Managerial Pattern of Pubali Bank Ltd Assignment

Managerial Pattern of Pubali Bank Ltd Assignment Words: 6373

1. 1 Introduction of Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank has been providing better services for its customers since 1959 with a promise to keep up its original tradition. The Bank is initially emerged in the Banking scenario of the East Pakistan as Estern Markentile Bank Ltd. as the initiative of some Bangalee entrepreneurs in the year 1959 under the Bank Company act 1913. After independence of Bangladesh in 1972 this bank was nationalized as per policy of the Government and renamed as Pubali Bank.

Subsequently due to changed circumstances this bank was denationalized in the year 1983 as a private bank and renamed as Pubali Bank Limited. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh handed over all assets and liabilities of the then Pubali Bank to Pubali Bank Limited. Since then Pubali Bank Limited has been rendering all sorts of commercial Banking services as the largest bank in the private sector through its branch network all over the country. Pubali Bank Limited provides mass banking services to the customers through its 386 branch (Total Online Branches: 149) network all over the country.

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This bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic, industrial and agricultural development as well as in the overall economic development of the country since its inception through savings mobilization and investment of funds. During the last 5 years the growth rate of bank’s earnings is more than 25% on average. Pubali Bank Limited is now on stronger footing than ever before in respect of capital adequacy, assets quality, liquidity earnings, management efficiency and service quality.

Despite world financial crisis and downturn in global economy, the bank has been able to attain desired level of business by pursuing its strategic and prudent operational policies. Pubali Bank is committed to providing innovative banking services as per requirement of present market trend in the fastest possible time. 1. 2 NATURE OF PRODUCT & SERVICES: Deposit Services Savings Bank Account Fixed Deposit Account Short Term Deposit Account Current Account Pension Account Foreign Currency Account Loans & Lease Services Micro Credit

Small and Medium Enterprise Financing Industrial Loans Working Capital Financing Export Credit Import Credit Bills Purchase Letter of Credit Letter of Guarantee Lease Financing Transport Financing Consumers Loan Scheme House Building Loans Remittance Services Remittance of Fund from abroad by Bangladeshi Nationals Foreign Remittance Internal Remittance Miscellaneous Services Electric Bill Gas Bill Phone Bill Cheque Clearing Instrument Collection Locker Services ATM Services Card Services 1. 3 Vision and Mission of Pubali Bank Ltd.

To become the effective largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to support socio-economic development of the country and to be a leading bank in South Asia. Pubali Bank Limited will be an effective largest commercial bank by maintaining a stable growth strategy delivering high quality financial products providing excellent customer service through an experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in every step of banking network. ?To become the best Bank in Bangladesh within 2013. ?To provide excellent quality Customer service To maintain Corporate and business ethics. ?To become a trusted repository of customers’ money and their financial advisor. ?To provide high quality financial services in export and import trade. ?To make our stock superior and rewarding to the customers/share holders. ?To display team spirit and professionalism. ?To have a Sound Capital Base. This bank is one of the most disciplined Banks with a distinctive corporate culture. Here we believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making.

Our people can see and understand events, activities, objects and situation in a distinctive way. They mould their manners and etiquette, character individually to suit the purpose of the Bank and the needs of the customers who are of paramount importance to us. The people in the Bank see themselves as a tight knit team/family that believes in working together for growth. The corporate culture we belong has not been imposed; it has rather been achieved through our corporate conduct. 1. 4 Objectives of Pubali Bank Ltd. 01.

To carry on, transact, undertake and conduct the business of banking in all its branches and transact and do all matters and things incidental thereto in Bangladesh and abroad; 02. To receive, borrow, or raise money on deposit, loan or otherwise, upon such terms as the Company may approve and to give guarantees and indemnities in respect of all debts and contracts; 03. To advance, deposit and lend money on real, personal and mixed securities, on cash, credit or other accounts, on policies, bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes, letter of credits, or other ares and merchandise, bills of sale and lading, delivery orders, or other mercantile indicia or tokens, bullion stocks and shares; 04. To establish, maintain, carry on, transact and undertake all kinds of investment, merchant and financial business, including underwriting, managing and distributing the issue of stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, import permits and other securities directly or through jointly with one or more banks or financial institutions; 05.

