Staff Retention Plan Assignment

Staff Retention Plan Assignment Words: 7367

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………. Pages COURTSHIP …………………………………………………………………. Pages COACHING ………………………………………………………………….. Pages COMMUNICATION ………………………………………………………… Pages COMPENSATION …………………………………………………………… Pages COLLABORATION ………………………………………………………….

Pages COMMITMENT ……………………………………………………………… Pages CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT………………………………………… Page GLOSSARY…………………………………………………………………… Pages APPENDIX A – DOA Leadership Core Competencies …………….. Page APPENDIX B – DOA Employee Core Competencies ………………. Page APPENDIX C – New Employee Orientation Check List ………….. Page APPENDIX D – Sample New Employee Orientation ……………….

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Pages APPENDIX E – Team Building Principles ……………………………. Page APPENDIX F – Meeting Skills …………………………………………… Pages APPENDIX G – Compensation & Rewards List…………………….. Page APPENDIX H – DOA Guidelines for Recognition…………………… Page APPENDIX I – Exit Interview Sample …………………………………. Pages 2-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17 18-19 20 21 22 23-30 31 32-35 36 37 38-39 May 2002 1

INTRODUCTION Why did the Department of Administration (DOA) develop a Retention Plan? Do we have an employee or knowledge retention problem? While the historical data on employee turnover is quite positive (DOA averages approximately 10 percent turnover each year with most employees leaving to accept promotions, geographically relocate, or retire), the marketplace is changing. The state estimates that 33 percent of some agencies’ workforces will be eligible to retire in the next five years.

Will departing employees take the specialized knowledge, that they’ve developed over time, with them? The reality of hiring freezes and possibly even layoffs during economic slowdowns mean it is critical to focus on retaining and enabling our remaining people to reach peak performance. Lean organizations depend more heavily on individual employees. The targeted audience for this guide is first-line supervisors. It provides questions to help you assess the quality of your work environment and clear action steps for improving it.

The assessment and action steps are centered around Seven C’s: Courtship – Addressing the initial phase of the relationship, courtship gets you, the department, and your new employee started on the right foot. Coaching – Building confidence and competence through training, encouragement and education, coaching includes orientating, mentoring, and leading, which are critical to developing long-term loyalty. Communication – Linking people and tasks together, communication is the open, concise exchange of information that promotes good morale and a feeling of contributing and belonging.

Compensation – Broadly and creatively viewed, compensation to employees comes in many forms above and beyond the rate of pay. Collaboration – Working together in joint intellectual efforts, collaboration creates a sense of connection through shared experiences, responsibility, and success. Developing an employee who feels like a member of the team results in longevity. Commitment – DOA can demonstrate commitment through empowerment, building trust, frequent feedback, appreciation, recognition, and not taking an employee for granted.

Employees will commit to DOA when DOA commits to them. Continuous Improvement – Updating skills, knowledge, and abilities, continuous improvement and employee development help an employee to avoid the possibility of professional obsolescence. Studies show that excellent pay, benefits, and work amenities are not fully appreciated if the employee does not have a good relationship with his/her firstline supervisor. Employees need to feel appreciated and valued. The Department also has a significant role to play in employee and knowledge retention.

The Recruitment & Retention Team will continue to develop ideas for department-wide strategies and welcomes your suggestions. Some of the department activities currently in place include: 2 Courtship Coordination of job fairs. Partnership with the Wisconsin Association of Black Public Sector Employees to pilot a project that recruits candidates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Workshops on behavioral interviewing techniques with questions built around the DOA Leadership Core Competencies (see Glossary and Appendix A) to assist in hiring candidates who will be successful in the DOA environment.

New employee orientation held each month with a welcome by the Deputy Secretary and Human Resources Director, as well as a briefing on department functions and state benefits. Coaching Developmental training provided currently, soon to be tied to the DOA Employee Core Competencies (see Appendix B) and the DOA Leadership Core Competencies. Management Development Team established the DOA Leadership Core Competencies and coordinates training activities for DOA leadership. Training developed for aspiring leaders in decision making and innovative thinking.

These classes are modeled after graduate school classes with case study reviews and formal presentations. Training is also available for aspiring leaders on the DOA Leadership Core Competencies. Communication Secretary’s Office has weekly meetings with Division Administrators to communicate major issues, policies and activities. Secretary’s Office visits each division twice each year to discuss issues and receive feedback from division staff and invites employees to e-mail questions or concerns on major issues.

Electronic communication implemented and continues to be improved, including 3d (see Glossary) with columns from Secretary’s Office on major issues, DOA Intranet (see Glossary) and Internet sites. Communication Steering Committee developed a model Communication Plan that staff may follow when planning their communication needs for projects/initiatives. (Locate the model by accessing the Intranet, click on Projects, then Communication Steering Committee. ) ideas. gov (see Glossary) on the DOA Intranet for employees to forward their ideas, knowing that the idea will be evaluated and they will receive a response.

