and-evaluation-in-staffing-and-recruitment/ Appendix D: General Ability Test [pic] [pic] [pic] Retrieved on 17th September 2011 from http://busimanagement. westernsydneyinstitute. wikispaces. net/file/view/aptitude_example. pdf Appendix E: Specific Aptitude Test (Electrical Industry) [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Retrieved on 18th September 2011 from http://www. peer. com. u/Portals/0/PDF/Electrical%20Aptitude%20Assessment. pdf Appendix F: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Test [pic] Retrieved on 18th September 2011 from http://www. psychometric-success. com/personality-tests/personality-tests-popular-tests. htm Appendix G: Big Five Personality Test Model [pic] McShane, S. & Travaglione, T. (2007). Organisational Behaviour on The Pacific Rim (2nd ed. ). McGraw-Hill Irwin: NSW, Australia. Appendix H: Sample Induction Checklist [pic] [pic] [pic] Retrieved on 18th September 2011 from http://www. safework. sa. gov. au/contentPages/docs/swiY1A3T3InductionChecklist. pdf Appendix H(i): Enhanced Induction Checklist

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