To advance, deposit or lend money to or with such persons, firms or bodies corporate or un-incorporate and so on such terms as may seem expedient; 06. To carry on the business of discounting, dealing in exchanges in specie and securities and all kinds of mercantile banking; 07. To carry on business of dealers in foreign exchange including buying and selling of foreign exchange, dealing in foreign currency notes, granting and issuing of letters of credits, traveler’s cheques, circular notes and negotiating and discounting of export documents and all other matters related to foreign exchange notes; 08.

To carry on the business of buying and selling bullion, gold, and other valuables species’ 09. To provide for safe-deposit vaults and safe custody of valuables of all kinds’ 10. To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks, shares or securities or for any other monetary or mercantile transaction; 11. To invest money in such manner as may from time to time be thought proper; 12. To carry on business as financiers, promoters, capitalists, financial and monetary agents, concessionaries, brokers and merchants’ 13.

To guarantee or become liable for the payment of money or for the performance of any obligation and generally to transact all kinds of guarantee business and also to transact all kinds of agency business; 14. To promote, effect ensure, guarantee, underwrite, participate in management and carry out any issue, public or private, or state, municipal, or others loans, or shares, stocks, debentures or debentures stock of any company, corporation or association and to lend money for the purpose of any such issue; 15.

To form, promote and establish companies and associations for execution of undertaking, works, projects, or enterprises of any description, whether of a private or public character and to acquire, underwrite and dispose of shares and interest in such companies or associations or in any other company or association or in the undertakings thereof; 16. To promote or take part in the formation, management, supervision or control of the business or operations of any ompany or undertaking in Bangladesh or elsewhere and to render all assistance in this regard’ 17. To form, manage, join or subscribe to any syndicate, consortium or any holding company or trust and to carry on business of an investment trust company; 18. To carry on business or undertaking and executing of trusts and also to act as executor, trustee or otherwise; 19. To act as executors and trustees of wills, settlements and trust deeds of any kind made by customers and others and any other matters related thereto; 20.

To act as official liquidator and receiver; 21. To contract or negotiate all kinds of loan, aid or assistance, private or public, from any source, local or foreign and take all such steps as may be required to complete and effectuate such deals; 22. To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable or transferable instruments including notes, warrants and coupons; 23.

To borrow or raise money or secure the payment of money by issue or sale shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, other securities and obligations, either perpetual or terminable and or redeemable or otherwise, and to charge or secure the same by trust deed or otherwise on the undertaking of the company or upon any specific property and rights, present or future, of the company; 24. To carry on the business of leasing plant or machinery, tools, apparatus, vehicles, ships, office & professional equipment, medical and scientific apparatus etc. n such terms/covenants and conditions and on such rentals as may be thought fit and alter, repair and maintain the same; 25. To purchase, or otherwise acquire and undertake, the whole or any part of, or any interest in the business, goodwill, property, contracts, agreements, rights, privileges, effects and liabilities of any other company; 26. To acquire, construct, maintain, or alter any immovable or movable property, rights or privileges which the company may think necessary; 27.

To invest the capital and other moneys of the company not immediately required in the purchase, exchange or upon the security of shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks and so on; 28. To carry on any other business, which in the opinion of the company is incidental or conducive to the promotion or advancement of the business of the company; 29. To pay all expenses incidental to the formation or promotion of this or any other company, organization, bank, body corporate nd the conduct of its business and remunerate any person, company or body for services rendered or assisting to place or guarantying the placing of nay of shares or debentures; 30. To appoint officers, staffs, experts, advisors, consultants, auditors, legal advisors and to provide for their suitable remunerations; 31. To provide for and to establish and support or aid in the establishment or support of any association, institution, fund trust or contributing to the building of houses and convenience calculated to the benefit of the employees and staffs, former or present and their dependents; 32.

