Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Assignment

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Assignment Words: 1538

It is further essential that these duties be performed as proficiently and efficiently as possible with minimum cost to individuals while still being manically sustainable for society. Chief Executive Officers (Coos), Chief Financial Officers (Scoff), and other healthcare administrators have a monumental task and responsibility in evaluating an organization’s position in an effort to determine organization’s ability to continue to provide quality care and remain financially solvent in the face of challenges.

These challenges range from declining reimbursements from insurance providers and increasing demands for patient services due to dramatic changes in the external and internal environment. Often, many of these changes re inflicted, necessitated, and executed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. One of the ways to reach the overall common goals of the administrators and organization is to conduct an environmental analysis.

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According to Ginger, Duncan, & Sweeney (2013), an environmental analysis endeavors and challenges the following: to identify and analyze current important issues and changes that will affect the organization; to detect and analyze early or weak signals of emerging issues and changes that will affect the organization; to speculate on the likely future issues and changes that will have significant impact on the organization; to classify and order issues and changes generated by outside organizations; to provide organized information for the development of the organization’s internal analysis, mission, vision, values, goals, and strategy; and to foster further strategic, thinking throughout the organization (up. 43-44). Heavenly Arms Adult Care is a 200-bed facility designed to provide a nurturing, healthy, and personalized environment to aid in the treatment of the most difficult and rare forms of cancer for adults. We strive to ensure that every patient is treated with the most advanced treatment options available. We also offer 24 hour emergency room services. Heavenly Arms has exceptionally qualified physicians, therapists, social workers, and staff members who are capable, willing, and ready to assist our patients and their caregivers in this delicate process. No organization, company, or business can exist in a vacuum. External environmental analysis attempts to identify, aggregate, and interpret environmental issues as well as provide information for the analysis of the internal environment and the development of the directional strategies (Gunter, et al. , p. 41). ” Environmental influences are characteristics of an organization’s external environment that may influence its likelihood of adoption of an innovation. Organizations are continually engaging in the process of attaining, adapting, and maintaining favorable positioning relative to the environment; this is crucial to its survival. As administrator of Heavenly Arms Adult Care Center, the first external environmental force of concern is the level of competition. Competition exists between organizations for acquisition of resource inputs and disposition of product outputs within markets.

As competition increases, organizations are forced to be more strategically proactive; furthermore, the more the competitive viably, the greater the need to embrace innovation. There are many influential elements that will affect this innovated competitiveness within nursing homes and assisted living facilities. One major factor is that as the population continues to live longer, there is the concern of being able to house and accommodate the elderly. It is predicted that the baby boomer generation will begin to reach 75 years of age by 2021. “By 2040, the 75+ population is projected to have grown by an additional 114,000, to more than 880,000 residents 75 and older in the 33 counties with current public nursing homes-an increase of 50% in just 30 years (car. Rug). Another key external factor that will affect the facility is financial sustainability. The institution of government itself is often part of the environmental context that makes cost-effective sustainability of public nursing homes so difficult. In difficult financial times, many decisions produce unintended consequences as it relates to financial and operational management of nursing homes. Financially sustainable management and ownership of public facilities is also difficult; especially in contrast to many of their competitors in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. These establishments typically have fewer uncial and management constraints (car. Org).

The internal environment of an organization refers to events, factors, people, systems, structures and conditions inside the organization that are generally under the control of the company. The company’s mission statement, organizational culture and style of leadership are ASSIGNMENT 1: CONDUCTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS factors typically associated with the internal environment of an organization. Hence, it is the internal environment that will influence organizational activities as well as the decisions and employee behavior and attitudes. This brings me o my first internal force that will have a tremendous impact on Heavenly Arms Adult Care-communication.

It is essential that patients be able to communicate effectively with their healthcare providers and caregivers in order to obtain healthcare that is tailored to their specific needs and desires. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a sub-system, International Classification of Functioning (ICP) Disability and Health, which is a broad health framework that can be used to understand the range of different factors that may influence the ability of patients and healthcare providers to communicate. ‘Within the ICE, patient’s ability to communicate about specific healthcare needs (activities) and to participate in healthcare decisions more broadly (participation) are conceptualized as aspects of the ICP Activities and Participation component (Loran’s, World, & Hicks, 2011, p. 31). The ICP framework further proposes that a patient’s ability to communicate successfully his or her healthcare needs as well as participate in his or her care is subject to the nature and degree of any existing communication related impairments or barriers. Another important internal factor that affects organizations is that the healthcare arrive delivery is physically and emotionally demanding for caregivers. Therefore, this can and may lead to organizations experiencing severe challenges in terms of employee burnout, strain, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and the all too familiar turnover syndrome. These obstacles highlight the importance of recognizing the employees’ socio-emotional needs as a critical cost-avoidance strategy (Satisfied & Walks, 2013, p. 100). “Even in the health-care service, application of market principles is unavoidable to a certain degree.

With a continuous increase in health-care providers, the agree of competition is expected to grow more and more (Non, Swoon, Yon, & Hang, 201 1, p. 268). ” Changes in the leadership style, the organization’s mission or culture can have a considerable impact on the organization. There are many changes and developments in the hospital market conditions and environment. Included in these is the aging population which causes general acute care hospitals to change its management strategies. Problems such as the many diverse changing medical needs for this rapidly aging society and the demand for more efficiency in the healthcare system are requiring a larger demand for pub-acute care facilities. Additionally, the demand for post-acute treatment of chronic illnesses is on the rise.

Forces outside the institution’s walls clearly have considerable bearing on what transpires within that organization. The external environment can provide both accelerating and obstructing influences on organizational performance. Multiple influences in the immediate or proximal environment form the boundaries within which an organization is able to function; these influences likewise shape how the organization defines itself and how it expresses what is good and appropriate to achieve (Non et al. 2011, up. 263-265). All these factors have the potential for both positive and negative effects on the competitiveness of healthcare organizations. Corporations can be and often are seen as business entities that form the economic system of mainstream society.

They are also viewed as social products composed of institutionalized activities. “As such, when it comes to enterprises, the term sustainability represents two separate but interrelated concepts: (1) creating an enduring competitive advantage for companies to stay in business and (2) meeting their responsibilities toward the sustainable development f the society in which they conduct their activities (Satisfied & Walks, 2013, up. 98-99). ” It is absolutely imperative that organization’s managers and leaders implement and maintain the momentum of a strategic plan in order to be successful and profitable while providing and without sacrificing quality care.

Researchers suggest that in order to achieve this, it is essential and necessary for an organization to obtain and use a wide array of resources, including economic, social, and ecological capital. This requires what is known as corporate sustainability or the way in which organizational resources are used for creating n enduring a competitive advantage. Satisfied and Walks suggest that one approach for this study of sustainability of competitive advantages is the resource-based view (ROB) used by major firms. This method is described as creating a bundle of valuable resources. These resources then can generate considerable and notable differences in a firm’s performance based on the resources it owns.

Furthermore, if an organization is to maintain an enduring competitive advantage, it has to acquire the previously mentioned types of capital-economic, social, and ecological-and combine or bundle these to create alee-generating resources. This method is often referred to as an organizational resource bundle. Organizational resource bundles contribute to performance advantages to the extent that they are a rarity, prove costly to imitate, and are non-substitutable (Satisfied & Walks, 2013, up. 99-100). Healthcare organizations should give attention to the collaboration between organizational management intervention and environmental design interventions.

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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Assignment. (2018, Sep 03). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from