Classes on communication are included in training opportunities for employees. Compensation Recognition pins and/or plaques given to employees with 15 and 25 years of service. Employee Recognition Events held to celebrate the work of agency crossdivisional teams (see Glossary). 3 Personal letters sent from the Secretary’s Office to acknowledge work on special assignments. Pay increases to eligible employees. Flexible work schedules. Work time provided to attend job/career development courses. Tuition reimbursement for college courses.

Collaboration Numerous cross-divisional teams (Communication, Management Development, Recruitment & Retention, Project Management, Smash Bureaucracy, Training, etc. ) established to allow staff to have input on major issues and set the direction for the department. Special events held to enable employees to have fun and meet their coworkers including the department picnic and DOA in December events. Commitment Continued focus by the Secretary’s Office in moving leadership from being technical experts to being people-focused, recognizing the importance of the relationship between the first-line supervisor and the employee.

When notified by a supervisor of a death in the family, illness, etc. , the Secretary’s Office will issue a personal letter to the employee. Division Administrators and Secretary’s Office hosts an annual employee reception (in December) to show appreciation for their hard work during the year. Exit interviews are held to better understand why staff leave. Results of interviews are used to identify issues that can be addressed to increase future commitment and loyalty. Continuous Improvement Annual Performance Evaluations that include career goal setting and monitoring are performed.

Certified Public Managers Program Scholarships (see Glossary) are offered to qualified applicants. Regularly scheduled training seminars, brown bags and workshops are made available to all employees. Leadership feedback program (see Glossary) is available for employees to provide input on Supervisors’ performance in the DOA Leadership Core Competencies. We ask you to stay abreast of and encourage participation in these and other department-wide activities aimed at creating a better work environment. We have a goal of hiring the “best and brightest. ” Once we’ve done that, we need to ensure that they want to stay here.

Keeping experienced personnel has a tremendous impact on productivity, quality of work, and costs. Our goal is to keep this guide constantly evolving to help you experience better results. The Recruitment & Retention Team 4 COURTSHIP Addressing the initial phase of the relationship, courtship gets you, the department, and your new employee started on the right foot. Assessment Are you involved in ongoing activities to keep in touch with potential candidates? Are you well prepared for hiring the best and brightest candidate? Do you recruit within the walls of your organization?

Do you use behavioral interviewing techniques and questions related to the DOA employee and leadership core competencies? (See Glossary and Appendices A & B. ) Does your Division/Bureau/Section have an organized orientation program? (See Appendices C & D. ) Does your orientation program welcome new employees, explain the division’s mission and vision, and motivate them to do their part to accomplish those goals? Do you provide routine, honest feedback on how new employees are progressing, as well as check-ins on how they are acclimating to their new positions?

If an employee leaves within the first six months, do you know why? Action Plan Get Involved in Ongoing Activities to Keep in Touch with Potential Candidates • Promote internships/fellowships (see Glossary). • Attend and be involved in trade and professional associations. • Create advisory panels or committees (for sharing ideas and information). Court Schools, Colleges and Universities • Create partnerships with high schools and colleges. • Participate in career days. • Sit on their advisory boards. • Invite students and faculty for tours and presentations. • Sponsor internships and fellowships. Volunteer your leadership and experts to be guest lecturers. 5 Make Hiring a Group Activity • Involve many staff in the hiring and decision making process (to get different perspectives). Train • • • • All Involved in the Recruitment, Interview and Selection Process Train interview panelists in behavioral interviewing techniques. Pinpoint skills needed. Review do’s and don’ts. Give timely feedback to all applicants. Be Prepared for the First Day • Be there to welcome them. Ensure they get a good impression in those first interactions. • Before they arrive, provide for – Phone and voice-mail set-up. PC and e-mail access. – Business Cards. – Name Plate. – Office Supplies. • Call the Thursday or Friday before the start date (with new phone number, first day lunch invitation, where to park, where to report to work). • For extended start date, call new hire to check in weekly. Develop an Orientation Program and Materials • Develop an Orientation Checklist as a sample outline of what to address with new employees (see Appendix C). • Provide an all inclusive division orientation. Include the division mission and vision to help new employees identify their role and position within the division.

Provide a Social Mentor for New Employees Who Establishes a Good Neighbor/Buddy Relationship • Recruit someone outside the chain of command whom they can go to with general questions. Provide for Regular Communication on Performance and Job Satisfaction Throughout the Probationary Period • Ensure daily, then weekly, then at least monthly check-ins on how things are going for the employee. • Provide on-going, honest feedback on performance with clear information on how they’re progressing. • Make new employees feel valuable and appreciated by reinforcing the importance of their duties to other staff. COACHING Building confidence and competence through training, encouragement and education, coaching includes orientating, mentoring, and leading, which are critical to developing long-term loyalty. Assessment In addition to the social mentor referred to under Courtship, do you assign a peer mentor to new and promoted staff? Are training seminars or informational sessions offered to employees for growth in their jobs, enabling them to progress toward their career goals? Are you, as a leader, committed to building teams?

