Philippine Financial System Assignment

Philippine Financial System Assignment Words: 1054

| |Course Title: |Course Code: Econ |No pre-requisite | | |ECONOMICS WITH TAXATION AND LAND REFORM | | | | | |Course Unit: 3 |3 hours lecture | | | |Second Semester AY 2011-2012 | | COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course presents a general background of economics, the interaction of its various elements and its effect in general to people’s lives.

It also includes a general background of the laws of taxation and land reform. I. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is three-fold. Student, at the end of the semester are expected to: first, better understanding basic economic principles and processes i. e. resources, market, money, etc. ; second, appreciate the importance of taxation as means of supporting the government in sustaining its programs and projects as opposed to common notion on taxation as a burden and; lastly, realize the necessity for land reform program as means of state’s pursuit of social justice. II. AFFECTIVE LEARNING COMPETENCIES At the end of the semester, the students: 1.

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Appreciated the importance of natural resources, money, market, taxation as means supporting the government and reaize the necessity for land reform III. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES/ ACTIVITIES 1. Direct instruction or classroom teaching technique. 2. Recitation technique. 3. Reporting technique. 4. Research works IV. LEARNING ASSESSMENTS / LEARNING MEASUREMENT (PRODUCTS, OUTPUTS, AND PROJECT TARGETS) 1. Graded Recitation/ reporting 2. Quizzes/Assignment 3. Major Exams (Prelim, Midterm and Finals) V. GRADING PROCEDURES For Prelim, Midterm and Final terms Class Standing (Graded Recitation, Quizzes, Long test, Researches & PBL Presentation) 30% Projects                                                                      30% Major Exams40% TOTAL 100% For Final Grade

Prelim                                                                                                                           30% Midterm                                                                                                                       30% Final                                                                                                                             40% TOTAL 100% |PRELIM | |TIME FRAME |COURSE OUTLINE |REFERENCE |SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE |STRATEGIES/AGUSTINIAN CORE VALUES |EVALUATION | |1st Week |Orientation | | | | | | | | | | | |2nd Week | ECONOMICS |Basic Economic Principles by Pagoso and|Understand basic economic terms | | | | |I.

Basics Economics |Benito Chapter 1, pp. 1-12 | | | | | |A. What is Economics? |And Internet | | | | | |B. Economic Resources? | | | | | | |C.

Economic Systems and Tools | | | | | |Culminating Activity: Tree planting (Second Week of January) | |TOTAL |18 | | | | | |MIDTERM | |III. WORLD FOOD SUPPLY |6 |Film Viewing |Discuss what it means to take an ecological perspective on agriculture; |Care for the common good | | |A.

World food supply and the environment | |PBL Presentation |Explain how agro ecosystems differ from natural ecosystems; | | | |B. Land, people and agriculture | |Environmental Advocacy works |Describe how the food supply depends on the environment. | | | |C. An ecological perspective on agriculture | |(according to the Environmental| | | | |D.

Sources of food | |Management Plan of Action) |Key Skills: Scientific Analysis and Concept Mapping, Environmental advocacy | | | |E. Soil and agriculture | | |works | | | |IV. EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURE ON THE ENVIRONMENT |6 |Film Viewing |4. 1 Explain how agriculture can lead to soul erosion, the severity of the |Devotion to Study | | |A.

How agriculture changes the environment | |PBL Presentation |problem, what methods are available to minimize erosion, and how application of|(Also being | | |B. Agriculture and soil erosion | |Environmental Advocacy works |these methods has reduced soil erosion; |well-organized) | | |C. Pest control and agricultural chemicals | |(according to the Environmental|4. 2 Discuss how farming can deplete soil fertility and why agriculture in most| | | |D.

