Environmental Engineers Assignment

Environmental Engineers Assignment Words: 1265

What Environmental Engineers Do Annemarie Herfurth Mrs. Pinsonneault Adv. Eng 4 Nov. 2011 What Environmental Engineers Do Introduction: What are environmental engineers and why they are important to us? I. Why are environmental engineers helpful A. What they do to help our environment B. Why they help our environment C. What we should do to help them II. What they get paid A. What’s their salary B. Where they work C. How many work average III. What kind of education they need A. What kind of degree B. Special training or not C. What they usually start off as D. Different careers in the field IV. Help from the professionals A.

Carolyn Craig B. Michael J. Kleeman Conclusion: We need environmental engineers. Herfurth 1 Annemarie Herfurth Mrs. Pinsonneault Adv. Eng 4 Nov. 2011 What Environmental Engineers Do Environmental Engineers design, plan or perform duties in the prevention, control and remediation of the environmental health hazards by using various engineering disciplines. Environmental Engineers are important to us because without them, our environment would be a mess. They test our air, water, wastewater disposal, storm water and waste. Environmental engineers are helpful because they will help keep the environment alive for the next generation.

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They take care of our environment and control or prevent any hazards. Their focus may be local, continental or worldwide. Their main concern is finding ways for us to be a greener and keeping our planet healthy. They provide tips for builders and businesses to build greener houses and buildings. “Green fun fact: environmentally-minded builders are using straw-filled plaster walls to provide insulation to save trees. ” -collegeboard. com Herfurth 2 We should help them by basically recycling. People should use reusable bottles instead of plastic. They can recycle their newspaper instead of throwing it away.

They can recycle all kinds of paper and plastic. For environmental engineering/ pollution control technicians, the median salary is $40,560(high) and the typical range is $30,920 to $53,250. For environmental engineering professors the median salary is $64,780(very high) and the typical range is $46, 500 to $89, 680. For environmental engineers/ ecological and air quality engineers the median salary is $69, 940(very high) and the typical range is $54, 150 to $88,480. Environmental engineers and pollution control technicians can work in many different places. 11. 68% of them work in the local government; 11. 3% of them work management, scientific and technical consulting services; 10. 53% of them work in testing laboratories; 5. 42% of them work remediation and other waste management services; and the last 5. 26% for state governments. Environmental engineering professors usually work in universities, colleges, or professional schools. 21. 54% of them work in community colleges and the other 3. 04% work in technical and trade schools. Environmental engineers and ecological and air quality engineers mostly work in management, scientific and technical consulting services; 7. 8% work for the federal government; and 2. 66% are self-employed. Herfurth 3 “The number of jobs in these fields will rise in upcoming years. For environmental engineering and pollution control technician, the number of jobs in 2006 was 21,126; the number of jobs predicted for 2016 is 26,362. For environmental engineering professors, the number of jobs in 2006 was 4,310; the number is predicted to rise to 5,301 in 2016. For environmental engineers and ecological and air quality engineers the number of jobs in 2006 was 53,341, the number is predicted to rise to 68,161 in 2016. -Green Careers For environmental engineering and pollution control technicians an associates degree is the typical education/training needed. Employers usually do not require environmental engineering technicians to be certified, but a certification may put you ahead of other jobseekers. It is sometimes possible to receive a job without any formal training. For environmental engineering professors a doctorate degree in engineering in the typical education/training that is needed. A master’s degree is often enough for community colleges and some four-year colleges. Engineering instructors have many years of experience.

Some advanced professors move on to become department chairperson, dean, vice president, and president. For environmental engineers and ecological and air quality engineers a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering is the typical education/training needed. A graduate degree is usually necessary for college and university teaching positions. Herfurth 4 An environmental engineer or a pollution control technician will usually start off as an assistant to an environmental engineer. As they gain experience, they are given more advanced assignments and have less supervision.

An environmental engineering professor will usually start off as lecturers or part time professors. Eventually they find a full time position. Then you can go onto having a permanent job contract. An environmental engineer, an ecological or an air quality engineer will usually begin as junior engineers. Once they pass an exam and get licensed, they have the option for advancement. They may be given more a complex job; they may be assigned to a senior engineer or move into management positions or become consulting engineers. There are many different careers in this field.

You can be a professor, a scientist, an air tester and water tester. Each job gets paid a certain amount of money. Carolyn Craig Carolyn Craig is an air quality engineer and works at the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District. She started in this career field in 1981. After spending 15 years in water quality, she switched to air quality. She has been working in the industry for 25 years. She has a bachelor degree in chemical engineering and a certificate in hazardous materials management. She is currently an air quality engineer. She states “With the current state of air quality, there

Herfurth 5 are many opportunities with government, industry, and equipment and service suppliers. Salary ranges are commensurate with technical requirements and with experience. ” She thinks after a technical four year degree, many colleges have certificate programs that blend experience with traditional course work. She says “A person without any prior experience work needs to have a good technical education and be informed about current trends in air quality. ” She helps the environment and every way she can, both in her personal life and professional life.

She rides her bike and takes public transportation. (This interview was taken in 2008 by Green Careers). Michael J. Kleeman “Michael J. Kleeman is a professor of civil and environmental engineering and works at the University of California. He earned a bachelor’s of applied science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. He also received an MS/PhD in Environmental Engineering Science from Caltech in Pasadena, California. He is a professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California, Davis.

He teaches classes and performs research related to urban and regional air quality problems, including climate effects on air quality and mechanistic links between air quality and human health effects. ” -Green Careers “Researchers in this field”, he says, “work in academia, government labs, regulatory agencies, and in private consulting firms. It is a competitive field. ” People in this field make an average of Herfurth 6 $70,000 to $150,000 per year. More advanced positions range from $100,000 to $200,000 per year. As you can see, we really need environmental engineers.

They are why our environment is still alive and why it will be here for many generations to come. The jobs in this field will increase as the years go on. But we should help them along the way by recycling and making earth day every day. They will keep our plant healthy for years to come. Herfurth 7 Works Cited Page Cassio, Jim, and Alice Rush. Green Careers. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada, 2009. “Career: Environmental Engineers”. collegeboard. com 10 Oct. 2011. http://www. collegeboard. com/csearch/majorscareers/profiles/careers/104768. html Easton, Thomas. Careers in Science. The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. , 2004

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