To amalgamate with or construct or reorganize any company, bank or body corporate or association in cooperation with any other person, company, bank or association; 33. To establish and open offices and branches to carry on all or any of the above business abroad and within country provided prior permission is obtained from the Bangladesh Bank; 34. To do any other business which the Government of Bangladesh or the Bangladesh Bank may form time to time specify as a form of business in which it is lawful for banking company to engage. 1. 5 Achievements of Pubali Bank Ltd.

March 3, 2010 Pubali Bank Ltd has recently opened its Islamic Banking Window at its Stadium branch in Sylhet to provide Islamic banking services on the basis of Islamic Shariah. Director, board of directors of Pubali Bank Moniruddin Ahmed inaugurated the Islamic Banking Window as the chief guest. Pubali Bank wins ‘Best Financial Institution’ award 2009, Daily star Bangladesh business awards 2009 as the “best financial institution”. The award celebrates the bank’s efforts to take banking services to the masses through its 386 branches across the country.

The Year 2009 was remarkable year simultaneously for development and achievements of continue growth rate in all the areas of banking operations. The bank has successfully been marching ahead with its prime business objective by earning operating profit of Tk. 3060. 20 million registering an annual growth of 28. 40% than that of the previous year. It has successfully mobilized Tk 48675. 60 million deposits from depositors and arrangement disbursement of Tk. 40386. 20 million among which about 52% of total investments occurred in trade sector. Ratio on investments and deposits was 83. 00%.

The return on assets (ROA) after tax was 2. 00%. Bank earn foreign remittance of Tk. 1110. 30 million which is significantly increased than that of previous years. The number of branches of bank now stands at 386 including 5 new Branches opened during the year 2010. The achievements were possible because of the service excellence of management team with support from a very resourceful and skilled workforce who are rendering efficient and specialized services. Capital and Reserve Fund The authorized and paid up capital of the bank was Tk. 4,000 million and Tk. 2100 million respectively while it started its banking operation.

The capital and reserve of the bank as on 31st December 2009 stood at Tk 5000. 50 million including paid up capital of Tk. 3822. 00 million. Deposit The deposit is the life blood for the commercial banks. The core business of commercial banks is accepting deposits and investing fund and it’s the main stream of revenue of commercial banking. The total deposit of the bank stood at Tk 88466. 60 million as on December 2009 against Tk 71,503. 34 million of the previous year which is an increase of 19. 40%. The present strategy is to increase the deposit base through maintaining competitive rates of profit and having low cost of funds.

Assets and Liability In order to ensure better management of Asset and Liability, an Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) has been formed at head office. The Committee designed the strategy for liquidity management, reduction of profit rate risk and maturity gap. Moreover, ALCO provides the bank continued access to different kinds of liability and this Committee also determines asset. The bank ensures its available funds to meet obligation of maintaining Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) and investment of liquid asset in a profitable manner. Investment Total amount of investment of the bank stood at Tk. 5,536. 20 million as on

December, 2009 as against Tk 4,982. 30 million as on December , 2008 showing an increase of Tk 553. 90 million growth rate of 11. 14%. Investments are the core asset of a Bank. The Bank gives emphasis to acquire quality assets and does appropriate Investment risk analysis while approving commercial and trade facilities to clients. Investments (Share and Bonds) The size of the investment portfolio in 2009 is Tk 5536. 84 million. The portfolio comprises Govt. Bond, Treasury Bills, Shares and Prize Bonds. Import BusinessDuring the year, the import business volume stood at Tk. 37,316. 50 million with a growth of 43. 8% in comparison with previous year. Export Business During the year, the import business volume stood at Tk. 17701. 80 million with a growth of 24. 66% in comparison with previous year. Foreign Remittance Foreign Remittance of the Bank stood at Tk. 15938. 30 million as of December 31, 2009as against Tk 14860. 30 million in 2008. The growth of the foreign remittance has significantly been increased by 7. 25% in comparison with previous year. Branch Expansion The number of branches of bank now stands at 386 including 15 new Branches opened during the year 2009-2010 while it was 371 in the year of 2008.

About 5,375 employees are working with this bank. Correspondent Banking Corresponds banks are the trade patterns of international trade. Pubali Bank Ltd. has already achieved tremendous success in foreign exchange business. The bank has established correspondent relationship, that is, BKE agreement with 322 banks covering 152 countries across the world. Social Contribution At the time of social contribution activities, the bank has established a foundation named “Pubali Bank Ltd. Foundation”, which is a charitable organization solely dedicated to the welfare of the helpless and downtrodden people of the society.

