IBS Standards for Report Writing and Re Assignment

IBS Standards for Report Writing and Re Assignment Words: 663

The body of the report contains data, discussion and analysis. The information is presented in a logical sequence. Paragraphing is used to separate and develop ideas. Headings and subheadings are used to identify each section and subsection. The body of a report often contains tables and figures. Bullet points can be used where appropriate. The body of the report is a discussion or description of the material, Judgments about the material are discussed in the conclusions section of the report. Conclusions (mandatory) The conclusion summarizes the major points or findings of the assignment.

It contains no new information. It should indicate if the purpose of the report was fulfilled, what type of data was used and what conclusions were reached. Recommendations (optional) Depending on the assignment there could be a recommendations section in the report. This section should contain suggestions for a specific course of action based on the findings of the report. The recommendations should be based on the conclusions drawn from the report. References (mandatory) List all the material used in preparation of the report in alphabetic order. Check the

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Harvard System of Referencing: A Basic Guide on the following page for more information. Appendices (optional) Appendices generally contain material that is relevant to the report but not suitable for the body of the report. All appendices have a title and are appropriately numbered. Material suitable for inclusion in an appendix include maps, large amounts of data or copies of documents. Material included in appendices must be correctly referenced. Footer (mandatory) Insert a footer with the following information: Unit # cohort # (e. G. Cohort 2014-2017) Page # 2.

Harvard System of Referencing: A Basic Guide You must show clearly in your work where you have used someone else’s work in your assignments. The Harvard Referencing System will help you do this. The Harvard Referencing System has two parts. You need to use both parts in your assignment. The two parts are: 1 . In-text citations 2. A detailed reference list. 1. In-text citations Each time you refer to someone else’s work in your assignment, you need to include the author’s name and the date of their work within your text at the point where you discuss their ideas. This is called citing the author’s work.

For example, the following sentence could be used in your essay where you refer to ideas from a book by Lori Garrett. Example AY : It has been suggested that classical music can help to create a calm study environment in which students can focus on their work (Garrett, 2011). There are several different ways you can cite an information source within the text of your essay. For more information, go to http://libel. Anglia. AC. UK/referencing/Harvard. HTML 2. References Full bibliographic details for each work you have used, or cited, are given in the preference list at end of your assignment.

The reference list enables your lecturer to understand what information you have cited and to help him/her find the original work if he/she wishes to. The reference list contains details of all the things you have cited in your piece of work arranged alphabetically by author. For example, the full reference for our example above would look like this: Example AY: Garrett, L. K. , 2011 Skills for nursing and healthcare students. Harrow: Pearson Education Use the table on the following page to help you make a proper reference list.

For further help in citing your references, check out this website: http:// libel. Anglia. AC. UK/referencing/Harvard. HTML Example B: A section of your essay could look like this While stakeholder theory has its origins in the commercial world, it has been used in and transferred into a socio-political context and in the public sector (Adam, 2003). Based on stakeholder theory Adams originally proposed a definition “those who can affect or are affected by the achievements of the firm’s objectives” (1984, p. 24).

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IBS Standards for Report Writing and Re Assignment. (2019, Nov 05). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/ibs-standards-for-report-writing-and-re-2-4163/