Rosetta stone Assignment

Rosetta stone Assignment Words: 513

A printed version must be in your workshop teacher’s post box (pigeon hole) on ST2 (across IBMS Office) by 08:30. Do not forget name / student number / class and do STAPLE your printed and in. Classes 41BMS-a and 41BMS-b: mr Hoekstra, classes 418MS-c and 41BMD-d: mr Vroomans, classes 41BMS-e and 41BMS-f: mr Li Fo Sloe. Of course, any hand-ins and uploads already done on Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening will get earlier attention and – whenever possible ” feedback. Your Individual grade will be a based on correct use of the tools and models, completeness of the findings and consistency in the explanations. The second part of the assignment will be completed in-class during the workshop, as a team.

We will debate about the findings of the individual assignment in order to usiness model; We will try to reach consensus about the threats and opportunities that the company is being faced with; Each team will then attempt to arrive at acceptable IFAS and EFAS overviews; Each team will also try to provide an opinion on: * which directional strategy (or: strategies) Rosetta Stone, Inc. has been pursuing (see: Wheelen & Hunger); * which competitive strategy (or: strategies) Rosetta Stone, Inc. has been pursuing, according to: a) Michael Porter, by looking for evidence of operational / functional aspects of any such competitive strategy; b) Treacy & Wiersema, by looking for evidence of operational / functional aspects of any such competitive strategy, or Value discipline’ as T&W call them; * in what way Rosetta Stone, Inc. has been applying ‘Abell 3-dimensions’ type methods for their business development.

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Also in-workshop, each team will attempt to arrive at an advice on the strategies to pursue in the period following the time of writing of the case, including: * the corporate / directional strategy * competitive strategies (specified per SBU where applicable) * operational strategies – explained from the Business Model Canvas; using any theories or models from any of the pertaining IBMS modules (from MKTI through LOM5, from IMC4 through OBM4) TIP: in order to best prepare for the workshop debate and the in-workshop team assignment it is wise to already during the making of your individual assignment keep your own notes about which threats and which opportunities come at Rosetta Stone, Inc. t the moment that the case is written (bear in mind: for the sake of uniformity in available information, in SMM8 assignments you DO NOT go outside the case for additional insights), and which of these are of strategic importance, by pplying, if and where applicable, an industry analysis (Michael Porter’s and Barney’s models may come in handy) and an issue/priorities matrix. Also check the case text for evidence of any corporate, business or operational strategies that you see Rosetta Stone choose and follow, including choices made for business development (using Abell’s model for this may well be helpful). Especially look for examples of the (operational aspects of) either Porter’s or Treacy-&-Wiersema’s competitive strategies. Keep your personal notes about all of these phenomena this at hand. Good luck with the assignment, see you in the workshop.

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Rosetta stone Assignment. (2018, Sep 14). Retrieved March 29, 2025, from