A certain portion of the operating profit of the bank is usually provided in the foundation. The bank has actively participated in social, humanitarian activities for wellbeing of distress people at home and abroad through this foundation. The welfare activities of Pubali Bank Ltd. Foundations are as follows: ? Income generating programs ?Education ?Health and Medicare programs ?Humanitarian Help Programs ?Assistance for Natural Calamity Affected people and 2. 1 Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is specially to look into the management pattern of Pubali Bank of Bangladesh Limited (namely Pubali Bank Ltd. for obtaining organizational mission, vision and objectives. In addition to these, the following objectives are also covered in the study: ? To learn about planning process of the organization ?To learn about organizing process ?To know the staffing process ?To controlling process for measuring the planned and actual performance of the employees ? To analyze tools for measuring performance ?To identify the problems in overall management of the bank and ? To recommend for develop banking sector 2. 2 Methodology Both the primary and secondary data sources are used to accomplish the study. ?Primary Sources

The study is complied through interviewing the managers of different levels of Pubali Bank Ltd… The concerned individuals provide important information regarding the current topics ?Secondary Sources Pubali Bank Ltd. publishes different manual, reports time to time. These publications are great sources to collect data for the current study. 2. 3 Limitations of the study Though the study is completed successfully it has some major limitations which may raise some questions for its reader. The notable drawbacks of this study are: ?Time- Limited time for conducting the study makes it incomplete.

It is very difficult to arrange appointment with the top level managers as they very busy persons of the organization. ?Concealment of data- Some sophisticated information regarding managerial problems of Pubali Bank Ltd. can not be achieved which of course enrich the study. ?Representation- Since the study is carried out only in a Private Commercial Bank. Its findings are not overall representation of banking industry. Despite this limitation, the findings from the study would provide indication to consider strategies in future studies. 3. 1 Meaning of Planning

Planning is essentially deciding what objectives we want to accomplish, what actions should be taken to achieve them, what organizational position is assigned to do them, and who should be responsible for the actions needed. Planning is an intellectually demanding process; it requires the conscious determination of course of action and the basing of decisions on purpose, knowledge, and considered estimates. Planning involves selecting visions and missions and deciding on the actions to achieve them; it requires decision making that is choosing a course of action among the all alternatives.

Pubali Bank Ltd. has been able to place itself in a firm and prestigious position showing improvement in all key indicators. Pubali Bank Ltd. is now stepping towards the attainment of remarkable growth in all spheres of banking to be a leading commercial bank in South Asia by 2013. Why an organization plans, it becomes obvious if we have a look the following exhibit: Good Management consist ofAnd leads to achievement ofWhich results in Planning: 1. Set objectives and state mission 2. Examine alternatives 3. Determine needed resources 4. Create strategies to reach objectives

Organizing: 1. Design jobs and specify tasks 2. Create organization structure 3. Staff positions 4. Coordinate work activities 5. Set policies and procedures 6. Allocate resourcesLeading: 1. Lead and motivate employees to accomplish organizational goals 2. Communicate with works 3. Resolve conflicts 4. Manage change Controlling: 1. Measure performance 2. Compare performance to standards 3. Take necessary action to improve performance Organizational Mission and Objectives Organizational Efficiency and effectiveness Table 3. 1: Necessity of planning for achieving organizational goals

From the above, we know what is planning and why is planning. Except planning, no organization can run as well as reach its destination. So, panning is essential for any organization – may be formal or informal. Different organization plans different ways for achieving their objectives. Since Pubali Bank Ltd. is service oriented industry in the money market with stiff competition, its planning procedure is not indifferent to others but a little tactic. Fig 3. 1: Flowchart of Planning Procedures of Pubali Bank Ltd. 3. 2 What Pubali Bank Ltd. plans and by whom it executes Besides overall planning, Pubali Bank Ltd.

