Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment

Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment Words: 4304

Also, the evidence listed in this document is authentic and a true representation of my own work. I agree to allow my micro- teaching session photographs, video evidence and portfolio to be shown to the External Quality Assures and The Teacher Trainer Assessor(s) and Internal Quality Assures(s) for the purposes of assessment and evaluation of my qualification. Signature (Manual/Digital): Date: 03 Feb. 2014 Question 1: Summaries key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your teaching and on your learning environment. Unit M/503/1232: LOL – 1. 1) As a lecturer, the key aspects of current legislation, regulatory requirements and odes of practice relevant to my subject and the type of organization/industry within which I work are as follows:- a) Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 As a lecturer trained in GOSH at Broadband College, it is my responsibility to utilize and practice the Health and Safety at work Act (1974) including organization policies and procedures such as the college mandatory policies in relation to health and safety and the use of laboratories.

The Health and Safety at work Act (1974) is important as it clearly defines my health and safety responsibilities. It states that health and safety rules must be followed and adhered to all the time to prevent unsafe practice and minimize risk. The health and safety acts direct me to make sure that all assessment activities are conducted in a safe and healthy manner.

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This means that I will make sure I provide my learners with health and safety information by risk assessing in the classroom before commencing any teaching activities, including the location of fire exits, fire emergency procedures and location of first aid kit. B) Data Protection The data protection act 1998 amended in 2003 directs that all organizations that hold and process personal data of individuals either electronically or in other arms for more than 2 months are to protect the information securely.

The 1998 act also set out principles to ensure that data held by organization are (Gravel’s, 2012): Processed fairly and lawfully Kept secure Obtained and used only for purpose specified lawfully Kept for no longer than necessary Processed in accordance with the individual right As a lecturer the data of my students will have to be kept in a secure place. In addition to the statutory guidelines, I will also ensure I comply with my organization policies relating to data management. Confidentially As an lecturer, I will have access to personal information of my students.

It is therefore very important that I keep the information confidential and securely. I have also carried out mandatory training in safeguarding for my students. C) Equal opportunity and Diversity The Human Rights Act 1998, The Race Relations Act 1976 amended 2000, The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Equal Opportunities Act 2004 and the Equality Act of 2010 are all legislations that relate to equality and diversity in my own practice. These acts are about meeting and respecting the individual needs of learners. An lecturer it is my responsibility to accurately utilize and follow these guidelines .

This will ensure that all learners are given equal access and opportunity to learning, irrespective of their color, age, disability, gender, religion, belief sexual orientation. After carrying out an initial assessment to identify learners need, I will make sure I will ensure that none of the materials used are written or produced in a discriminatory manner, for example, I ensure that materials are not weighted towards just able bodied students – because a number of students on the Forensic Science course have learning difficulties and disabilities.

I also ensure that none of my students or any others in the college re excluded because of their race or belief systems. The effect of carrying out and adhering to the Equality Act provides me and my students with an all- encompassing and friendly environment within the classroom. Appeals and Complaints All organizations should have complaints and appeals procedures. The procedure depicts how complains are handled including the duration it takes for them to be resolved.

This information has to be passed to learners during induction, to tell them the organization procedures and what they have to do in case they have complains to make. D) Copyright Design and Patent Act (1988) The Copyright Design and Patent Act (1988) sets out guidelines to protect authors and/or owners of materials against plagiarism and other intellectual ownership violation. Such material can include books, newspaper, journals and any material downloaded from the internet.

As an lecturer, it is my duty to ensure evidence submitted by learners are valid and authentic prevent copyright act violations. I will also guide my students on the correct referencing system to be used. Code of Practice for Teachers (2008) As an lecturer, I will abide by the Institute for Learning code of conduct and the even standards of behavior in order to maintain the high benchmark expected from every lecturer. And the policies and procedures of my organization, which will contain in detail my responsibilities to my employer and my students.

In addition, I will abide by other codes of practice relevant to my profession such as the guidelines set out by the awarding bodies that regulate the qualification and criteria access learners against. This will also ensure that the standards set by the Lifelong learning UK are met. Question 2: Evaluate own roles and responsibilities in the lifelong learning sector. Review your roles and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners. (I-hit M/503/1232: LOL – 1. & 1. 4) a) Roles, Responsibilities & Identifying and meeting learners’ needs: The primary role of an lecturer, teacher or trainer is to help learners achieve their chosen programmer (Gravel’, 201 2, page), Gravel’s further explains that this can be achieved by using various teaching and learning methods whilst taking into account learners individual needs thus ensuring our students gain their qualifications best suited to their own learning needs and those of the awarding dies.

