Emotional Intelligence Assignment

Emotional Intelligence Assignment Words: 3962

In 1 990, John Mayer and Peter Salvoes did groundbreaking search on emotional intelligence, pointing to the importance of knowing yourself as well as understanding others. In 1 995, Daniel Coleman introduced the important Of CEQ in the workplace, noting that IQ is a less powerful predictor of outstanding leadership than CEQ. Introduction: Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage your emotions in positive and constructive ways. It’s about recognizing your own emotional state and the emotional states of others.

Emotional intelligence is also about engaging with others in ways that draw people to you. For long, it has believed that success at the workplace depends on your level of intelligence or intelligence quotient (IQ) as reflected in your academic achievements, exams passed, marks obtained, etc. But how bright are you outside the classroom, this is termed as emotional intelligence (CEQ), which is a different way of being smart. Emotional intelligence is what gives a person a competitive edge.

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Even in certain renowned business establishments, where everyone is trained to be smart, the most valued and the productive managers are those who have strong traits of emotional intelligence and are to necessarily those with the high IQ Being endowed with great intellectual abilities, you may become a brilliant fiscal analysis, but a highly developed emotional intelligence is what will make you a candidate for a CEO. Emotional traits are most likely to ensure that you attain dizzy heights in your business.

The lack of emotional intelligence explains why people who, despite having a high ‘Q, have been such utter failures and disastrous in their personal and professional lives and the persons with more IQ and less CEQ yields the stereotype of a person who is critical, condescending, inhibited and uncomfortable with others. And persons with high CEQ are balanced, outgoing, committed to other people. They are comfortable with themselves and with others. It is often said that a high IQ may assure you a top position, but it may not make you a top person.

If you are applying for a job, you are likely to be assessed in terms of these abilities, though no one will tell you so explicitly. Whatever the job, understanding how to cultivate these abilities is essential for a successful career. If you are working in a small organization or are self- employed, your ability to perform at your peak may depend to a large extent n your having these abilities, though you were definitely not taught these at school or college. According to Coleman emotional intelligence defines as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in us and in our relationships”. “Salvoes and Mayer defined emotional intelligence in terms of being able to monitor and regulate one’s own and othersњ feelings, and to use feelings to guide thought and action. The three dimensions of emotional intelligence are C Emotional Competency: It constitutes the capacity to spend skillfully to the emotional stimuli elicited by various situations, having self-esteem and optimism, communication, tackling emotional upsets etc. Emotional competency is the key factor for every business man. Without the emotional competency he is not able to communicate with the people around him and he will not be happy with his work. In the sense he will be a failure. N Emotional Maturity: It constitutes evaluating emotions of one-self and others. It is the balancing state of heart and mind.

This is another key factor of emotional intelligence which will lead to the success in his career and also in is life. The key thing in emotional maturity is to praise other’s point of view so that the relationship will increased and even they listen to your ideas which will lead to the success in business. For example, if you are having a good relationship between the people who are all working with you, then your networking is increased which is one of the quality to increase your Emotional Intelligence. Even it depends on how you behave with the people who are all working with you.

Some of the important aspects Of emotional maturity are: L] Self-Awareness: Many managers are not able to recognize heir feelings and are inclined to deny them. Knowing oneњs own emotional strength and weaknesses is a big thing. One who knows their strength and weaknesses will become good managers for them, even they can manage others. CLC Developing others: Developing others in the sense encouraging their participation, appreciating others point of view and involving them actively in a project are signs of an emotional intelligence manager. Delaying Gratification: Delaying gratification in the sense gain time to judge whether what is about to be said or done. A manager must have loads of audience and must not allow emotions to get the upper hand. Delaying gratification is a good thing to attain success in personal and professional life. 0 Adaptability and flexibility: Knowing how and when to take the lead and when to follow are both essential emotional skills. The manager must know when he must be aggressive and when he must be passive.

Managers should have control on his negative tendencies like jealousy, manipulation and the feeling of self-grandeur. Emotional Sensitivity: constitutes understanding threshold of emotional arousal. It also constitutes the harmony and comfort with the others and eating others feel comfortable in the company. It also involves being honest in interpersonal dealings. The managers may seek to evolve the following in their personality: 0 Understanding threshold of emotional arousal: The managers should be in a position to respond to stimuli of low intensity.