Ltd. plans for followings: a)Strategic Planning: Strategic plans are formulated by the Executives of Head Office. b)Tactical Planning: For supporting broader strategic goals, tactical planning is formulated. This kind of planning is formulated by the Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd. c)Operational Planning: For performing division/department wise activities, operational planning is formulated by the head of each division/department in Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd. d)Contingency Planning: For avoiding unusual or crisis situations, contingency planning is made through top level management in Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd. 3. SWOT ANALYSIS OF PUBALI BANK LTD. Strength ?One of the largest private commercial banks in the country. ?A wide range of branch banking ?Good market reputation ?Great financial strength ?Greatly Reliable to the public Weakness ?Lack of expertise manpower ?Less attractive products ?Inefficient management practice ?Dominant Political interference ?A large amount of classified loan ?Improper workload distribution resulting in dependency on few experienced staffs Opportunity ? Chances of increasing market share ?Bank has the opportunity to offload share ?Promulgation of law is conductive to banking business More scope of participating in economic development Threat ?Huge competition ? Inequality between private and public bank in respect of salary promotions, and business product. ?Bangladesh bank pressure to reduce interest rate ? back dated technology ? Slow recovery rate of classified loan. ?High inflation in the market 4. 1 Organizing pattern of Pubali Bank Ltd. Organizing is the process of coordinating and allocating a firm’s/organization’s resources in order to carry out its plans. Organizing includes developing a structure for the people, positions, departments, and activities within the organization.

The key functions of organizing are as below: a)Dividing up tasks (Division of Labor) b)Grouping jobs and employees (Departmentalization) c)Assigning Authority and Responsibilities. Now, have a look in which way Pubali Bank Ltd. organize them. The organogram of Pubali Bank Ltd. shows how they are organized. Fig. 4. 1: Organogram of Pubali Bank Ltd. Branch Level Organogram: Fig. 4. 2: Branch Level Organogram of Pubali Bank Ltd. 4. 2 Stages of Organizing in Pubali Bank Ltd. The above figures show how organizing is performed in the Pubali Bank Ltd.. In Pubali Bank Ltd. we find some stages of organizing. These are as below: a)Top Management: Top management in Pubali Bank Ltd. includes Managing Director, Deputy Managing Directors and General Manager. This top level Management develops strategic plans. b)Middle Management: This level (Branch Managers) is responsible for beginning the implementation of strategic plans. c)Supervisors: This level (2nd man of Branches) is designed for carrying out operational plans and ongoing daily activities. 4. 3 Delegation Authority in Pubali Bank Ltd. Delegation means delegate authority to perform specific jobs at specific level.

Delegation is made for the following purposes: a)The determination of results expected from person in a position; b)The assignment of tasks to persons in a position; c)The delegation of authority for accomplishing these tasks; d)The holding of people responsible for their accomplishment of these tasks. In Pubali Bank Ltd. mixed type of delegation is found i. e. both centralization and decentralization are found. The delegation of power in this organization can be categorized in following two ways: a)Head office Level b)Branch Level a) Head Office Level

At head office, decisions are made in the top level management and others are compelled to perform as per the directions of top management. b) Branch Level At branch level, we find mixed type of delegation of power i. e. both centralization and decentralization. At Branch, the branch manager is authorized to take all except decisions except some which are decided by the top management of the organization. 4. 4 Divisions of Pubali Bank Ltd. Division Name Board & MD’s Secretariat Division Human Resources Division Establishment Division Law Division International Division Credit Division

Credit Monitoring & Recovery Division Consumers Credit Division Audit Division Central Accounts Division Information Technology Division Lease Financing Division Internal Control & Compliance Division 4. 5 Departmentation in Pubali Bank Ltd. Departmentation is the efficient and effective grouping of jobs into meaningful work units. In Pubali Bank Ltd. , we find two types of departmentation in head office and at branch level. The departmentation in head office level can be shown by the following figure: Fig. 4. 3: Departmentation in Head Office Level of Pubali Bank Ltd.

