Pronunciation Lesson Plan Assignment

Pronunciation Lesson Plan Assignment Words: 725

PRONUNCIATION LESSON PLAN WARM UP & PRESENTATION We will teach the students the differences between the “e” and “ae” phonemes by using the minimal pairs: /ae/ /e/ bad bed ban Ben dad dead man men gas guess cattle kettle marry merry We’ll start our lesson by asking the students how they are and how their weekends were. We will say: “Good afternoon my dear students.

How are you today? Did you sleep well? I couldn’t sleep well. I had a bad sleep yesterday because my naughty children jumped on my bed in the middle of the night! ” Then while I am showing the differences between them with pictures and my gestures, I will repeat the minimal pairs slowly at least 2 times. After I explain the differences between these two phonemes, I will use the words in meaningful sentences.

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For example: “The witch is bad” “This is my bed” “My mother will ban smoking in our house” “His name is Ben” “He is the child’s dad” “The pink bunny is dead” “There is a man in the picture” “There are 2 men in the picture” “My car needs some gas” “I guess you are listening to me” “Old McDonald has cattle” “He gave me a ketle” “Hayri wants to marry Hayriye” “I wish you a merry Christmas” REPETITION The students will repeat after us chorally, in groups and then individually. EXERCISES 1) We will make two groups of the phonemes. /e/ phoneme will be A and /ae/ phoneme will be B. First we will read loudly only the group A and then only the group B. Then we will say the words one by one randomly and the students will try to find which group the word belongs to. For example we will say “gas” and they will say ” B ” . It will be go on so. 2) We will say some sentences some of which are false and the students will decide which one is true or which is false according to pronunciation. For example: She is a bed person” (the students will say “FALSE”) “My dead is a policeman” (the students will say “FALSE”) “There is a man in front of the door” (the students will say “TRUE”) “I wish you a marry Christmas” (the students will say “FALSE”) “I feel bad today” (the students will say “TRUE”) “His father’s name is ban” (the students will say “FALSE”) “Cattle are animals” (the students will say “TRUE”) “Put some water into the kettle” (the students will say “TRUE”) “I gas it will rain” (the students will say “FALSE”) ) We will say an incomplete sentence and the students will complete it. For example I will say: “The weather is……………….. ” (the students will say “bad”) “My grandmother is……………. ” (the students will say “dead”) “My favourite name is………….. ” (the students will say “Ben”) “………………. are animals” (the students will say “cattle”) “My………….. is a teacher” (the students will say “dad”) “……………….. Christmas” (the students will say “merry”) “Put the …………. n to boil water” (the students will say “kettle”) “I…………… you are right” (the students will say “guess”) “Two……….. are dancing) (the students will say “men”) “I go to………….. at 10 pm at nights” (the students will say “bed”) “Young……………… is coming here” (the students will say “man”) “Please………………….. me” (the students will say “marry”) “Canada will…………….. smoking” (the students will say “ban”) GAME We will play a game. It’s name is “Bingo”. For each student, there will be cards which has 20 different words.

We will say 20 random words all of which exist in only one of the cards and the student who has found all od the words in his card will say “Bingo! “. But the students will have to be careful because most of the words have minimal pairs. They will have to decide which word it is. For example if we say “bread” but they mark “brad” in their cards, it will be wrong. So they have to be careful. Here is an example of bingo cards: B| I| N| G| O| And| Back| Bag | Bread | Cap| Celery| Fellow| Guess| Head| Ketch| Lend| Mat| Net| Pack| Pet| Policemen| Puddle| Set| Tag| Wreck| ASSIGNMENT We will give the students some sentences. I want them to read the sentences and underline the /e/ sound and circle the /ae/ sound. For example: I ate bread and jam for my breakfast.

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Pronunciation Lesson Plan Assignment. (2021, Aug 07). Retrieved March 6, 2025, from