Equally important is the ability to be aware of the relationship between feelings and actions. C] Empathy: Empathy is the ability to sense how other people feel. It is the ability to share and accept another persons]s feelings. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between what others do or say, and oneјs win personal reactions and judgments. C Improving inter-personal relations: Positive inter-personal relations are a sigh of success.

The key to good inter-personal relations is to believe in the basic elements of trust, confidence and reliance. A manager with low inter-personal skills will experience considerable Stress and anxiety and exhibit lack of trust in others. L] Communicability of Emotions: A cheerful managers communicates a message of confidence and self-respect. Expressions of negative feeling by a manager communicate a message of pessimism, bitterness, suspicion and inferiority. Without these dimensions of emotional intelligence a person cannot become successful.

If one of these dimensions is less then there will be no balancing state of mind and heart. In the sense, he might think more in his mind. These dimensions play a vital role in a person’s day-to-day life. These dimensions will motivate an individual to recognize truthfully, interpret honestly and handle tactfully the dynamics Of human behavior. A framework of Emotional Competencies: Self (personal competence) Self-Awareness Recognition C] Emotional awareness Self- Other (social competence) Social Awareness D C]

Selfsameness Service Orientation Organizational Awareness Accuse rate Assessment Self-confidence Self-Management C] ј D 0 њ C] Self-Control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Achievement Drive Initiative Relationship Manager Developing Others Influence Communication Conflict Management Leadership Change Catalyst Building Bonds Teamwork and Collaboration Urge lotion The self-Awareness: This refers to understanding feelings and accurate selfsameness and contains three competencies related to workplace 0 Emotional Self-Awareness: This reflects the importance of recognizing one’s win feelings and how they affect one’s performance.

This is important because, if he feels that his job is not very much interesting then he is not able to do the job properly and it will affect the performance of the organization and also it will affect his performance. For example, if a person feels that the organization where he is working now is not good, they are not motivating the employees, etc. , So he doses[alt give more importance, he will look forward to change the organization which is not good for the organization. C] Accurate Self-Assessment: Self-Awareness is to realizing one’s win strength and weaknesses.

Accurate self-assessment was the hallmark of superior performance. Every individual with accurate self-assessment assessment competence are aware of their abilities and limitations, seek out feedback and learn from their mistakes and they know in which area they have to improve. CLC Self-Confidence: The people who are having high Self- confidence will always be successful. If the managers, supervisors, executives were having low Self-confidence then he won’t be successful in life. Self- confidence must be there in every individual.

It is very much important for an organization as well as for an individual. For example, a person with low self- confidence I. E. A person who is not believing himself cannot be successful and the performance of the organization will decrease, it means the profitability of the organization is less. The Self-Management: This refers to managing internal states, impulses, and resources and has six competencies relating to workplace performance C Emotional Self-Control: It refers to control the stress and feelings. Selection is important for every individual to become a successful person.

If selection s low then he won’t be a successful person, he cannot manage the working pressure. For example, if a person is not performing well in the organization, as a team leader you just cannot blame him. Instead Of blaming you need to motivate him so that he can improve his performance. Controlling emotions is very big thing. One who controls his emotions will be highly focused. D Trustworthiness: It means letting others know one’s values and principles, intentions and feelings, and acting in ways that are consistent with them. Trustworthiness is a moral value considered to be a virtue.

A trustworthy arson is someone in whom you can place your trust and rest assured that the trust will not be betrayed. A person can prove their trustworthiness by fulfilling an assigned responsibility and as an extension of that, not to let down expectations. The responsibility can be either material, such as delivering a mail package on time, or it can be non-material such as keeping an important secret by themselves. A trustworthy person is someone that you can tell your worries and secrets to and know they won’t repeat them without your permission.

In general, in order for trust to be earned, worth and integrity must be proven over time. D Conscientiousness: It includes being careful, self-disciplined, and scrupulous in attending to responsibilities. Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives. C Adaptability: It is adopted by the superior performers. Adaptability is a feature of a system or of a process. This word has been put to use as a specialized term in different disciplines and in business operations.

According to Andresen and Ground adaptability in the field of organizational management can in general be seen as an ability to change something or oneself to fit to occurring changes. With respect to business and manufacturing systems and processes adaptability has come to be seen increasingly as an important factor for their efficiency and economic success. In contrast, adaptability and efficiency are held to be in opposition to each other in biological and ecological systems, requiring a trade-off, since both are important factors in the success of such systems.

