National Cranberry Cooperative Productions Operations Management Assignment

National Cranberry Cooperative Productions Operations Management Assignment Words: 993

Case Report: National Cranberry Cooperative Fill in your name in the header. Please read the Assignment Collaboration Guidelines in Course Syllabus: Collaboration between groups is not allowed. Below, write your answers to Questions 1-4 (on Syllabus). Your analysis should be based on the assumptions listed in the Syllabus. If you need to make additional assumptions to answer a question, clearly state them, logically defend them, and then proceed to answer the question accordingly. The idea is to answer the questions concisely. Double spacing is preferred, 1. line spacing is the minimum (consider the reader’s eye strain). The case is due 5 pm on September 20 (Monday). Please submit only one document per group. We will discuss the answers on September 22. Please print out your answers and charts for your reference during the class discussion. 1. Mark the capacity and utilization of each resource in the process flow diagram at the end of this document. Briefly describe how you calculate the capacity and utilization here. [10 points] For The kiwanee dumpers, from the case we are given that the dumpers take 5 – 10 minutes to service a truck.

So using an average of 7. 5 minutes to unload a truck carrying an average of 75 bbls, we get the capacity of 600 bbl/hr/dumper. Since there are 5 dumpers, the capacity would be 5 x 600 = 3000 bbl/hr. Storage Bin 1 – 16 can hold up to 250 bbls, so the maximum storage is 16 x 250 = 4000 bbls. Storage bins 17-24 also can hold up to 250 bbl, so the storage for that is 2400. The storage for Bin 25 to 27 is a total of 1200 bbl, so the total capacity for 17 – 24 is 3200bbl. Each dechaffing unit could process up to 1500bbl, so the total capacity of three dechaffing units is 4500 bbl.

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Dyers would process the wet berries, each with capacity of approximately 150, so a total capacity of 450. For the ones to be loaded it was approximately 200, so the capacity would be 600. For Bins 1- 16 of the dry berries, In addition to dechaffing units, each destoner could process up to 1500 bbl, so a total of 3 would have a capacity of 4500 bbl. There are three separator lines that could process up to an average of 400 bbl per, and therefore a total of 1200bbl/hr. 2. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 2 here. 5 points] The resource that determines the maximum throughput rate is the resource with the least capacity. Wet and dry berries go through different routes after being received at RP1 and therefore will have different maximum achievable throughput rates. The capacity of the dryers is the bottleneck for the wet berries and the maximum capacity of the drying units is 600 bbl/hr, and therefore the maximum throughput rate for wet berries is 600 bbl/hr. The capacity of the separation process is the bottleneck for the dry berries, and the maximum capacity is 400 bbl/hr with three lines so a maximum throughput rate of 1200 bbl/hr. . Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 3 here. [15 points] We assumed that the berries flow continuously and at a constant rate for easier calculations throughout the 12-hour period from 7am – 7pm and lunch hours were excluded for the continuous inflow of berries. We are also given that this year’s water harvested berries is 70%. It is given that on an average ‘busy’ day, 18,000 barrels arrive over the 12-hour period. With this, we calculated that there is an inflow of 1050 bbl/hr of wet berries and 450 bbl/hr of dry berries during the 12 hours of receiving berries.

Since wet and dry berries go through different processes, we allocated 70% of the machinery to wet berries and 30% of the machinery to dry berries. An example of the calculation is that 5 dumpers with a 3000 bbl/hr capacity is split, and 2100 bbl/hr is allocated to wet berries while 900 bbl/hr is allocated to dry berries. The same goes for separators in that 840 bbl/hr is allocated to wet berries and 360 bbl/hr is allocated to dry berries. As mentioned above, the bottleneck for dry berries is the separating process at 360 bbl/hr and the bottleneck for wet berries is drying at 450-600 bbl/hr.

It was mentioned in the case that the processing depends on whether berries are bagged or not. Bagged berries need to be dried than those shipped in bulk. To make calculations easier, we assumed that wet berries are partially dried and so they can flow through at 600 bbl/hr. With the excess separating capacity for wet berries, we transferred this capacity to dry berries, making them each with a 600 bbl/hr capacity. All the resulting calculations are summarized in the table below: |Process Wet Capacity |Dry Capacity | |Kiwanee Dumpers |2100 |900 | |Holding Binds |3200 |4000 | |Destoning |—- |4500 | |Dechaffing |3150 |1350 | |Drying |600 |—– | |Separating |600 |600 | On a busy day, we assume that RP1 has scheduled the work force to arrive at 7:00am and processing begins when the berries start arriving. As mentioned above, the inflow rate of dry berries is 450 bbl/hr, and therefore there would be no buildup of dry berries as the inflow rate is smaller than the capacity.

The 1800 barrels in the holding bin would decline at a rate of 150 bbl/hr and by the of the operating hours at 7:00pm, there would be 600 left, and therefore an additional hour is needed, stopping at 8:00pm to clear out the bins Wet berries on the other hand would have a build up at a rate of 450 bbl/hr over the 12-hour operating period. At the end of the 12-hour period, there would be a total of 5400 barrels, of which 2000 would be on trucks. The trucks would therefore be emptied by 10:40PM and the bins would be emptied by 4:00am. 4. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 4 here. [20 points] [pic] ———————– Bulk and Bag Separators (3 units) C = 1200U = Dryers (3 units) C =450-600U = Destoners (3 units) C = 4500U = Kiwanee Dumpers (5 dumpers) C = 3000U = Trucks in Queue Bins 1-16 storage = 4000 Bins 17-27 storage = 3200 Dechaffers (3 units) C = 4500U = Dry berries ……. bbl/hr Wet berries …… bbl/hr Dechaffers (3 units) C = 4500U =

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National Cranberry Cooperative Productions Operations Management Assignment. (2018, Oct 10). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from