Do you develop harmony and trust among employees by delegating tasks and allowing them to complete them without constant supervision? Do you ask loyal, departing employees to pass on specialized job knowledge to the potential peer mentor who will share it with new hires? Action Plan Line-Up Potential Mentors for New Employees • Choose mentors carefully. They need to be compatible, skilled, and well suited to your purpose. Look for skill in listening, organizational knowledge, teaching, training, and coaching. • Set up initial meeting, encourage regular communication, and periodic follow-ups. When you become aware that an employee will be departing, designate the peer mentor for the new hire to ensure that specialized knowledge from the departing employee can be retained and shared with them. Offer and Encourage Participation in Training Seminars and Appropriate Meetings • Train and develop new employees. Assist them in identifying career goals and related training opportunities. • Ask for feedback on training and discuss information learned that could be used by other staff. Coach to Create the Leader • Surround yourself with excellence and don’t feel threatened by it. Be open to and foster drive, passion, character, curiosity, vision, commitment, and a sense of themselves to help employees reach their peak efficiency. • Communicate your appreciation for their willingness to take on new responsibilities. 7 • • Build a cohesive unit and teach team building skills. Then delegate and trust them to perform. Expose them to upper management and professional colleagues so they can build their own network of resources. Build Teams – Not Just Work Groups (See Appendix E for Team Building Principles. ) • Reinforce good meeting and team procedures. See Appendix F for Meeting Skills. ) – Individual motives and agendas have lower priority than the organizational goals. – Teams require a cooperative effort. Voice opinions, but do not place your opinions above others. – Team members share their thoughts and concerns and take an active interest in the opinions of others. • Provide a clear statement of the purpose of the team, the scope of their work, expected deadlines, and the expected final product. • For major projects, provide an executive sponsor (see Glossary) to champion the work of the team and a facilitator skilled in leading meetings. Support the team’s endeavors. Empower the Individual Members of the Group • Encourage and expect participation. Nothing empowers an individual like participation. • Provide opportunities for staff to be involved in planning, problem solving, decision-making, and information gathering. It can enhance personal satisfaction and organizational commitment. • Develop mechanisms to assist the team in establishing their own procedures and policies. • Recognize that you are dependent on your team to meet organizational goals. – Provide the catalyst to initiate action within the unit. Instead of doing the activity, you should coordinate activity, assign tasks, requisition resources, inspire the work group, and facilitate the success of every employee. • Recognize that people have the ability to extend greater amounts of effort if so inclined. – Create an atmosphere and reinforcement pattern that will provide the proper incentive for the individual and the team to increase their collective effort.. • Be accessible and in touch with team progress. Recognize when they meet milestones, but hold them accountable when they miss them. (Recognize outcomes, not just effort.. • Establish communication channels so there are no surprises. – Motivate the team to accept their direction and enthusiastically perform to the best of their ability. 8 COMMUNICATION Linking people and tasks together, communication is the open, concise exchange of information that promotes good morale and a feeling of contribution and belonging. Assessment What communication tools currently exist within your division? • Are orientation documents and policy/procedure manuals current? • Is there updated electronic media available to all for information and interaction? • Do you maximize use of the DOA Intranet (see Glossary)?

What communication programs exist to help build a strong work unit and working relationships? • Do you have a process for communicating information you learn regarding department or division issues and activities? • Do you hold regular division/bureau/unit meetings? • Do employees understand that they have a responsibility to document, update and share procedures, historical work products, and personal networks to benefit all members of the work unit? Is open communication currently in effect in your division? • Do you promote the benefits and use of the DOA Employee Assistance Program (see Glossary)? Are you, as supervisor, accessible and available to your employees? • Do you communicate honestly about performance and encourage the same from staff providing feedback in your leadership profile? Action Plan Provide for and Promote Electronic Communication • Train employees on and promote the regular use of the DOA Intranet sites. • Post information on your division’s page of the DOA Intranet and expect staff to be informed. • Encourage employees to read and write 3d (see Glossary) articles. • Encourage your employees to share innovative ideas through ideas. ov (see Glossary), or with team leaders and supervisors. • Train on and promote the use of E-mail Distribution Group tools. Promote Training/Learning Communication • Keep procedure and other reference manuals up-to-date. • Find opportunities for your employees to assist other programs so they grow in knowledge and value, which elevates self-esteem. • Encourage attendance in effective communication classes to improve speaking, listening, and writing skills. 9 Commit to Interactive Communication • Attend regular management staff meetings and share knowledge gained with employees. Hold regular staff meetings to inform and be informed. Follow-up and implement good ideas presented by your employees. • Practice good meeting skills (prepared agendas, strict timetable, professional support material). (See Appendix F for Meeting Skills. ) • Recognize who needs to know what and plan communication to meet the broad range of needs. • Be accessible and available for staff to present their ideas completely with minimal interruptions. Seek clarification when a point is not understood, and accurately and objectively summarize the significant outcomes. Provide support, information and resolution. Provide clear direction to staff regarding work assignments, work products and deadlines and offer regular feedback (positive and negative). • Survey employees periodically to capture opinions and ideas and then analyze the data and create employee teams to address issues. • Promote the DOA Employee Assistance Program when employees face problems affecting job performance. • Conduct regular, frequent performance reviews to honestly and sincerely inform, commend, and address issues. 10 COMPENSATION Broadly and creatively viewed, compensation to employees comes in many forms above and beyond the rate of pay.

