Research an Issue of Qantas Airways Engineering Assignment

Research an Issue of Qantas Airways Engineering Assignment Words: 799

Issue statement and research sample. Part one: Issue statement and overview? Background to the issue: This issue is about a series of technical problems currently being faced by Qantas Airways Limited the national carrier of Australia which has put a question mark on their safety. It all started after the aircraft was forced to make a 20,000ft emergency descent as a 1. 5 m hole was ripped in the plane on the 25th July 2008 while flying from Hong Kong to Melbourne. ? Background of the organization: The Qantas story is inextricably linked with the development of civil aviation in Australia.

It begins with fragile biplanes carrying one or two passengers in open cockpits and progresses to advanced Boeing 747s flying some 400 people half way around the world in a day. However, it is a story of human endeavour, not just machines. A few determined individuals overcame formidable obstacles to establish the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd (QANTAS). Supported by committed staff and loyal customers, the airline persevered through war and peace to serve the nation and build an enterprise.

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The Qantas story is about the people who have created its exciting and productive history – its staff, its customers and the excellence of its business partners and key suppliers. Today, Qantas is widely regarded as the world’s leading long distance airline and one of the strongest brands in Australia. Qantas continues to provide outstanding service to its customers and is at the forefront of the international civil aviation industry. The future holds many challenges for Qantas – maintaining safe operations and orld class product standards while building a viable and competitive position long term for the airline ? Justification: The series of issues which have happened in the past since July 2008 are all related to technical problems which can lead to safety issues and can put Qantas’s reputation as “the most trusted airline”{according to an independent global research study commissioned by information services provider, Unisys presented on the 25th July 2008} at stake. Qantas should rethink on the statement of cutting 1,500 jobs worldwide in response to sustained high oil prices and changing economic conditions.

They also need to rethink on implementing its budgeted growth in flying as they have had a 44% increase in their profit {according to an interview of Mr. Geoff Dixon, The Chief Executive Officer of Qantas on ABC news, on the 21st August 2008} even after facing so many issues. ? Problem/Opportunity Statement: Recent series of technical issues with the Qantas Airways Limited that has led to several questions in the mind of its shareholders and stakeholders as well as hardcore media focus and unprecedented brand damage. ? Selection of relationship outcomes:

The relationship outcome selected for study across the semester is trust. For the purposes of this assignment, trust is defined as the ” “. The selection of trust is relevant to this issue as Qantas had been awarded “the most trusted airline” {according to an independent global research study commissioned by information services provider, Unisys presented on the 25th July 2008}. This has led to changing perception about the brand in the minds of its publics {stakeholders, shareholders, passengers etc} ? Research Methodology:

The research methodology has been selected in order to provide data to analyse the situation faced by QANTAS as well as Qantas’s responses. The issue of public trust will be examined from July 25th 2008 till date. This timeframe has been selected to incorporate the results of the first technical problems found in the plane. The issue will be studied by selecting eight items from a range of data sources including mass media, organisational, and stakeholder sources. It is expected that the items will be sourced from Australian based mass media because Qantas is an Australian organisation listed on the Stock Exchange.

Key mass media to be tracked are: The Australian, The Courier Mail, mX, Herald Sun and news channels such as: ABC1,Channel 9, Channel 7 and ten etc. Organisational documents including media releases, position statements, and annual reports will be closely monitored and used as a basis of comparison to news reports. In order to access stakeholder views, research items will be sought from the internet. The eight items will be chosen based on their review of technical incidents faced by the organisation during the management of the issue.

For example, technical incidents that may arise during the study are the outcomes and Qantas’s responses to further issues. Each of these research items will then be analysed against key coding elements. These coding elements are: direction of coverage, identification of stakeholders, and relationship outcome/s. Each article will then be interpreted for its organisational impact. The second part of this project requires the assessment of Qantas’s responses using public relations theories. As the focus of the issue statement is trust of the stakeholders and shareholders as well as the media.

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Research an Issue of Qantas Airways Engineering Assignment. (2018, Aug 20). Retrieved March 29, 2025, from