L] Achievement orientation: This will drive the success of the entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs an achieve success only by improving their performance continuously. Achievement orientation is almost universally identified as one of the two most important predictors of success in complex, sophisticated organizations. Other terms that are often used for this competency include results ћћorientation,CA ћћtaking initiative,AD and ћћentrepreneurship. CA 0 Achievement Orientation Checklist Sets challenging goals for self and others: ћћChallenging goals is a term consistently tossed around. But what is a ћћchallenging goal? T[l’s not just doing the job more cheaply, faster, better. The operational definition is that a truly challenging goal is one where the goal-setter recognizes that thereњs only a fifty-fifty chance of achieving the target. A challenging goal is a real stretch. Takes sustained action in the face of obstacles or adversity: We all encounter obstacles. A person with a high drive for results or achievement orientation will keep getting back up even after life has knocked her down a couple of times. Does more than asked: Going beyond the call of duty is one of the leading indicators of a high degree of achievement orientation.

The person with a throng results-focus looks for opportunities to do extra work to help others and to make a project move along more quickly. Looks for places where problems might arise and fixes them. Achievement orientation doesn’t mean merely solving problems. It means actively looking for places where problems might arise and taking action before the problems occur. Actively seeks out interesting projects to work on when the current assignment is completed: Even in the midst of a challenging and demanding assignment, the individual with a high achievement orientation actively scouts out the next assignment.

C] Initiative: it means taking the advantage of opportunities before they are visible to anyone else. By taking initiative it tells that a person is proactive. It means that taking anticipatory action to avoid problems before they happen. Taking initiative is a quality of leadership. Not only taking initiative is important, but we have to work very hard to achieve goal. After taking initiative if you don]t work then there is no use, it will not help the organization to achieve its goals.

The social Awareness: This refers to reading people and groups accurately and encompasses three competence related to performance Empathy: It ivies the awareness of others emotions, concerns, and needs. To show empathy is to identify with another’s feelings. It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of another. The ability to empathic is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them. F you have never felt a certain feeling, it will be hard for you to understand how another person is feeling. This holds equally true for pleasure and pain.

If, for example, you have never put your hand in a flame, you will not know the pain of fire. Similarly, if you have never felt rebellious or defiant, you will to understand those feelings. Reading about a feeling and intellectually knowing about it is very different than actually experiencing it. Among those with an equal level of innate emotional intelligence, the person who has actually experienced the widest range and variety of feelings, the great depths of depression and the heights of fulfillment, for example, is the one who is most able to empathic with the greatest number of people from all walks of life.

On the other hand, when we say that someone “can’t relate” to other people, it is likely because they haven’t experienced, acknowledged or accepted many feelings of their own. Once you have felt discriminated against, for example, it is much easier to relate with someone else who has been discriminated against. Our innate emotional intelligence gives us the ability to quickly recall those instances and form associations when we encounter discrimination again. We then can use the “reliving” of those emotions to guide our thinking and actions.

This is one of the ways nature slowly evolves towards a higher level of survival. For this process to work, the first step is that we must be able to experience our own emotions. Next, we need to become aware of what we are actually feeling to acknowledge, identify, and accept our feelings. Only then can we empathic with others. That is one reason it is important to work on your own emotional awareness and sensitivity– in other words, to be “in touch with” your feelings and to help children stay in touch With their feelings. Empathy begins with awareness of another person’s feelings.

It would be easier to be aware of other people’s emotions if they would simply tell us how they felt. But since most people do not, we must resort to asking questions, reading teen the lines, guessing, and trying to interpret non-verbal cues. Emotionally expressive people are easiest to read because their eyes and faces are constantly letting us know how they are feeling. 0 Service: The ability to identify clients or customer’s often-unstated needs and concerns and then match them to products or services. This can be distinguished from star sales performers from average ones.

D Organizational awareness: The abilities to read the current emotions and political realities in groups. The one who knows the organization’s mission and functions, and how its social, lattice, and technological systems work and operates effectively within them, this includes the programs, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the organization. The relationship management: This refers to inducing desirable responses in others. D C] Developing others: Developing involves sensing people’s developmental needs and bolstering their abilities.

Influence: The most effective people sense others’ reactions and fine-tune their own responses to move interaction in the best direction. Communication: Creating an atmosphere of openness with clear lines of immunization is a key factor in organizational success. The people with good communication means their interaction with the people is good and they listen to others and share the information fully. C] Conflict management: Effective conflict management and negotiation are important to long-term, symbiotic business relationships, such as those between manufacturers and retailers.

