Lsi Paper Assignment

Lsi Paper Assignment Words: 2657

The Self-Actually scale measures a way of thinking that results in the highest form of personal fulfillment. I scored on the high range. And according to the results I tend to have a great deal of confidence in myself and in my ability to make things better. My healthy outlook can positively influence my personal development, relationships, and effectiveness at work. I am able to determine what situation requires and act to improve it.

Because I tend to be a person of principle, In my ability to make things better. While I may feel temporarily guilty over things I could have prevented, negative situations don’t tend to worry me to a great extent. I use my available resources well, and make the most of any situation. While I can become fully involved in projects that interest me, I tend to leave situations I don’t find as satisfying: my motivation to do something comes completely from within.

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I have many interests, and are open to new people and experiences. Others typically admire my confidence, spontaneity, and the Joy I experience In simply living. To become more self – actualities It suggests me to accept others with fewer conditions, restructure unpleasant tasks to make them more enjoyable, make it a point to do the things I enjoy regularly, see problems as opportunities for growth and development, live each day in the present and know myself.

And the benefits I will gain when I am more self actualities is greater professional success, enhanced creativity and ability to be innovative,stronger acceptance of myself and others, the ability to set and act on personal goals, greater flexibility and divisiveness, Improved perspective and Judgment, openness to new experiences, increased satisfaction and happiness and the ability to relax and enjoy myself.

The Humanistic-Encouraging 1 o’clock position: The Humanistic-Encouraging scale measures our interest In people, our tendency to care about others, and our ability to encourage them to Improve. I scored on the medium range closer to the higher range. And according to the survey I tend to often demonstrate concern for others and can be supportive of them. Because I generally try to encourage people in their efforts to improve, others probably see me as inspirational. I recognize the value of costive feedback and frequently use it as a motivator.

To become more Humanistic- Encouraging it suggests met o think about qualities I admire in someone who was in some way responsible for my growth and development, increase my Interest In those around me, solicit Ideas and feedback, learn to accept people for who they are, put myself in someone else’s place. The benefits would be improved ability to lead, manage or teach, closer, more rewarding relationships, more respect for others, feelings of satisfaction derived from encouraging others, the ability to achieve higher- laity results through seeking others’ input, more patience, the ability to act as a mentor to others. Eve 2 O’clock position: Nine Titillate scale measures our degree AT commitment to forming and sustaining satisfying relationships. This style represents a need for social interaction and interpersonal contact. I scored on the high range and according to the survey results I tend to be most effective and comfortable in the company of others. I will generally strive to improve and maintain those relationships that are important to me. I value teamwork, cooperation and mutually rewarding legislations.

I express my liking for a people, and because I am tactful and considerate of others’ feelings, they tend to like me in return. The suggestions to become more affiliated are; to work at getting to know one person well, practice communicating effectively, communicate my sociability by smiling often, touching when appropriate, and making eye contact, learn to express my thoughts and feelings, take a motivational course or Join a professional, civic or recreational group.

As a result there would occur satisfying relationships, the ability to express my linings openly and honestly, a “support system” of friends, increased productivity at work due to more cooperative relationships, an interesting social life that includes interactions with a variety of people, feelings of comfort and ease around people, the ability to work well and cooperate as part of a team. Approval 3 o’clock position:The Approval scale measures our need to be accepted by others to increase or sustain our feelings of self-worth.

I scored on the high range and according to the survey I typically work too hard to gain the approval of others. If I do not get people’s full acceptance, tend to feel anxious. Although I may not always agree, I probably “go along” with others too easily and often. To reduce a need for approval I should voice my own opinions, learn to become more self-directed by setting some personal goals, realize that approval-seeking can result in one-sided relationships, practice facing confrontations, talk to myself when you encounter disapproval.

The benefits would be reduced levels of stress, heightened interest in personal growth and development, the belief that my opinions matter, improved relationships based on mutual respect, the ability to relax and be myself around there, confidence in my ability to handle conflict, stronger, well-defined beliefs, convictions and goals, more energy to devote to enjoying life and the knowledge that people’s opinions cannot Jeopardize your sense of personal security.

