Staffing Fuction Assignment

Staffing Fuction Assignment Words: 5344

INTRODUCTION An effective organization must have the right people in the right job. It must also be able to reward outstanding performance and help to develop people who need to improve their skills. To meet the challenges of managing work and organizations, managers must understand the potential of human resources and then secure, retain and develop these resources. This is foundation of what is known called STAFFING/HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. DEFINITION

The staffing function of management is concerned with the acquisition, development and maintenances of efficient and satisfied team of executives in an organization . It involves the recruitment, training, development and appraisal of managerial personnel. According to Koontz and O` Donnell staffing is the executive function which involves the recruitment, selection, compensating, training, promotion and retirement of employees. According to George R. Terry, personnel management is concerned with the obtaining and maintaining of satisfied work force

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DONARLD P GRANE defines personnel management as a process of supporting the accomplishment of organizational objective by continually acquiring human resource s, intergrating employees into the organization, developing employee potential and maintaining the work force. EDWIN FLIPPO defines personnel management as the process of procuring employees, developing, compensating, integrating, maintaining and separating employees in attempt t achieve organizational objectives. DONNEL JAMES H.

JR Defines HR management as the process of accomplishing organizational objectives by acquiring, retaining, terminating, developing and properly using the human resources in an organization. Objectives of staffing • To build and maintain cordial relations between peoples working at different levels of the organization. • To ensure the effective utilization of available human resources • To provide fair working conditions, wages and amenities to employees so that each one of them makes maximum possible contribution to the organization. To achieve the development of each individual employees to his fullest potential. • To help other managers in solving their personnel problems. FUNCTIONS OF STAFFING A personnel department performs two types of function 1. Managerial function 2. Operative functions Managerial functions These are concerned with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities relating to human resources. a) PLANNING-this involves determination of objectives and how to achieve them. Personnel managers lay down personnel policies and programmers for the enterprise.

These are designed to ensure efficiency and uniformity in the procurement, development, compensation and maintenances of the required personnel. b) ORGANISING- it is the process of creating a structure of framework of authority –responsibility relationships among various jobs and personnel in order to achieve the specified objectives. c) DIRECTING-This implies the initiation and maintenance of organized action. In order to direct the efforts of the people in his department, the personnel manager exercise leadership and communication. ) CONTROLING-This seeks to ensure that events conform to plans as closely as possible. For the personnel manager, it implies evaluation and regulation of the performance of the personnel department. OPERATIVE FUNCTIONS These are concerned with the employment, training, compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel. Personnel manager is expected to perform the following operative functions. a. Procurement and employment-Procurement is concerned with employment of right number and type of people required for the objectives of the organization.

It consists of man power planning, recruitment, selection and placement of the personnel. b. Development-Personnel recruited are given induction and other types of training to make them efficient employees. c. Compensation-This involves the determination of fair and equitable remuneration of employees for their contribution towards their achievements of organizational objectives. In addition to monetary compensation several types of non financial payment may be made to employees in the form of housing, medical, conveyance and other perquisites. d.

Integration-This is concern with the reconciliation of interest of employees with the organizational goals. It involves the creation of sound industrial relations. e. Maintenance-This involves with the creation of proper working condition so that personnel may work with dedication and efficiency. In addition to this welfare measures ensure the physical and social well being of employee. f. Records and research-systematic and up to date records are necessary to help top management in the formulation of appropriate personnel policies and procedures.

Personnel research involves the collection and dissemination of data to identify the cause of various personnel problem like absenteeism ,labor turn over, accidents, industrial disputes etc STAFFING PROCESS. Staffing process must take place in series of legal constraints that restricts what a firm can and cannot do. If more employees are needed, the organization must recruit qualified applicants and then choose the one best suited for the job. The staffing process consists of several steps as indicated by the diagram. MANPOWER (HUMAN RESOURC E PLANNING)

This is a process by which management determines how the organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower positions. Through planning management strives to have the right t
umber and the right kind of people, at the right place and the right time doing things . Manpower involves forecast or projection of the future manpower needs so that an adequate and timely provision may be made to met those needs. The basic function of is to determine the right type of people required for effective accomplish of a certain task and goal of the organization. THE STAFFING PROCCESS 1.