Assessment What does your staff value in terms of compensation in the broadest sense? • Have compensation issues contributed to employees leaving the department? Are the staff you supervise equitably compensated in relation to your competitors? • Do you know how to analyze all comparable aspects of a compensation package including benefits and retirement provisions? Action Plan Know What Your Staff Values in Terms of Compensation in the Broadest Sense • Review statistics in your work unit to see if any compensation issues may have contributed to employee turnover. Develop a list of items beyond money that might be considered compensation (see Appendix G). This list might include benefits, flextime, training, tuition reimbursement, parking, day care, recognition letters, etc. The Bureau of Personnel can assist you in adding to your list. • Establish a survey instrument for staff including a full range of potential compensation components. – Ask each employee to select his or her top ten valued components and give a priority to each. – Tabulate results and report to staff. • Host an event (unit lunch, meeting, reception) to celebrate years of service milestones.

Ensure Equitable Compensation • Review collective bargaining agreements (see Glossary) and the State Compensation Plan (see Glossary) to determine your latitude in granting various forms of compensation for each specific classification that you supervise. • Analyze labor market studies by the Department of Workforce Development, professional associations, or the Department of Employee Relations. • Ask colleagues currently employed in the respective professional or occupational areas about their compensation plans. • Review job vacancy announcements from other state agencies and local government. Compare all aspects of a compensation package including benefits and retirement provisions. 11 • • • • Discuss issues with the Bureau of Personnel. Analyze your budget to determine the parameters and flexibility to enhance compensation. Determine if increased resources are necessary and request them in your budget proposals. Advocate to senior leadership for those forms of compensation beyond your control, such as those determined by collective bargaining and the Legislature. Educate Staff to View Compensation in the Broadest Terms • Establish mechanisms to reward employees through a broader view of compensation. Conduct personal discussions with each staff member as to what he or she values in their jobs and why they remain in their positions. • Develop mentoring relationships to ensure growth and career development for each employee. • Foster a work environment in which people know they are appreciated, recognized for their efforts, and rewarded for their productivity. 12 COLLABORATION Working together in joint intellectual efforts, collaboration creates a sense of connection through shared experiences, responsibilities, and successes.

Developing an employee who feels like a member of the team results in longevity. Assessment Does your unit have routines to build camaraderie and teamwork? What training and experience do your managers and leaders have in building camaraderie and teamwork? How centralized is the decision-making in the organization? Do your employees want to be a part of the decision-making process? Do you cross train employees to address potential knowledge retention issues? Action Plan Build Camaraderie and Teamwork • Build cross-unit teams to solve issues and to provide input and/or develop policies.

Encourage staff to participate on DOA cross-divisional teams (see Glossary). • Help staff find time for departmental training. In addition to gaining knowledge, they will make contacts within the agency. • Take time for social events within your units. • Celebrate the successes of teams and individuals – recognize them in group meetings, hold potlucks or luncheons, send a congratulatory letter to their homes, give an award, etc. • Encourage and recognize participation in DOA social events. • Cross train employees for assistance during high workload situations and knowledge retention.

Develop Skills and Gain Experience in Building Camaraderie and Teamwork • If you supervise managers/leaders, send them as well as interested staff to team-building and other related training. If you’re a manager or leader, be proactive in attending yourself. • All leaders should set an example by participating in DOA’s crossdivisional and interagency teams. They should also encourage participation in cross-divisional teams to address current DOA issues, concerns and trends. • All leaders should routinely review the news on 3d (see Glossary), including the articles about DOA staff achievements. Leaders also need to attend DOA Professional Development Series classes (see Glossary), such as Critical Decision Making and Innovative 13 Thinking, to be able to work with their staff who attend the training and implement these tools in their work units. • Leaders should be expected to encourage staff to bring their ideas forward. They should carefully consider the ideas and introduce their employees to ideas. gov (see Glossary) on the DOA Intranet as another avenue to advance their ideas. Be a Change Agent (see Appendix A) and Push Down Decision-Making • Be a change agent.

