Field Trip Assignment

Field Trip Assignment Words: 1706

Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity Get introduced to the topic Defines field trip. Enlists the values of field trip Field trip Introduction The field trip was introduced early in as audio visual media In education because it brings the student into direct contact with a life situation in which the elements can be studied as they actually exists and because it is the most concrete and most real of the audio visual procedures. the field trip is the oldest visual aid having been used centuries ago by the early Greek teachers who took their classes to the natural situation for firsthand knowledge

Definition The field trip may be defined as an educational procedure by which the student studies firsthand object sand materials in their natural environment Socrates and Aristotle both used it Values of field trip 1. they furnish first hand information to supplement and to enrich the classroom instruction 2. They correlate and blend school life with the outside world, by providing direct touch with persons and with community situations. 3. they develop a better understanding of the etiologic factors of disease- housing, sanitation, economic condition, industry 4. hey create situations which help to develop observation and keenness’; field trips also offer an opportunity to apply that which has been taught, to verify what has been learned 5. they provide actual source material for the study 6. they arouse interest and vitalize instructions, thereby providing motivation 7. they serve as an effective means of correlating the subjects of the curriculum 8. They afford opportunity to conceder and to solve problems arising from individual and group participation in a natural social situation. Teacher explains with the slides. Students observes and listen

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Teacher explains with the slides. Students observes and listen Teacher explains with the slides. Students observes and listen Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity Enumerate the limitations of fieldtrip Describe the steps in organizing and conducting the field tripLimitations of field trip 1. Most field trips require more than one class period which necessitates adjustment of the class schedule. 2. The trip must be planned at the convenience of the establishment visited which means that it may not be correlated with the curriculum at the most effective time.

Students may not have the necessary data or the sufficient background to obtain the maximum learning from such experience. 3. Transportation is another problem if public conveniences are used Another limitation is the size of the group. If it is too large for the effective observation it must be divided in to smaller sections Organization and procedure for field trip The first essential requisite to any successful field trip is well thought out plan The field trip should be a carefully thought out and planned education procedure, otherwise time will be wasted and little value realized.

Much time can be wasted on field trips that are poorly planned or not planned at all. Steps in organizing and conducting field trips 1. Knowledge and resources 2. Rapport with personnel in institution to be visited 3. Objectives 4. Time and transportation 5. Preparation of the student 6. SupervisionTeacher explains with the slides. Students observes and listen Teacher explains with the slides. Students observes and listen Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity Knowledge.

Make a survey of the immediate surroundings and of the community as a whole so as to determine those settings which offer potential educational experiences for nursing students through field trips . Analyze the educational values to be obtained from each possible trip. This requires an exploratory visit by the teacher so that she can determine whether or not the field trips planned will contribute to the attainment of desired objectives Rapport Establish and maintain cordial relations with those in charge of the situations to be visited.

A friendly welcome by the visited authorities is conducive to learning. On the other hand if teacher and students are merely tolerated as more or less unwelcome guests, enthusiasm will be lessened, and learning will become perfunctory. Objectives State objectives for the unit carefully and completely and then select the learning activities which will best contribute to the attainment of the objectives. If a field trip will contribute better to the attainment of the objectives than other learning experiences then a trip should be planned carefully to meet these objectives.

Time and transportation Make the necessary arrangements for the time and the place of meeting and for the length of the visit, with the administrative personnel in the place to be visited. Planning for transportation may be done with the students making sure that all students have transportation, know where to meet, the exact time of the visit and how long it is to last. Preparation of the students All trips should be made in connection with some unit, material or project and, therefore, should develop naturally out of the class setting.

A good trip assignment not only indicates the objectives and its location but also stimulates the student to think about it in terms of importance, purpose, practice and personnel. Class preparation must be carried through the use appropriate questions, references, illustrations, slides, films or similar devices. Students should be given an opportunity to list cooperatively the objectives for which the trip is planned Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity

Describes the significance of field trip in nursing educationSupervision The trip should be supervised carefully in order to protect both the student and the school. Safety and comfort should be considered. This is provided by instructing the student carefully. Time, exact place of meeting, type of transportation, conduct and courtesy all should be explained carefully to each student. The trip itself should proceed in an orderly manner with all students in an alert and observing frame of mind.

The teacher can assist the students by calling attention to pertinent points Follow up and evaluation The class period following the field trip should be used for an open discussion. This can be done by means of student reports, discussion and evaluation of reports and questions by students and teacher. The teacher should evaluate the details of the trip carefully, writing them down for future reference together with specific suggestions for improvement of further trips.

She should note particularly what appear to be motivating and vitalizing values as they affect the individual students and may gather such evidence from her own opinions, student’s expressions comments and remarks both during and following the trip and written students evaluations. Educational values are important and can be determined by tests of various kinds, if desired. Significance of field trip in nursing education Nursing education has used a type of field trip for some time by having the student attend clinics, visit the therapy departments and other similar activities.

Through the use of field trips the nursing student can gain firsthand knowledge of the community agencies and their functions and relationships to the hospital in helping the patient. One of the objectives of nursing education is to provide a community nurse that is a nurse who can recognize the social needs and the problems which relate to nursing. In order to achieve this objective the school of nursing should provide an opportunity for the student to the place that nursing has in relation to all who are concerned with the welfare of the society.

Then she can understand her part and responsibility in the total scheme Teacher explains with slides. Student observes and listen. Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity Defines educational exhibits. Enlists the types of exhibits. Describe the purposes of exhibits. Educational exhibits Definition An exhibit is an arrangement of communication media designed to inform the observer about a subject. It may be either commercial or educational in nature. Educational exhibit offers an interesting and unique manner of combining multiple media in to a small area.

It offers an opportunity for creative participation on the part of both teachers and students in developing informative exhibits of interesting instructional materials. Type of exhibits 1. Simple exhibits 2. complex exhibits The complexity of the exhibit will depend on the purpose for which the exhibit is made. It may combine a variety of media. 2- and 3- dimensional materials; graphics; pictures; news clippings displayed on bulletins; felt or magnetic boards; slides; motion pictures; recordings etc. the kind and amount of material used will depend on the purpose of the exhibit and the creative abilities of the teacher and/or the student.

Purposes of exhibits Exhibits may be used to introduce students to a new unit of work. Work type study exhibits may be developed as a means for imaginative, visualized systematic report of the progress made by an entire class or by a committee as they go through various stages of study and organize key generalizations or conclusions. This is particularly effective when initiated and carried to a conclusion by the students themselves as a product of their own creative and developmental thinking. Study exhibits also may be used to summarize the work of a unit or course that has been accomplished over a period of days

Teacher explains with slides. Student observes and listen. Teacher explains with slides. Student observes and listen. Teacher explains with slides. Student observes and listen Specific objectiveTimeContentTeaching learning activity Explains the process of planning the exhibit. Planning the exhibit A successful exhibit starts with a plan, based on the purpose for which the exhibit is to be used. The plan should be visualized and this is called a layout. This is rough outline with details suggested rather than filled in. the layout provides a way of evaluating the finished product as to clarify the message, attractiveness, completeness etc. efore any time consuming construction work is done. Although exhibits do not have to be works of art they should be pleasing, attractive, and colorful and cable of communicating the intended message. A variety of specialized devices may be employed for the arrangement of exhibits, as well as for other purposes. Those most commonly used in the class room include the chalkboard, the bulletin board, and the flannel or felt board, the magnetic board, the poster. Occasionally specially built exhibits cases also may be available to the teacher and the students. Teacher explains with slides. Student observes and listen

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Field Trip Assignment. (2020, Oct 29). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from