ILM Work based Assignment

ILM Work based Assignment Words: 2249

You should consider: the value of assessing performance; owe you could motivate the team to improve performance; and the value of feedback in the workplace. Please use the headings shown below when writing up your assignment Assessment Criteria The value of assessing performance Briefly describe your organization’s formal systems of assessment/appraisal, and your own informal practices.

Briefly explain the value of each and identify ways that you ensure that it is fair and objective, or suggest any changes that would ensure that it is. (weighting 20% of the total mark) The value of formal and informal performance assessment in the workplace is explained Ways that could ensure fair and objective formal assessment are identified Managing performance Explain your role in performance management in your workplace.

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In your answer you should: Briefly explain your role in performance management Give an example of SMART objectives and performance standards you have agreed for your team Explain how you would measure performance against these standards Select an example of underperformed that has occurred in your workplace (or could potentially occur) and explain a performance improvement technique that you used (or could use) to address this variance weighting 30% of the total mark) The role of the first line manager in performance management is briefly explained SMART objectives are set for the team Performance standards are set for the team How you would measure performance against agreed standards is explained An example of underperformed in the workplace is selected and a performance improvement technique available to address this underperformed explained Motivating the team to improve performance in the workplace Briefly describe the factors that influence the way that people in your workplace behave and, based on this, briefly explain how you would apply one recognized horror of motivation to your team to improve their performance.

The factors that influence how people behave at work are outlined The application of one basic recognized theory of motivation is explained The value of feedback in the workplace Briefly explain why feedback is important to improve communication and the performance of your team and compare the effectiveness of different types of feedback used in your workplace The importance of feedback to improve communication and performance is explained The effectiveness of different types of feedback is compared By submitting I confirm that this assessment is my own work MARK SHEET – WORK BASED ASSIGNMENT – MM. 12 MOTIVATING TO PERFORM IN THE WORKPLACE/ MM. 6 MANAGING PERFORMANCE Assignment Number Name Date Due Date Submitted Date Returned Criteria Strengths Weaknesses USSR mark QUA mark The value of formal and informal performance assessment in the workplace is explained Ways that could ensure fair and objective formal assessment are identified 120% Managing performance 130% Assessor’s decision Quality assurance use Total Marks Outcome (circle as applicable) Total 50%+ overall PASS FAIL Section fail if applicable: Date of IQ check: Name of assessor Name of IQ Assessor signature re IQ signature ELM EVE signature Date externally verified (where applicable) Formal assessments are usually assessments that implicate a written document and are recorded. Formal assessments are then followed up and reviewed allowing progress to be evaluated.

When formally assessing performance, this is done through annual appraisals, monthly/quarterly goals, audits etc. The outcomes are quantitative results/data which supports conclusions and are easily read. Informal assessments are more casual and are more difficult to measure as they can be through word of mouth, observations, peer and elf evaluation and are not recorded and checked. When informally assessing performance we may look more at frequent reactions to how daily tasks are handled or through informal discussions. The outcomes are more qualitative results as it is not data driven and looks more at the content of performance. Below is a list of both formal and informal performance assessments that Penman staff undertake.

Formal Assessment Informal Assessment Appraisal Suggestions Supervision (management support meetings Hints & Tips Competency assessment Observations Investors in People Peer and self evaluation WAG returns Handover meetings Supporting People reviews Discussions Annual reviews To do list Risk Assessments Team meetings – MOM’S) Personal Developments reviews (Pad’s) Staff conference COOS (health and safety) Tenant/resident meetings Learning and development trail (L&D) Key performance indicators (Kepi’s) Feedback questionnaires Interviews Financial assessments believe that Formal and informal Performance Assessments are equally important in the workplace in order to know where the company is at and what it needs to do to achieve the quality it wants.

It is a process that can effectively immunization Pennants goals and evaluate employee’s performance. Within Penman, I believe that we are more geared towards Formal assessments, mainly due to the business we are in as we are required to provide statistics to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) or to gain performance related recognition, for example Investors in People. We are driven by Formal assessments and have to have these in place to survive as an organization. However I believe that Informal assessments can have more meaning as they are more regular and although difficult to record, can have huge effects on the team and indeed the equines as a whole. Eel that I am confident in assessing Formal Performance Assessments as there are policies/procedures/standardized forms in place that you can follow. Penman ensures that the same procedure is used for all staff for example when completing a PDP, it is a standardized form for all, it comes with instructions and a competency dictionary for you to follow. However there is no formal training offered by Penman for managers in how to complete or how to assess performance. It is hard to go wrong with formal assessments as long as the manager is well informed and has the skills and abilities required. If we have too many formal assessments such as standards and Kepi’s etc we may loose customer focus satisfaction, which is after all one of the most important measures of success. Reasonably like informal assessments and providing support “ad hoc” for example if a member of staff is struggling with a computer programmer, I may sit with them for 10 minutes and go through to get them out of the difficulty and arrange further training. Penman may be missing opportunities to assess informal assessments as there is no policy/procedure in place, no standardized way of assessing and staff are unsure what to do. The informal quantitative assessments have more meaning to me, such as the way someone feels or their beliefs, tenant satisfaction, best practice etc, however they are much more difficult to assess although equally important.

