The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving Assignment

The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving Assignment Words: 1345

The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving hospitality industry BY Agitating ASSIGNMENT SHEET 1 Assignment title: The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving hospitality industry Hand-out date: 9th April 2014 Hand-in date: 30th April 2014 Place: Model and Reception. Grade %: Assignment overview: To write an academic and speech report, encouraging student creativity. Overall aim: The student is to consider how he/she would imagine the evolving role of humans in the service delivery process in the hospitality industry based on historical research, contemporary thinking, and future predictions.

Learning outcomes (from the CARS): 1 . Define the principles and practices of marketing management as related to service management. 2. Analyze the nature of services marketing within the hospitality industry. 3. Recognize opportunities for research that can be applied in a marketing consulting environment. Organization & methodology: Imagine that you are about to give a conference address to a high level audience from the industry.

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Your address is titled: “The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving hospitality industry’ Consider how you imagine the evolving role of humans in the service delivery process n the hospitality industry based on historical research, contemporary thinking, and future predictions. Your conference speech is to be supported by an academically written paper which will underpin your actual address. You therefore need to submit (a) an academic paper and (b) a speech (in the appendices). The speech can be written in any style you wish based on the readership, e. . Conference delegates and media. However, it needs to be professionally presented and be coherent with the academic paper. The academic paper needs to: I. Include some of the following terms: culture, creativity, destruction, disruption, experiences, industry examples, innovation, key writers, perceived risk, relationships, the service offer, and any relevant theoretical models; I’. Have a standardized front cover sheet with the statement of authorship, with page numbers, using 1. 5 spacing, with a clear and tidy font style and size; iii. Allow Gluon academic conventions (e. G. PAP referencing, good scholarly writing, etc); iv. Be submitted through the Turning link on the course site in Model, and submitted to Reception between oho and 1 – both on 30th April 2014. Your academic paper will be graded using the Gluon Graduate School Assessment Criteria (overleaf), with 20% for each criterion. Think carefully what the 5 criteria within ASAP will reward! Word count: Paper – 1600 words Speech- 2000 words (in appendices, and also available for conference and media distribution – think of your audience! Resources available: Library resources as well as any academic article on Model, that is relevant to the topic. Add the performance benchmarks with weights for each graduate skill assessed Graduate skill assessed Below standard 70 – 80 – 90- 100% Weight Knowledge Inadequate facts or concepts collected. Limited in scope and very descriptive in style Knowledge irrelevant for purpose. Develops and demonstrates a limited depth of knowledge in a complex and specialized area or interdisciplinary area and/ or applied areas where they are working towards current limits of theoretical research or understanding.

Develops and demonstrates great depth of knowledge in a complex and specialized area or interdisciplinary area and/ or applied areas where they are working at current limits of theoretical research or understanding. Develop and demonstrates an excellent depth of knowledge in a complex and specialized area or interdisciplinary area and/ or applied areas where they are working at rent limits of theoretical research or understanding to challenge contemporary thinking or paradigms. 20% Analysis Data has not been sufficiently well analyzed to draw appropriate conclusions.

Argumentation and discussion is very limited or shows a lack of understanding of the evidence collected. Demonstrates limited ability to deal with complexity and scope in the knowledge base where the applications of paradigms, concepts and theory have not been sufficiently developed. Limited selection of tools and techniques for problem solving. Deals with some levels of complexity and applies concepts, theory ND paradigms. Clearly recognizes lacunae and/ or contradictions in the knowledge base and makes appropriate selection of tools and techniques for problem solving.

Deals with complexity and applies a wide range of concepts and theory where lacunae and/ or contradictions in the knowledge base have been clearly identified and discussed. Makes appropriate selection of tools and innovative techniques for problem solving. 20% Synthesis and Creativity Unable to find, categorize idea and rely information in an acceptable way for this level. Synthesizes some information/ ideas and creates a more limited redefinition of existing knowledge with limited scope to new situations.

Autonomously synthesizes information/ ideas and creates responses that expand or redefine existing knowledge and/ or develop new approaches to new situations. Autonomously synthesizes information/ ideas and creates responses that challenge existing knowledge and/ or develop innovative solutions to new situations. 20% Application Lacks originality in the application of knowledge in professional level context. Applies a very limited range of professional skills and shows no understanding of how the outcomes of work in the area may be applied.

Demonstrates some originality in the application of knowledge in professional level context. Applies a limited range of professional skills and shows some understanding of how the outcomes of work in the area may be applied. Demonstrates originality in the application of knowledge in a variety of professional level contexts. Applies a range of professional skills and reflects on current practice. Shows an understanding of how the outcomes of work in the area may be applied, to inform Judgments to the development of practice.

Demonstrates originality in the application of knowledge in a wide and often unpredictable variety of professional level contexts. Applies a significant range of complex professional skills, practices and techniques and reflects on and subsequently modified practice. Shows an understanding of how the outcomes of work in the area may be applied, to inform Judgments and make original contributions to the development of practice. 20% Presentation Does not meet a number of key requirements and fails to follow an acceptable style.

Often unclear and untidy Organized and coherently structured work. Presents ideas to facilitate comprehension in an orderly manner with acceptable referencing and minor errors of detail. Work coherently and comprehensively organized and structured. Presents ideas with considerable attention to detail which facilitates effortless comprehension in an orderly manner and accurate referencing. Presented work with exceptional clarity that demonstrates ability to attend to all detailed aspects of organization and structure of discussion and all supporting evidence.

The work has the qualities consistent with published material. 20% Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting another’s ideas or words as one’s own. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the intentional falsification or fabrication of any academic activity, unauthorized copying of another person’s work, or aiding and betting any such acts. Particular care must be taken when presenting information that has been obtained from an internet site. Should this information not be correctly referenced then you are guilty of plagiarism and will be penalized accordingly.

Statement of authorship Following the title page of your assignment there should be a page on which you sign a statement that the work included in the assignment is your own work except where appropriately referenced. The following statement should be included in your assessment Statement of Authorship I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has en accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university.

Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the work. I also understand that under no circumstances should any part of this assignment be published, including on the internet, or publicly displayed without receiving written permission from the University. Signed Student number Name N.B.: Remember to hand-in a copy of the Assignment Sheet to students at the beginning of the course.

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The need for humans in the delivery of services in the evolving Assignment. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from