Wilson (2009) states that a teacher should always be aware of their role, responsibilities and the boundaries in terms of the teaching/training cycle. According to (Gravel, 2012, Peg 1 1) Preparing a scheme of work, session plans and teaching and learning materials to ensure you cover the requirements of the syllabus, liaising with others. Gravel and Simpson (2010, Peg 1 1) also stated that, Motivation needs include factors which allow for: achievement, responsibility, recognition, advancement and challenge.

Gravels (2008) states, at the ‘Planning & Design’ stage, good planning is important you need to keep a record of what you are teaching and how your students are doing. This planning will include, scheme of work, lesson plan, hand-outs, assignments and activities. The planning of the lesson should involve challenging activities to provide for the group collectively taking into consideration their different learning styles. In order to maintain and develop the students attention span a good alternative number different activities will stimulate learning.

During the delivery of the lesson the lecturer should view each of the students as individuals, because during assessment they have identified that they have efferent ways of learning such as visual, auditory, read-write and kinesthesia As a Forensic Science Lecturer, in order to be able to assess students formally or informally well, would carry out an initial assessment (tutorial) with them. During the tutorial meeting, I will try to identify each student needs. There are a number of ways I can do this; will give them paper questionnaires to complete to identify if my students are visual, aural, read/write or kinesthesia (BARK).

In the form, I ask questions that might help me identify individual needs such as, Dyslexia, English language needs, study skills, computer skills and any particular audio needs. If the questionnaire does not suit a student, I will review the method used by my organization and adapt it to suit the leaner. Students will also be given computer access, I will ask them to complete an online assessment of their English, Math’s and CIT levels 1, 2 or 3. During the initial assessment meeting, I will also discuss previous learning and achievement with students to help me to develop their individual learning style and plan.

If a student has achieved part of their qualification elsewhere, I would take units achieved into consideration to avoid the learning repeating some specs of the course. (Gravel, 2012, Peg 8). All other needs that might hinder the student from successfully completing the programmer such as financial, health, disability would be discussed and appropriate guidance given. If I am not an expert in the student needs, I would have to refer them to the appropriate specialist (Gravel, 2012, Peg 20). Would inform the student of the aims and objectives of the course and the possible date of completion.

We will also discuss the various method of gathering evidence, and the amount of evidence needed to achieve the award. I will wrap p by reassuring the student that support and guidance are available to them, and agree on future tutorials between us will take place. I will also complete the formative assessment which is an ongoing assessment and takes place continuously throughout the course. It will help me give the student feedback and at the same time continue to measure and review the students’ progress. Formative assessment is also important as it allows the lecturer to know if the student is having problems with the subject matter.

I will use observation combined with oral discussion, assignments and feedback as these are relevant n the health and social care. There is also the summarize assessment which will be completed at the end of a course and will generally takes the form of gather all the evidence submitted. The end result is the awarding of the qualification. While assessing my learner, I will ensure good practice in relation to the assessment by making sure the evidence submitted are: The evidence submitted should valid and be fit for the purpose which is intended for.

If I am assessing my student on how to use a forensic scientist, it will be valid if he/she can demonstrate the role requirement rather than to be assessed with questioning. The evidence should be current in that it should be recent and useful at the time of the assessment. The evidence submitted should be sufficient enough to the set standards and pre-established criteria to merit the award, the assessment methods should be reliable and consistent, and so can be relied upon. Finally, Evidence provided should be authentic and carried out solely by the student.

In evaluating the course, I will benefit from student feedback . Accurate feedback as well as positive feedback can give the lecturer confidence and is always good to receive from students. There are many features to a lecturer’s role that allow mom for there are often areas with room for development. I would hand out my evaluation form before the conclusion of the course, if I want an incomplete or hastily completed form I could supply it to the students at the end just before they leave.

However should a lecturer require further development of themselves or the course early accurate feedback should be sought. Question 3: Analyses the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. Review points of referral to meet the needs of the learners. Evaluate own responsibilities in relation to other professionals. (Unit M/ 503/1232: ALL – 2. 1, 2. 2 & 2. ) a) Boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles: In my role as a lecturer I conduct initial assessments which help me to identify students needs.

Professionalism requires us to maintain and uphold appropriate standards and fulfill our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues (Francis and Gould, 2009 peg 0). This is achieved by setting both personal and professional boundaries which will enable us to understand what our limits are and what our professional role involves. There are a number of boundaries that face while teaching such as professional boundaries which could include lack f resources such as broken or faulty equipment, the students expectations, knowing what sort of advice can or cannot be given.

