Study Habits of College Students Assignment

Study Habits of College Students Assignment Words: 3536

Each learner is unique individual with different abilities, interests, ways of thinking and responding thus these heartsickness have a significant influence on Ones learning style. It is being realized that students use different learning strategies. They have different methods of reading, interpreting and coding the information. Sometimes these strategies are useful, but some students develop pathological learning strategies. To study effectively the students should be aware of learning process.

In many cases, the burning crisis that grips every youth or students of today’s society is the poor reading comprehension ability and their poor study skills and habits, preventing them of all chance of a satisfying grades. Studying is a major concept of education, and if the problem continues, more and more students will be rejected from opportunities they wished they had. Opportunities include future education of a college, a chance to gain important knowledge, or even on opportunity to receive a high-paying job, so, the study habits of each student are important for them to pass and to graduate.

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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Study habit is a technique or a strategy used every time a person is studying. Some students would have the same study habit or may have a different one. It depends on whether a specific study habit is effective for them. The stress on good study habits will undoubtedly improve the students’ level of performance. Study habits are important on the part of the students so that it can make use of their time effectively and purposely instead of wasting their time with insufficient study accomplishments.

It is a common knowledge that many students fail in studying; even those who work hard often study in ways considered unproductive. Several others are just contented with barely passing grades, never developing their skills and abilities to the highest level attainable. What to study, where to study and how to study are indispensable to every student in class. In fact, proper study habits are the tool for acquiring deeper understanding in different subjects. Good study habits largely influence the level of performance of the student on the subject.

In view of this, the researcher proposes to conduct their study on the study habits of students to help the teachers raise the level of performance of their students through the development of proper study habits. The growing number of low performers on the subject point to the need for the redirection and development of students study attitudes and practices in the teaching learning process. The research work is an attempt to dress to this need. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study is about the theorems of different authors who studied the different kinds of study habits. (a. ) Dry. Larry J. Solomon (2002).

Many students entering college in the 21st century are poorly prepared for college work. Most have poor or no study habits, I. E. , routines that are necessary for academic success. More and more students are entering college without the ability or know-how for taking notes and for critical or logical reasoning. Many do not plan their study time and do not know how to organize subject materials in order to learn and succeed. Unfortunately, if effective study routines are not learned or taught before entering college, as they should, the students must learn them during their freshman year and this must then be regarded as remedial work.

Without good study habits, a student will not be likely to succeed. (b. )John B. Campbell (1982). Prediction derived from Essence’s Theory of Personality were tested in two samples by relating extroversion scores to library study locations, frequency of study breaks, and self-report of factors which influence study location. The predicted main effects for study location were found with extravert’s occupying locations that provided greater external stimulation.

Positive correlations were consistently found between extroversion preferred level of noise, preferred level of socializing opportunities and rated importance of socializing opportunities. The prediction that extravert’s would take more frequent study breaks was supported in sample 1 but not replicated in sample 2. The data are interpreted as providing direct support for Essence’s Theory of Behavioral Differences and mixed indirect support for his Theory of Neurological Differences between introverts and extravert’s (c. ) Dorothy E.

Johnson In her “Behavioral System Model”. She stated that behavioral system encompasses the patterned, repetitive and purposeful ways of behaving. These ways of behaving from an organized and integrated functional unit that determines and limits the interaction between the person and his or her environment. Usually the behavior can be described and explained. A person as a behavioral system tries to achieve stability and balance by adjustments and adaptations that are successful to some degree for efficient and effective functioning.

The system is usually flexible enough to accommodate the influences affecting it. Therefore, it is a well-explained that wrought little efforts on modifying a student’s habit in studying, they can develop an organized pattern of behavior useful to their goal of becoming a successful student who has good academic performances. This theory clearly supports this study that study habits are relevant to academic performance. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The researchers topic is all about the study habits of various college students of Areola University – Passing.

The researcher should determine the Study Habits of college students and also try to determine what kind of habit is more effective for their studies. The input of this problem is all about the refill of the students. The students must fill-up the information sheet and include their Name (optional), Gender, Age, Year & Course. They should also state their different study habits that they are doing in school or at home. The process in this problem is to know the study habits of College students in, the test of significant and some suggestions of the Professors and at the same time the suggestions of the students, through survey type.

The output of the researcher’s problem, after the survey that he or she will do the study habits of the selected students must improve and it should be known by the students. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aimed to assessed the study habits of the selected college students of ALLS – Passing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How far in advance do you start studying for finals? What time of day do you do the most studying? On average, how many hours do you study for finals? What is your fauve rite way to study? Where is your favorite place to study? What is your favorite study break?