Why should performance be assessed? For any Organization there needs to be a method of delivering improvement standards, aims and objectives. Performance management is a very important tool in achieving this, and is vital to an organization’s success. It sets out clear standards so that the organization, teams and all individuals know what role they have in order to achieve these standards and their individual goals hat ultimately affect the overall performance. Therefore it is important that performance is assessed to measure how well the company or the individual is doing. Performance assessment can improve efficiency and resources; it ensures consistency and customer focus.

It also identifies strengths and weakness in individuals and can help them perform and achieve goals. According to Dick Grotto, author of The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers, effective performance assessment can constitute the most valuable instrument in a manager’s toolbox. “No other management recess,” Grotto maintains, “has as much influence over individuals’ careers and work lives. ” As Grotto acknowledges, a careful appraisal process can help improve an employee’s performance for an entire year. And when an effective process is applied broadly across an organization, the resulting overall performance improvement can give that company a vital competitive edge.

Rewarding performance Performance is linked to a reward for the individual and the organization. If an individual is rewarded for good performance this will motivate them to achieve further goals, you are likely to see improvements in morale, team spirit, etc which ill ultimately reward the department and the organization as a whole. Individual rewards include financial awards for completing recognized qualifications, recognition within the team for performance, condiments etc. The organization is then more likely to keep rewarded staff, have better efficiency, knowledgeable staff and improve overall performance which is indeed a reward for the organization.

Fair and objective formal assessments There are many ways that you can ensure fair and objective assessments, mainly by providing a uniformed approach which is non judgmental and non discriminatory. All forms/recording mechanisms should be standardized in order to be based on the information given factually and by evidence provided. The recording of statistics should be consistent and fair. Pennants recruitment procedure is an example of a fair and objective assessment, the job description and person specification is written by the line manager and HRS and identifies the role of person required. The application form that the interview panel receives does not include sex, age or name of the applicant only initials.

This shows non discriminatory handling and assessment of the application form. At the interview recess the questions are pre-determined and follow a written format asking only questions relevant to the role. The interview itself is based on a scoring system, usually 3 members of staff interview the applicant which clearly demonstrates a fair and objective interview. The interview panel cannot use their own intuition or personality differences to score the individual. There are many assessments within Penman that cannot be anything but fair and objective as they are concerned with figures and finances, some of the Kepi’s relate to void losses, rent arrears, maintenance costs etc.

Penman have very trucked formal assessments that believe to be fair and objective including appraisals, competencies standards and value system. Pennants vision is to be the first choice provider in housing related services and in order to achieve this they have to adhere to consistent and fair assessments. We have clear objectives and policies and procedures and systems in place to assess performance and seek performance improvement. My recommendation for improvement in ensuring fair and objective assessments would be for all first line managers to attend assessment training. I believe that you can have the tools to do the job (e. G. Having a standardized form for a PDP) but without the skills to properly assess or gather/interpret the information given the assessment won’t work.

You can have a highly motivated, eager and well performing individual who can come out of a PDP feeling De-motivated and low simply due to the managers lack of skills, knowledge and inability to assess. Role in performance management in the workplace. As a first line manager it is your responsibility to manage varying levels of performance. This is an imperative role in the organizations performance management system and keystone to the organization. The first line manager as the ability to start at the beginning of the process which is recruitment and induction of staff members. The recruitment policy and procedure is a tool/ system to ensure good performance at this stage.

They support staff through offering training opportunities, those that are essential (through the learning and development trail) and those that are desirable and that will enhance/ develop new skills that will benefit the employee and the service. A first line manager will inform staff what is expected of them and where they fit into the organizations goals. They will lead by example, and assess performance through he probationary period. First line managers within Penman provide Mom’s every six weeks which identifies goals and targets, reviews previously agreed goals and offers advice and assistance. There is also the opportunity to feed through the organizations business plan through Pad’s which are annual and identify the forthcoming year’s objectives, along with the competency assessment.

Within my role of first line manager one objective/performance indicator I look for is that an individual has achieved full service capacity and reduced void loss. I can look at this statistically through figures to ensure targets are met ND also the competency of the individual, if the individual has promoted the service and can evidence them trying to increase referrals. This is a WAG target that we have to have 100% capacity as this is what they are funding us for, on a local level I set goals for individual staff to promote the service on a regular basis at forum’s, agency team meetings etc. I then have the opportunity to asses progress and review at Mom’s and also informally through general discussions and team meetings.

I use many IT systems that monitor and record performance, including Conveyance and SPriNT. I believe within Penman, there are considerable opportunities to manage performance and there are many formal ways of doing this. I will also tend to use more informal ways, through observation, sharing knowledge, offering advice, hints and tips etc. I feel this is a better way for the staff to be informed, things will get done quicker (rather than wait 4 weeks for a MS), and goals can be achieved. First Line managers have the opportunity to attend courses both internally and externally to improve their skills, for example ELM award in first line management.

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