Human resource planning 2. Recruiting and selection 3. Training and development 4. Performance appraisal 5. Compensation OBJECTIVES OF MAN POWER PLANNING 1. To ensure that the necessary personnel are available for performing different tasks efficiently. 2. To ensure maximum use of current human resources 3. To forecast future skills requirement 4. To provide control measures so that human resources are available when required SUCCESSFUL MANPOWER PLANNING PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS 1. By anticipating shortages and surpluses of manpower and by correcting these imbalances in time, management can reduce labour cost 2.

Manpower audit facilitate internal succession of managerial personnel in the event unforeseen turn over 3. It provides a sound basis for the development of personnel to make an optimum use of available talent. 4. It helps in formulating management succession plans 5. It identifies the gaps in existing man power so that suitable training programs may be developed for building specific skills required in future 6. It creates greater awareness of the I importance of sound manpower management through out the organization 7. Helps in the growth and diversification of business.

RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT RECRUITMENT This the discovery and development of the sources of required personnel so that sufficient number of candidates will always be available for employment in the organization. It is the process of attracting a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working from company – It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in organization. -The purpose of recruiting is to seek out or explore, to evaluate, to induce and to obtain commitment from the rospective employees so as to fill up position required for the successful operation of an enterprise. SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT Internal sources a) Transfer-Transfer an employee of an organization from work place to another may be used as a source of recruitment to meet personal demand at the place to which the employee is transferred, It does not necessarily result in any change in the nature of duties ,It does not alter the number and kind of employees working the enterprise Transfers may be because of 1.

To avoid retrenchment at the pace of excess and fresh recruitment at the place of shortage of personnel 2. To rotate employees between convenient and not -so -convenient work place 3. To correct any faulty placement of workers 4. To provide varied experience to employees with a view to their training and development Good transfer policy may result in a. Increase in productivity and effectiveness of an organization b. Improvement skills of employees c. Greater job satisfaction d. Greater motivation and avoidance of monotony arising from working at the same place e.

Better superior subordinate relation f. Development of employees for future promotion 1. PROMOTION This means appointing an employee to a position of greater responsibility or authority, it brings change in the nature of duties and authority of the employees concerned ,but it does not alter the number and kinds of employees of the enterprise 2. PRESENT EMPLOYEES It is an internal source of recruiting of personnel, in the event of any vacancy, employees of enterprise may be asked to recommend their friends and relatives for employment.

MERITS OF INTERNAL SOURCE OF RECRUITMENT Increase in morale – it keeps the employees contented and in good morale. They know that they stand the chance of promotion of high positions Better selection – Performance test is the best to determine person suitability for job Economical -Filling of a vacancy form internal sources is also quite economical No need for initiation -a person selected for job from within the enterprise knows the organizational relationship DEMERITS

Inbreeding- selection from within result in narrowing of opportunity to exercise a wider choice Lack of originality -where vacancies are filled internally the enterprise may not be able to have the benefit of a fresh outlook, sense of originality and initiative, which only outsiders can introduce in the working station. EXTERNAL SOURCES Advertisement -This method is suitable in jobs which are commonly available in urban areas and they are given in accurate terms a. Professional’s magazines-this source is suitable for jobs requiring highly skilled of professionals levels of employees b.

Educational institutions – many big organizations maintain a close liaison with the colleges and universities to recruit personnel for various jobs. c. Professional bodies-Most of the appropriate professional organization maintain employment register of qualified professional people who wish to improve or change their position. d. Employment agencies-these are organization which tries to assist their registered members to obtain employment registers of qualified professionals people who wish to improve or change their positions. e.

Circular and posters -for staff in short supply posters can be displayed outside the factory or office. f. Field trips-An enterprise may send out teams of experts to different places where the kind of personnel needed by it may be found. g. Unsolicited applicants-These are person who either gather at the factory gate serve as casuals, or reach the employer by letter, telephone, or in person, with requests for appointment against a real or presumed vacancy. MERITS OF EXTERNAL USE Wider choice-Selection from external sources will enable the choice of personnel from among a large number of applicants.