Do you feel increased stress or anxiety leading up to exam time? HYPOTHESIS It is predominantly used to understand learning preferences that students use to receive and/or process information. Obviously, the ideal is to create instruction that will address all three learning styles: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthesia. Somehow, it affects the students because of their study habits and it may be good or bad. Study habits are the ways that you study – the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits can be good ones, or bad ones.

Good study habits include being organize, keeping good and neat notes, reading your textbooks, listening well in class, and working every day. Bad study habits include skipping class, not doing your work and responsibility, watching television or playing video or computer games instead of studying ND reviewing your lessons, you will your work and definitely failed your subjects. Study habit is the regular tendency or practice in studying. It is one that is somehow hard to give up. You need a study habits that will work for you: the results would be completed school work turned in on time and that you have learned what you need to pass tests.

Your habits may not match everyone’s since each person has their own speed of learning – you develop the habits you need to be successful. There are some strategies in way of learning. And some of it are: 1. Setting a particular tie and place to do homework, school assignments and projects. . Outlining and rewriting notes. 3. Studying with friends. 4. Be resourceful SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The proposed research will determine the differences and the common factors that may affect the study habits. This kind of research may let the students know their problems in terms of studying.

By this, they will be aware about the study skills and how to improve in learning knowledgeable things. We can also expect that through this study, the two schools that we surveyed will develop some strategies or solutions in regard to this matter. If we come up with the majority of the students who have poor study habits, then the school can also help the students to avoid this act, of course with the cooperation of the parents. And also these students will know how it is to have a good study habit. This will also examine the students in their main motivators, as well as their materials used for study.

It will help the min critical reflection in skills outcome such as selecting analyzing critiquing, and synthesizing. The main purpose of this research is to enable the child to learn, whereas the teacher’s task is to facilitate the learning process and develop study habits and right attitude toward learning. This study will be sign efficient o the following people: Students. This will help them determine the effects of their own study habits to their academic performances. Students will be able to know and identify the most effective study habits to be applied for the future tests and examinations.

They will be able to realize some of their poor study and choose whether to practice it for their own benefit. Teachers. This will enable them to be informed of the perception of students about their subjects. This will help them in order to make a move in helping the students in their grades and whether to make changes on their standards of teaching. School administration. The school administrations may benefit from this study by encouraging the students from different courses to acquire good grades through effective study habits that ultimately leads them to successfully passing the board exams.

More so, this can be basis of improving curricular design and content that matches the nature of millennial generation. Parents. This will make them aware of their child’s behavior towards studying or learning. To make them understand the study habits of their child really affects his or her academic performances in school and for them to help their students about it. Future researchers. Since research and education are a lifetime goal, the study may motivate the future researchers to the furtherance of this study to broader perspectives like not just limiting on the study habits but also self-confidence, value system and resiliency.

SCOPE AND LIMITATION The scope of this research is the college students Areola university Passing. The limitations of this research are only those students enrolled in Areola University – Passing. Only those students of ALLS ? Passing are allowed to participate in this research. It gives concern to how they give efforts to their studies and on how they prioritize their education. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Study – The devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, esp.. By means of books. 2. Habits – A settled or regular tendency or practice, esp.. En that is hard to give up. 3. Study Habits – The behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic material. 4. Factor – “one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation”. In this study, it refers to the elements that contribute t the improvement and development of the study habits of freshmen students. 5. Academic Performance – It refers to how students deal with their studies and how they pope with or accomplish different task give to them by the teachers. 6. Extroversion – (psychology) an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self. . Reading Comprehension – is defined as the level of understanding of a text/message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text/message. 8. Close test – (also close deletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed (close text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing words. . Develop – To bring from latency to or toward; Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate. 10.

Survey methodology – studies the sampling of individual units from a population and the associated survey data collection techniques, such as questionnaire construction and methods for improving the number and accuracy of responses to surveys. CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature and Studies RELATED LITERATURE According to Palm Beach Community College (BBC, 2008),they recommend that student’s study should have at least three hours out of class for every hour spent in class. They also said that a student must have a special place to study with plenty of room to work. And students should not be cramped.

They presuppose that study time will go better if a learner take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up. A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. “Don’t get too comfortable–a bed is a place to sleep, not to study” as what they said. A student must have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary, computer, calculator, tape recorder, etc. ) before starting to study. Students are not suggested to spend on time jumping up and down to get things. The BCC suggests also that distracting noise should be minimized however they said that there are some people need sound and some like silence.

In this case, a learner must find what works for him or her. Culprits are family and friends. Consider a “do not disturb” sign and turning on your answering machine is the way also to have better study habits according to the BBC. A study conducted by University of Kentucky was to determine if the college success can be improved with the Student Attitude Inventory (SAA). The inventory was developed in Britain and contains 47 items which attempt to identify students in higher education on the basis of: (1) motivation,(2) study methods, (3) examination technique, and (4) lack of distractions toward academic work.