Conventional 4 o’clock position: The Conventional scale measures our tendency to act in a conforming way. While some conformity is necessary in life, too much can be restrictive. I scored on high range and according to the results I probably see rules as more important than ideas. My overly conservative behavior can keep me from trying new things. I may have difficulty taking even small risks. In a sense, being conventional involves trading my creativity and spontaneity for feelings of security.

My tendency to hide behind regulations and procedures can involve discounting my own beliefs and opinions. To become less conventional it suggests me to recognize that conventionality is a way of hiding myself and avoiding developing as a person, ask myself if my life is how I want it to be, or if it has become merely adherence to rules and others’ expectations, break out of my routine and do something -? anything -? different, focus on my own unique strengths and skills, look for ways to do things

Transiently at work Ana at none Ana listen to myself. Becoming less conventional can result in the freedom to Express myself, creative, innovative approaches to tasks, self- set standards and goals, a stronger, more individualized sense of self, renewed belief in myself, increased flexibility, the confidence to fulfill your potential and spontaneity. Dependent 5 0′ clock position: The Dependent scale measures the degree to which we feel our efforts do not count.

I scored on medium range closer to the higher range according to that I may find that my feelings of dependency are eroding my ability to get things done. When making decisions, I am are likely to seek the opinions of others not because my value participative decision-making, but because I feel safer when others set the course. To become more independent the survey suggests to learn something new.

Take an assertiveness training course, or read a book on the subject, realize that no one can make me happy or unhappy, set a few small goals, strive to make decisions independently and take the initiative and assume a leadership role. Becoming more independent can result in these benefits like a sense of control over my life, self-set standards and goals, the ability to accomplish tasks ore efficiently, improvement in the quality of my relationships and the ability to take risks when appropriate.

Avoidance 6 o’clock position :the Avoidance scale measures our tendency to use the defensive strategy of withdrawal. We do this by hiding our feelings, or by shying away from situations we find threatening I scored on the medium range closer to the higher range and according to that I may have difficulty giving myself credit for my strengths: instead, ‘tend to focus on my shortcomings. I may choose to criticize myself when I make mistakes, rather than learning from them and moving forward.

To become less Avoidance-oriented it suggests to determine what is threatening me and provoking unavoidable behavior, focus on my feelings, recognize that your personal worth is unrelated to your accomplishments, setbacks, relationships, or feelings, accomplish one small task every day and concentrate on interacting with people who provoke feelings of insecurity in me As a result I would me more confidence to take moderate risks, there will be reduced stress-related symptoms, greater opportunities for personal growth, fewer feelings of guilt and self-doubt, the ability to relax around others, a heightened awareness of my feelings and the ability to express the and broader interests and increased involvement in activities Oppositional 7 o’clock position :The Oppositional scale measures our tendency to use the defensive and aggressive strategy of disagreeing with others, and to seek attention by being critical and cynical. I scored on the medium range closer to the high range according to this I can be highly Judgmental and critical at times.

I may not be easily influenced by the opinions of others and occasionally go out of my way to take a rigid, opposing view. Although I am are capable of admitting my mistakes,’ tend to see greater fault in others than I do immensely. I most often blame others when feeling pressured or when things aren’t going my way. To become less Oppositional; realize that instead of admiring me for my oppositional stands, others probably view me as an obstacle to overcome,withhold the urge to reject an idea until I fully unreason It, see toners’ criticism AT you In a more positive align, praise toners more often and recognize that others have something valuable to contribute.

The benefits are the ability to use my insight and questioning techniques in a more productive, sees antagonistic way, a more accepting attitude toward criticism, and the ability to learn from it, greater acceptance of my need to be closer to others, the ability to listen more effectively and gather all the facts before giving an opinion and an increased appreciation for the benefits of sincerely praising others Power 8 0′ clock position:The Power scale measures our tendency to associate our self-worth with the degree to which we can control and dominate others. I scored on the high range according to that I can be domineering and like to feel in charge at all times. I tend to feel threatened and helpless when not in absolute control, yet typically remain unaware of what is causing these feelings. It is generally difficult for me to accept criticism from any source. Most people are uncomfortable being open and honest with me because of my insensitive, abrupt manner. I may place an unhealthy amount of importance on status and prestige, and typically will not hesitate to manipulate people.