The enterprise can carefully weigh the plus and minus points of all the candidates and select the best form among them. Fresh air and outlook-in a world of intense competition an enterprise greatly benefits from freshness of outlook and approach of the personnel chosen from external sources. DEMERITS OF EXTERNAL SOURCES • Heart burning among existing employees-personnel chosen from external sources becomes the source of a lot of heart burning, and demoralization among the existing employees. • EXPENSIVE -Recruitment of staff from outside sources may sometimes be quite expensive. ORIENTATION-cost of initiating a new person into the work pattern of the enterprise is also time costly. • Danger of maladjustment-if a person chosen from an external sources fails to adjusts himself to the working in the enterprise, or proves an idler or quarrelsome SELECTION. It involves screening or evaluation of applicants to identify those who are best suited to perform the jobs, which have fallen vacant in an organization. It divides the candidates who offer themselves for appointment into two categories, those who will be employed and those who will not be employed. It is the process of rejecting any unsuitable candidates.

In this process the qualification and experience of every candidate are compared with job requirements and with those of other candidates. Selection -is important because the cost of induction and training have increased and its very difficult to terminate the services of an employee once he is confirmed on the job. Proper selection and placement of employees will go along way towards building up a stable working force and eventually reducing labour cost. Steps in selection process In order to achieve the purpose of selection, a well planned and suitable selection procedure is procedure is required.

Such a procedure consists of series or sequence of steps. The steps involved in the selection process include a. Preliminary interview-This is usually takes place at the reception counter of the organization, it is generally brief and is held to eliminate the totally unsuitable candidates. It involves a short exchange of information relating to organization and at the candidate b. Application blank-It is a brief resume of the name, age and qualification, experience of the candidate. It is used to get relevant information about the applicant his or her own hand writing, it provides a written document of the qualification and experience. . Employment test- It is designed to measures selected aspects of the candidate, personality and or predict how and applicant likely to perform on job . d. Employment interview-This helps to serve several purpose, these include they provide additional about the candidate, they help in charging suitability of the candidate. e. Physical and medical examination-this fulfill at least three objectives it serves to ascertain that the candidate is physical fit to perform the job, it helps to prevent communicable disease entering the organization and it serve to protect the organization against unwarranted case under the workmen compensation act. . Checking references – before final selection of a candidate, the prospective employer likes to investigate into his background, personal reputation, character and past employment form the references provided. g. Appointment letter-a candidate who has crossed all the hurdles in the selection procedure is formally appointed by issuing an appointment letter. PLACEMENT This is a posting of selected candidates in appropriate jobs, it involves assigning specific jobs and work place to selected candidates, correct placement is in no way less important than planned recruitment TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT

Training is the process of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing particular jobs. It is organized activity designed to create a change in the thinking and behavior of people and to enable them to do their jobs in efficient manner. The purpose of training is to enable the employees to get acquainted with their present or prospective jobs and to increase their knowledge and skills. Training makes new employees more productive and efficient. It makes old employees familiar with new machines and technique by refreshing their knowledge.

SIGNIFANCE AND NEED OF TRAINING Systematic and scientific training is the cornerstone of sound management. In the absence of a formal training programmed, workers learn by trial and error or by observing others. This process involves a lot of time and money. Training provides job security and opportunity for advancement to the employees. Benefits of training a. Higher performance-training helps to improve the quantity and quality of work output, training increases the knowledge and skills of employees in the performance of particular job. b.

Less learn period-a systematic training programmed helps to reduce the time and cost required to reach the acceptable level of performance. c. Uniformity of procedure-in formal training the better methods of performing the work can be standardized and taught to all employees. Standardization of work procedures and practices helps to improve the quality of performance. d. Manpower development -training enables the organization to fill manpower needs. Training helps to remove defects in the process of selection, it provides a reservoir of competent replacement and prevents managerial obsolesce. e.