Thomas and Killing identified a conflict-handling grid comprised of five conflict management styles based on two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness. Assertiveness is the motivation of an individual to achieve is/her own goals, objectives, and outcomes, while cooperativeness assesses the willingness to allow or help the other party to achieve its goals or outcomes. Any of the five conflict resolution styles might be appropriate based on the circumstances of the situation and the personalities of the individuals involved. Avoiding Conflict Resolution Style: The avoiding style is low on both assertiveness and cooperativeness.

In other words, the manager is not very cooperative in helping the other individuals to achieve their goals, but neither is he/she aggressively pursuing his/her own preferred outcomes in the tuition. The original problem, conflict, or situation is never directly addressed or resolved. However, avoiding behavior might be appropriate when the issue is perceived by the manager to be trivial. It might also be an appropriate approach to use when there is no chance of winning or when disruption would be very costly. Competing Conflict Resolution Style: The competing style of resolving conflict is also known as the win-lose approach.

A manager using this style, characterized by high assertiveness and low cooperativeness, seeks to reach his/her own preferred outcomes at the expense of other individuals. This approach may be appropriate when quick, decisive action is needed, such as during emergencies. It can also be used to confront unpopular actions, such as urgent cost cutting. Accommodating Conflict Resolution Style: This style reflects a high degree of cooperativeness. It has also been labeled as obliging. A manager using this style subjugates his/her own goals, objectives, and desired outcomes to allow other individuals to achieve their goals and outcomes.

This behavior is appropriate when people realize that they are in the wrong or when an issue is more important to one side than the other. This conflict resolution style is important for preserving future relations between the parties. 0 Compromising Conflict Resolution Style: This style is characterized by moderate levels of both assertiveness and cooperativeness. Compromise can also be referred to as bargaining or trading. It generally produces suboptimal results. This behavior can be used when the goals of both sides are of equal importance, when both sides have equal power, or when it is necessary to find a temporary, timely solution.

It should not be used when there is a complex problem requiring a problem-solving approach. C] Collaborating Conflict Resolution Style: This approach, high on both assertiveness and cooperativeness, is often described as the win-win scenario. Both sides creatively work towards achieving the goals and desired outcomes of all parties involved. The collaboration style is appropriate when the concerns are complex and a creative or novel synthesis of ideas is required. The downside of this approach is that the process of collaborating mandates sincere effort by all parties involved and it may require a lot of time to reach a consensus.

Visionary leadership: A leader should have a vision so that people working round you will be inspired to work together towards common goal. By having a good leader, people who are all working under you will get motivated and work for the success of the organization. If the leader is not effective then the people working under you will be De-motivated and they lose interest to do the job. Change catalyst: A change in the catalyst which was done by the leader will make people to work more effectively so that they can achieve their goals very effectively.

Focused strategies, clear communication and solid support systems are helping many companies successfully transition to their new nominative reality. These transitions require: A well articulated vision and business goals, An analysis of the required changes (what they are, the barriers, risks and rewards), A effective implementation plan that engages employees and Open communication about the change. Catalysts facilitates strategy formulation, change plan inning and Change implementation within your company.

You will achieve your required business results and experience a smooth transition. You can also establish a continually innovative mind set throughout your organization. C Building bonds: The fields like engineering computer science, technology etc, in which networking is very crucial for success. Networking is important for the success of the organization. ј Collaboration and team work: The collaboration and team work competence has taken on increased importance in the last decade with the trend toward team-based work in many organizations.

Team work is important for the betterment Of the company. If you work as a team then anything can be achieved. For example, in ICC world cup 2011 team India worked as a team which made them to bring the world cup for India, which was happened earlier in the year 1 984 under the captaincy of Kappa Dive. Collaboration is an act executed by an organization, company or group of people to reach a common goal, which typically takes place on a larger scale than teamwork.

Effective collaboration and teamwork require communication technology, definition of responsibilities and an encouraging culture. Teamwork and collaboration are most effective when team members are expressive and open to positive competition. Teamwork Increases Productivity CLC Teamwork requires each team member to work together while allowing their individual interests to become a subordinate concern. As a result, team members focus on the goal t hand and contribute their knowledge, resources and skills to reaching the goal.

Teams work together toward a common goal, which eliminates an independent mindset that may not be in sync with additional staff members. A team environment facilitates the accomplishment of one goal (winning a championship, for example) increasing productivity and efficiency.

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