Look at your processes at least twice each year to determine if the decisions are being made at the appropriate level. Encourage staff to constructively challenge the status quo. • Discuss the connection between decision-making and accountability. The signing authority should be able to justify the approval decision. However, good decisions sometimes have negative outcomes. Shield your staff when that occurs. Accept risks for setbacks that will occur as part of the change process. • Understand the human factors that make change difficult, and acknowledge and address these factors when planning for changes. In areas where decisions have been pushed down in the organization, talk to staff about how it is working. Are they getting the support they need? Accept blame for them when necessary. Include Employees In The Decision-Making Process • Find out personal preferences regarding being involved in decisionmaking. However, don’t allow staff to avoid making decisions they should rightfully make. • If you supervise managers, ensure that they encourage participatory decision-making. • Use division survey results to help assess if employees are feeling empowered. • Regularly offer insight as to the potential pitfalls when assigning tasks.

Ensure proper channels of communication exist so that people don’t get too far out on a limb. Adopt a Culture of Empowerment • Decentralize organizational authority. • Build free-flowing, two-way communication channels. • Encourage full participation by all members of the team. • Delegate important tasks. • Share responsibility for decision making, problem solving, planning, and implementing goals. 14 COMMITMENT DOA can demonstrate commitment through empowerment, building trust, frequent feedback, appreciation, recognition, and not taking an employee for granted.

Employees will commit to DOA when DOA commits to them. Assessment Are you committed to your employees? • Do you have a mechanism in place for processing new ideas? • How do you share good ideas? • Do you have a reward system in place if the idea is implemented? • Are you preparing people for positions two to three years down the road? • Is your unit committed to the employees? • Does your unit share the success? How do you celebrate? Are you and the other managers in your unit effective role models? Are your employees committed to your unit and their colleagues?

Action Plan Develop Commitment to Your Staff • Identify a mechanism for processing new ideas in your unit. • Identify a mechanism for sharing good ideas. • Develop a reward system if the idea is adopted or implemented. – If your budget allows, provide a reward within the department guidelines for employee recognition (see Appendix H). – Have a pizza party, send a letter to their home, etc. (See Compensation section and Appendix G for ideas. ) • Develop a career path or training path for staff to put them in a position of success two to three years down the road and follow up on the progress. Identify how your unit shares success and celebrates success. • Identify a recognition methodology for employees and establish how often recognition is made. • Be communicative with these processes. Communicate success loud, clear, and often. Determine Employee Level of Satisfaction with Your Commitment • Survey employees asking them questions about their perception of your commitment. • Incorporate exercises into staff meetings that provide you with answers to basic questions like “what do you like most about your job” and “what do you like least about your job? Follow up on these after garnering answers. 15 Show You Really Care – Add a Personal Touch When They Go the Extra Mile • Send a thank you card to their home. • Prepare a thank you letter from the Administrator or Secretary. • Present them with a movie pass (cost is probably $10-15 from your wallet). • Bring in treats (brownies, cookies, cupcakes, etc. ) in recognition.. • Set-up an employee of the month plaque with picture and bio (possibly on line). • Continually give credit and pats-on-the-back. Make them public within the bureaus, division, and department.

Walk the Talk – Be an Effective Role Model • Set examples of honesty, integrity, and humility in your interactions with staff. Share and/or demonstrate techniques for problem solving, customer service, and positive leadership skills. • Be accessible to them by promptly returning phone and e-mail messages and by stopping to visit at the employee workstation/worksite. • Present a professional and friendly image using body language that is open and friendly. • Show care and support to your employees in their personal lives through expressions of encouragement appropriate to the circumstance. Realize that in the paradigm shift from traditional workplace to modern workplace, employee commitment to the organization may be declining but commitment to the team and colleagues is not. Use that commitment to the team and colleague to ensure that specialized knowledge and skill are retained when employees depart. Track Why Your Employees Leave • Hold exit interviews (see Appendix I). If the employee is uncomfortable talking to a supervisor, provide the opportunity for a peer exit interview or one with the Bureau of Personnel. Maintain data on why staff leaves. Is it due to promotions, compensation issues, job satisfaction, etc.? • Tackle issues you have control over. If you have developed an employee and positioned them for a better opportunity than you can provide, you probably do not have a retention problem. 16 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Updating skills, knowledge, and abilities, continuous improvement and employee development help an employee to avoid the possibility of professional obsolescence. Assessment How is individual development currently encouraged?

Are personal and professional development planning part of the employee’s performance evaluation? Is there a system in place involving employees in on-going program evaluations? Action Plan Create an Environment of Continuous Improvement • Encourage your team to keep their skills updated through professional development plans. – Educational Opportunities – In-house training – Seminars – Conferences – Mentoring – Trade magazine subscriptions – Work time for personal improvement • Address personal and professional development in the employee’s performance evaluation to reinforce continuous improvement. Investigate and prepare career development plans with staff. • Explain options including tuition and travel reimbursement, registration payment, and work time for training and workshops. • Instill a sense of obligation to the organization for providing the opportunities. • Focus on training as an investment, rather than an expense. • Keep your work force interested and refreshed–plan periodic meaningful retreats to energize your workforce and increase their personal focus and camaraderie. • Implement a process of continuous program and process evaluation.