Economy materials and equipment-trained employees make better and economical materials and equipment, wastage of materials and tools is reduced f. Less supervision -training helps to reduce the need for close and constant supervision of workers. It permits management. by exception. g. High moral -training helps to improve the job satisfaction and morale of employees, their productivity increased there’s is an improvement in there earnings and career prospects . by developing positive attitude, training makes employees more cooperative and loyal to the organization; it enables employees to utilize ad develop their potential. . Participate management -training facilitate delegation and decentralization of authority, trained employees are willing to accept new and challenging assignments’. HOW TO DETERMINE TRAINING NEEDS OF STAFF 1. From the organizational goals and corporate plans, which tell the direction, the organizational is headed. 2. Management request that the personnel be trained. 3. Department transfer and layout changes. 4. Personnel statistic. 5. New technology 6. Consultation with senior managers 7. Human resource and succession plans 8. Knowledge and financial plans which determine it funds are available for training

KINDS OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES a) Internal training or on job programmers b) Orientation or induction training c) Apprenticeship training d) Delegation e) Promotion and transfers f) Refresher training or retraining g) Job rotation h) Vestibule training External training or off the job programme 1. Management institutions 2. Lecturers ,conferences 3. Case study 4. Role playing 5. Management games 6. Brainstorming. PERSONNEL COMPENSATION A person may opt for employment in an organization to satisfy various needs and desires. He may do so to satisfy his economic needs must security needs, social needs, recognition and status needs.

But satisfaction of his economic needs must occupy an important place in his list of priorities. It is therefore only proper that policies with regard to wage and salary administration and supplementary benefits to employees should form a vital component of the personnel policy of the organization. ELEMENTS OF GOOD COMPENSATION POLICY 1. Levels and adequacy of payment-This usually depends on competitive wage rates prevailing in the labor market where the organization is situated, wage rate prevailing in the industry to which the organization belongs, financial position of the organization of the organization and management policy 2.

Equity in wage payment-while adherence to the wage rate prevailing in the lab our market or the industry may be unavoidable in certain cases, the organization has also to ensure that there is an equitable pay structure between the different categories of employees and the nature of jobs performed by them 3. Efficiency of performance-wage rates in the case of an employee with higher efficiency level may be increased on the basis of performance appraisal, however assessment of efficiency level is accurate only where the output can be measured in quantities terms. . Incentive pay-this is an extra pay that is provided for extra performance in the addition to regular pay. Incentive pay plans are designed to stimulate human effort by rewarding the person, over and above the time rated remuneration, , for improvement in the present and targeted results.. METHODS OF WAGE PAYMENTS A. TIME RATED METHOD= payment is made on the basis of time that maybe an hour, a day, week or a month. Certain sum of money is set for each of the above unit of time. Advantages a) It is convenient method and wages can be calculated easily. ) Employees can forecast their income and there ensured to receive this income. c) This eliminates the need to measure the performance of workers. d) This is more suitable for such jobs where work cannot be divided into smaller units. Disadvantages a) It discourages more efficient workers because they receive the same amount which is received by efficient and lazy employees. b) It requires close supervision of employees otherwise they do not show interest in their work. t requires close supervision of employees otherwise they do not show interest in their work. Piece rated method-an employee is paid per nit of product, article or per job completed. It is only used if the work can be divided into uniform pieces as is often possible for factory jobs. Advantages -It provides an incentive to all efficient workers. -It does not require close supervision of employees -It provides the employer with an easy way of determine lab our cost per unit of a product Disadvantage ? The workers can produce inferior or poor quality products in order to produce greater quantity in short time ? This method cannot be applied to those jobs which are not easy to divide into small pieces. It does not ensure a stable monthly income for workers Overtime rate- normal working hours are paid at normal rates but for overtime worked during work day and weekends ,a higher rate is paid to in order to induce to the workers to work for more hours. Piece rate with guarantee time rated-A specific amount is paid to the workers on daily or monthly basis irrespective of units produced by him during that period but if the output exceeds beyond a minimum limit then he is paid according to piece rate method. Differential piece rate-piece rate varies at different levels of output.

If the worker produces more units then he gets higher piece rate beyond a specific level of output. JOB ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL This refers to a systematic and scientific study of job in order to determine the nature and characteristics of job and knowledge, skills and experience required for successful performance of the job. It is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operation and responsibilities of a specific job. It provides information both for the job and the job holder. Job analysis serves the following purpose a.