The departmentation in branch level can be shown as under. Fig. 4. 4: Departmentation in Branch Level of Pubali Bank Ltd. 5. 1 Human Resources Management of Pubali Bank Ltd. The bank recognizes that intellectual capital is the most important asset for a financial institution. Therefore, human resources development has given its due importance in an environment that values, performance, teamwork, fairness and integrity. The Bank believes that the professional competence of bank personnel and its commitment for accomplishing assigned responsibilities are a first line of defense to prevent irregularities.

The bank also believes that quality human resources denotes an organization worthy, knowing of one’s job and having interest in it, is precondition of good functioning. Human resources management process of Pubali Bank Ltd. includes:- ? Job analysis and HR planning ?Employee recruitment and selection ?Employee training, performance appraisal, and compensation ? Ends when employee leaves organization Human Resource Management of Pubali Bank Ltd. is the process of- ? Hiring ?Developing ?Motivating and ?Evaluating employees to achieve organizational goals

We may present Human Resource Management Process of the Pubali Bank Ltd. by the following figure 5. 2 Human Resource Planning & Forecasting of Pubali Bank Ltd. The process of determining an organization’s Human resource needs the followings. ?Right people ?Right numbers ?Right place ?Right skills ?Right motivation To maintain the above process of Human Resources Management, Pubali Bank Ltd. follows two forecasts for recruitment its employees. a)Demand forecast: First Pubali Bank Ltd. determining the number of employees needed by some future time b)Supply forecast (internal):Second Pubali Bank Ltd. stimates the number of current employees who will be available to fill various jobs at some future time This process can be shown by the following figure. 5. 3 Human Resources Hiring process of Pubali Bank Ltd. Amongst all the factors that combine to contribute towards the success of an organization, none counts as much as people. Pubali Bank Ltd. believes it in letter and sprit. As such in order to select right type of people the bank is maintaining a very transparent and neutral modus operandi as regards recruitments. The recruitment process of Pubali Bank Ltd. an be shown by the following figure. Fig. 5. 3: Human Resource Hiring process of Pubali Bank Ltd. Recruitments are usually done through open invitation of applications by advertisement in the national dailies. Candidates are required to go through stringent examinations and tests some of which are conducted by the Institute of Business Administration of Dhaka University. Doors of appointment are kept open for the graduates/post-graduates of all disciplines from all kinds of universities viz Public, Private and National Universities.

As such all eligible boys and girls from all discipline and educational institutions are getting equal opportunities to have a job in Pubali Bank Ltd. resulting which composition of employees are from all parts of the country and from diversified disciplines, which is a great strength of Pubali Bank Ltd.. 5. 4 Human Resources Selection process of Pubali Bank Ltd. The process of determining people in the applicant pool possesses the qualifications necessary to be successful on the job. What Pubali Bank Ltd. does during selection of its employees, are discussed as per the HRM Manual of Pubali Bank Ltd.. )Sorting Applications: This is the first step of selection of employees. In this stage, applicants’ applications are sorted out for being sure of what is wanted. b)Employment Testing: After sorting applications of the applicants, an employment test is taken for select quality one for the post applied for. c)Selection Interview: If the applicant is qualified in the employment test, then he/she is asked for an interview for being sure of his/her work experience (if any), skill and abilities, education and career interests. )Background and Reference Check: If the applicant is qualified in the interview he/she is asked, then his/her background and references are checked particularly his/her legal history, reasons for leaving previous jobs, and even credit worthiness.. e)Physical Examination: If the applicant passes all the previous steps successfully, then his/her physical examination will be held for ensuring that he/she is physically able to perform the job. f)Decision to Hire: If the all the steps are found ok of the applicant, then Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd decide to employ the qualified applicant.

Thus the employee selection process of Pubali Bank Ltd. can be shown as under: 5. 5 Human Resources Training process of Pubali Bank Ltd. In order to meet the global competitive business demand, the necessity of quality human resources and its development through training is vital for any organization particularly for service oriented industry like Bank. Pubali Bank Ltd. trains its employees in the following two ways so that they acquire additional knowledge or skills to increase job performance. These are as below: On-the-job training

Training in which the employee learns the job by doing it with guidance from an experienced coworker of senior supervisor it is known as ‘on the job training’. Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd. continues this type of training to its newly appointed employee. Off-the-job training When employees learn the job away from the job, it is known as ‘Off the job training’. Pubali Bank Ltd. Ltd. continues this type of training to its newly appointed employee. The Bank has already established a training centre of its own on November 1, 2003 to train the officers in order to equip the human resources to face the challenges of 21st century.

