Lecture Assignment

Lecture Assignment Words: 379

Learn to design experiments (both real and computational) to measure deformation and its effects. 3 Course Outline Language of tensor algebra and calculus. Measuring deformation Concept of stress Techniques for measuring deformation Techniques for ‘seeing stress in action Constitutive equations of elasticity Boundary value problems in linear elasticity and some techniques for solving them Energy methods in elasticity 4 Hands on part of the course A combined computational+experimental project on measuring deformations.

Demonstrations on how materials are tested, deformations are measured and stresses are seen A project on photoelectrical and strain gauges Using a commercial software (ABACUS) to solve an elastic boundary value problem. Course details on Google calendar: HTTPS://www. Google. Com/calendar/render? Tab=WAC=l Books Martin H. Sad: Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numeric, Elsevier, 2009 Allan F Bower, Applied Mechanics of Solids 1st Edition, CRY Press, 2009. Also http:// www. Solidification. Org Courtesies and assignments available on Brattiest. Evaluation 4 Hands-on Projects: 50%+Upton 20% bonus marks 1 Mid Semester Examination: 20% End Semester Examination: 30% About 5 Assignments to be given. No need to submit. Just for your practice. Attendance will not be monitored but not attending classes regularly will have its consequences. 7 Experiments 4 hands-on projects to be executed. 2 completely experimental, 1 completely mutational and 1 involves experiments and simulations. Form teams of at most 11 people. Decide on 3 team leaders for the experimental, computational and combined parts.

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Team leaders will decide division of labor. They will also report problems, bottlenecks to the concerned people. We will adopt a zero-tolerance policy to unfair practices 8 9 QUIP Course on Recent trends in Anna-composites, IT Canker November, 2006 ME : Advanced Mechanics of Solids IT Canker Crookneck delta 10 11 Symmetry and skew-symmetry 12 Symmetry or skew symmetry reduces the number of independent components of the tensor. Summation convention 13 Summation over repeated indices obviates the need to use the summation symbol. 4 The exercise is equivalent to writing: 15 Tensor sum Contraction Permutation symbol 1 3 2 16 Permutations Clockwise: even Counter clockwise: odd 17 inner 18 outer in first second Second order tensors 19 Components of the second order tensor 20 Scalar product of second order Tensors 21 Dyadic (tensor) prod cut of two vectors Any second order tensor can be written as: 24 Transformation of vectors and tensors 25 26 27 Tensor calculus 28 ME 29 : Advanced Mechanics of Solids Scalar, vector and tensor fields Symbolic operator 31 Gauss Divergence theorem 32 vs.

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