It provides a basis for manpower planning and for intelligent recruitment and selection of personnel. a. It helps in proper placement of employees by matching job requirements and personnel b. Helps in devising the training and development programmed for employees c. It facilitate job evaluation and performance appraisal, which are necessary for wage determination, for appraising the working condition and for promotion and transfers d. Helps in improving the design of jobs and work methods e. Helps to improve efficiency due to better placement and frequently suggests methods for improvement

It assists management in the proper allocation of authority and responsibility by describing the duties of each job and the inter relationship among jobs. Two important by products of job analysis are, JOB DESCRIPTION, It is organized, written and factual statement of job content in the form of duties and responsibilities of a particular job, It describes the scope and function of job and summarizes the nature and type of a job, its location, the task to be performed, the working condition and hazards, the materials and tools used, the supervision given and received the relations hip of the job with other jobs.

JOB SPECIFICATION- It is a formal statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities required for the successful performance of a job. It identifies the minimum acceptable human qualification that a job holder must posses to perform a given job adequately with minimum supervision, It specifies the knowledge, skill, background, attitude, and experience, which and individual should posses in order to perform the job effectively. JOB DESIGH -It is a process of determining how specific tasks are combined to form complete job, it establishes how a particular job relates to other job to work in an organization.

There are two approaches towards this: JOB ENLARGEMENT-Involves spending a particular jobs content horizontal creates wider variety of duties to the job holder and reduces boredom JOB ENRICHMENT-It involves expending a job vertically. This expansion corresponds to compensation as well as increased authority; the jobholder is given greater control over his work, more independence and responsibility. JOB EVALUATION OR GRADING This is a technique for establishing the relative merits of jobs within a business in order to establish pay differentials, the aim is to assess the worth or importance of each job.

Proper job grading assist in drafting salary scales, drawing of organization charts and prescribing lines of authority and define levels of staff relationship, it involves the following steps -Job description of each job -Staff qualities for the job -Allocation of points ADVANTAGES OF GRADING OR EVALUATION -It provides a basis for salary, training and promoting schemes. -provides a useful basis when selecting staff to perform a certain job -It reveals the work content of jobs and the differences between them and indicates differences in wage/salary levels -May improve relationship between management and workers May result in an improvement in morale leading to reduction in labour turn over DISADVANTAGES 1. It does not account for personal performance which must be assessed by merit rating 2. It depends on human assessments, which tend to be subjective, so that grading may not be uniform. 3. There may be a tendency to view the worker as graded whereas it is the job which is graded PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OR MERIT RATING This is an evaluation of an employees work performance over a given period of time. It is a formalized review or the way in which an employee has been performing on his job.

It is the rational and continues posses of evaluating the performance of employee on a particular job in terms of the requirement. .it is concerned with the worth of individual to the organization OBJECTIVES OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL • To judge whether employees are performing at the acceptable level. • To provide a record of each employees performance for the purpose of incentives pay and rewards. • To identifies misplace employees so that suitable remedial action may be taken. • To let and employee know where he stands so that he is motivated to develop himself • To find out the potential of employee for promotion and development. To focus the attention on the effectiveness of the organization and recognize individual achievements. • To identify the strengths and weakness of individuals so that timely step may be taken to improve the quality of personnel. IMPORTANCES/SIGNIFICANCE OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. • It is helpful in testing the effectiveness of selection, placement and induction programmes. It reveals misfits who need to be trained or transfer to the right job • It provides wages differentials and incentives plans of wages payment • It can facilitates the training and developments of employee for they come to know where they stand • .

Formal and systematic appraisal of the employees provides continues records of the performance efficiency and potential of employees. this can help to minimize favoritism and arbitration judgment in the selection ,promotion and transfer of employees • . It promotes a desire for improvement among employees. The confidences and morale of employees are increased when they are convinced that management evaluates them impartially and rewards individual performance. SYSTEM OF PERFOMANCE APPRAISAL Traits oriented appraisal –Evaluation of employee is done on the basis of standards personal traits or qualities e. . Knowledge of the job, judgment attitude, dependability, initiative, loyalty, punctuality, leadership, versatility, experience, etc TECHNIQUES • Ranking methods-employee are compare with one another on an overall basis and are ranked according to the best to the poorest in order of merit or the quality of the worker is consider and his individual qualities are not taken into considerate • Graphic rating scale- it is chart or graph indicating different degree or grade of varicose qualities on which the employees are to be appraised. he typical qualities are quality and workmanship, knowledge of the job ,initiatives and potential and development leadership , dependency, etc • Checklist method – a list of stet mustn’t is prepared that describes types of behave hour for particular job. For every employee the rater is asked to tick those statement , which correctly describes the actual behavior • Forced distribution method the rater are asked to distribute the rating in five categories i. e outstanding ,above average , average below average INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS

This is the term used to describe the relationship between the employer and its employees and the degree to which conflict or peace exists within an industry and its workers Role of sound industrial relation 1. presentation and settlement of trade disputes 2 . enhance employee employer relationship 3. advising government on industrial relationship problems. Trade unions. Unions are important to workers because they enable them to employee skilled officials to act on workers behalf. Workers are formed depending on the company industry or sector. ll trade unions except KNUT (KENYA NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS) come together to for (COTU) central organization of trade union The major task of trade union is to represent workers in issue such as wage and salary negotiations, working hours, benefits, disciplinary actions and air their grievances EMPLOYER ORGANISATION Since trade unions are so powerful a small firm can be put at disadvantages, for this reasons, firms get together and form associations to protect and promote their interests .

Employers association can also involve itself in I. Industrial research II. Management training seminars III. Providing legal representation for employers. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSHIP SYSTEM IN KENYA The relationship between a trade union and an employer or a group of employers is the recognition agreement. This is an agreement in writing between at trade union an employer which provides for the recognition of the trade union as the body entitle to represent and who are or have been employed by the employer.

This matters on which the employer concedes the right of negotiation of trade union and afford full recognition to the union as a representative of workers in maters concerning rate of pay, overtime, working hours, retirements, benefits, medical benefits, principle of promotion, lay of grievances and other general terms and condition of employment. THE INDUSTRIAL COURT The industrial court can be considered the symbol of public interests in the system of industrial relations and collective bargaining. It is the final stage in the process of collecting bargaining and industrial relations system.

It consists of i. A judge appointed by the president ii. A represent of ministry of labour iii. A representative of COTU SEPARATION In the first function of personnel management is to secure the employee, it is logical that the last should be the separation and return of that person to society. Employee separation occurs when the employment relationship is ended and employees leave the organization. Resignation- is separation decisions initiated by the employee. They include quits and retirements. Dismissal -are separation decision initiated by the employer. They include discharges and lay of.

Discharge occurs for individual specific reasons such as incompetence, violation of rules, dishonest, laziness absenteeism, insubordinate and failure to pass the probationary period MANAGING RESIGNATION QUITS Quits occur when employees choose to leave the organization for the reason other than retirement. Employee’s decisions to quit are affected by two prime factors. a. The relative attractiveness of the current employment relationship compared to alternative employment relationship in the organization b. The perceived opportunity to obtain an attractive alternative employment

RETIREMENTS Retirement likes quits are by many human resource activities, include compensation, career, opportunities training and selection. Early retirement program – This is an enhancement to the existing package of retirement benefit and or the increase the value of retirement benefits. These program require decision about 1. The extent of employee eligibility. 2. The formula to calculate early retirement benefit. 3. The source of funds for the additional retirement obligations. 4. Additional support activities, such as managerial training and financial counseling. CONCLUSION

Thus, personnel management is the part of the process of management ,which is specifically concerned with the people ,employed in an organization . Its purpose is to establish and maintain sound personnel relationship at all levels of organization and to secure the effective us of personnel by ensuring such condition of employment as will enable all persons in the enterprise to contribute most effectively to its purpose in the performance of their duties, as well as to attain those personal and social satisfactions which they tend naturally to seek within their working environment.

Human resource management basically concerns with the most effective utilization of human resources as a means of attaining organizational objective, Hence it is a major and compulsory function of management. REFFERENCES i. COLE G A; Strategic management, 2nd edition, London continuum,2000. ii. TERRY R GEORGE-Principles of management PG 95-106. iii.

CLELAND I DAVID AND KING R WILLIAM-Managements PG 130. iv. DONNELY,J H ET AL,Fundamentals of management 9th edition.. PG 67. IRWIN USAA,1995. v. HAIMANN T ET AL;Supervisory Management,4th edition M C,Brown Publishers, Great Britain,1991 ———————– Human Resource Planning Recruiting and Selection Training and Development Performance Appraisal Compensation

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