The possible lack of support from colleagues or managers and lack of access to resources. Deadlines and time restraints demands from managers, unmotivated, lazy or reluctant students. These boundaries could have a negative effect on us as lecturers as well as other professionals within the organization. We therefore need to deal with these boundaries by referring to the Institute for Learning’s (elf) Code of Practice (2008) which outlines the behaviors expected of teachers in the Lifelong Sector. It is important not to given preferential treatment to one or a group of learners and to treat everyone equally.

Lecturers should avoid touching students inappropriately or give preferential treatment to some students and not others and not give out personal information or get personally involved with a student. It will be possible that some students may develop problems, it would not be professional of me to go beyond my expertise and responsibility as a lecturer. In the college we are able to guide students to the best location to get help and/or advice. Due of lack of necessary skills or expertise or because it is inappropriate or the teacher to deal with, it may be necessary to identify areas outside of the professional boundaries of a lecturer.

This is when external professional support will be required and it is important to identify the appropriate colleague to which to refer the matter such as one trained in Safeguarding, or a student who is having financial problems should be referred to the appropriate colleague within the college. We set deadlines for students to submit assignments however, there will be occasions that they do not achieve this timescale therefore academic support or additional time is given to them, we would set another date or work tit the student to identify any problems they have encountered.

This meets the requirements of the Institute for Learning (elf). As a lecturer, I use reasonable professional judgment when performing my different responsibilities and duty to my students, my colleagues, the college and the wider profession and comply with all reasonable assessment and quality procedures and obligations (elf, 2008). B) Internal and external points of referral to meet the needs of learners: Comprehensive learning is about involving students in all teaching activities, by treating them equally without excluding anyone directly or indirectly.

Wilson, 2008 peg 296) identifies inclusive learning simply as “available to all”. Autumns, (2010 peg 93) although agrees with Wilson defined it as the approach to learning and teaching that encourages the total participation of all learners. The way you support and guide candidates so they can achieve their full potentials is very important. This is in line with the Equality and diversity Act of 2010 which provides the right for everyone to have the opportunity to reach their potential regardless of their: gender, race, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation .

During the students initial assessment you are able to identify a student’s individual needs and then take them into consideration when planning lessons. An example of inclusion in a classroom setting could be to use learners names when talking to them, using eye contacts and speaking to them personally during and after each session (Gravels, 2012 peg 48) can create a conducive learning environment where everyone will feel included. Adapting assessment methods to suit and meet any particular needs.

For example, a visually impaired learner may have their information and assignment in Braille, questioning done verbally so the learner can dictate the answers. The students’ abilities to read and write can be dealt with during feedback on assignments when it is confined to grammar and spelling, using a positive and encouraging approach. For students who are not proficient in English Language, I will ensure that the lesson materials are clear, and I will continue to check if learners understands what have been said and taught by reading it through with them, and clarifying where necessary.

If it is obvious that the learner cannot cope with the programmer without the Basic English language skills, I will refer them to take English language functional skills courses. I deal with the students mathematical needs by giving detailed feedback on a one to one basis, giving them an explanation of how a particular operation is carried out which I follow up with a short demonstration. I also set quiz’s which will involve the frequent use of math’s calculations which can encourage the student to apply their innumeracy skills.

I approach the internet needs during tutorials where I encourage my students to contact me via the college email system, text messaging when necessary and also to research topics and tasks on the internet to source literature relevant to their work. This will promote the use of CIT and further encourage development in this skill area. Adjustments made for disabled students can often benefit the needs of all students. For example, when reviewing how to describe a diagram to a blind student, it might become apparent that there is a better way to present the information for all students. Http://move. Open. AC. UK). For dyslexic students, during a written spelling test, I may have the words in a Powering writing the word down for them to visualize. Students who have poor grammar or English skills are encouraged to use the computer and carry out spell checks. Visually impaired students, will have access to an assistant for example getting someone to take notes, aid with mobility or to generally guide around the environment. Employers require workers with good Functional Skills.

With functional skills your students will be able to draw on a bank of transferable skills they need to succeed in all areas of life. (www. Functionalists. Com). Not all students will need literacy or innumeracy support. A skills test will be conducted to establish this, at our college we use a system called Foresails which when completed identifies the level of learning for each student. ) Own responsibilities in relation to other professionals: Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfill our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues (Francis and Gould,2009 page).

My current role involves teaching students in a laboratory and computer room, I am responsible to the college where my lessons are conducted to leave the room in a tidy condition. A the laboratory is a working area that the trainees will normally enter using chemicals I will conduct a full health and safety brief before training can commence. Learners need to feel safe and valued before hey can fulfill their potentials (Wallace,2011 page). I will show respect to other members of the teaching staff and laboratory assistants at all times.