My tendency to see people as objects to be maneuvered can negatively affect my relationships. While I may use the Power style successfully in the short run, using this style regularly can be destructive -? both to e and to those with whom I interact. Suggestions to become less Power-oriented; Seek feedback on my behavior from neutral sources, examine the quality of my relationships, I may be tying immense of self-worth to my ability to control situations and people, concentrate on developing some personal goals, try a more tactful, friendly approach to others and watch their reactions, increase your confidence in others by delegating assignments, spend more time listening, recognize that your need for power could be based on fear.

Becoming less Power-oriented can result in a ore effective, respected approach to my Job, more satisfying, productive relationships, reduced probability of stress-related medical symptom and increased confidence in the abilities of others. Competitive 9 o’clock position: The Competitive scale measures our need to establish a sense of self-worth through competing against and comparing ourselves to others I scored on the high range and according to it I tend to focus more on winning than on performance excellence. My preoccupation with being admired might cause me to overestimate my abilities, and I may rush into projects without fully realizing their implement. I generally like to be the center of attention, and are therefore susceptible to feelings of Jealousy and new when others draw attention from me.

Rather than working with others cooperatively to achieve a goal, I tend to work against them in hopes of emerging as “better” than they are. This can put considerable strain on my relationships -? others may tire of my competitive drive and prefer to avoid me. The survey suggests to use achievement-oriented thinking, participate in recreational sports strictly for fun, accept the fact that you can’t be “the best” at everything, when oh make a mistake or perform poorly, resist the urge to obsess over it or blame others and collaborate on a project and work closely with another person. The Detentes AT Decoded less complete are enlarge-quality results willingness to cooperate with others, satisfying relationships and the ability to relax and enjoy life.

Perfectionist 10 o’clock position :The Perfectionist scale measures the degree to which we feel a driven need to be seen by others as perfect. I scored on the high range and according to that I probably have difficulty simply doing my best. I tend to seek recognition by making sure that some or all areas of my life are flawless. Although I am task-oriented, I frequently see high-quality results as unsatisfactory because they don’t meet my unrealistic standards. To demonstrate my competence, I often set goals for myself that are higher than anyone else’s. I tend to expect too much from others as well, causing them to see me as rigid and demanding.

My perfectionist tendencies can actually limit my productivity at work , and its effects on my health can result in cardiovascular problems, frequent headaches, migraines, sleeplessness, ulcers, and anorexia. Constantly striving to be seen as perfect becomes a vicious circle: if I choose to let it, this drive could begin to rule my life. Suggestions to become less Perfectionist are ; recognize that your drive to be perfect is self-defeating and that it is rooted in my basic values about life. Understand that my work is not my worth, talk about your behavior with someone who knows you well, alter my standards in some activity, Just to see how the results differ and recognize that giving up my perfectionist behavior will actually improve my ability to accomplish things.

Becoming less Perfectionist can result in; reduced emotional and physical symptoms of stress more realistic performance standards, increased managerial effectiveness, a more balanced life, with time for relaxation, increased productivity, more trusting, open relationships and the ability to accept failure and learn from it Achievement 1 1 o’clock position :The Achievement scale measures a way of thinking that is highly associated with personal effectiveness. I scored on the medium range closer to the higher range according to that I probably have a healthy desire for achievement and tend to be confident of my own judgment and abilities. Because I am typically direct, honest and consistently able to meet challenges, I can be effective in a leadership role. Suggestions to become more Achievement-oriented are ; assess where I am now, study my LSI profile, target where my effort can make an immediate, measurable difference, set goals around anything to help make goal-setting a habit, make it a point to take moderate risks, be supportive of myself.

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