During the year 2007 the bank has provided training to 1352 personnel in different training programs and workshops where eminent bankers, economist, academicians, researchers and other resource persons were invited to deliver lectures. Besides, the personnel are sent to Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management, Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers Association, for training on regular basis. In 2007 a total number of 1352 personnel were trained in different institutes at home whereas 42 personnel were sent abroad to attend overseas training programs on a wide array of subjects. 6. 1 Meaning and Functions of Leading

Leading is influencing people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals; it has to do predominantly with the interpersonal aspect of managing. All managers would agree that their most important problem arise from people- their desires and attitudes, their behavior as individuals and in groups- and those effective leaders. Since leadership implies followership and people tend to follow those who offer a means of satisfying their own needs, wishes, and desires, it is understandable that leading involves motivation, leadership styles and approaches and communication. Pubali Bank Ltd. is not out of these facts. . 2 Motivation process of Pubali Bank Ltd. Management Motivation is the actuating force that stimulates individuals to put their best efforts for the accomplishment of the objectives of the enterprise. Pubali Bank Ltd. approaches the problem of motivation from two points of view, namely: (i)Objective, i. e. attraction to material objectives; and (ii)Subjective, i. e. the individual’s desires, aspirations, etc. which moves into material objectives. Some Motivational Tools and Techniques of Pubali Bank Ltd. are described below: 6. 2. 1 Financial incentives in motivation Since money is a real motivating factor Pubali Bank Ltd. ses to motivate its working forces. In this connection, it provides -standard pay scale for its employees -profit sharing bonus is given -special bonus is given to the employees for individual’s outstanding performance -special bonus is given for achieving group target (i. e. branch’s deposit, advances or profit target) -leave fair assistance is given once in a year to spend vacation with families -loans are provide in special rates to the employees -special allowance is given for working in Saturday or in Hartal 6. 2. 2 Non-Financial Incentives in Motivation Since financial incentives do not work in all cases to motivate the people at ork, as a matter of fact, when the physiological, safety and security needs are met with the help of money, money ceases to be the motivating force. Then it becomes the maintenance factor. In order to motivate the employees having these needs, management of Pubali Bank Ltd. takes the help of the following non-financial incentives: a. Competition (healthy competition) Competition is a kind of non-financial incentive. Since there is a healthy competition among the individual employees or groups of employees, it leads them to achieve their personal or group goals in a better way. b. Praise, rewards and appreciation

Praise, rewards and appreciation satisfy one’s ego needs. Sometimes praise, rewards and appreciation are more effective than any other incentive. So, Pubali Bank Ltd. has introduced these as motivation factors. c. Job Enrichment Job enrichment means increasing the contents of a job leading to up gradation of responsibility, scope and challenge in its performance. Executives at the higher level like job enrichment more than the employees at lower level as job becomes challenging. Job enrichment gives higher satisfaction to the job holders and increases the level of their motivation. d. Opportunity for Development

Opportunity for development is another kind of incentive. The employees of Pubali Bank Ltd. are provided opportunities for their advancement they feel very much satisfied and become more committed to organization goals. e. Knowledge of the Results: Knowledge of the results leads to employee satisfaction. A worker in Pubali Bank Ltd. likes to know the result of his/her performance. A worker gets satisfaction when his/her superior appreciates the work he/she has done. He/she can be motivated to a great extent when he/she knows the result of his/her good performance. f. Participation in Management

Employees’ Participation in management provides an important incentive to the employees. It gives them psychological satisfaction that their voice is being heard. So, Pubali Bank Ltd. allows employee participation in Management so that they feel themselves in belongingness to Pubali Bank Ltd.. Motivation depends to a great extent on the style of leadership prevailing in an organization. A leader’s main responsibility is to get the work done by the employees by motivating them. Followers on the other hand should also be sensible and realistic in their attitudes and responsive to the facilities made available to them.

