Human Resources , Job Analysis Assignment

Human Resources , Job Analysis Assignment Words: 1126

Introduction Job Analysis is the act of putting together the details of a particular job. The analysis is not limited to job description alone. The Analysis includes all relevant training, disciplinary actions , selection process, performance and employing the correct person for a job. Therefore, as the company moves forward with this integration and merger of the two companies, new job descriptions will form as a result on the focus on sales.

Rather than placing current and or new employees into open positions, I will conduct a job analysis which will help place the correct people in their correct position based on education, skills and experience. Job Analysis The areas that I will focus and place great importance are the following. •Job functions: Direct sales performance and functions as base which is outlines with specifics assignments in relation to sales. Included will be the skill set needed, expectations, difficulty, performance and disciplinary actions and standards. Environment: The work environment will not be limited to the home office, travel is required up to 50% and overnight travel as well. Constant interaction wih many different sales team from all over the world. Training will be provided. Sales world is very challenging and incumbent may come across some strong minded individuals. •Vehicle: Will not be provided however gas and mileage will be reimbursed at local rate. • Interaction: Incumbent will report to a sales manager and work with a sales team .

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Incumbent will work with both internal and external customers. Working well under pressure. Safety. •Education and Skill set: Bachelors degree in sales plus two years experience in local sales and two years in global sales. Replacement of education can be accepted in seven years experience in local sales, two years in government sales and seven years in global sales. The ability to use sales booking system. Team oriented. Organization. Proficient in word, PowerPoint and Visio. Incumbent must also have excellent oral and verbal communication.

Workforce Planning System With most every job analysis the key focus is to get the right employee with the correct skills and knowledge in the correct position when needed. Therefore, I will revisit our staffing and needs for additional employees in the sales department. In addition I will go over our current sales programs with training along with its success rate. Incorporate the said programs along with work ethics into new programs that will support our mission and future needs.

Upon completing the reevaluations of the programs, I will call upon the sales management team and human resources to decide if the current sales functions will continue or will our firm redesign the functions to align with the mission and vision of the company. Once this is done the company will post the final findings and complete job requirements and functions as open positions internally for several weeks and then post externally as well as a recruitment program. The recruitment program will include training and developmental programs that will assist the incumbent with any areas the incumbent may have.

Too, it will touch on contractual obligations, terms and conditions broken down by sales focus, legal aspects and building clientele. With each selected employee the company will provide them with a copy of their new job description and function to kept in their file and used during future evaluations. Selection Methods In a merger such as this one where all the employees will be greatly affected all employees interested in a new position in sales will have to go through the selection process which will include interviews and performance history.

The advantage the company will have is all persons currently in sales and deciding to stay in sales will be evaluated based on performance and interviewed according to the job descriptions and placed accordingly. The disadvantage is some employees do not like change and as some have already resigned , this new process is sure to have some employees feeling they do not need to go through and interview and performance evaluation to maintain a position; and will see it easier to resign. Team Construction of the Sales Department

Conducting a job analysis which is base for a new job function will require team efforts and support. Keeping in mind two companies have now become one with focus on sales in services and products; top performing managers will requested to come together and help finalize the job description and selection process. Once completed we will have a sales team with experience to teach, coach , counsel and sell. The team members are as follows: •Sales Managers ~ top sales manager from service and products with an excellent performance record.

The sales managers can share techniques for sales successes over the years. In addition, the sales managers will share the knowledge of the service performed and products offered and sold by the company. •Human recourses ~ will use the collected data combined with corporate policy to develop work ethics, disciplinary actions, safety guidelines, benefits, harassment policy and more related to the job and company. Part of the human resources team will include a sales recruiter whom will recruit and put training sessions together for the current and new sales employees. Legal Team representative ~ The legal representative will ensure that we are covering all the legal aspect of sales that binds us to contractual obligations supported by law. The legal representative will teach the sales employees how to protect their rights and the rights of the company when making a sale. Finally, the legal person shall provide resources to the team that will continue to enhance their sales knowledge and education which will include government, local and international sales. Customer Service Manager ~ identify the customer service skills needed to perform the part of the job function which requires interaction with internal and external customers. Together the aforementioned team should cover all the basics and intricate part of sales needed to create a sales team for “Interclean”. It is not likely one person will able to build a sales team especially with the global focus in the future, Thus, combination of the above along with past documented training and programs should get us going in the right direction. Conclusion

The most important aspect to remember about conducting a job analysis is relevant to the job itself not human performing the job functions associated with the job. Following the job analysis will come job description, selection process, hiring, training, performance and compensation. The overall goal is getting the right person for the right job. References: Cascio, Wayne. (2005). Managing Human Resources Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Retrieved August 10, 2009, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Online, HR Guide. (1998). Job Analysis Overview. Retrieved August 17, 2009, from www. job- analysis. net

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Human Resources , Job Analysis Assignment. (2020, Jul 16). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from