Involve staff–they know the programs best and will be able to identify duplication and inefficiencies. 17 Glossary 3d – DOA’s Intranet-based newsletter that reports on agency and statewide news impacting DOA and encourages communication among employees from all divisions and levels of the department. Certified Public Manager Program (CPMP) – A nationally accredited program with the University of Wisconsin, leading to a certificate in public managerial training. DOA solicits applications and offers scholarships annually to those employees who are interested and qualify.

Collective Bargaining Agreements – Biennial contracts governing the conditions of employment, including wages, for represented classified employees. Copies can be found on the DER Website (http://der. state. wi. us/static/dclr. htm). Division Survey Results – Periodic employee satisfaction surveys. Divisions receive results highlighting areas needing improvement. Survey questions are consistent so that Divisions can measure progress. DOA Cross-Divisional Teams – Developed to assist in addressing agency-wide issues. Generally, division administrators are asked to suggest one participant from the division.

Staff who have attended the Critical Decision-Making and the Innovative Thinking classes (offered at least annually) often receive priority consideration. DOA Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – A confidential program directed by the Human Resources Coordinator that provides information on community resources to employees seeking help in resolving a personal problem, especially when it may be adversely affecting job performance. The program also focuses on wellness/prevention with activities such as the Wellness Expo, Brown Bag Luncheon Seminars, and a resource library on the 9th floor of the Administration Building.

DOA Intranet – DOA’s internal “web site,” available only to DOA employees, that provides fast access from desktop PCs to the information and forms needed to do our work. It also features 3d, DOA’s on-line employee newsletter, and links to other resources. DOA Employee Core Competencies – Skills and practices that DOA employees should have, or strive to have, to be effective employees. They are: Communicator, Team Player, Change Agent, Learner, Role Model, and Work Ethic (see Appendix B). These competencies apply to all DOA employees including the leadership.

DOA Leadership Core Competencies a/k/a “Leadership Performance Standards” Skills and management practices that DOA managers should have, or strive to have, to be effective leaders. They are: Communicator, Coach, Change Agent, Mentor, Role Model, and Shield (see Appendix A). Executive Sponsor – Has ultimate authority over a DOA project and is the person to whom the project manager is singularly accountable. In many cases, the Executive Sponsor will be a Division Administrator. The Executive Sponsor provides sufficient resources for the success of a project and has authority to terminate the project. 8 Fellowship – Further study and professional development opportunity for recent graduates from master’s degree programs. Projects last a specified length of time, feature a high degree of independence, are tied to completion of specific work products and may involve a variety of work topics. ideas. gov – A modern variation of the employee suggestion box. ideas. gov provides a process to review ideas and provide feedback to the suggester. The Intranet homepage includes an ideas. gov icon that employees may click on to access an electronic form to use in submitting their ideas.

They will receive instant notification that the idea has been received. After it is reviewed by a team of employees, the suggester will receive information on steps being taken to implement the idea or reasons why the idea cannot be implemented. Internship – Supervised practical training, work experience, and exposure to Wisconsin civil service for qualified candidates. Participants are typically enrolled in an undergraduate or technical college program, recently graduated from such a program, or are enrolled in a graduate level program. Projects last a specified length of time.

Participants are either limited term employees (LTE’s) or unpaid students earning academic credit. Leadership Feedback Program – Components include results of a survey to solicit constructive feedback (from staff and others) to assist leaders in determining strengths and weaknesses in the six DOA Leadership Core Competencies, developing leadership action plans, and identifying and responding to training needs. Professional Development Series – A training series for aspiring leaders comprised of Critical Decision-Making and Innovative Thinking classes. More are planned in the future. Critical Decision-Making: a three-day course designed to be an intensive introduction to the decision-making process. The goal of the program is to use case studies and other tools to highlight key steps such as defining the problem and identifying key stakeholders. Innovative Thinking: a two-day course designed to introduce participants to ways of thinking creatively about the problems they face and of strategies for implementing new ideas. The seminar uses a variety of tools followed by a month-long project in which participants are asked to formulate and present an innovative idea for DOA. State Compensation Plan – A legal document that includes a full range of compensation provisions affecting non-represented employees. It is developed by the Department of Employee Relations (DER), and the Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JOCER) approves its contents. It can be found on the DER Website (http://der. state. wi. us/static/dclr. htm). 19 DOA Leadership Core Competencies APPENDIX A 20 21 22 APPENDIX B 23 APPENDIX C SAMPLE New Employee Orientation Check List

Orientation Items Provided by DOA Personnel Review with employee to see that s/he has an understanding of these DOA provided orientation items. Orientation Power Point Presentation Employee Handbook Discrimination Policy Grievance Procedures Work Rules Code of Ethics Blank TACS Forms and Instructions Pay Periods Calendar Leave Time Availability/Use Other Payroll Forms Tax Withholding Forms Insurance Forms/Information Explanation of Probation Performance Standards Training Opportunities Safety/Security/Emergency Procedures Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Introduction EAP Resource Library Information

