Fashion and Social Media Assignment

Fashion and Social Media Assignment Words: 783

Psychology of Clothing Youngstown State University November 21, 2013 The fashion industry is uniquely positioned to take full advantage of the power of social media. Being an exceedingly visual and expressive industry with an engaged consumer base, the increased publicity and interactivity that social media provides lends itself particularly well to brands in the industry. Twitter, one the leading social media sites. Has also established a presence at major events in the fashion world.

An example is Fashion Week, where the fashion house Barberry broke barriers and instilled innovation by live-tweeting photographs of models Just before they stepped on the catwalk at London Fashion Week. It gave individuals an unparalleled look behind the scenes, which in return made “#Barberry’ the second most trending topic on Twitter at that time. Other leaders within the fashion industry are taking to the idea twitter and social media as a whole to expand the relevance of the industry on their take. They are tons of professionals within our industry who can accommodate just about any individuals’ style and taste.

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For the purpose of this paper the focus as on four leaders within the fashion industry. Cosmetic Brands M. A. C cosmetics (@MACcosmectics) and Amiability Cosmetics (@Maybelline) Creative Director of ELL Magazine Joe Zee (@mrJoezee) and finally the website and blob dedicated to everything beauty, Into the Gloss (@lntoTheGloss). Over the past several months, there were key significances with each, first M. A. C cosmetic’s re launch Of VIVA Glam, since the first campaign was unveiled in 1994 which features a beautifully creamy shade of deep red where all proceeds went to aids research. But the biggest part of he re launch was when M.

A. C cosmetic’s revealed via twitter that Rueful was returning to front the one that started it all: Viva Glam 1. Next is Amiability New York Cosmetics, Something very admirable is that they actually reply back to their followers in regards to questions, concerns and the whole nine. Also they rewet pictures of individual wearing products for their line as well. Something on trend is the innovation of plums colors which are perfect for the fall and also globalization is a trend with the recent opening of a corporate branch in Lagos, Nigeria which events arm the red carpet opening party trending that night.

Next is Ell Creative Director Joe Zee. I’d like to call him Fashion’s Approachable Ambassador because given his status within the fashion industry he really connects with his followers by tweeting things within his every life as well as live tweet photos from front row runway shows and event parties within the fashion industry and oncoming trends and sneak peeks within ELL magazine’s upcoming issues. Lastly is into the gloss, being an individual who loves makeup would preferable loved work within the beauty part of the fashion industry, I take a lot in from this twitter page, which is no secret my favorite.

They are always ahead with the latest trends and innovations regarding all things beauty with an editorial feel. The instant update regarding the latest breakthrough trends are something waiting for. Using twitter in the fashion industry is a win / win for both the individuals and the fashion Houses or leaders. Brands use it to expand and reach to the specific target market using social networking sites like Twitter. Twitter and Social media in the fashion industry is important basically cuts out the middle man while creating a direct communication method between the buyer and seller.

The fashion industry literally have uncovered a one of the secrets to success through consumer driving inspiration and testing trends. Which ultimately allows the ability to identify and capitalize on what’s currently trending and hot in the industry early, which can make all the difference to a fashion brand or retailer’s predominance in the industry, with the ability to amplify the buzz. The best thing about this twitter assignment was the ability to really identify with what part of the fashion industry o wanted to be a part of by following certain people, whether that be Journalist, photographer, marketing or beauty for example.

Twitter is the ultimate form of communication with brands and leaders because, like mentioned before they really respond back to their followers creating a one-on-one feel and instilling inspiration to that follower as well, so I would suggest if anything use twitter as platform for professional reasons to get your name out there and be a part of communities full of individuals with similar interest and for that reason alone, is why I will continue to use twitter.

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