Students in six Kentucky community colleges were asked to express their attitudes toward study habits on the Student Attitude Inventory. There were 996 students in the sample population (413 males and 583 females). A measure of ability (composite American College Test score)and academic performance (cumuli grade-point average) were obtained for each student sampled. The Student Attitude Inventory did contribute a statistically significant amount of variance beyond an ability measure for males and females. (Mark E.

Thompson, 2005)According to Mark Crazily (2000), Successful students are able to balance social activities with good study habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help prevent from becoming fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that he must take a break for an hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some cards, work out at the gym, or to gab with anew acquaintance. For this way, that student will find concentration when he do study, if he plans a social activity afterwards. He aid, ‘To develop a healthy social life, develop routine study habits.

After supper, lug your books and homework to the library, find a comfortable and quiet niche, and study for two or three hours, taking intermittent 10 minute breaks every 45 minutes or so. ” Making friends with whom you share similar study habits, and share a table or a study space with them would be a best way in developing study habits as what Mark said. RELATED STUDIES According to Vogue (2000), what is true about study habits was that more than thirty years ago still rings true today-students fail because they do not know how to study.

The best advice he can give is to develop sound study skills. It’s a common scene if some college students fail to finish a passing requirement for a subject course. What is lacking is their ignorance of developing good study habits that are necessary for good academic performance. And to worsen their ignorance are their psychological conception of giving up so easily and the tempting distractions of the surrounding that lead them to a zero percent possibility of creating their own ideal habits.

So, it has become a major trouble to college students who are known to be suffocated with loads of works from school. To elaborate more about sound study habits, Arthropod (1982) referred to it as to whether students study at the Same time each day, whether they shut off radio, television while reading and whether they paraphrase and write down what they have read during the practical instructions. Study habit also describes some external activities which serve to activate and facilitate the internal process of learning.

Study habit is the daily routine of students with regards to their academic duties and responsibilities. Each student has his own study habits varying on his preferences with the place and time of studying, cuisines in studying and more. It will depend upon the person if he will not get bored to browse notes and can procrastinate (postpone doing something) the distractions such as social nonworking, media exposure, gaming addiction and more. So these are reasons writers and researchers set some learning styles on related activities to effective studying.

Based on the findings of This (1 995), effective study skills usually come down to two factors: motivation and style. Motivation is the .NET Asians of a person to do something. Learning style is the method used by a certain student/person to study much easier and more efficiently. The following external activities as proposed by Arthropod encourage students to develop good study habits and aid efficient learning. The oldest method was created by Robinson (1970). The SCAR (Survey, Question, Read, Recite) is a method for active elaboration of material that you read, say in a textbook.

Reading instruments are the best sources of information college students need when studying. Since the start of the basic education of a person, he is tied to reading for purposes like finishing home works and making research papers. Robinson gave a systematic way of understanding the concepts written in literary and articles. Before reading, skim the title, pictures, introductory paragraphs and summaries (Survey). Next is to ask questions about what you skim (Question). Third, look answers to the questions by reading (Read). Lastly, summarize it in your own words (Recite).

In addition to Robinsons conclusion, based on the findings of Skiff (1997), reading comprehension skills are invaluable tools that contribute to better learning. They include skimming, scanning, critical reading and inquiry reading The difference of skimming and scanning is that skimming is the manner when you look at the main topic of the book while canning is the fast movement of the eye to look for the main idea of paragraphs. Critical reading is when you state opinions about a certain paragraph while inquiry reading is the state when you find specific information without considering any emotions.

Usually, scanning and inquiry reading are used by students to make their home works and projects. As stated by Batteries (2007), time is an essential key. You cannot study properly without considering it; hence time management is most certainly a study technique in itself. Given the hectic schedules of college students which need balance between academics and extra activities makes time management really important. The schedule you develop should guide you in how to allocate the available time among academic works, extracurricular activities and social life.

Based on the account Of Lie (2009), there’s no need to force yourself to study 6 hours every day – that’s sweatshop labor! Instead we recommend a consistent 3-4 hours of study each school day as a healthy amount. That is why it is advisable to manage a schedule to prevent overloading school works. Many students spent much time of the allotted sleeping hours to cram their assignments that are due for tomorrow. It is unhealthy not to sleep for enough hours because it causes tardiness and tiredness during lectures.

To support Firebreak’s and Lie’s proposals, endangered (2007) noted that having a regular time and place for studying lessons, and making decisions about priorities concerning time and goals make a good study habit. Studying is a matter of proportioning. If students let themselves be lured by the distractions stated above, it will cost them no good. As mentioned by L I, there should be at least three hours designated for studying to meet the goals of performing well in class. A student should also choose a place conducive for a better learning.

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