A leader must feel that the followers’ success in the leader’s success. So, it is the duty of a leader to keep his/her followers motivated to get maximum out of them. Different motivational program described above helps the management of Pubali Bank Ltd. to lead everyone to the right path to achieve organizational goals. 7. 1 Meaning of Controlling and its Techniques Controlling is measuring and correcting individual and organizational performance to ensure that events confirm to plan. It involves measuring performance against goals and plans, showing where deviations from standards exist, and helping to correct them. . 2 How Pubali Bank Ltd. relates plans and actual performance Pubali Bank Ltd. appraising performance shown in figure below indicates three kinds of appraisal- 1. A comprehensive review, 2. Progress or periodic reviews, and 3. Continuous monitoring. Fig 7. 1: Relationship between plans and actual performance Management of every department keeps close eye to the performance of achieving the set goals. The Head of each department reviews the achievement in connection with the set objectives in weekly, monthly, quarterly or semiannually basis.

In case of any mismatch corrective measures are taken to solve the problems immediately. 7. 3 Disciplinary Actions taken by the Management of Pubali Bank Ltd. Disciplinary actions are taken in extreme cases. When the higher level management finds any irregularities caused by the lower level management and the irregularities can not be rectified as well as the irregularities violate the main stream of achieving organization’s goals extremely, it takes disciplinary actions to the accused individual or group of individuals. Pubali Bank Ltd. management initiates some disciplinary actions in case of mismanagement.

These are mainly- a)Show Cause Letter b)Withdrawal c)Suspension d)Termination 8. 1 Problems regarding Management of Pubali Bank Ltd. Though Pubali Bank Ltd. has a sound management; in our study we find out some problems which can be illustrated below: -Incomplete Delegation of Power Though modern organization believes complete delegation of authority, Pubali Bank Ltd. has not complete delegation of authority since its Branches have to wait for Head Office decision. -Shortage of skilled manpower In comparison to modern technology, Pubali Bank Ltd. has a shortage of skilled manpower.

In many cases some of the employees are overloaded with their assigned jobs. -Lack of Adequate Training Facilities Though Pubali Bank Ltd. conducts training program for its existing and newly employed employees, still it is not enough compare to competition in the banking sector. -Lack of Research and Development Though the importance of research and development is well recognizes, yet it is observed Pubali Bank Ltd. could not develop its facility in the sector of research and development. -Lack of Professionalism Management In respect of modern world we find that the management of Pubali Bank Ltd. as a little bit lack in professionalism. -Lack of Leadership In case leading the employee the management has problems as we find that due to the improper motivational programs the lower level personnel can not think themselves belongingness to the organization so that a good number of trained and skilled banker leave the bank to its competitor in the industry. -Lack of Controlling Some of the employees told us in their discussion that those who are very close to the directors or relatives of the directors or high authority despite of their low skills are not punished. It makes them frustrated. . 2 Recommendations For the betterment of the overall management of Pubali Bank Ltd. we have some recommendations. These are- -More delegation power should be given to the lower level management i. e. in branch level -Proper segregation required in many departments -Adequate staffing required for shortage of manpower -Management should keep close eye for proper distribution of jobs to the right personnel -Equal distribution of jobs required in equal level of worker -Quicker decisions required from higher level management to the lower level -Development of Technological Skill Implementing strong and modern management system -Rapid replacement of skilled human resources where it is necessary -Practice of dynamic leadership -Though the bank authority recruits a large number of personnel regularly but they failed to retain them. -Continuous motivational programs should be arranged -Rewards should be given for outstanding performance as well as punishment should be given for any activities against the organization’s objectives -Development of controlling techniques. -The HRD should focus on improving organizational environment that can bring better productivity for the employees. . 3 Conclusion As a private commercial bank, Pubali Bank Ltd is performing better in context of modern banking sector and plays a vital role on national economy. Its operational areas become wider day by day both in national and international area. For its strong existence a sound management is must. Specific problem identification regarding the Pubali Bank Ltd. management may help for further improvement towards achieving organizational goals. The concerned authority should take proper and immediate actions in this regard.

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Managerial Pattern of Pubali Bank Ltd Assignment. (2020, May 14). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from