At my college I am responsible to the Creative Industry team on the Level 2 BITE courses that I teach to give feedback on the course materials to the team so that they can be improved as they are a new level to the college, this is conducted by attending outside briefings then feeding it back to the team during development meetings. As lecturer, there are times when would have to work with other professionals, or attend meetings and other professional events.

I will make sure I act reflections and act within the ethics of the profession irrespective of personal opinion or issues I might have for areas not too clear to me. It is important that I play a part in contributing to the organizational responsibility during the quality assurance process by following internal procedures and awarding body guidelines, making sure assessment records are accurate and up to date, and that I do not disadvantage a student by not providing feedback, and that paperwork can be followed by an audit.

On the internal responsibilities, I will work with office staff ensure administrative jobs are handled properly. Take for example, I will need the administrative staff to print out/photocopy learners hand outs, provide stationary and other administrative duties for me to do my job efficiently. It is also my responsibility to work well with me team. For example resources I developed and think might be useful to other assessors/team member can be shared amongst the team. Question 4: Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

Explain how to promote appropriate behavior and respect for others. Explain how to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for others. Unit M/503/1232: ALL – 3. 1 & 3. 2) + (Unit 7503/12351 ALL – 3. 2) a) Establishing and maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment: In order to establish an teaching environment relating to Mason’s (1962) hierarchy of needs, I will instigate ground rules in the first instance, basic rules should be agreed upon from the very start. For example; Mobile phones on silent, no talking while others are speaking and no eating during the lesson.

I will ensure the students needs are met in relation to warmth, quiet, cleanliness and suitable breaks. Observing behavior, listening to what the students have to ay and talking to them in an open forum leads the way to further establishing an agreeable environment in which to learn. Creating a ‘safe’ environment is essential to learning. Distraction, noise, lack of direction, bullying and aggressive styles are not beneficial, so it is important in my role to develop good practice in dealing with challenging behavior and promoting a positive, respectful atmosphere. ) Promoting appropriate behavior and respect for others: The establishment’s policies and procedures should be observed as a group, as this ensures everybody is aware of them. The students arrive on time and repaired for the activity, allowing for late or delayed trains or traffic problems is disruptive to the group but needs to be planned for. When they arrive they are not disruptive or talking to each other whilst teaching is underway. The students should value each other’s input to the group and respect one another.

They should be sensitive to the group or individual’s needs, such as students with mobility or learning issues. However rules can be updated and enable change to be considered depending on how the class develops. In order to remind learners of these mutually agreed guidelines, it is a good idea to display them in the room o refer students to if and when they are breached. Other rules can be applied as the course progresses. I do set an example to the students ensuring I follow the rules and ethics just as they have to, such as not eating food in the laboratory. C) How to establish ground rules?

Ground rules should be introduced as early as possible at the commencement of term. Students will then understand more clearly the expectations of the lecturer as well as their classmates. Rules can create a safe learning environment for course participants where all know that their ideas and viewpoints will be respected. In small groups, getting the students to think about their past learning environments, from this let the students create the ground rules as a class (Brookfield & Preppies 2005). They should identify which learning environments were either productive or not productive?

Students could be asked to list the conditions needed to ensure that positive features exist in a learning environment. Have them create a similar list of required conditions to prevent negative characteristics. Establishing ground rules in a syllabus can act as a contract that can be referred to in instances where ground rules are being Rosen, Students will hold each other accountable in a learning environment. The lecturer must decide what ground rules are non-negotiable, the lecturer can revisit them throughout the term to check with students that the ground rules are still working and if necessary make adjustments.

Allowing the students to participate in the setting of the ground rules allows them be team orientated and will be committed supporting them. Question 5: Analyses learning and teaching strategies used in own specialist. Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to learning and teaching in own peccaries area in meeting the needs of learners. (Unit F/503/1235: LOL – 1. 1 & 1. 2) am working (or maybe aiming at working) in the teaching industry. The main learning and teaching strategies that I currently use (or would use) relevant to my specialist subject are enlisted in the following table: Sir.

Teaching Strategy / Approach Strengths / Effectiveness in meeting the needs of learners Limitations Your views as compared to that of the experts Tutorials Utilizing either one to one, or group discussions between the lecturer and students, is a good way of comfortably assessing the students’ progress and vying feedback it is also a good opportunity for students to discuss issues or if required a more informal tuition to take place The tutorial needs to be in a safe, comfortable and quiet setting as confidential subjects may be discussed, there may be problems with timings over running, reports require completion and any required actions are to be followed up. Using the tutorial correctly allows me to best meet my student educational needs in relation to get the best from them and letting them know for that period I am there to help and guide them.

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Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment. (2018, Aug 26). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from