Orientation Items Provided by Division Parking Instructions Building Access Card/Key Photo ID Card Office Tour Staff Introductions Business Cards Office/Desk Supplies Special Needs Requests Desk Name Plate Interoffice Phone/Intercom List Telephone System (STS) Instructions Voice Mail Instructions Long Distance Phone Procedures Cell Phone Availability Computer LAN ID and Logon OCS Help Desk Contact List Intranet/Internet Use Instructions ideas. ov Suggestion Site Tell A Friend Program E-mail Instructions In/Out Board on Intranet Instructions Notification Procedure for Absences Dept/Customer Contact List Meeting and Conference Room Scheduling Procedures Division/Bureau Inter-Office Meeting Schedule Work Hours and Breaks Schedule Procedural Manuals Mail

Delivery/Pickup Instructions Office Equipment Training Coffee, Sunshine and/or Other Inter-Office Club Information Kitchen Etiquette/Recycling Rules Availability of DOA Logo Merchandise Peer Mentor Assigned Social Mentor Assigned Lunch Suggestions Fleet Vehicle Instructions & Form Travel Policies and Introduction to Travel Coordinator Travel Vouchers Instructions & Forms 24 APPENDIX D SAMPLE OF A DIVISION NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION The sample new employee orientation is a PowerPoint.

Because of the size of the file it has been removed from this version. Printouts of the sample are available from DOA, Bureau of Personnel. 25 APPENDIX E Team Building Principles • Carefully select team members. Ensure they will be invested in the work • • • of the group. Provide a clear statement of the purpose of the team, the scope of their work, expected deadlines, and the expected final product. Provide an executive sponsor who will champion the work of the group. Provide a facilitator or a person skilled in leading meetings. Ensure there is trust, open communication, honest discussion, frequent feedback, and mutual respect. – Establish a non-defensive, non-threatening atmosphere. – Be prepared to help employees with communication, conflict resolution, compromise, problem solving, cooperation, group dynamics, brainstorming, rules of reinforcement and feedback, and the development of trust. Provide them with guidelines on good meeting and team procedures. – Individual motives and agendas must be placed lower in priority than the organizational goals established by the body. Team members should be prepared to be part of a cooperative effort, feeling free to voice opinions, but not placing their opinions above those of others. – It is the obligation of team members to share their thoughts and concerns and to take an active interest in the opinions of others. Know the dynamics of the group’s interaction. Take the necessary steps to harness the collective energy of the team members. Identify, secure, and allocate resources (funding, equipment, training, etc. to support the team’s endeavors, consistent with the department’s priorities. • • • 26 APPENDIX F Meeting Skills You are judged on how you handle meetings. Effective meetings follow a three-step cycle: Plan, Do, Review. Plan More, Meet Less • • • • Establish a need for a meeting Develop a clear agenda Identify and overcome potential barriers Ensure a proper meeting environment Good Reasons to Meet • • • • • • To To To To To To clarify and share information develop ideas solve problems make decisions delegate work or authority persuade or build support

The Hidden Reasons Why We Meet • • • • • • To avoid work To share risk and avoid responsibility To share information To be participatory Because . . . it’s there Because it’s mandated The Agenda is Your Most Powerful Tool • Helps you prepare • Communicates your expectations • Provides a mechanism for order and control – Limits the tasks – Limits the participants • Measures success/failure of meeting 27 Guidelines For An Effective Agenda • • • • • • Identify the time, date, lace, and participants Describe your objective Tell the participants how to prepare Set time limits Schedule items in order of importance Distribute in advance Enhanced Meeting Agenda • Meeting Called by • Meeting Place • Date • Starting Time • Ending Time • Please Bring • Attendees • Purpose of Meeting • Desired Outcome • Agenda Items, Person Responsible, To Be Accomplished, Time Allotted Ensure A Proper Meeting Environment • Meeting place • Room setup • Equipment, materials • Catering Meeting Do’s • • • • • • • • •

Be positive Listen actively Paraphrase for understanding Establish & observe time contract (appoint a timekeeper) Build on others’ ideas Use the “how to” action phrase Use the “I wish” action phrase Stay focused Use Parking Lot Concept – If a good idea comes up that is worthy of discussion but not tied closely to the agenda, “park” it.