Integrated pest management | |Management Plan of Action) |cases requires the use of fertilizers; | | | |E. Genetically modified crops: biotechnology applied to | | |4. 3 Explain why some lands are most effectively used for grazing and how | | | |agriculture | | |overgrazing can damage land; | | | | | | |4. 4 List down the causes desertification. | | | | | | | | | | | | |Key Skills: Scientific Analysis and Concept Mapping, Environmental advocacy | | | | | | |works | | | |V.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, POLLUTION, AND TOXICOLOGY |3 |Film Viewing |5. 1 Discuss the terms toxic, pollution, contamination, carcinogen, synergism, |Care for the common good | | |A. Basics | |PBL Presentation |and biomagnifications as used in environmental health; | | | |B. Categories of pollutants | |Environmental Advocacy works |5. 2 Give the different classification and characteristics of major groups of | | | |C.

General effects of pollutants | |(according to the Environmental|pollutants in environmental toxicology; | | | |D. Risk assessment | |Management Plan of Action) |5. 3 Explain why there is controversy and concern about synthetic organic | | | | | | |compounds such as dioxin | | | | | | | | | | | | |Key Skills: Scientific Analysis and Concept Mapping, Environmental advocacy | | | | | | |works | | | |Culminating Activity: New Healthy Environment for the Filipinos- and Organic Gardening: Demonstration Seminar | |TOTAL |18 | | | | | |FINALS | |VI. FOSSIL FUELS AND THE ENVIRONMENT |6 |Film Viewing |Discuss why we may have serious unprecedented supply problems with oil and |Humility | | |A. Fossil fuels | |PBL Presentation |gasoline within the next 20 to 50 years; |(Also being simple & | | |B.

Crude oil and natural gas | |Environmental Advocacy works |Describe how oil, natural gas, and coal are formed; |natural) | | |C. Coal | |(according to the Environmental|Give the environmental effects in producing and using oil, natural gas, and | | | |D. Oil shale and tar sands | |Management Plan of Action) |coal. | | | | | | | | | | | | |Key Skills: Scientific Analysis and Concept Mapping, Environmental advocacy | | | | | | |works | | | |VII. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT |6 |Film Viewing |Differentiate passive and active solar systems in terms of their advantages and|Love | | |A. Introduction to alternative energy sources | |PBL Presentation |limitations and the environmental effects of developing and using the various |(Also being creative and | | |B.

Solar energy | |Environmental Advocacy works |types of active solar systems; |innovative ) | | |C. Hydrogen | |(according to the Environmental|Enumerate the different potential uses of photovoltaic; | | | |D. Water power | |Management Plan of Action) |Explain why hydrogen may be an important fuel of the future; | | | |E.

Tidal power | | |Evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and environmental impacts of developing| | | | | | |hydropower. | | | | | | | | | | | | |Key Skills: Scientific Analysis and Concept Mapping, Environmental advocacy | | | | | | |works | | | |Culminating Activity |3 | | | | | |Evaluation of the Environmental Management Action plan | | | | | | |Culminating Activity: Stress Management Seminar for Young Adults | |TOTAL |18 | | | | | TEXTBOOK: Botkin, Daniel B. and Keller, Edward A. , Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, 4th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Canada, 2003. COURSE POLICIES/GROUND RULES 1. Be God-loving. Always offer everything to God. Pray before and after class. 2. Be punctual. Classroom doors will be closed when class discussion and or others class activities stars. Pass requirements on time or ahead of time. 3. Be always ready. Quizzes are either announced or unannounced. 4. Be output-oriented. Every meeting counts.

There is always a recorded output which can be in a form of a graded recitation, quiz, and seatwork or research paper. 5. Be honest. The professor or other students may not see a bad dishonest deed but the all powerful Lord is seated in everyone’s heart and sees everything. CLASS SCHEDULE: TTH 7:30-9 CONSULTATION WF 1-6 Prepared byNoted by MS. AMIDA C. NICOLASORADR. ANGUSTIA S. SEGUBRE Asst. ProfessorCollege Dean ———————– Colegio San Agustin- Binan College of Arts and Sciences General Education [pic] Transmutation Formula Raw Score X 50 + 50 = _________ % Total No. of Items Example: 40 score X 50 + 50 = 90% 60 items [pic]

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Philippine Financial System Assignment. (2021, Oct 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from