Online vs. Traditional Education Assignment

Online vs. Traditional Education Assignment Words: 1236

Associate Program MaterialSubmitted By: Jessica Shutiva Online vs. Traditional Education By Jessica C. Shutiva Throughout the development of education, a popular choice has come into existence that seems to be a choice among many individuals seeking to advance their knowledge, online education. The following paragraphs take a deeper look at the compare and contrast of online vs. traditional education and what each has to offer. Whether pursuing an online or traditional education, students can be sure they are receiving the same education.

When you think of the word education, the first thought that comes to mind about this is, classrooms, books, fellow students, a teacher and an institution. Here, is where it becomes known as an individual receiving a traditional education within schools, colleges, and universities. As the population of the world increases, so too does the competition of landing the utmost perfect job that will better provide a satisfactorily productive life for individuals and families in a competitive job market world.

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Individuals are now given a choice that best suits their needs, and fits their lifestyles no matter what the age. While many would choose to remain with the traditional education environment, because of concerns they may not get much from an online education, the ever popular online education trend is growing. An individual who is looking to become a future student will take a good look in comparison of each setting, rules and regulations, and the learning skills each provide, and then decide what will best meet their current lifestyle and preferences.

For example, an individual who is older than your normal college age level of 18-25, is a full time employee, and has a family to support; it may be best suited for this individual to look into an online education. The learning development differentiates within each individual, how that individual feels they learn best will also determine their choice of how they choose to receive their education. Rules and regulations in comparison of each type of education may also affect an individual’s preference in how education is received.

To ensure a productive student education, all educational institutions require students to understand and abide by rules and regulations set forth at the beginning of classes they attend. Each will differ, depending on the institution. Although rules may differ by subject and teacher, students are expected to maintain respect for the property of the institution whether it is the student website, or the campus itself. Each student is responsible to maintain keeping up with cost of receiving their education and resources provided.

Traditional education follows more strict rules so that students are together for a particular course at a specific time, unlike online education, where there is more time flexibility. No matter how education is pursued, students are provided with a copy of the school’s rules and regulations that require acknowledgement and to be adhered by. Participation, also a requirement, is an expectation of the student. Requirement of assignments are to be completed by a due date.

Online education although flexible, requires the student to “check-in” by logging into the student website and participate in class discussions as qualification of participation which adds to the grade of the student. Traditional education fully requires the student to be in class to receive assignments that are then exchanged for a grade. Online education requires use of the computer and the Internet for learning and participation which produces some unique opportunities for skills development.

It is important for an individual to be comfortable with computers or technology knowledgably, however, most students find that the experience helps to develop uncharted set of useful technical skills and typically involves more writing practice since the opportunities to respond to assignments verbally are impossible. Traditional education is for individuals who learn well from books and other written material provided through this style of education. Social and interaction differs with each style. Online provides interaction hrough the student website and does not provide a one-on-one social interaction in person as a traditional education setting would provide a one-on-one social interaction within the classroom or campus institution among campus staff, professors, and classmates. Traditional setting provides a student with quick on the spot feedback to questions, with an online setting; a student may find it may take hours or even a day to get a response to a simple question and not that same quick on the spot feedback given by a traditional setting.

At this point an individual looking to further their education will see the difference in conveniences between the two. Individuals have found an online education convenience more favorable with ever changing lifestyles as long as the individual is equipped with a computer, and a laptop with Internet accessibility. With online education is a subject often ignored and that is, as an individual retains a certain amount of anonymity. Online education provides an absence of factors that are discriminating which students find as an accepting, open, liberating atmosphere.

Individuals then can become empowered and may favor more of a traditional education setting to give opinions within online discussions without worry of prejudice or bias that may become present within a classroom. A student then can have a positive effect on self-esteem and well-being in their success in online education. In most cases, online education is more affordable rather than the traditional education environment. Students choosing to receive an online education can look forward to the savings of transportation costs and parking fees.

There is not a need to pay for meal plans or housing or even at times, textbooks, for online students. Online students can download all resources required though some online programs charge a fee. Traditional education is the opposite; students will be required to pay for transportation costs and parking fees to get to the campus. Along with these fees also come housing fees if the student resides on campus in dormitories and often, many of these students residing on campus have also the meal plan fees.

Traditional education students are also faced with fees for textbooks required for courses in which many on campus bookstores give options to students to either purchase a textbook new or used. Tuition costs can vary among institutions for both online and traditional types of education. Once a study of a field is determined, the costs of similar online programs can be possible to compare with one another.

It is important to remember that education programs found online offer similarities within the financial aid, loans, and grants packages that traditional institutions of education make available. Online vs. traditional education environments will continue to be a persisting debate topic among individuals pursuing to further their education. Whether education is received online or on campus, depends upon the individual and the several factors that need to be taken into consideration beforehand.

Students successful in online learning endeavors are also students organized, self-motivated, and mature. By allowing the control of when and where students study, environments online are best for students’ independent, and possess strong skills in time management. Those who prefer the traditional education environment tend to be more dependent learners and would therefore require having more of the one-on-one level of learning. Each educational environment provides a rewarding experience for those who want to earn a degree.

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