Parking Lot items appear in the meeting minutes so their ideas are not lost and are factored into future agendas as appropriate Stay in process Help ideas “over the wall” Set up “win/win” situations Remember, no idea is a bad idea 28 • • • • Meeting Don’ts • Look for the “fatal flaw” • Lob “grenades” • Launch heat-seeking missiles • Ramble • • • • • Come with hidden agendas Have two meetings at the same time Pass notes Violate time contracts Set up “lose/lose” situations

Typical Meeting Problems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Getting off the subject No goals or agenda Too lengthy Poor or inadequate preparation Inconclusive Disorganized Ineffective leadership/lack of control Irrelevance of information discussed Time wasted Starting late Not effective for making decisions Interruptions Individuals dominate discussion Rambling, redundant or digressive discussion No published results or follow-up actions No pre-meeting orientation Language Can Make a Significant Difference • • • • • • • • What I hear you saying is…

What I like about that is… Let me build on that… Can you say more about that… Help me to understand… How to… I wish I knew… What’s behind that? 29 Meeting Behavior: The Leader Sets the Tone • • • • Demand serious preparation, attention, and effort Set high — but reasonable, achievable expectations Speak in terms of “we” instead of “I” Make the team realize that the task is important A Checklist for After the Meeting • • • Compare your meeting results with your original goal Circulate meeting notes / next steps in a timely fashion Follow up on assignments quickly

Effective Meeting Summary • • • • • • Objectives and Agenda Determined Content AND Process Planned Determine Appropriate Players Roles and Responsibilities Defined Key Contributors Contacted Logistics Arranged 30 APPENDIX G Compensation & Rewards Suggestion List Compensation to employees comes in many forms above and beyond the rate of pay. Some suggested alternatives are listed below. These compensation items and rewards can be provided by the Department, or within employees’ benefits packages, or from arrangements made by individual employees.

These Department Compensations May Be Considered: • Attendance at job related conferences/conventions • Career training opportunities • Challenging responsibilities • College tuition reimbursement • Comfortable, efficient office space • Compensatory time off • Dress-down days or theme dress days • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) fitness and wellness programs • Fleet vehicle assignment or availability • Flexible break times • Flex-time, flexible scheduling • Job sharing • Personal growth training opportunities • Safe work environment provided • Seminars hosted by outside speakers on various issues • Upgraded computer systems/software programs • Work from home These Department Rewards May Be Considered: •

Acknowledgement/achievement letter from Supervisor/Administrator/Secretary • Appreciation letter from Supervisor/Administrator/Secretary sent to spouse • Discretionary wage increases/bonuses to qualified positions • Promotions or reclasses • Recognition awards for specific accomplishments • Recognition of accomplishments written in 3d on DOA’s Intranet • Reserved parking spot Employee Benefits: • Child or elder care options • Chiropractic care available • Fitness and wellness programs • Take Your Children to Work day and other programs Individual Employee Arranged: • Community service projects involvement • Division/Bureau excursions/retreats • Dry-cleaning/laundry pick up and delivery • Health insurance benefits within first six months of employment • Social events, picnics, parties, lunches 31 APPENDIX H DOA Guidelines for Employee Recognition 32 APPENDIX I SUPERVISOR EXIT INTERVIEW / QUESTIONNAIRE “If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. ” — Henry Miller (1891-1980, U. S. author)

Each employee leaving the department is offered the opportunity to participate in a voluntary exit interview through the DOA Human Resources Coordinator. In addition to that interview, you as the departing employee’s supervisor may find it beneficial to ask for suggestions, comments and observations that could aid you in recruiting a replacement employee. Below are some sample exit interview questions and a sample Exit Interview Questionnaire is also included. Be sure that the employee knows that all information shared during this voluntary interview will not become part of the employee’s personnel file or in any way affect the employee’s possibilities to be hired again by the department.

Examples of Exit Interview Introductory and Closing Statements and Questions Introductory statement: Thank you for participating in the exit interview process. This is viewed by us as a useful tool to gain insight on why employees leave and where we may need to improve. To start things off, would you please share with me, your reason or reasons for deciding to leave the department. Did your job description match what you actually did, or do we need to modify it? What did you enjoy most about working for our work unit and why? What did you least enjoy and why? Do you have any suggestions on how we could make our work unit stronger and more successful? How satisfied were you with your chances to develop your career and learn new skills?

Do you feel that you received enough recognition and feedback on your accomplishments? Are there any other areas we have not covered which you would like to discuss, if so, what would those be? Closing statement: I hope that things are going in your new job. future vacancy that might appeal a reference or contact for you any you will keep in touch and let us know how We would also like to notify you if we have a to you. And, of course, I will be happy to be time. 33 Supervisor Exit Interview Questionnaire Completion of this questionnaire is completely voluntary on your part. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gain your insight and comments, and suggestions on how our work unit and the department could improve. Thank you!

Name: Last Day of Work: Briefly explain your reason for leaving the department: Please check ( ) which of the following were important in influencing your decision to leave? More than one may apply. flexible job duties career change return to school schedule commuting salary moving parking distance co-worker fringe benefits retirement child care conflict working conditions personal supervisor family needs other (please specify), or any additional comments you wish to add about your choice(s) Did your job description match what you actually did, or do we need to modify it? Did you get sufficient feedback and recognition on your accomplishments?

How to cite this assignment

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Staff Retention Plan Assignment. (2020, Mar 05). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from