English Assignment

English Assignment Words: 675

This semester’s ours looks at poetry, academic writing, and comparative film and literature study. The course also builds on the first semester and language and comprehension will be assessed as well in this semester. This pre-degree module is designed to provide student with the foundational skills necessary to pursue tertiary studies at an English-medium institution. It is essential that students at tertiary education level be able to write responses that are logical, meaningful, and informative. Not only does English usage have to be grammatically correct, the ideas expressed in answers must be appropriate and well considered.

Remember: Keep your BINGO 1 study guide! The language, grammar, and writing you did in BINGO 1 are tested and applicable in BENDING, and lecturers will not be re-teaching any first semester content. 2. Module outcomes At the end of this module, students should be able to: Demonstrate skills in English comprehension and expression. Demonstrate a critical awareness of poetry. Demonstrate the ability to research and present on a general topic in an academic essay. Demonstrate critical awareness and analysis of a text and movie adaptations of that 3. Module content Unit 1: Poetry Unit 2: Academic Writing Part 2

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Unit 3: Romeo and Juliet Page 2 of 6 4. Methods of Assessment 4. 1 Formative assessments Continual formative assessment is conducted so that students are given feedback on their progress in the achievement of specific learning outcomes. 4. 1. 1 Tests There are two tests for this course. The first test counts 15% of the final mark, the second test counts 15% – in total the tests will count 30% of your final mark. The test content will be discussed with students during lectures. You may supplement ONE of these tests, should you have a documented reason for missing it (like a medical illness with a doctor’s letter).

The dates and relevant topics of the tests are as follows: -rest 1 Poetry week 6 19 – 23 August 2013 -rest 2 Week 1 1 1-4 October 2013 4. 1. 2 Assignment There will be one assignment for this course. The assignment will count 20% towards the final mark. The assignment (academic essay) will be on portal at the beginning of the semester – the sooner students begin researching the topic, the better. The date of the assignment is: Assignment week 8 9 – 12 September 2013 Submission of the assignment (academic essay) will be during the FIRST English lecture of the week of the 9th September 2013.

The assignment question will be distributed during lectures, and students informed of the Page 3 of 6 requirements. All assignments are to be handed to the lecturer in the designated lecture time. You will be required to sign a register as proof of admission. Late assignments will be penalized by 5% per day that the assignment is handed in late (including weekends) unless there is evidence of an extenuating circumstance. 4. 1. 3 Examination There is one examination of three hours, which counts 50% towards the final mark.

The final mark is calculated as follows: 50% for tests and assignment + 50% for the examination = 100%. How to qualify for the examination Students need to obtain the required EDP to qualify for the examination. The EDP includes attending 90% of classes, writing both class tests and completing the assignment, and obtaining a minimum year mark of 40%. This means you need a minimum of 20 points. If you miss any test or do not hand in your assignment, you have NOT met the minimum requirements for the semester and will receive an PDP replace one test, not both) but note that your assignment cannot be supplemented.

If you miss any of the required assessments, you will automatically fail due performance (PDP). Submission All examination papers have a submission of 40%. If you do not achieve the submission of in the examination, you will fail this module – even if your final mark is above 50%. If a student achieves the submission and gets a final mark of 45% to 49%, then he/she will sit for a supplementary examination. The maximum mark that a student can achieve in a supplementary examination is 50%. Page 4 of 6 5. Consultations Consultation times will be at the discretion of the lecturer.

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English Assignment. (2022, Apr 02). Retrieved March 6, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/english-4-11363/