Factors That Influence Learning Assignment

Factors That Influence Learning Assignment Words: 602

TASK 3 DATE: 12TH DECEMBER 2011 STUDENT: MICHELLE MOHESS STUDENT SID # : 1130237 CLASS: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CAREERS TASK: TASK 3 – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING TASK 3 – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING Factors influencing the effectiveness of my learning based on Group Discussions. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE MY LEARNING AT ANGIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY | |POSITIVES | |NEGATIVES | |1. |Goals – All goals discussed were clear and precise to |1. Time Factor – Taking to long of a period to reach | | |everyone’s understanding | |decision where everyone is not on the same page | |2. |Agreed Ways of working together – was discussed at the |2. |Group think – Problems ignored amongst discussion and | | |meeting to make every one clear of what was being discussed | |was left unaddressed. | |3. |Communication –relating to each other in the group by |3. |None Communicating of some group members all the time | | |listening to everyone’s input in a very courteous manner. |where important answers are needed. | |4. |Co-operation – Working together as a group to understand each|4. |Group members not coming up with sensible ideas to | | |other’s input better. Supporting each other when needed. | |back up assignment. | |5. |Keeping track of Progress – As the work go along we keep a |5. |Dominance in Group where others members who share | | |record of the progress it is taking by monitoring all | |similar opinions take control before giving other | | |activities. | |person a hearing or disregarding there opinions. |6. |Positive Attitudes & Behavior– when the group comes to a |6. |Stepping up to the plate – no one offered up to start | | |mutual understanding everyone gets motivated and happy with | |project or the actual working on the Assignment | | |each other causing the workload to become less strained | | | | |rather lighter. | | | TASK 3 – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING Factors influencing the effectiveness of my learning based on Group Discussions.

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE MY LEARNING OUTSIDE ANGIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY | |POSITIVES | |NEGATIVES | |1. |More Knowledge – Becoming more knowledgeable on what is going|1. |Time Factors and Constrains where my studies are | | |on from information related in group | |concern. By not being in school managing time is | | | | |difficult. | |2. |Goals Clearer as a Student – While outside of School there is|2. Support Factor – not getting any support or assistance| | |a greater sense of self. | |from friends and family outside ARU. | |3. |Communication – Group keeps in contact Via virtual |3. |Communication – not getting enough feedback from group| | |communication via email and outside meetings which helps to | |members. Students not making the effort to contribute | | |get a better understanding of programme. | |information via Email or any other means of | | | | |communication e. . Telephone etc. | |4. |Acceptance – Being able be more sociable due to being in an |4. |Unsure – Having to think twice about situations on | | |effective group. | |ones own rather than it being a group decision while | | | | |in school. | |5. |Self Improvement – Being able to use information from working|5. |Lack Self Awareness – not sure of how to handle | | |in a group to become a better person. | |situations. | |6. |Maintain a Good Attitude – by maintain the good attitude that|6. Attitude – may tend to wave and go to different | | |was adapted from the group and use it in my everyday life. | |directions based on what is going on around me at the | | | | |time. | TASK 3 – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING Factors influencing the effectiveness of my learning based on Group Discussions. FLOW CHART [pic] ———————– UNIVERSITY ANGIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY ASHCROFT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL FACTORS INFLUENCING MY LEARNING AT UNIVERSITY FACTORS INFLUENCING MY LEARNING OUTSIDE UNIVERSITY

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POSITIVE NEGATIVE 1. Clear Goals 1. Time Factor 2. Agreed ways 2. Group Think Of working 3. Communication 3. Lack of Communication 4. Support & 4. Lack of Ideas Cooperation 5. Monitoring of 5. Group Dominance Progress 6. Attitudes & 6. Stepping up Behavior POSITIVE NEGATIVE 1. More 1. Time Factor Knowledge 2. Clear Goals 2. Support Factor 3. Communication 3. Lack of Communication 4. Acceptance 4. Unsure 5. Self Improvement 5. Lack Self Awareness 6. Maintaining 6. Attitude Good Attitude

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Factors That Influence Learning Assignment. (2020, Apr 14). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/factors-that-influence-learning-5251/